Author Topic: Gender and Sexual Minorities: An overview and living in the world as ourselves  (Read 123881 times)

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Yeah that's my bad for not sticking to the ruling news exclusively. And Adrock is correct, we shouldn't give people brownie points for upholding such a bare minimum standard as "maybe all people are born as equals". Thanks for raising that point, I apologise for my opportunistic political gloating.

On a meta-level, I still think it's a huge flaw of this forum to be so strict on political discussion, it's a misguided attempt to exist within a vacuum and trying to deny the pervasive presence of power structures in every facet of human social lives.
Similarly, it is frankly deeply insulting how discussion on sexual preference is technically against the forum rules too. I guess these rules once felt well-intended, but the only thing they achieve now (in my view), is that it keeps our little corner of the web silent on important issues like human rights and protections for oppressed groups.
Silence means we can't speak out when equal rights are being trampled on; thus silence can be seen as tacit approval of said trampling. Listening to our LGBT+ members and vocally supporting them is the minimum requirement if we want this community to be inclusive, in my opinion at least.
Wanting equal treatment for people regardless of gender, sexual preference, race, or whatever shouldn't be a political position -- and in fact, deviating from this baseline is against the forum rules!
This leads to a frustrating incongruency where our forum rules say 1 thing (uphold respectful discourse) but explicitly suppress touchy subjects to not offend... People who don't agree humans are equal? Sorry, but that's not the crowd we should be catering to.

ANYWAY sorry for my diatribe, maybe I'll reword this post in the NWR Feedback thread sometime when my thoughts are more coherent.

In an effort to steer the thread elsewhere, I've been making a concious effort to diversify my media intake over the past year or so, but I'll have to confess I don't really follow a lot of trans voices yet. Are there any Youtube channels or podcasts from trans creators y'all would recommend?
I'll kick off with an obvious one perhaps, but I do genuinely really like ContraPoints on Youtube. She's very funny, but insightful too, and the production values on her videos are off the charts compared to the average youtube vlog. I'll link a video of hers here and below, which I found a helpful explanation on facial feminisation surgery, and where it differs (and overlaps) with cosmetic surgeries.

Offline Adrock

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On a meta-level, I still think it's a huge flaw of this forum to be so strict on political discussion, it's a misguided attempt to exist within a vacuum and trying to deny the pervasive presence of power structures in every facet of human social lives.
I wasn't a forum member when this rule was instituted. I always presumed there was some blow up argument, and the moderators/administrators made it a forum rule in order to keep discourse civil (the same rule applies to religion, I believe). This is mostly a Nintendo forum so I get it. I like discussions, not arguments, and I try really hard not to get roped into any with varying levels of success (the back and forth regarding the personal responsibility of a fictional character rebuffing sexual harassment/assault is probably the one I'm least proud of, but I feel strongly about the issue in real life).

It's a personal rule of mine not to discuss religion and politics at work so doing the same on a message board isn't a stretch for me. If y'all read my posts, you probably know where I stand on both. Personally, I don't especially care where people land on either spectrum as long as they aren't hurting anyone (which is intentionally vague).
Are there any Youtube channels or podcasts from trans creators y'all would recommend?
Laura Kate Dale leaked the ever-living hell out of Switch so I used to listen to her "Let's Play Video Games" podcast. It was so good, and it has also been dead for just over three years. I think she has another podcast which I haven't listened to. In terms of podcasts/Youtube, I tend to lean toward:
  • Video games (mostly Nintendo. Shocking, I know.)
  • Technology (computer, smartphone etc. reviews)
  • NBA (mostly Lakers. Also, shocking)
  • News/documentary
  • Wrestlers telling old stories from the period when I regularly watched wrasslin' (1998 to 2004)
  • Miscellaneous
That's just the long way of explaining why I haven't listened to her new(er) podcast.

Offline BeautifulShy

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On the topic of not having as much discussion regarding this topic.  Part of the reason why this topic exists is because I asked Khushrenada first and gave them an idea of what kind of topic this would be and referenced another topic on another forum to show this sort of thing is what I am going for. Khush said to ask Insanolord and he said that the rule against talking about sexual orentation and gender identity was really a relic so this topic exists because they lightened the rules a little bit.   

As far as trans youtubers I have so many...

Julie Vu aka Princess Joules
Stef Sanjati
Kat Blaque
Riley J Dennis
Our life in Transition

The above are more about living life as a trans person and the below are trans folks that are gamers.

Laura K Buzz
Narcissa Wright

I have to say my fave video to give an idea of what trans folk go through is this one by Stef Sanjati if you have 40 minutes to kill.

For BnM-
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline ThePerm

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On a meta-level, I still think it's a huge flaw of this forum to be so strict on political discussion, it's a misguided attempt to exist within a vacuum and trying to deny the pervasive presence of power structures in every facet of human social lives.
I wasn't a forum member when this rule was instituted. I always presumed there was some blow up argument, and the moderators/administrators made it a forum rule in order to keep discourse civil (the same rule applies to religion, I believe). This is mostly a Nintendo forum so I get it. I like discussions, not arguments, and I try really hard not to get roped into any with varying levels of success (the back and forth regarding the personal responsibility of a fictional character rebuffing sexual harassment/assault is probably the one I'm least proud of, but I feel strongly about the issue in real life).

I've been on the forums from the beginning.  That was in the late 90s. It was much more common for some person to go on some deranged political tangent and completely derail Nintendo discussion ultimately to get banned.  Back then the format was different. There weren't as many boards, and boards only had a single megathread. If the threads got derailed back then they might not recover for days. It was also an oppressive time for inclusiveness. So, the rules made sense.

Now, as long as the thread has been sanctioned by a moderator and it doesn't go off the rails into some big argument then it is fine. I think the main focus on a Nintendo website should be Nintendo content, but there is also a community of people here. I hang around here and don't even have a Switch. When I was younger I was pure cult of Nintendo. I own a ps4 now, but I'm still curious to what my comrades here think about on all subjects including politics. This place is much more tightnit than a place like reddit. You're not talking to as random of people. People seem more personable here. You know and remember people here. It's also not a shitshow.

I owe a lot of my luddism to being on the boards for 20 years. I don't get swept up in social media and mobs as maybe someone who didn't have experience with forums before social media was popularized. I'm more of a lurker than a poster. Occasionally, I'll get into a waste of time flamewar. But that rarely happens on NWR. Most of the time people stay on topic and discussion is more intellectual than political. Things are pleasant but not in an oppressive pleasantville sort of way. Politics should exist here, but it shouldn't overly dominate discussion as it does in most other shitshows on the web. Topics like this should exist, but they should be isolated from other threads. People fall on spectrums and can be sensitive bidirectionally. There should be more open discussion though. Open discussion keeps the world less culty. The world is very cliqish right now. Humans have a predisposition to get tribal about every single topic.  I remember old discussions about whether Mac OS or Windows 98 were better and those seem so absurd right now. 
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Offline BeautifulShy

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On a meta-level, I still think it's a huge flaw of this forum to be so strict on political discussion, it's a misguided attempt to exist within a vacuum and trying to deny the pervasive presence of power structures in every facet of human social lives.
I wasn't a forum member when this rule was instituted. I always presumed there was some blow up argument, and the moderators/administrators made it a forum rule in order to keep discourse civil (the same rule applies to religion, I believe). This is mostly a Nintendo forum so I get it. I like discussions, not arguments, and I try really hard not to get roped into any with varying levels of success (the back and forth regarding the personal responsibility of a fictional character rebuffing sexual harassment/assault is probably the one I'm least proud of, but I feel strongly about the issue in real life).

I've been on the forums from the beginning.  That was in the late 90s. It was much more common for some person to go on some deranged political tangent and completely derail Nintendo discussion ultimately to get banned.  Back then the format was different. There weren't as many boards, and boards only had a single megathread. If the threads got derailed back then they might not recover for days. It was also an oppressive time for inclusiveness. So, the rules made sense.

Now, as long as the thread has been sanctioned by a moderator and it doesn't go off the rails into some big argument then it is fine. I think the main focus on a Nintendo website should be Nintendo content, but there is also a community of people here. I hang around here and don't even have a Switch. When I was younger I was pure cult of Nintendo. I own a ps4 now, but I'm still curious to what my comrades here think about on all subjects including politics. This place is much more tightnit than a place like reddit. You're not talking to as random of people. People seem more personable here. You know and remember people here. It's also not a shitshow.

I owe a lot of my luddism to being on the boards for 20 years. I don't get swept up in social media and mobs as maybe someone who didn't have experience with forums before social media was popularized. I'm more of a lurker than a poster. Occasionally, I'll get into a waste of time flamewar. But that rarely happens on NWR. Most of the time people stay on topic and discussion is more intellectual than political. Things are pleasant but not in an oppressive pleasantville sort of way. Politics should exist here, but it shouldn't overly dominate discussion as it does in most other shitshows on the web. Topics like this should exist, but they should be isolated from other threads. People fall on spectrums and can be sensitive bidirectionally. There should be more open discussion though. Open discussion keeps the world less culty. The world is very cliqish right now. Humans have a predisposition to get tribal about every single topic.  I remember old discussions about whether Mac OS or Windows 98 were better and those seem so absurd right now. 

Well said Perm. 

Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline BeautifulShy

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So I had another session of hair removal today and I have been doing my bikini area for about a year and 4 months.  Yes there is measures in place so patients can come in and get things done.  Checking temp, wearing a mask and making sure all the safety measures are in place in this time.  I am actually into stage two of the clearing so the hair for the surgery area is all clear and I am just working on the surrounding hairs.   A major point of contention for my dysphoria is hair so clearing the hair helps with my dysphoria.  I know other folks have different type of dysphoria but this is my main one. 

But yeah one thing that I have learned is to take things at my own pace and not compare my own journey with someone else because we have own own paths and goals with transition.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline ThePerm

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I was looking at pictures of Hulk Hogan from the 70s and I was thinking "He used to be extremely hairy, but then his body has been as hairless as a baby the whole rest of his career" That's a lot of hair to get rid of over 40 years. I wonder how many mountains of wax he's used over the years. I have not cut my hair since covid started. Covid quarantine has turned me into a wizard viking.
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