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Messages - Lost101

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: PSP vs DS
« on: October 27, 2004, 10:50:43 PM »
I have to admit the PSP is pretty impressive.  For 185, the only thing that could kill it is battery life.  I have a feeling that all this stuff comes at a catch though.  Such an early launch, so cheap, so powerful and such a big screen...  not to mention all those features.  IM sorry but when a consumer hears "two screens" he has to be proven its a good idea, when he hears "MP3 player" he knows its a good idea.  This wouldnt be a problem if Nintendo dropped a commercial every now and then.

35 dollars for a leap from N64 graphics to PS2 graphics, thats how most people will see it, and hell even I am tempted by it and Im a huge nintendo fan.  In an ideal world Nintendo would drop the price of the DS by $50 right now.  Call me an optimist,

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Why not a Sin and Punishment port of the US DS?
« on: October 23, 2004, 12:21:21 PM »
Sorry to sound so uneducated but what exactly is sin and punishment and why is it so good?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo DS Thumbstrap (What's going on?)
« on: October 22, 2004, 06:56:29 PM »
This makes a lot of sense.  Think about it, in most cases you wont have to use your stylus.  You can just use your very thumb on the touchscreen and then switch back to the face buttons.

I pretty much agree with everything Ian Sane said.  But I think Nintendo shouldnt have bothered with the port in the first place, right now it looks more bad for Nintendo to take away a feature they already had than to never have it in the first place.  Besides, is the difference that large even if you do have an HDTV (enough to spend time and money buying a cable?).

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo DS Launch Survey
« on: October 20, 2004, 10:13:22 AM »
1) I already have it pre ordered

2) Im getting Super Mario 64 DS and maybe that feel the magic thing

3)  If I were to change my mind it would be for a price drop and...

4) Games like Metroid and Wario Ware arent at launch.  I dont want to trust any 3rd party developer DS games yet, I wanna see what they do after seeing Nintendo's example.

TalkBack / RE: EA Announces Financial Results
« on: October 20, 2004, 10:06:38 AM »
The Sims is for everyone, but that isnt *really* made by EA.  Sports games like Madden are basically popular because the sport is popular.  As soon as this whole football craze dies down it will stop selling

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo DS and the GBA cartridge slot
« on: October 13, 2004, 07:48:01 AM »
The game link cable is different, first of all I think its much easier to find four people who all own GBAs than one person who owns a Gamecube, and the link cables everyone can provide individually, and what it adds to the game is actually worthwhile.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Spider-Man 2
« on: October 13, 2004, 07:08:05 AM »
Woah, that actually looks really neat.  I like how the DS is pretty much FORCING developers to think of innovative stuff like this.  For some reason seeing that video made me sorta have a new confidence in the DS, I was afraid half the games 3rd party developers made would use the second screen as a simple map or something more inneccesant (like inventory and such).

Nintendo Gaming / RE: mario kart DS thread. Chain Chomp is awesome.
« on: October 13, 2004, 06:56:31 AM »
I think painting on karts would be nice, but I wont die if they dont include it.  I will die if they dont include a track editor though, even if it is a somewhat simple one.  Cmon, with a touchscreen its such an obvious addition.  Plus it would show how good the DS is for that kind of stuff, which I am confident it will be.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo DS and the GBA cartridge slot
« on: October 12, 2004, 09:55:04 PM »
Ram expansion is sort of unreasonable, not that its a bad idea but it just seems unfeasable in the long run, the N64 Expansion pak was a mess if you ask me.  I knew so many people who got so frustrated that they bought such an expensive system ($200 when it came out :-/) and then they have to buy an additional accessory just to play the games they want on it.  And what was it like 8 extra megabytes?  Pathetic.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: the new super mario bros
« on: October 12, 2004, 09:46:57 PM »
Nintendo is gonna be creative with this one, if they have even thought of anything yet it was prolly too early to show.  Something like controlling Mario and Luigi at once would sorta be redundant since they already did that with Mario & Luigi plus considering this is a platformer and each would have his own screen I think it would be less fun and more painstaking trying to control both.  

Or nintendo could do the unexpected and just have a game that basically doesnt utilize any of the DS's features and just has the second screen display items and stuff and doesnt use mic, touchpad, etc... which brings into question why they are calling this a third pillar and not just GBA 2 since those are the type of games they are making for it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros DS, Can it be real??
« on: August 21, 2004, 10:45:29 PM »
Thats half the fun of Nintendo, the rumours.  

Anywho SSBM is one of my favorite games of all times, and Id love to see  how SSBM is handled on the DS

Nintendo Gaming / RE: How will GBA games work on the DS?
« on: August 20, 2004, 07:19:15 AM »
Yeah things like menus being on the second screen would be great but that seems pretty impossible unless they the game itself is programmed to be forwards compatible.  

I imaigne that like the GBC the GBA will have some of its later games have extra features that will only show up when you play on the DS (like  certain rings in oracle of seasons when you played it on the GBA).  

General Gaming / RE: Shenmue MMO coming
« on: August 19, 2004, 07:48:40 PM »
I understand its not your regular type of game, Ive enjoyed weird and abstract games, hell Ive enjoyed that kind of game more than regular games alot of times (which is why I love Nintendo) but shenmue is not like that.  The world of shenmue is not much of a fantasy world, it seems to mimick reality as much as it can which is quite frankly boring.  Walking to the bus stop and going to work is ok when Im doing it in real life, but in a game I want a little more (hell in real life if I had to wait for the bus Id prolly whip out my Gameboy).  

Take the beginning of the game for example, the first thing you do is go and talk to your family (or whatever the old lady and the guy were, I dont know much about Japanese Dojos or whatever).  Then you go outside and take care of a kitten.  Sorry I never liked gigapets and none of the characters had anything interesting to say.  The game does a somewhat decent job of mimicking reality, too bad it makes it boring.  

Its funny hearing people talk about shenmue and the fun things you get to do in it, collect figurines?  talk to people? the OCCASIONAL fight?  is that it?  Hell if people enjoy collecting figurines and fighting so much they would be blown away my Super Smash Bros Melee

Nintendo Gaming / How will GBA games work on the DS?
« on: August 19, 2004, 07:38:26 PM »
When we got the GBC it turned all GB games to color, when we got the GBA it turned all the GB & GBC games to a larger screen (not to mention back lit on the SP), but what improvements could the DS provide?

The screen is the same size, and there would be no point in having two screens show the same thing...

Other than maybe better resolution and sound there isnt anything very obvious they can do.  Im sure Nintendo can come up with something, even if its something simple like the second screen can be used to take notes while you play or display the time or something like that (like how long you have been playing or something).  Anyone have any ideas?

Sorry I guess I was outa line.  Then again, I wasnt expecting a topic about alternative forms of fuel in a Nintendo DS forum.

Sabre Wulf sounds pretty good actually.  There arent enough puzzle elements to platformers if you ask me.

I always wanted to pick up the Banjo Kazooie game for the GBA but I always end up getting something else.  Anyone else played it?


Originally posted by: Dirk Temporo

Originally posted by: Lost101
I think the second screen (besides obviously containing the HP meter and such) could be used to conjure magic spells.  For example, to cast a spell you would have to get your touch screen and draw and anarchy type symbol on the touch screen (dont know why games like this use anarchy symbols so much but meh).  You still have your left hand free so while your drawing this you have to avoid getting hit by enemies and such.  Eventually you have to be very good at drawing and very quick about it.

I've just added you to the list of people I'm going to smack as soon as I invent a way to do it through the Internet. It's called a pentagram or a pentacle. It means a bunch of different things. It represents the elements, The Goddess, it's a symbol for protection, etc. Unless it's flipped upside down. At which point it becomes some stupid angsty teenager's way of 'expressing himself'.

Oh thats beautiful.  Im the one who deserves to be smacked but your not to sure what its called either.  I said "anarchy type symbol" because I wasnt sure what it was called, just like you.  I have seen it in several castlevania type dark games like Eternal Darkness or Diablo, and in Full Metal Alchemist they use a similar symbol to it to conjure alchemy, so I figured it must be some kind of symbol to make magic or something.  Im not an expert on it, but Im not pretending to be like you.  

And btw yes I think Anarchy and the whole goth thing is very stupid, just look at my sig.  

I like Jales idea.  I think this whole water thing would be great, hell the war in Iraq wouldnt have happened if we had cars that didnt need oil

Meh, Rares graphics arent that amazing.  Donkey Kong Country for the GBA for example doesnt look nearly as nice as the SNES version, even on that small screen the characters and stuff look... like they were stretched out or something.  

Rare aint what it used to be....  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Metal Slug Advance "TRAILER"
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:57:44 PM »
I always thought it was like Contra only more well designed and with a much more beautiful art style.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: DS = GBA 2?
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:49:30 PM »
I really really hope NIntendo knows what its doing.  I am not gonna buy a new Gameboy a year and a half after I bought my DS.  How different can this new gameboy be from either the PSP or the DS?  I think they should just scrap that GBA and work on the next next gen GBA (which better have a screen as big as my TV).

Nintendo Gaming / RE: No DS Games from Rare
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:45:37 PM »
Rare hasnt released a single good game since Star Fox Adventures, and even that was iffy.  I used to be a big fan of Rare and thought that when MS bought them it was really gonna suck... but I havent really felt like I missed out on anything.  Their last GREAT game was conkers bad fur day, and they are already remaking it

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Gaming & Touch Screen - My experiences so far
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:41:17 PM »
But arent UMDs very similar to CDs?  What are the differences?  If the system still has to spin it and it can still be easily scratched it still has the disadvantages...

Nintendo Gaming / RE: DS Exclusive - Inside & Out w/ pics
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:40:04 PM »
Hey that is a good idea.  Thanks Ill check it out.

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