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Messages - jarodea

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TalkBack / Re: E3 2015: Just Dance 2016 Announced At Ubisoft
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:48:44 PM »
I was just over at neogaf looking at the 3rd party announcements and was thinking the Wii U has to have something because it's looking atrocious (not even Toy Soldiers?!).  Well here it is.

It's nice to see this finally getting released. I was hoping Nintendo would call it "Spacebound" and Mother 3 "Timebound" though "Before Earthbound" and "After Earthbound" would have worked too.
Now they can bring Mother 3 over as Earthbound Endings and silence the clamor for Mother 4 once and for all.  Oh who am I kidding, silence it for most of the clamorers.

TalkBack / Re: Could Nintendo Bring Wii Sports Back This E3?
« on: June 02, 2015, 08:30:13 PM »
On the one hand I definitely agree that Wii Sports' time as a big deal has come and gone, but on the other if it doesn't cost much to make and is digital with varying payment options I can't see it being much of a risk.  Nintendo could toss a few million at it and sell it for $20 on the eshop (or break it up, charge by the day, make it f2p with 1 free hour a week, whatever).  Not hugest source of profit nor a game that caters to a major audience but then not every game has to or should be, especially when they're cheap to make.

The game audio is too loud and I can't hear anything you're saying. Too bad, really. I would have loved to hear your extended thoughts on the game, and commentary on the franchise while you're in the thick of its current lowest point.

I do look forward to your future attempts at commentary, just remember to keep the game audio levels low enough to be heard, but not too extreme on either end of the spectrum.


Kind of interested in DQVIII, would be nice not to have to rearrange the wires behind the TV in my bedroom most times I want to play.  We'll see if it comes over.  I like the Pushmo idea, and agree the name is admirably accurate, but don't know if it's the game for me.  Nice not to have to pay to find out.

TalkBack / Re: Star Fox Wii U Dream Reviews
« on: May 06, 2015, 08:10:48 PM »
+Online co-op and battles, with voice chat!

Hahahahahahahahahaha... awww, I made myself sad.

Anyhoo, I see the game as a mix of the two. Graphics will be good but not great or inspired, there will be online that will be neutered classic Nintendotm style, several different vehicles to play which will range from really cool to gamepad gimmick,  and some levels will be fresh and exciting with others tired and worn out.

I'm still excited for it and definitely hope it veers more towards the heaven side (and some other good sides not thought of).

TalkBack / Re: Capcom Bringing Back Mega May Promotion
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:08:22 AM »
Eh, don't care too much about these, unlike last year.

I still have yet to play one Mega Man game. O.o

Any suggestions on which one I should start with?
@kokumaker, I'll give that one a look. It just seems like there's so many MM games. Kind of daunting. Thanks for the suggestion.

I agree, Mega Man 2 is the best starting point.  It's Mega Man gameplay but unlike the original not soul crushingly difficult and without the later games frequent additions.  Also, it has a win button [/spoiler]Metal Man[/spoiler].

TalkBack / Re: What Happened to the Wii U GamePad’s Potential?
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:42:54 AM »
The DS passed the PS2, and I don't think there's such a difference between consoles and handhelds that they shouldn't be influenced by each other.

Sorry I'm a couple days late, I have precious little free time and as fun as this is I can't devote much to it.  Anyways, I went looking for official info that the DS passed the PS2 and found none, the PS2 was 1 million ahead and still selling 3 years ago and both no longer sell.  I looked up "DS outsells PS2" and found the source, VGChartzzzzzzz requoted by multiple Nintendo fanboy sites and blogs. 

Well, I would hope NWR was above that but either way, for the sake of argument it doesn't matter.  What matters is Sony took cues for their console from the most popular console of all time, and Nintendo from the most popular handheld of all time.  We're seeing how that worked out for both. 

Such a juicy thread, I really wish I had the time to go bull in a china shop in here.

TalkBack / Re: What Happened to the Wii U GamePad’s Potential?
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:19:05 PM »
The interviewees nail it, the loss of off TV play (love the feature btw, 90%+ of my Wii U game time is off TV) and local multiplayer preclude major gamepad features for most games while the lack if sales cuts off the niche gamepad heavy games at the knees.  The only way the gamepad would have had a bigger showing is if Nintendo made a major sustained push for different gamepad friendly genres and created a market for it by brute force.  Nintendo chose a different path.

Really though, why would Nintendo want to take design cues from the best-selling game system of all time?

I wish they would have, but Sony did and is doing quite well right now thank you.  Unless you meant the 2nd best selling system, the DS, in which case they shouldn't since it is a handheld and the Wii U is a home console.

I'd get Demon's Crest if I had a Wii U, well it'll be on the first games I download.

TalkBack / Re: New 3DS LL Greatly Outsells New 3DS in Japan
« on: October 18, 2014, 03:28:21 AM »
i like the faceplates allot, but once you go big you can't go back to being small.

Eh, every time I use my old launch day 3DS (ie, my fiancées 3DS) I kind of like not having the defects of the low screen resolution shoved in my face.  But then I remember that I even more like being able to play my 3DS for more than 15 min without crippling hand pain (though size isn't directly related to that, DSL is still the most comfortable handheld I've played).  So I'd go with the LL but wish I didn't need to.

I'm still as saddened today about this as I was back when IGN first mentioned it years ago.  Not as much as the lost Pilotwings Wii, but still a great deal.

Disney seems to be in a licensing mood these days on everything Star Wars, so I wonder how easily they would sign a deal if Nintendo would get them on the phone and make a serious push to finish/publish this game as a Wii U eShop game, or at the very least get the rights to re-release the 2 Rogue Squadron games (+Battle for Naboo) as Virtual Console titles? The time to make such a deal would be now, before Disney's both simultaneously drummed up the value of the brand with the new movies and before they've killed off the brand through their typical over-exposure.

I'd absolutely love that, but I wonder if Lucas' "anything not in the movies or the clone wars is no longer canon" fatwa rules out rereleases of the Rogue Squadron/Naboo games.  Even then they'd be profitable I'm sure but a mere drop in the bucket compared to the various revenue sources Disney is surely seeing in the new movies.

TalkBack / Re: NES Remix Review Revisit
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:36:47 PM »
Pretty cool idea.  I haven't played NES Remix yet but I wondered when it came out if the game selection sort of limited its long-term appeal/replayability.  Neat to get thoughts sometime after the initial hype/novelty/backlash/defensiveness/etc. pass.

Addison Webb, Associate Editor:... While some of those games hold up well (Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Zelda, Donkey Kong)...

Hmmm... one of these games is not like the other but I won't be too direct about it.

TalkBack / Re: Check Out a Quiz Stage from Hyrule Warriors
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:51:56 PM »
I don't know if I'd call that a quiz, it's just beat what enemy it tells you to beat.  Although, being early I would imagine it gets more cerebral and involved at higher levels.  I like the idea in general but the video bored me, DW sort of loses something to me when there aren't a thousand bodies flying all over the place with every swing.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Famicast 39 - ZELDA DIES
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:30:21 AM »
Love the "life in Japan" segments, especially this one since I'm a huge baseball fan.  If I get to visit Japan I want to go to a baseball game, the whiskey girl just cemented my determination.  I'm a Northeast Ohioan so I know the pain of watching the Indians these last many years (and Browns, and Cavaliers, and Blue Jackets, and... well I have Ohio State).

TalkBack / Re: Choose Your Own Nintendo Financials News
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:12:40 PM »
Very cool Neal.  I would say I'm in hell playing Wand of Gamelon over and over but in true choose your own adventure style I ended up reading a Wii U release list instead.

TalkBack / Re: Club Nintendo Digital Rewards Unveiled for July
« on: July 08, 2014, 09:27:45 PM »
Well, not the usual monthly fare of own it, own it, don't care, don't have a Wii U (the last used to be either own it or don't care).  I do believe I will be picking up Kid Icarus and will be looking into Metal Torrent. 

TalkBack / Re: Dragon Quest X Coming to 3DS in Japan
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:57:11 PM »
I still would like to buy this game in the US.
Specifically on Wii U.

I'm sure 'at all' will do as well.

Pretty much, though something would need to be done about the $15 per month fee. As for system preference I would prefer 3DS since I don't have a Wii U and not interested in playing it on my Wii.

TalkBack / Re: The Cultural Differences Between NPFC and Calciobit
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:47:20 PM »
Every time I see this game it reminds me that I would love a baseball game like this.  Which, as I understand it, Nintendo can make one if they want.

Looking at the pictures in the article I like the art style of Calciobit more.  I think a lot of that has to due with the Pixel characters not looking natural with everything else.

I prefer the pixel art personally.  It's probably mostly age but pixel art looks like a video game to me, the art style for the Japanese versions looks like a 10+ year old flash "game". 

Bah, meant tough love, not that other meaning.

Good for Kirby and expected for MK8.

Mario Kart: Not surprising. Kirby: Quite surprising. Lack of Mario Golf: Disappointing, I wonder if the season pass hullabaloo had anything to do with it.

btw, the headline has "Kirby Ultra Deluxe" for some reason.

No RPG mode, no charting.  Nice.  Hopefully Nintendo will learn when the games come out on the 4DS.  Sucks I'll be playing the GBA iterations for another 3-5 years, but sometimes rough love is the best kind of love.

I predict: Lufia, Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory for the 3DS.

I predict Harvest Moon 3DS boy, Harvest Moon 3DS girl, and oh I don't know, Harvest Moon Wii U, I guess, of some sort.

TalkBack / Re: Capcom Employee Comments on Lack of Mega Man Titles
« on: May 28, 2014, 09:43:30 PM »
Capcom shouldn't talk about Mega Man unless it's to talk about the release of a new Mega Man game. 

I don't know if I want to see that Mega Man game.

TalkBack / Re: LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Coming to Wii U and 3DS
« on: May 27, 2014, 08:41:19 PM »
Well, at least Lego is still coming to Nintendo platforms.  I have a sneaking suspicion Lego and Sonic are a sort of Brutus and Cassius duo though, their knives aren't out. Yet.

TalkBack / Re: Staff Sez: Mario Kart Tracks
« on: May 27, 2014, 08:38:12 PM »
My favorite is probably Peach Gardens (Maple Treeway, Delfino Plaza, and Koopa Cape are the runner ups).  My least favorite is Baby Park (runner ups are any of the tracks that are picked over and over in multi-player.

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