Author Topic: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.  (Read 28631 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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After using the Maracas to attract the 1,700th golden bug and capturing it, Link then returned to Agitha to complete her bug collection.

"Hoo-ray. You did it," Agitha said in a bored voice, "Here's your reward." Agitha then handed Link a Blue Rupee. "Of course, now you can also play the bug's song and learn the location of the EarthFrog," she added.

Link put the Rupee into the matching purse for his Lady's Ensemble and pulled out the Maracas. Shaking them to play the Bug's Song caused all the golden bugs to begin flying in a swarm around Link. Then the bug swarm went out the front door of Agitha's house. Link and Agitha quickly hurried outside to follow them. Outside a straight line of bugs was beginning to come out of the swarm of bugs. The line of bugs continued off into the distance. Running to follow them, Link eventually came to the edge of a cliff. From there, he watched as the line of bugs continued off to the ocean until it began to dip down and stop at the shore of a distant island.

"Wow," said Agitha, looking at the line of golden bugs stretching from her house to the island, "I guess that's the spot."

"I hope so," sighed Link, "This has been a tough adventure." With that, he pulled out a Korok Leaf and jumped off the cliff floating down to the beach and headed over to where The King of Red Lions was docked.

Suddenly the line of bugs burst as they all began to scatter off in different directions. "That's strange," Agitha thought. Turning around to head back to her house, she saw a Cucco standing there with one of the golden bugs in its beak. "You monster!" she cried and began chasing the Cucco. The Cucco let out a cry and then began running away. Agitha chased the Cucco through some woods and over some hills. The Cucco disappeared over the horizon of one hill but Agitha kept after it only to discover it wasn't a hill but the cliff's edge towards the sea and beach. The Cucco was flapping its wings to land safely at the bottom but Agitha didn't have that luxery. She opened her umbrella but this is The Legend of Zelda not Mary Poppins so it did nothing and she landed in a big splat on the rocky beach below. Thus, another Hyrule Resident had met their end during this quest.

Meanwhile, Link was arguing with Ravio over The King of Red Lions. It seems that while The King of Red Lions had been waiting around by the beach, Ravio had taken his sail and was now trying to convince Link to buy a Quad Force piece and use it as a sail instead because he turned the original sail into Ravio's Bag which he, of course, would not give up as it was more important than life itself. They had been arguing and haggling for ten minutes or so when suddenly Ravio was struck in the head and body by three arrows!

"Aaaaahhhhh!," Link cried out, quickly whirling around and scanning the landscape for a sign of the Lynel that has kept hunting him all journey. Seeing no sign of it still, he quickly jumped into The King of Red Lions yelling, "We've gotta move!"

"But I have no sail. What are you going to do? Push me?" groused The King of Red Lions.

"Exactly!" Link screamed in a panic. He then took the Lady's Umbrella that was part of his ensemble and began using it as a paddle. Thanks to the adrenaline and panic following through him, he rowed The King of Red Lions to the small island the golden bugs had pointed towards.

The island itself was a large oval with a sandy beach surrounding the outside of it. There was one large dome shaped rock in the middle with a few trees and patches of grass surrounding it and making up the rest of the island. Arriving at the island, Link went to check out the dome shaped rock. He found an opening leading into its cavernous interior and entered. In this cave, there was a large glowing pool in the middle and just at the edge of this pool, on the opposite side of Link, was a throne made of stalagmites. There were also some skeletons and bones scattered about near the rock wall edges of the cave. Suddenly, the water in the pool began to ripple violently. Two large frogs with rock spears jumped out of the edges. An even larger and greater frog wearing a crown then came out of the pool and sat in the throne.

"Who dares disturb the EarthFrog?" demanded one the frogs with rock spears.

"Er, hi. My name is Link and..." answered Link as he began to introduce himself.

"SILENCE!" shouted the other frog with a rock spear, cutting Link off, "Only those who know the sweet melody of the EarthFrog's Song of Soul may be permitted to enter the EarthFrog's Domain and live. Perform it now or perish!" The two frogs with rock spears began to move closer to Link.

"Yeah, sure, fine, whatever," mumbled Link and he got out the Magical Maracas, "I give you the EarthFrog's Song of Soul."

Once the singing was done, Link shook the Maracas twice.

"Excellent!" bellowed the EarthFrog, "I haven't heard such a beautiful rendering of this song in over 200 years. My soul is satisfied."

"Good enough for us," said the two frog guards with rock spears. They then leapt into the pool and disappeared.

"For bringing a smile to this old frog's face, I will grant you one wish," declared the EarthFrog.

"Oh wow. It actually worked," said Link in amazement, "Gosh, I really didn't expect this. After what I've been through I was beginning to think this whole thing was a hoax or that I'd probably end up releasing Ganon and having to fight him again. Or Vaati possibly but it didn't seem his style. Well, let's see...."

"I wish for the land of Hyrule to be reborn in the image of Cuccos with Cuccos now the dominant species and I their king while it is the Hyrule Residents who are put in pens and treated as livestock!" a strange voice suddenly echoed out into the cave.

"What the...?" exclaimed Link, turning around to see where the voice was coming from.

Stepping out of the shadows from the entrance of the cave and into the shimmering light coming from the pool walked a Cucco holding a Savage Lynel Bow with three arrows drawn at Link.

"A Cucco?!?" Link shouted in bewilderment, "Are you telling me that IT WAS YOU who's been shooting arrows into all the people I've encountered on this journey?!? There... there hasn't actually been a Lynel hunting me at all?! It's been YOU the whole time? How is this even... I don't.... WHAT?!?!"

"Sqwak! That's right!" gloated the Cucco, "We're not the dumb livestock you stupid Hylians treat us like. The Great Deku Tree thought he was so smart having his Korok children hiding throughout the land to spy on everyone but us cuccos have been watching and observing the land of Hyrule since its creation without anyone ever catching on. We've been here since the beginning of Hyrule's creation by the Goddesses and we know far more than you Hylians do about this land and its history. Buh-KAAAA!"

"I didn't know you could speak," Link said, still flabbergasted at the sight before him.

"Pfft. Of course! We can speak every language in Hyrule. We just usually stick to our own tongue SQWAAAKKK since none of the other inhabitants are smart enough to understand it. We can keep things to ourselves that way and no one else has a clue to what's really going on around them," the Cucco further explained.

"Why are you revealing yourself now?" asked Link.

"Because of the EarthFrog, dummy! Duh! Buh-KAAAA!" answered the Cucco, with some definite attitude, "The EarthFrog is the power I need to finally change things in Hyrule and, let me tell you, things certainly need to be changed. Once I heard about you and your quest to find the EarthFrog, I realized the opportunity that lay before me and moved SQWWAAAKKK quickly to make sure that you were successful in your quest, eliminating any potential rivals and keeping you motivated to keep moving forward to this goal. I must say, I've been very successful. Cluck cluck!"

"But why not just get the Maracas and find the EarthFrog yourself?" Link wondered in confusion.

"Because the parts were divided among too many races and it would have most likely resulted in a war of Koroks vs Cuccos. Sadly, too many cuccos are happy leading their domesticated lives of being pampered and fed by you Hylians. SQWAAAKKKK! Hardly anyone messes with us anymore since we've given so many warnings over the millennia of what happens if someone does try to attack us. This has resulted in my race becoming lazy and unambitious. As such, most cuccos aren't interested in rising up to battle anymore. Too many cuccos are just happy to lead a serene dull life to the detriment of Hyrule. Look at the calamities that have been caused by allowing you Hylians more power to thrive and control the fate of Hyrule. Buh-KAAAA! The rise of Ganon, the dark magic of Vaati or the potential complete destruction of Hyrule through something like Majora's Mask. Too many monsters have been allowed to arise from these evil destructive forces. You Hylians don't understand how to handle the power you've begun to play with. Well, no more. Even if my fowl feathered friends are too nonchalant about the current state of affairs, I'm not! And I will see Hyrule and my species returned to its lost splendor. Cluck cluck! EarthFrog, grant me my wish!" demanded the Cucco.

"But you did not play the song," the EarthFrog said, bored at the scene unfolding before him as he rested his head on one hand and was close to falling asleep, "Only those who play my song can be given a wish."

"Well, then," remarked the Cucco, turning towards Link and raising his Savage Lynel Bow at him, "I suggest you hand me the Magical Maracas. SQWAAAAKKK!"

Suddenly, a large BOOM filled the air and echoed through the cave. Something from outside flew into the cave at a high speed. Link and the Cucco both turned and jumped in opposite directions out of the way. The object landed with a plunk and bounced a couple times before stopping. Turning to see what it was, both Link and the Cucco realized it was the head of The King of Red Lions. Somehow, he had been blown up.

"Did I startle you?" The King of Red Lions asked weakly as his wooden head shifted a bit to face Link, "Link. There's something I need to tell you. Under the bow of my boat body, I kept the sacred Spirit Flute hidden there. I fear it will be lost at the bottom of the ocean if you don't hurry to grab it. *cough cough* Also, I'm the King of Hyrule. I felt bad about how I'd been treating you at the castle and wanted to find some way to help you and well, this was the best idea I could come up with. I know I might not have been the most help and being a boat has left me kind of limited in how I could help you but it seemed a lot smarter at the time I came up with the whole idea. I wanted to tell you a bunch of times but just could never find the right time. *cough cough* Also, beware. There is.... a traitor... in your mix. The one.... who blew me up..... is....... *cough*"

And with that, The King of Red Lions died.

"Great! Now Zelda's going to be upset with me over her dad dying too," Link complained, throwing his hands up in the air from frustration at this latest surprise and kind of nonsensical twist.

However, a sudden hissing sound drew everyone's attention and they turned to the entrance of the cave from which the sound was coming from. Standing there, a shadowy figure was holding a bomb and the lit fuse was causing the hissing sound everyone was hearing. The figure walked towards the pool. As it came forward, everyone could make out that the person was holding a bomb in one hand and a large empty bag in the other. As the figure came closer, it began to resemble a large rabbit but it had three arrows lodged into itself and seemed to be sopping wet.

"Hello Lunk. Hello Mr. Cucco," the figure remarked as it stepped into the light.

"Ravio!" exclaimed Link, "But how?"

"I told you," Ravio laughed, "This bag contained something more important than life itself. I had a fairy in this bag. When I was shot with these arrows, the fairy was able to bring me back to life. Unfortunately, that's the end of my little fairy but it was a pretty good exchange, I think. Definitely worth the effort it took to acquire one. But that's not all I've been able to keep in my bag of tricks. I've also got some premium Goron bombs I've been able to pick up over the years. Much better than the Ravio brand bombs I normally sell. Since you were so kind to give me some arrows Mr. Cucco, allow me to give you one of these bombs in recognition of your tremendous service as a Ravio sales agent."

With that, Ravio threw the bomb at the Cucco but the Cucco drew his savage lynel bow and shot at the bomb. The arrows connected with the bomb and knocked it into the pool where it fizzled out.

"Hmmm. Looks like you're out of arrows," Ravio said, examining the Cucco, "Too bad I've decided to stop selling you them."

"That's alright," the Cucco replied suspiciously. Noticing Ravio drop his special bag, the Cucco continued, "It looks like your inventory of bombs has run out also. Cluck cluck."

"So it would seem. Guess I'll just have to give you a big hug instead," laughed Ravio, who then began walking towards the Cucco. And as he laughed and laughed, the bunny hoody that he wore began to slide off his head until it fell to the ground revealing not his face but the Blast Mask that Ravio wore underneath the bunny hoody.

"What do you think you're doing SQWAAAKKK?" yelled the Cucco nervously, "Stay back! My... my other cucco brothers and sisters will... will attack you Buh-CAAAAA if you... if you don't stay back or... or try to harm me!" The Cucco began running and flapping away from Ravio but found itself stuck in a dead-end cage of stalactites and stalagmites.

"Hmmmm. I don't think so," replied Ravio to the Cucco's threats, "I have a feeling they don't also want to get caught up in the power of my hug. Plus, you seem to be acting on your own here, aren't you?"

Ravio then bopped his head and the Blast Mask began to start flashing with the flashes getting faster and faster. Approaching the trapped Cucco, Ravio reached out and then grabbed it and pulled it close to his chest in a hug. Then Ravio turned and began walking towards Link.

"You've both been such a big help to my business and I just can't thank you enough for that," Ravio purred.

Looking up at Ravio's head while being crushed against Ravio's chest, the Cucco gasped out, "But you've... cluck cluck... turned the safety... off on your mask. Buh-KAAA!"

Ravio immediately stopped and held out the Cucco looking down at it. "What did you say?" he asked, confused.


With that, Ravio and the Cucco both blew up. The resulting blast also hit the EarthFrog ripping him in two. The top of his body fell on to Link along with a bunch of the stalactites and stalagmites. Half the cave collapsed in from the blast blocking the exit.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Link, half of his body now trapped under the EarthFrog, "Oh my god! Oh my god! I can't die here. I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE!! Ohhhh, why did Zelda send me on this stupid mission?! I didn't want any of this!! I can't believe this is how it's going to end for me. Trapped in a cave and covered in frog guts. I wish there was a way I could have avoided this whole adventure and just been the kind of person Zelda wished I would be or that she could have accepted. Then I could have been in Hyrule Castle this whole bloody time..."

Link stared up at the roof of the cave, resignation about his fate beginning to sink in with regret and despair now filling his heart. Suddenly, the giant body of the EarthFrog on top of him began to shudder and he heard it take in a large gasp of air.

"Wish...... granted," croaked the EarthFrog just before he.... croaked.

With that, the cave suddenly become filled with an incredible burst of blinding light.

The King of Hyrule entered the great library of Hyrule Castle.

"Ah, there you are Zelda, my dear. I've been looking all over for you," the King said on seeing the familiar figure of his daughter standing by a mirror adjusting her gown.

"Must I attend this Harvest Ball, father? I feel ridiculous in this ceremonial dress," Zelda complained, annoyed at the royal traditions her father kept insisting she follow.

"Zelda, my dear, you look lovely and it wouldn't do to have my daughter missing while the royal families from the rest of Hyrule are in attendance. I know you don't always care for some of the pomp that comes with being a part of being royalty. But someday it will be you having to rule this kingdom and, by participating in ceremonies like these now, you will help establish the bonds and diplomatic acumen needed to deal with the other kingdoms for the future in order to keep the kingdom safe and secure," The King reminded his daughter.

"Fine," sighed Zelda, realizing it was pointless to fight further on the matter, "What did you want to see me about?"

"Oh right. Well, on the subject of the upcoming festival, there is something I wanted to give you and was hoping you might wear," The King sheepishly said to Zelda. He then pulled out a tiara with a beautiful blue gemstone in the middle of it and handed it to Zelda and continued speaking. "This tiara was a favorite of your mother. It was actually given to her by the Gorons when we visited their land many years ago. They named the gem in the middle Nayru's Love and, well, I know she always wanted you to have it at some point. I'm just sorry she wasn't able to be the one to give it to you."

"Well, thank you, father," Zelda quietly replied, fighting back the sadness she still felt from her mother's passing. Taking the tiara, she then hugged her father and whispered to him, "I'd be happy to wear this too."

"You're welcome, my dear," whispered the King and hugged her back. After a moment, they broke off the embrace with Zelda turning back to the mirror to place the tiara in her hair. The King took a moment to recollect his thoughts and then further spoke, "Ah, yes. Something else occurs to me. The young Link that has been acting as your bodyguard. I'd like her to attend as well so that she can continue to watch over you."

"Really, dad?" asked Zelda, bemused, "Honestly, the kingdom's been at peace now for some time and it WAS just the ONE incident with Ganon. Also, it's Linkle, not Link."

"Ah, right. Yes, I don't know why I keep getting her name wrong like that... Well, it may have just been the one time but one time is all it takes to keep me forever worried. It just helps me to breathe a bit easier knowing she's there to help protect you also," explained the King, "Speaking of which, do you know where she is?"

"I'm here," declared a voice from behind a bookshelf which belonged to Linkle. The King turned to the direction of the voice and saw Linkle come into view as she walked out from the book aisle she had been standing in. The King walked over to her.

"Ah, Linkle, I was wondering if I could ask a favor from you?" said the King.

Linkle curtsied to the King and replied, "It's alright, sire. I'm afraid I could hear you talking to the Princess from there but it means I know what you wish to ask and I would be happy to watch out for her during the ball on your behalf."

"Most splendid," the King replied thankfully, "I've spoken to the royal tailor already about preparing something for you that befits the ball. You should head over to see him as soon as possible to help him in his preparations. Well, I leave you to your duties but I must be off now to see the kitchen staff."

Linkle curtsied again at the King's exit while Zelda gave a quick bow. Linkle then walked over to Zelda and leaned up with her back against the wall.

"Sorry to get you dragged into this as well. I'm sure you'd rather be out and about hunting or fishing," Zelda spoke regretfully.

"It's fine. A royal dance is better than a temple full of vengeful spirits," Linkle replied cheerfully.

"With some of the older royal families attending, it might be the same thing," warned Zelda.

"Ha! Maybe. But I think what really worries and bothers you about the whole thing are.... BOYS!" Linkle said teasingly.

Zelda turned to face Linkle with one eyebrow arched as the attitude and expression of her face seemed to be conveying the question: Are you kidding me? "Please. I'm not worried about whatever boys may be there. I'm worried about my father trying to match me up with every boy in attendance. He keeps bringing up the idea of my finding a "suitable companion" more and more lately while bringing up worse and worse candidates each time," Zelda explained with frustration in her voice.

"Well, maybe you'll be surprised and meet someone great at the ball. I hear lots of rumours that Prince Sidon is supposed to be a real... catch!" Linkle giggled.

This caused Zelda to burst out laughing. "Oh yeah, I can just see it now. Me and Sidon and a new age for Hyrule," she said, playing along, "And I guess that will leave you with... Tingle, isn't it?"

"Oh, god no!" Linkle said, horrified, "I'd rather date an octorok than him!"

"But Tingle really seems to like the color greeeennnn," Zelda continued to tease. Suddenly, she flinched and took a step back furiously rubbing at a spot on her dress. "Ewww. Gross! A spider," she explained.

Linkle spotted the now fallen spider on the ground, went over to it and crushed it with her boot. "Not anymore," she stated matter-of-factly, "Well, guess I better go and see what "appropriate" thing the King has gotten the tailor whipping up for me. Hopefully it's not as old-fashioned as what he's making you wear."

Zelda turned and gave Linkle a withering stare for that comment. Linkle laughed at the reaction and then turned and left the library to head off to meet the tailor but not before stopping at the entrance of the library and turning back to Zelda to give her a smile and say:

"Courage, Zelda. Courage."







Agitha - Hyrule Resident (Killed by Vote)

Not Dead

Ravio was attacked by the Savage Lynel Bow but he had a fairy in his possession so he was revived.

More Dead

The King of Red Lions - Spirit Flute (Killed by Blast Mask)
Cucco - Savage Lynel Bow (Killed by Blast Mask)
Ravio - Blast Mask (Killed by own Blast Mask for the win!)

And with that, Hyrule burns!!!!

The game is over and, for the first time ever, the Bomber (Blast Mask) role has won the game. (Although he had some help from others.)

The winner of Mafia LXXV is Ravio aka Thatguy!

Also, it has been I, Khushrenada, who has been your host disguised as Link Link!!  :Q :Q :Q

With the game over, feel free to post your thoughts and reflections on it. What might have been, the whys of what happened, etc.

Also, there were a few accounts I partial banned so I will undue those if people still want to use them when posting for the endgame of this thread but you are free to post in your regular accounts as well. However, in a week, I will shut down all these Mafia Accounts and you'll be back to regular identities so to get too cozy with them.

As always, I'd like to thank all of you for playing. It may not have been the result you were hoping for or you may have been eliminated sooner than you liked but the only reason we've played 75 of these crazy games is because of your willingness to keep coming back and playing again no matter the result. I hope you were all able to get some fun and entertainment out of this game regardless of the outcome as that was my main goal and desire in hosting this game.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 10:01:52 AM by Link Link »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Ravio

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2017, 05:20:51 PM »
What?! Everybody died? Who will I sell things to?
Buy tools! Buy weapons! Rent votes!

Offline Agitha

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2017, 05:55:40 PM »
Congrats thatguy for the win.  These past few games us players have been making history. This game 1st ever bomber win, Mafia 74 one of the few Killer wins aka BeautifulShy,me. 73 was one of the few games were all of the Mafia survived and won the game. 

I have to go through my PMs for the blow by blow but from memory these are the few things that stood out to me.

My first group PM.    I messaged all the gals in the game and I was trying to get an alliance going on.  Unfortunately pretty much a player from each side was in there  except for the Killer who happened to be Cucco.  Even one thing surprised me was how Link Link logged into my account as me and made an off hand comment about Epona being male usually. I wonder what would of happened if I had Epona left out but brought in Cucco instead and letting my roleplay prevent me from contacting Cucco early on.   

Really the only player that did want to be in an alliance with me was Fi and that was probably to see if I had any plans  or if I would share info with them.

Lets see.  My search for the bomber and Majora was kinda what I was doing for most of the game.  Day 6's gambit was to see if I could get rid of pretty much every player in the game except for the townie roles to win it for the townies but it turned out that Ravio was the bomber and Ravio suggested Tingle so there we go. 

Other things I did was play the Madam Meow Meow hunt since day 3 at least one bush. When Day 3 began because of my inaction the first few days I really only had 50 rupees and I kinda went crazy with them that first day to find nothing so I started saving a bit. I found Bow Wow Day 6 and I had spent my remaining rupees in doing so and I selected Chest 10 and I had 150 rupees with that, I made the choice to go into the auction and split my bid between the 2 chests. So 75 each. Turns out the killer beat me.Cucco/Mop it up. I wonder if I should of went all in on one chest instead in retrospect. 

Today if I was somehow alive then I was going to use my 150 rupees to get the remaining role info to me. Basically it would depend on who was alive today and then divide the rupees up between the  alive players so everyone would of gotten 50 rupees from me today.

I was gung ho today to get rid of Ravio but it was a long streatch. It basically involved me or Cucco getting the mirror shield and then rebounding Ravio's bombs back at him and that would of took out the fairy and then Cucco/Mop it up could of came in and killed Ravio with the kill. and then the next day would come Cucco votes out Red Lions for the win or kill him if he happened to show up.
"...Oh, boy! I thought you were a giant grasshopper! But you're not! You're a person! Still, you're wearing those clothes, so that tells me you like bugs too! Oh, boy, I forgot the formalities! You have an audience with the princess of the bug kingdom. Agitha is my name!"

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2017, 06:08:50 PM »
With that said did we want to do one cool forum thing with these Mafia accounts and do a spooky thread for Halloween before sending them away???   
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2017, 06:23:54 PM »
Congrats thatguy for the win.  These past few games us players have been making history. This game 1st ever bomber win, Mafia 74 one of the few Killer wins aka BeautifulShy,me. 73 was one of the few games were all of the Mafia survived and won the game. 

I have to go through my PMs for the blow by blow but from memory these are the few things that stood out to me.

My first group PM.    I messaged all the gals in the game and I was trying to get an alliance going on.  Unfortunately pretty much a player from each side was in there  except for the Killer who happened to be Cucco.  Even one thing surprised me was how Link Link logged into my account as me and made an off hand comment about Epona being male usually. I wonder what would of happened if I had Epona left out but brought in Cucco instead and letting my roleplay prevent me from contacting Cucco early on.   

Really the only player that did want to be in an alliance with me was Fi and that was probably to see if I had any plans  or if I would share info with them.

Lets see.  My search for the bomber and Majora was kinda what I was doing for most of the game.  Day 6's gambit was to see if I could get rid of pretty much every player in the game except for the townie roles to win it for the townies but it turned out that Ravio was the bomber and Ravio suggested Tingle so there we go. 

Other things I did was play the Madam Meow Meow hunt since day 3 at least one bush. When Day 3 began because of my inaction the first few days I really only had 50 rupees and I kinda went crazy with them that first day to find nothing so I started saving a bit. I found Bow Wow Day 6 and I had spent my remaining rupees in doing so and I selected Chest 10 and I had 150 rupees with that, I made the choice to go into the auction and split my bid between the 2 chests. So 75 each. Turns out the killer beat me.Cucco/Mop it up. I wonder if I should of went all in on one chest instead in retrospect. 

Today if I was somehow alive then I was going to use my 150 rupees to get the remaining role info to me. Basically it would depend on who was alive today and then divide the rupees up between the  alive players so everyone would of gotten 50 rupees from me today.

I was gung ho today to get rid of Ravio but it was a long streatch. It basically involved me or Cucco getting the mirror shield and then rebounding Ravio's bombs back at him and that would of took out the fairy and then Cucco/Mop it up could of came in and killed Ravio with the kill. and then the next day would come Cucco votes out Red Lions for the win or kill him if he happened to show up.

Your plan at the end was why I kept my item list close! I was completely okay with you getting the red potion, though.

Offline Mipha

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2017, 06:27:55 PM »
The King of Red Lions - Hyrule Resident (Killed by Blast Mask)

Wasn't he the flute?

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2017, 06:28:52 PM »
Congrats to the winner, Ravio / Thatguy!

Also, why were some accounts banned?
Also also, spoiler: I'm not Cucco.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2017, 06:31:01 PM »
The King of Red Lions - Hyrule Resident (Killed by Blast Mask)

Wasn't he the flute?

Correct. That's me rushing to get this thread up. Fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2017, 06:35:53 PM »
Congrats to the winner, Ravio / Thatguy!

Also, why were some accounts banned?
Also also, spoiler: I'm not Cucco.

Really you weren't Cucco? That can't be right. 
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2017, 06:41:36 PM »
Congrats to the winner, Ravio / Thatguy!

Also, why were some accounts banned?
Also also, spoiler: I'm not Cucco.

Really you weren't Cucco? That can't be right. 

She was not! I know who Cucco is, but I'll leave it up to him. He's got some post-game pictures to share.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2017, 06:44:56 PM »
Congrats to the winner, Ravio / Thatguy!

Also, why were some accounts banned?
Also also, spoiler: I'm not Cucco.

Really you weren't Cucco? That can't be right. 

She was not! I know who Cucco is, but I'll leave it up to him. He's got some post-game pictures to share.
Huh okay.  I await the  reveal of Cucco.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2017, 06:51:18 PM »
Well that was pretty fun, I was hoping to try to pull something out at the end but it seemed I was only destined to be King Maker.  My only out was probably getting the boomerang but even then it would have probably involved leaving the townies around so they would just vote me out.  I probably should have tried to shift votes to Ravio earlier but I didn't know how without voting for him myself...

Notable daily activity from killer's role perspective:

Day 1:  Did screw up the PM to Moblin so was a little on the backfoot there.  I didn't lie to him (I wasn't mafia) but that doesn't matter much.  Initially I had him as the first target, but since he didn't vote and all the votes that were made were counted the chance he was the bug net seemed real to me at the time and didn't know who he was in contact with.  Fi contacted me so I joined but tried to cast suspicion on Moblin incase that PM thing blew up.  Also funnly enough Ravio sent me a shop list including the bow being sold out and something about arrows being no good without a bow, which in my head meant he was on to me.  Also Khush planted a little easter egg in the day thread about a Savage Lynel that ended up being a bird!

Day 2:  I put on the comedy act to endear some good will.  Ravio and I got into a bit of a war which was fun and ended up setting things up for later in the game.   Then the whole Moblin thing...  in the end I think I may have gotten Moblin to put me back in possible townie role but not sure...  Knew I need a good distraction and Navi's votes stuck out to me.  Whatever their role was it would send some folks on a chase.

Day 3:  Focused on the Ravizon schtick playing the good employee.  This is when Ravio started prodding me for my role which I didn't give at that time, but he told me he was the bomber.  Should have started to get others to vote for him at that time but was having too much fun with the store stuff, plus his antics were shielding me, win win..  Vote changer could have really shifted things that day had the godfather and the bomber in a tie but didn't pull the trigger.  Moblin's trust of Epona made me make the hit that night, I think I went through 3 diffent options before setteling on Epona.

Day 4:  Nothing too remarkable.  Dressed up as cupid and was shooting everyone with arrows *hint*.  Placed the hit on Hestu to somewhat cover my tracks plus he paid for Ravio's vote the day before, turned out good.  This also caused Deku Tree to send me a PM which sounded fishy to me so I pegged him as Mafia.
Day 5:
Suicide Squad established.  I knew about Tree but not sure they knew about me.  Ravio was the go between threating mutual destruction.  Made a pact that no one would save the other from a vote out.

Day 6:
All about the treasure chests.  Ravio clued me into chest 7 but I had no other ideas.  Picked the other 3 randomly.  Revealed the Ocarina which I couldn't let fall into the wrong hands.  The other two ended up duds.  If I lucked into the Fairy I might have taken it to take Ravio out... Maybe...  then this...

Day 7:

No one survives

« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 03:04:39 AM by Cucco »
- Certified Ravio Inc Customer Service Field Agent

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2017, 06:59:05 PM »
Sorry for the wall of text but hope it was fun for everyone.  When Khush dragged me back to help him out I figured I try to pull out all the stops and go crazy with it.  Since I'm working on a career change to web development (got to practice some stuff with Ravizon)  I had time to devote.  Now back to trying to find a paying gig...

BTW: I'm apdude.  I haven't really been around for a while so I realize my play style may have been hard to pin to a specific regular.
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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2017, 07:08:33 PM »
I actually came into the game late subbing for another player that couldn't do it. So I figured I had to make a bit of a show to not be completely inactive and automatically be suspected of Majora. But not too showy. Also, I really was too busy to fully immerse in everything but I got a taste of most things. Except the dating thing. I never did pick that up. Shopping was fun and I tried to make a "thing" of buying Links' hat but that comedy value kind of fizzled. I enjoyed what role-playing I got to do. That's my favourite part of these games anyway. I really enjoyed others' role play, especially Cucco.
There were SO MANY moving parts to this game, I found it hard to keep track of it all. I had some fun getting into a three-way PM fest with Agitha, Ravio and Cucco on my last day. I wanted to keep things bouncing so as to throw off the Majora suspicion which had already started to appear. I figured I had about a 50/50 shot of surviving that day anyway. If I had, I would have tried to target whom I thought was the Killer the next day. And I would have been dead wrong! I wonder if I would have been better off lying a bit lower? Seemed to work for King of Red Lions! Did all y'all figure out I was Majora or just get lucky?
I also threw my last 50 bucks at the auction game but obviously came up short.
All in all it was pretty fun, if a bit all over the place.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2017, 07:16:35 PM »
Did all y'all figure out I was Majora or just get lucky?

It was a toss up between you, Mipha and Agitha in my mind at least but if I was anyone else who didn't have the info on Ravio, Deku Tree, and myself, I might have been convinced Deku Tree, or Myself could have been as well.  Ravio screamed Bomber in my eyes as he was willing to vote for anyone for a price with no fear of being blown up.  Kinda knew Red Lion was the flute as they changed the first vote against them on day 1 then never showed up again, ruled them out as majora to me.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2017, 07:59:50 PM by Cucco »
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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2017, 07:23:16 PM »
I still maintain that I played like a townie. The problem was, everyone else was playing like they were Mafia, which ironically made me stick out for trying to be a townie. Whoops.

Also, Cucco, it's too bad you and I couldn't have gotten together sooner. We really could have had lots of fun if we had! I never targeted you because I enjoyed your contributions to making this game fun. I wanted to do more of that myself but it didn't work out. I didn't think you were the killer though until it became obvious on day 5, just a bit too late. Oh well. I had caught wind of Ravio's bombiness and I was also trying to make him look like Mafia so that he would get voted out, but it didn't pan out. So many wussy voters this game.

This game still had the same problems as other recent games. Personally, I'm content declaring this the final game, and moving on. It's been fun, but all good things must come to an end, if I may be so cliché.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2017, 07:25:25 PM »
Cia Ravio and Cucco were planning on voting you out on the 6th day but I wasn't entirely sure. I mean you were telling me you were a normal townie and Ravio was as well so I came up with the plan to blow up pretty much everyone and deal with the problems Cia and Ravio were causing within me  except that Tingle was not the bomber as it turns out.  I probably should of gone after Cia or Ravio because of the conflicting townies and only having 2 normal townies alive. Oh well live and learn.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2017, 07:26:50 PM »
As for Cia, to me, the tie on day 3 made it obvious that Cia was Majora. I'm surprised no one else seemed to notice that, or maybe they were just too distracted by other things to care.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2017, 07:34:52 PM »
As for Cia, to me, the tie on day 3 made it obvious that Cia was Majora. I'm surprised no one else seemed to notice that, or maybe they were just too distracted by other things to care.

In retrospect tieing up the vote did seem to be a way to stall the game out. I think I was more focused on Ravio and Hetsu at that point.
"...Oh, boy! I thought you were a giant grasshopper! But you're not! You're a person! Still, you're wearing those clothes, so that tells me you like bugs too! Oh, boy, I forgot the formalities! You have an audience with the princess of the bug kingdom. Agitha is my name!"

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2017, 07:35:13 PM »
I loved that everyone got into the roleplaying parts with Hestu's Songs, Dampe's Poems, Fi's interruptions, the link love Quadrangle with Cia, Mipha, and Agitha, and Ravio's schemes and defective products, Sad Deku Tree, and of course Link for injecting comedy during the luls.  You folks had me laughing my ass off.
- Certified Ravio Inc Customer Service Field Agent

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2017, 07:40:11 PM »
I loved that everyone got into the roleplaying parts with Hestu's Songs, Dampe's Poems, Fi's interruptions, the link love Quadrangle with Cia, Mipha, and Agitha, and Ravio's schemes and defective products, Sad Deku Tree, and of course Link for injecting comedy during the luls.  You folks had me laughing my ass off.

Gracefully bows

With that said...    Agitha looked longingly into the distance and wondered where her Link Link was and what could have been.
"...Oh, boy! I thought you were a giant grasshopper! But you're not! You're a person! Still, you're wearing those clothes, so that tells me you like bugs too! Oh, boy, I forgot the formalities! You have an audience with the princess of the bug kingdom. Agitha is my name!"

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #21 on: October 25, 2017, 07:49:28 PM »
As for Cia, to me, the tie on day 3 made it obvious that Cia was Majora. I'm surprised no one else seemed to notice that, or maybe they were just too distracted by other things to care.
Now THAT'S funny! I did that just for fun, to see what would happen and see if I could learn anything from it. Wasn't a grand tactic at all. Just messing around, trying to spice up the game! I didn't give a single thought what people would interpret from it. Too funny.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #22 on: October 25, 2017, 07:53:55 PM »
Also, it has been I, Khushrenada, who has been your host disguised as Link Link!!  :Q :Q :Q

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #23 on: October 25, 2017, 08:01:23 PM »
I guess I can submit a loose loose outline.

First, before I started the game, I came up with the "Terrible horrible Ravio company" idea. I sent out a few PMs as Ravio once we had our accounts, but before we had our roles. I think I recall sending one to Fi, at least.

Once I got my role, I wanted to play as the "Useful idiot" for anyone who could kill me via night action. That was definitely my number one goal. I didn't want to die until the end of the game. I also knew to get there, I'd need some help. Or at least a person or two less who'd want to kill me. The only way to do that? Be useful.

I told my role to Hestu via my regular "thatguy" account. Didn't ask anything in return. I figured if Hestu was a townie, at least they wouldn't try to vote me off. Killer, Majora's Mask, or Mafia, also would avoid killing me. I just knew I needed someone even slightly on my side. Turned out to be the best move of the game, without a doubt. I avoided being killed by the mafia. The mafia avoided being blown up. Hestu eventually told me their role, and we coordinated our votes to save us via the "Votes for sale" manuever. (Remember, useful idiot. If the mafia or killer finds I'm for sale? I can be bought and am less of a threat.)

Funny thing, at that point, while I'd been goofing off with Cucco, we hadn't hardly discussed the actual game at all. I guess I fed him ideas for fun graphics and the Ravizon website, which is outstanding, apdude. Incredible!

He decided to buy the information on who bought the vote to save themselves the day before, Hestu. And that night, Hestu died. I'd found my killer. The next day, I sent Cucco a message that was innocuous enough, but heavily implied he was the killer, and he confessed.

I was able to figure out Great Deku Tree from a few things. Fi's reasoning to vote out Hestu was a gigantic logic leap. No one would make that move unless they knew who Hestu was. Great Deku Tree followed suit quickly, IIRC. It seemed the ploy was to vote out a mafia member, and then claim to be some sort of townie heroes. When neither me nor Hestu died, I figured I could get in good with the townies by telling Agitha/BeautifulShy she'd been duped. It worked well enough. I guessed the Deku tree was the last mafia member, and lucked out that my read was right.

I felt like at this point, I was sort of a de facto godfather. We had our triad. You (Cucco), Me (Ravio), and Deku Tree. Perfect for a You, Me, and Dupree reference. I didn't even see that movie.

Anyway, I kept up with the dumb distractions, kept absorbing attention and votes nearly all game, and it played to my favor. Anyone facing persecution would appear to be second in line behind me, and every day I managed to convince just enough people to keep me alive. Didn't wind up hit, didn't wind up dead. Was useful to the mafia, was useful to the killer.

What should have happened, what would have cost me the game? Deku Tree or Cucco outing me as the bomber. All they have to do is make that out as soon as they knew, I'd be voted out. It would be over. No one would be happy about it, but a few townies would have snackrificed themselves, I'm sure. Then it would be a fair game.

I coordinated hits between the Tree, who didn't know who the killer was, and Cucco, all to lessen the number of players as long as possible.

I suspected both Dampé and Cia to be Majora's Mask due to their aim to create a tie, delaying the game. I suspected Cia most. For some reason, no one really wanted to hit her, which was fine. Her being in the game meant more people were distracted from hunting the bomber, right up until it was too late.

Once we got to yesterday, I wouldn't be able to survive a vote-out, but the tree and the killer had too much vested. They weren't going to sacrifice to get themselves the win. It would be the townies who were the threat. First, I tried aiming at Cia, who, I thought we all knew was Majora's Mask. She voted for Agitha, and I figured "Okay, a chance to kill the townie leader. Sure." Agitha was quick, though, and after some discussion with me where I framed Tingle as the bomb, we decided to be heroic, and get other players on our side, even. I knew at this point my cover would be gone, but tomorrow we'd have five players, one who is inactive, and so I thought my chance of losing the vote would still be somewhat low.

The funny thing about all of this? Had I been Majora's Mask, I would have likely made it to Day 8, as well, with finding the fairy. I had guessed 13/18 and knew all the prizes. Hooray! Also funny, if you had given my role to Agitha, she made it just as far as I did, and if she played the way she played the whole game, would have won as well. Just goes to show a lot of possibilities are out there. It was a fun game, and I'm glad everyone or almost everyone participated.

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Re: Mafia LXXV - The Legend of Zelda: The Mafia Maracas. End Thread.
« Reply #24 on: October 25, 2017, 08:02:56 PM »
That was a really good mafia game. I was stuck as a Mafia member, which is my least favorite role, but I still played it as a good guy. Cia was a Majora suspect early on, at the end it was between her, King of Red Lions and Tingle.

It was nice to be on the Suicide Squad, Ravio somehow knew I was mafia right away, but didn't seem to care. Killing Majora was the priority. In the end I asked that Agitha be spared, but Ravio took her out and double crossed me.

BTW, I am ShyGuy