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TalkBack / RE:Nintendo DS Tours Japan
« on: September 10, 2004, 07:48:26 AM »
Will Nintendo of America be doing something similar to this?  Or will NOA just pop demo units in the Toy Stores again?

It was stated that Nintendo would release the DS first in America or at least could.  Does this lend to that belief, or is it possible that Nintendo is going to continue the tour after the units are already on the shelves in Japan?

What I really want to know is how many of these 80 games are actually for the DS, and how many are for Cube and GBA.  Knowing Nintendo I would predict many of the games on display will be games already out for both the Cube and the GBA, with just a few demo games for each system.  I don't believe the same will be true about the DS though.  I am willing to venture that the DS will have many games not coming out till mid-next year on demo.

TalkBack / RE:Sega's new DS game revealed!
« on: September 10, 2004, 04:43:19 AM »
Perhaps if the art design is good, and overseas press give it good previews we could see this game over here.

I wouldn't mind playing a descent mystery game.  Point and click would allow it to be like those old PC games.  Find items, and clues to solve the puzzles and eventually the mystery.

If its got a good story and is fun to play why not?

TalkBack / RE:Famitsu Scans Reveal More on MaWaRu Made in Wario!
« on: September 09, 2004, 08:10:40 AM »

Unfortunately I understand what Nintendo is doing...although I do find it like you do alittle frustrating.

Nintendo had a surprise huge hit with Wario Ware.  And now they have decided they want to capitalize on it, just like Nintendo did with the Mario Party series.  

Why did Nintendo make so many Mario Party games so quickly, because it is a game that is cheap to make, and requires little development time to tie a bunch of simple minigames to a board game type set up.

In the same way.  Wario Ware is one of the easiest games to create.  As the mini games for this series are even simplier, and the game even uses less to connect the games together.  There is no need for a boardgame set up or anything, just jump to the new game.

I think this is also why we are seeing gimmicky control schemes being created.  Nintendo is trying to differentiate a game series that is basically the same game over and over again.

GBA:  The game that started it all.
CUBE:  Mutliplayer version of the first.
GBA sequel:  Spinning new control mech.
DS:  Touch Screen goodness.

The sad thing is.  Nintendo will probably make money of all these games, and nobody will complain about the reharsh these games really are.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 09, 2004, 04:28:13 AM »
Hey that Item idea isn't such a bad idea.

You get a single item reward for kills and such.  It can quickly pop up on the map screen to select or something.  

I like it.  Specially if you make this special character specific items that may not be available to everyone in game.  This promotes aggressive fighting and rewards players for knockouts.

TalkBack / RE:Viewtiful Joe Anime Coming Overseas
« on: September 08, 2004, 12:53:05 PM »
I really like the Viewtiful Joe universe.  It is very tongue and cheek and just very cool.

Hopefully this show keeps a cheesy type personality, but keeps it a more mature show instead of a show just for kids.  Many of the aspects of Viewtiful Joe appeals to an older audience that actually 'gets' the jokes from the game.

The new character is pretty cool too.  I don't know what role she will play, but hopefully she won't be edited.  Actually that character design really gives me hope, because it appears it is being geared towards older audiences.  

This show could be great for Cartoon Network, or even FoxBox.  Wherever it goes I hope it is a success.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gameboy Sp price drop= Lower than expected DS price??
« on: September 08, 2004, 12:04:02 PM »
Something to think about.  

IF PSM is an official Magizine, then they have inside information, and that statement may be close to true.

(Unless it was in the rumors section.)

Pricing for RAM and computing in general is getting dirt cheap.  Sony may have some agreements with manufactors to actually get a price where they are barely losing money on the system.

Sony also realizes that if they don't capture the market with a success with the first attempt the second attempt will be viewed through the eyes of the first failure.  

Sony could lose $50 easy per system.  So lets ask how likely is it that the Sony system could cost Sony around $200 per unit?  Or slightly alittle more.  I don't know pricing, but I bet it could be close to that.  

What does that mean for Nintendo?  It actually means that the DS could be costing Nintendo even LESS to make.  Lets look at it this way.  The Nintendo DS is going to cost Nintendo less than it costs them to make 2 GBA SPs, and Nintendo doesn't sell systems for a loss.  So add the cost of 2GBA SPs with the new price point, and you are looking at $160 dollars a system, at the most.  So Nintendo could sell it for $175 and make a profit.  I bet the DS will cost Nintendo less than $150 to make.  So Nintendo can easily charge $150 for the system.  

Now if Nintendo wants to get aggressive they could sell it for a price that is less then what it costs per unit.  $125 could be an awesome price point.  And Nintendo may not lose anywhere near the same Sony would be losing.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Gameboy Sp price drop= Lower than expected DS price??
« on: September 08, 2004, 11:49:20 AM »
The discussion of Price Points for Nintendo DS is very interesting.

It is obviously going to be more then the SP, and much less than the Sony PSP.  However at what price point are we looking at EXACTLY.

Here is my thoughts.  

$99 is not impossible when you look at what technology Nintendo is using to create the system.  I bet this is probably right around the cost of the actual units.  However, sweet it would be to get a $99 dollar new system.  If the DS is launching before the PSP then this aggressive pricing isn't needed until later when the PSP is actually released.  

$200 is too high.  Nintendo has been able to do alot of market research.  They know at what prices certain type of systems sell.  Nintendo aggressively marketed the Gamecube at a lower price point.  And Nintendo will probably market its next system as aggressively.  $200 is going to be too high to reach a mass market appeal for a system that has no name, and is going to be competing with the Gameboy SP and the Sony PSP for recongnition.

My thoughts will be the system will retail anywhere between $125-$175 dollars.  Most likely right smack in the middle with a $150 price point.  Why do I even include the other two possibilities for the price point? This is a guess but if it costs around $100-115 dollars to make the DS then the $125 dollar price point is perfect to make a few bucks per system, but come in at a price that is more than competitive its down right frightening for the competetion.  Also since people are predicting that the DS games price points will be between the Gameboy and Gamecube games, and be cheaper to make Nintendo is going to be making the money up on the games sold.  The 175 dollar market is if the cost is around or slightly over $150 per DS unit then they can sell it for the 175 and still be under the 200 dollar price point.  

Nintendo's real advantage is going to be pricing games.  Everyone has stated they are willing to pay more for the DS games than GBA games as long as they are cheaper than the Cube games.  This gives DS games about a 10-15 dollars extra profit IF the format really is cheaper than cartridges.  Some of this money will be eaten up in added development time, but most will go straight into Nintendo's pocket, and hopefully 3rd party developers pockets.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 08, 2004, 05:25:59 AM »
Kenny:  Yeah I agree.  I hate when people avoid battle...and I hate cheap moves that can take advantage distance.

I am all about balance.  But I want new ideas, and something really interesting with the DS SSB.  

A 2 second delay on teleporting could work, or a human delay.  Do the special move to teleport then you have to click on the map you want to go.  Your character is completely vunerable while you are selecting a teleport area.  That could be anywhere between 2-5 seconds depending how fast a player is, and if he knows exactly where he wants to go.

Teleports could also be limited to only teleporting a certain distance away...same idea with Samus's missles they can only target a certain area.

The biggest problem I have is making map specific special moves for all characters that make sense.  Not every character should be able to teleport...or have targeting projectiles.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:It's high time for info, nintendo
« on: September 08, 2004, 05:12:59 AM »
I usually do not agree when people demands a company do something, because usually it is something stupid, like I demand a mature Zelda, or I demand Nintendo starts making M rated games.  Nintendo doesn't do that...if you want that get another system.

However, Nintendo really needs to start pumping the hype machine for the Nintendo DS.  It needs to start creating the image that this is THE hot christmas gift for 2004.  

Now does Nintendo need to start showing the system to the public and getting demos of it in all the not least not yet.  I would wait until November to do that.  

Instead, Nintendo needs to go to all the gaming Media and start giving them samples of the games.  Let them play the betas of the games and let them create the hype for you.  It will hardly cost you anything, and the hype will be worth it.  

I believe Nintendo won't need to do commercials or anything until November, but if it isn't pushing the system hard for the October Magizines and online media sites it is going to be struggling to create the hype needed for the launch.

Good news is, that it appears Nintendo IS going to be focused on the DS in next month's Nintendo Power, and if Nintendo Power is getting information, all the magizines will be getting information, because Nintendo Power never scoops anybody.  They never have worthy 'new' information.   So I think we have one more month before the flood gates open.

Let's hope these floods gates open with something worthy for the wait.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 07, 2004, 08:52:35 AM »

If you are trying to launch missles from away and lock on to people, you can balance it out to not be cheap.  Samus has been doing a similar attack since Melee.  The missle would be slow, and if the battle breaks up or is over before you get there then it was a wasted attack.  Also while the attack is going on, you could balance it.  You can't have two missles on the field.  Someone teleports behind you and your getting hurt bad.

Yeah you can run, away, but I am not talking levels that are 10-20 screens long.  I am talking about levels that are like 5-7 screens, with pitfalls and such all around to make fighting with the enviroment more productive.

Plus, how could you justify playing a game with 16 people without these larger enviroments?  And wouldn't you want to be able to teleport straight into the action, or away to get a powerup to try to stay alive?  Wouldn't you like to know if a battle is worth jumping into when you are at 75% damage, or would you like to be surprised when you run into battle and everyone is at 10% damage.

How about the other modes of play that can really work with map and teleportation.  

How about capture the flag mode.  You can try to get to the other side and capture a teams flag.  Each team can only use their teleport moves when they don't have the flag.  Now imagine trying to influtrate the levels and how best you would defend your castle.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 07, 2004, 08:41:40 AM »
Just defending my idea some.

Why does using the map to sneak around work...because of a few things.

1)In the heat of a battle between two or more people, are you really going to have the time to look at the map to make sure somebody else isn't coming.  Yeah, you can do a quick glance, but if you spend too much time, then you get attacked and can't fight as well.

2)You missed one of the options of the map.  When you are AWAY from the action you can click and actually watch what is going on from your map screen to see how much damage people have and such.  Then decide if you want to get into that battle.  

3)Using the Map touch screen for teleports and such.  Do a teleport move and jump behind somebody as they are trying to attack another character.  Even if they did see you on their map by the time they see you on their map again you can already have an attack going.

4)Powerups and special moves can hide you from other peoples maps.  Cloaking device will actually have a purpose.  How about an attack that scrambles the use of other characters maps.  It is all possible to be done.

My ideas are sound if you execute them well...and spend time to think about how it would work in the grand scheme of the game.  

Some people were talking about having 2 arenas to fight in that you can basically watch at the same time, but how is this much different than a normal level, except that it is on two screens.  So I can throw you down to the other screen, unless both screens only have limited interaction with eachother then that idea isn't revolutionary it is done before.

The map idea adds to the mix of having bigger levels.  (Always a plus.)  

Map based powerups like transports, missle locks, mine placements, I am sure you can think of more.

Map-enhancing or dehancing attacks, where you can render the player with a disadvantage with an attack hurting the map.  

Last, with the map and larger levels it will make the game more viable to play with 8-16 players.  Add into the idea that everyone has their own screen and the system could push more enemies and such going on you could even have more enviromental hazzards and such.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: September 03, 2004, 11:07:16 AM »
Super Smash Bros DS, could be a fighting game, and adventure game that completely redefines the genre.

Here is what I mean:

1)Adventure Verse Modes.  With everyone having their own screen you can have multiple players competing to complete adventure tasks.  Such as collecting Shines in a level.  Or Capturing flags, or what not.  All in large Nintendo themed 2D enviroments.  AWESOME!!!

2)Larger Verse Levels.   With the 2 screens I demand large levels to fight.  I want a map on the second screen to allow me to see where everyone is.  However this map wouldn't just be used to view where people are but spy on them, sneak up on them, and avoid sneak attacks yourself.  Imagine finding a safe spot to wait, and then you click on a the map to see the action of 3 fighters duking it out.  You see 3 of them are all at high damage so you decide to jump in and try for three kills.  Instead of walking over there you do a map teleport move and select somewhere one the map to just magically appear.  POOF you are in the middle of the fight.

3)Map specific Special moves.  Since the map is essential in this new game design.  Map game special moves are even more important.  Imagine doing a special move that disables the maps on players.  Or renders you invisible on the map.  Or allows you to teleport anywhere.  Or allows you to place traps anywhere in the game.  Perhaps lock a missle attack with Samus to hit a certain area of the map while you are 3 screens away from the action.  BRILLIANT!!!

4)Cooperative Adventure Mode.  Imagine 4 players going through side scrolling levels based on Nintendo franchises...solving puzzles, and defeating monsters from all Nintendo games.  Its like Zelda 4 swords, but with all Nintendo characters and side scrolling.

5)2D gaming.  Or at least Cell-Shaded.  I want this game to have a more traditional animation look.  I would love it to be completely hand drawn animation, but Cell shading seems to be the easiest and most affordable look to achieve such  goals.  I want to see that in this game.

Any other ideas?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS launch bundles? Anybody heard anything?
« on: August 10, 2004, 09:02:11 AM »
Silks it is so tempting.  I actually drive by Gamestop and think...hmmm...I can just go preorder now.  But then I don't.  I want to wait.  

For one reason I really want solid impressions of all the launch games, because I may wait a few months if there isn't a killer app for the system.  Second, with the launch games I will only be able to buy two from the start, and I want them to be the best of the bunch.   Sure that probably means I am picking up two Nintendo published games, but you never know, there are some very quality 3rd party developers working on projects right now.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Time Crisis DS?
« on: August 10, 2004, 08:59:01 AM »
Hmmm...I like the concept.  When I first read the title I thought, how do you make the game.  We both came up with the same solution.  Use the touch screen with no video image to have to aim by judging where the character is realitive to the other screen.

Hmmm, I would think it might be cool to have a 2D overlay of the enviroment on the bottom screen.  One that doesn't show the people moving just lets you have an easier understanding of how you are supposed to aim.

There is also some really cool things you do with level design with this.  For one you can have the touch screen represent a flash light and the top screen is dark unless you are shining the flash light in that area.  That whole design would be great for a survival horror game actually.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS launch games
« on: August 10, 2004, 08:52:09 AM »
Depending on how the surgery game is created that thing could really be cool.  I hope its a fast paced Operation style game.

I would love a see how many operations you can perform in a minute style game.

TalkBack / RE:Official North American DS List Revealed
« on: August 10, 2004, 08:49:55 AM »

Question.  Nintendo licensed the rights to create the game Goldeneye.  Do those rights ever expire?  If they do then Nintendo may not ever be able to release the original Goldeneye again, unless they repurchase the rights to do so.

I really don't see this happening.  On the other hand, Goldeneye is one of the few FPS games that I think would work on the DS.  For one because the game practically required you to stop and make precision shots...even in Multiplayer.  So duel analog isn't as important.

This list is a very good list of games.  Even if just half the games are launch games, we have a very very solid line, even without Nintendos launch games.  

Let's hope that the developers actually release quality games, and aren't just trying to make an easy buck or two with the new market.

TalkBack / RE:Bill Gates Wants Nintendo
« on: August 05, 2004, 05:09:17 AM »
This is how desperate the world is with 24 hour news sources.  There just isn't enough news to actually support such a format, so people are just looking for the next scoop...even if it is Bill Clinton's cat is stuck in a tree.  Reactions for the Fire department next.

TalkBack / RE:Bill Gates Wants Nintendo
« on: August 05, 2004, 04:12:21 AM »
You know I don't think Nintendo would ever be bought out.  They aren't struggling so there is no reason to sell.  Just like everyone is saying the Japanese will not give control of their companies to an American, period.

However, I would like to actually think about this for a second.  Would Bill Gates buying Nintendo really be that bad?  Why would Gates want Nintendo?  Its obvious:  No matter how big the Xbox gets it will never be successful in Japan.  Sony and Nintendo just have that market wrapped up, and have very good relationships with all the Japanese developers.

If Gates buys Nintendo I don't see him re-organizing or changing anything with the Japanese side of the business.  EAD and all of NIntendo's internal development house would be exactly the same.

What would change is perhaps the new found focus on Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe being able to step up and create games for our market.  Bill Gates could easily revitalize the Nintendo name in America and bring us gamers the experiences Nintendo has been lacking to bring to the table.

What are your thoughts?  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS launch bundles? Anybody heard anything?
« on: August 04, 2004, 01:37:17 PM »

Obviously nobody knows anything yet.  Its way to early.  Personally, I wouldn't dream of preordering online, because I just don't like ordering online.  But specially situations like this which preordering at your local stores will most likely get you some special bonuses.

As of right now, nobody knows when the system is coming out, or cost, or even what games will be available.  To preorder now might make you have to pay more than you should for a preorder and not be able to preorder games to walk in and just pickup the package.  

I expect by October well begin hearing about preorders and launch games, and perhaps even have store demos to try a few first party games.  That is when I will preorder, and stick around the store and talk and hopefully create more hype and buzz for Nintendo's new system.  I will have everything I can ready to defend the system and sway potential buyers, because I want this to succeed.  (That way my purchase will have tons of support.)

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS launch games
« on: August 04, 2004, 05:07:56 AM »
QUESTION:  Now that Nintendo of America has also confirmed the list of Japanese games, from that list what games do you hope are Launch titles?  Obviously, we aren't getting them all as launch games, so what would you say would be the 10 strongest games to launch the system with.

Mine are:

1)Brain Twisting Game Vol. 1  (A fun collection game that will appeal to an older audience and have great touch screen support.)
2)Viewtiful Joe
3)Castlevania (A classic and most likely to be a launch game since Konami was able to release one for GBA quickly.)
4)Pac'N Roll.  (Another innovative title that mixes puzzle with action and great touch screen support.)
5)Snowboard Kids (Fun arcade sports game.)
6)Metroid Hunters
7)Mario 64 DS
8)MEGAMAN BATTLE NETWORK (A somewhat RPG, and very popular with the younger audience.)
9)Madden Football (Not on the list but you know it is being worked on.
10)Tie:  Either Animal Crossing DS or Wario Ware.  I would rather had Animal Crossing, but I would understand Wario Ware being easier to create being the next game.)

TalkBack / RE:Details on Midway Arcade Treasures 2
« on: August 04, 2004, 03:53:58 AM »
IAN SANE:  Thanks.  I guess I got the two treasures confused.  Oh well.  Those collection discs all run the same.

Hey does anybody know if the new Ninja Turtles game has both arcade games on it or just the first?  Because we have never had arcade perfect translations of those games...and the additional content in the home versions was horrible compared to the arcade.  It just didn't flow as well.

TalkBack / RE:Details on Midway Arcade Treasures 2
« on: August 03, 2004, 01:01:53 PM »
This is completely BOGUS.

If I remember correctly the Arcade Collection had many more classics than this.  It seems to me they pulled some of the games they were going to include in on this collection.  No doubt to have enough material for another collection.

What is missing?

I remember seeing a list with:

Super Smash TV
Mortal Kombat 1
Plox or whatever that puzzle game was called.

Basically just a whole slew of other games.  Oh well.  I guess Midway get give us all the classics at once.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Square considering Final Fantasy ports
« on: August 03, 2004, 04:38:10 AM »
Well we know now that Final Fantasy 1+2 are being made for GBA.  So we can count them off the list being made for DS...(though we still get to play it.)

I really don't know about getting the older NES games remade.  I remember enjoying the Super Nintendo Final Fantasy games, but the US version of 3, was so long it was insane.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:DS launch games
« on: August 02, 2004, 02:03:53 PM »
Deguello:  What I meant was the original Super Mario design of being an action platformer.  Mario and Donkey Kong is a great tribute game to Donkey Kong.  But Super Mario was always about action and split second reaction time.  This new Mario looks to be a true sequel in that regards.  There is so much they can do with this too.  I would love to incorporate many of the Super Mario 64 moves into a 2D or 2 1/2D game.  I think the hype of this alone could bring much support for the new DS system.

Silks:  Oh I completely agree.  Nintendo needs to get the word out as quickly as possible about actual games coming out.  I look occassionally on the PSP sites to see what games are coming out.  Nothing interests me.  Nothing.  Now I read about the Nintendo DS, and even sequels to old franchises are exciting me, because I wonder what companies are going to do with the additional DS features.  Everyone is saying the touch screen is gimmicky and won't work.  But it doesn't have to be used with every game.  Its still an additional screen, and that shows plenty of new game options in and of itself.

kirby_killer_dedede:  Oh I am sorry.  Yes I know the models are being used are 3D.  Actually I am slightly disappointed in that, but still from what little Nintendo showed us, they seem to be obviously teasing us with a 2D Mario type game.  I am sure there is going to be some crazy gimmick gameplay with the new touch screen, dual screen aspect, but really if its a 2D or 21/2D sidescrolling Mario action game I will be happy, and many other gamers will be happy as well.

This year has turned out to be one of the most promising looks into video game history in while.

Silks was right, we are looking at a potential new golden age of gaming.  Finally 3D games are being made capably, and with amazing graphics, and innovation is once again creepying back into industry.  What could be better?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:A grown up Pokemon on the DS
« on: August 02, 2004, 01:52:22 PM »
I know I sounded really pestimistic about the whole idea about a Pokemon MMORG, and really I am not.  That was something I really desired to see happen too.  I just don't see it happening.

Yes, there are plenty of things Nintendo could do to cut the development costs down.  But I still don't see it coming out.  Nintendo is trying to streamline game design.  They are having artists create ready made models for all their characters.  They are reusing old game engines with tweaks.  They are running shorter development times.  In short, Nintendo is trying to produce more at a much lower cost.  Admirable, but the results so far have been mixed.

I doubt a Nintendo with this new mind set would spend the invest in bandwidth, years development, and everything else for a game that Nintendo would consider risky.  Specially, when they could design a game with similar functions for the DS, for much cheaper.  

Whoever said they see the next Pokemon game being on DS with built in chat features, and limited area wireless LAN connection is probably the closest to nailing it.  

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