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Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:57:43 PM »
So, even though some of these films have been commented on in the movie rating thread, I still like to separate some of the Oscar discussion into it's own beast as usual. (Frankly, I think we should just have a movie subforum and then just create threads for different movies. It would be so nice to look back on other discussions and thoughts by title instead of trying to navigate through that mega thread to find older comments but enough about that Nobel Peace Prize winning dream and back on target).

Despite not being a particularly strong year for movies, (I thought 2013 was a rather good year) the list of nominated films is decent enough for what came out. And unlike some past years, I don't really loath any of the movies nominated ala Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close or Beasts of the Southern Wild. However, I do like certain movies of others and I find it interesting to see how I and others would rank the movies that have been selected. My ranking this year would be as follows:

8. The Imitation Game
7. The Theory of Everything
6. Birdman
5. American Sniper
4. Boyhood
3. The Grand Budapest Hotel
2. Selma
1. Whiplash

Even now, when I look at this list, I'm not sure if I agree with that order or not. These movies all offer unique experiences and techniques and caused different trains of thoughts on watching and reflecting on them that it's hard to say this experience is better than this experience.

However, I'll attempt to break it down over some more posts in the next few days. For now, I just thought I'd try and get the ball rolling on this.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2015, 07:53:00 PM »
I don't know if I'm part of the problem or not but I have seen ZERO movies on that list. I hardly go to the movies as it is but if I did go only American Sniper would I have gone see.  I may like or even love some of these films once they hit DvD but I think regular movies should be nominated as well.   

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2015, 08:41:14 PM »
I haven't seen any of them either, but the last time I actually went to a movie in a theater was 2009. Just not a huge fan of the format, and especially anyone who makes forum threads about it.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 08:45:56 PM »
5. The Legend of Hercules
4. Transformers: Age of Extinction
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
2. Left Behind
1. Saving Christmas
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2015, 09:07:32 PM »
Nightcrawler needs to be on the list.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2015, 11:40:17 PM »
Nightcrawler needs to be on the list.

This. Fantastic movie. I think I may like it better than Whiplash.

I also think The Drop should be their as well, but I have yet to see all the nominees so maybe that is premature.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2015, 02:38:33 AM »
These are the movies released in 2014 that I've seen so far:

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
The LEGO Movie
The Monuments Men
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Veronica Mars
The Amazing Spiderman 2
Edge of Tomorrow
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Guardians of the Galaxy
Step Up: All In
The Imitation Game
The Theory of Everything
Gone Girl
American Sniper
Dumb and Dumber 2
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Prt 1
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

(Going through this list, I realize I saw all of them at the theatre except for Boyhood and Nonstop. Yay me.)

From that list, my own top ten all-around favorite movies of the year would be:

1. Whiplash
2. Nightcrawler
3. Guardians of the Galaxy
4. The Lego Movie
5. Selma
6. Gone Girl
7. The Grand Budapest Hotel
8. Veronica Mars
9. Step Up: All In
10. Dumb and Dumber 2

I actually saw Nightcrawler the week after I saw Whiplash which to me was the perfect follow-up. I was really on a movie high after that. Shame Gyllenhaal didn't get a Best Actor nod. He's been doing some good work lately and Nightcrawler might be his best yet. I realize it has its faults but I really dug it. While my choices may cause you to question my opinion when it comes to movies, we all have our own personal tastes and I know they're not for everyone but I enjoyed them.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2015, 06:02:50 PM »
Alright. Back to movie talk!

The Imitation Game - Of all the movies nominated, I just don't see myself watching this one again. There's just nothing about it that makes me feel compelled to see any part or scene again. It's enjoyable enough to pass a couple hours but to me there isn't much drama or tension to the story despite an obvious effort to make it more interesting. It reminds of me Argo which also just felt very manufactured in making its tension and action. Benedict Cumberbatch's performace is fine but I can't say there was anything noteworthy about it. I think he's given better performances in other works than this one. Keira Knightley was the brightest part of the film to me. In the end, I give it what might be the worst criticism a film can get by saying that it is just average and a little bland. It just didn't stand out to much to me and I find it rather forgettable.

The Theory of Everything - I rate this higher for it's beginning. As Stephen and Jane fall in love, it's romantically shot and full of life and vibrant. After the diagnosis and as Stephen begins to get less mobile, the film begins to be less interesting to watch. If it weren't for the performances of Redmayne and Jones, it wouldn't be that much different from a Hallmark Hall of Fame movie for the middle and end. Redmayne's performance is really quite brilliant the more I think about it. You do see him as Hawking and, as his condition grows worse from youth to how we see him now, he always comes across as natural. As I was watching the film, the thought came to me that this is sort of a poor man's "A Beautiful Mind" in that it has some very similar qualities and story progression. However, A Beautiful Mind is able to wrap up it's story much better. The Theory of Everything doesn't seem to have any clear ending besides the dissolving of the marriage. In that sense, their is a beginning, middle and end. It seems to search for something profound to wrap up the whole proceedings first with a dream of Hawking walking in perfect health again and then a quick flash-reverse though all sorts of moments and scenes from before. Neither really work and the movie just feels like it lacks any conclusion which I guess mimics Hawking's failure to have yet discovered a Theory of Everything and that quest still being unresolved.

The movie also explains a bit about Hawking's contributions and theories to science. It doesn't really delve that deep and tries to keep it simple enough for anyone watching to understand. It is sort of interesting to realize how new still some of our understandings are about time and space. It's easy to think these ideas have been around for a long time since we've grown up with them yet they were quite revolutionary and are still being debated, examined, and refined. In the end, based on it's performances and a great beginning I could see myself watching again, it's an above average movie but it is not always a cohesive whole. Parts are greater than its sum.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2015, 08:23:12 PM »
American Sniper

There's really not much to say about this film movie wise. It's an enjoyable movie. It's suspenseful, riveting at times, emotional, and generally well acted. I understand why it was nominated, but I honestly don't feel that attached to it. I don't find myself thinking about it like I do other movies. And maybe it's because they hammer in the same message over and over again, that there is little reason to think about the movie after you've seen it. And speaking of which, that message really never took hold, despite the many conversations about it, until this scene with a dog. It's brilliant, but they never do it again, and the message becomes verbal again.

Then there's the ending. I won't spoil it for you, but it was such a strange decision to end the way the did especially because of how visceral the film was till that point, that I think they weren't allowed to do it the way they wanted. Somebody had to say 'no', because this film would have been much better if it ended appropriately and it's a real shame.

I can stop thinking about that ending. It was so incredibly weak when it could have been controversial, shocking, but realistic. It really is a shame. And I think Clint Eastwood made the wrong decision (and I don't say that very often).

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2015, 01:40:43 PM »
Birdman - This is a hard film for me to review. I'm pretty terrible at subtext. I don't always need things plainly explained to me. I've watched 2001: A Space Odyssey many times and even though it gives very little in the way of narrative or explanation, I love it. Yet, movies like Birdman frustrate me as I can't help but wonder if there was a message there I wasn't getting or one I'm supposed to make up on my own. It plays with reality which leaves questions of what is actually happening and what can you trust on screen which further obscures things for me. It's billed as a comedy but I hardly laughed and found it more dramatic. Yet, even with these negatives and question marks which brings my opinion down a bit on the movie, I fully acknowledge it as a brilliant piece of cinema.

The reasons for that are many. First of all, it has probably the best acting in any movie this year. Keaton, Norton, Stone, and all are terrific. One of the things I find most interesting about Keaton and Norton is that they are both playing characters and those characters then act as other characters in a play. You've got these complex roles and yet you can see them change a bit between when they're on stage and off stage. Even as they repeat scenes in the play at later times the performances are a bit different as they reflect the mood and emotions their character are in. At times, characters lie to one another through their acting. The movie should be watched by everyone on the master class of acting done in it.

In addition, the movie goes with the rare choice of making it look like one long continuous take or shot. It adds a bit more to some of the surrealness that can occur on screen and yet I also think it helps put us more in the main character's frame of mind. Time is marching forward. The pressure is building as he comes up to the opening day of his play and he has nowhere to escape or rest with his fear of the possibility of failure looming large. Since the camera and cinematography don't allow the audience to have any rests or breaks by never cutting or stopping, it helps convey some of that anxiety and intensifies the focus on these characters. On top of that, it gives the movie a bit of a hallucinatory feel when you think about the movie afterwards which again helps as we are sometimes shown what is possible imagination on the part of the main character. Add to that the musical score which consists of a lot of drumming which seems to convey signals of possible trouble or pressure and it all blends together quite well.

Finally, the movie is also full of ideas and statements about show business. When Keaton confronts a critic in a bar about criticism, with Birdman talking to him on the street about what people want in movies, the actor's desire to stay on top, be respected, to be big. There's a lot of scenes that crackle and a lot one could think and talk about from this movie. As I write this, I'm now wondering if I ranked it too low because there is just so much that is great about this movie. Yet, it can also be obtuse and maybe just a little too surreal for its own good that I know it will leave a lot of viewers confused, puzzled and unresolved which it did for me and that ultimately brought down my enjoyment of it when it was over making it a difficult movie for me to recommend and really love.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 04:23:29 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2015, 04:17:31 PM »
That was the problem I had, it was difficult for me to recommend, and I think it had to do with my own confusion about the movie. But then again, confusion has never stopped me from recommending movies in the past, The Fountain comes to mind. And so I was left just as bewildered as you were. I knew I saw something great, but I wasn't really sure why it was great. Other than the acting, is the story really that captivating, are the characters that transfixing? And I would say yes to both of those, but for some reason I cannot full-throatedly recommend this film. Every time I am asked about the movie, I simply say "It's good." And even when someone has seen it, there isn't much to discuss, despite the confusion it makes. So the movie is in a weird state for me and I think a rewatch might help.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2015, 11:21:49 PM »
I only watched one movie in theaters last year, Winter Soldier, this year I have only seen Mockingjay part 1 so if I see one more movie this year I will have beat last year.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2015, 01:06:49 AM »
Well, I'd think with the final Hunger Games movie, The Avengers 2, Jurassic World, Star Wars Episode 7 and the latest Bond film SPECTRE all coming out this year that there should be a good chance of you doing that.

Do you just not like going to the theatre or watching movies in general?

As for Hypotheliciously, I was wondering what you might have thought of my review on Birdman since you posted a rather positive review of it in the Latest Movie thread. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one a bit confounded by it. Although part of me hoped that maybe you might be able to make more sense of it. As I was writing up my thoughts on it today, I've puzzled over it a bit more to try and decipher some of it and I've got a couple theories/thoughts about it now.

The big thing I was thinking about is the ending. I wasn't sure what happened with him at the window and Emma Stone finding him gone and then looking down and not seeing him and then looking up and smiling as though she can see him flying. I believe the flying may represent when his own personal spirit and feelings are good and soaring. The movie starts with him floating as he is trying to focus on being calm and a relaxed mode. His flying on the end may represent his feelings of having accomplished his mission of the rebirth of his career and getting recognized as the serious actor he wants to be both by his critics and by his daughter who can be proud of him again. He's taken his place above people again and she can see that and is happy for/proud of him.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 01:13:39 AM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2015, 02:31:45 AM »
My review is rather positive isn't it? I wrote that rather soon after watching it and I agree with it except for my recommendation. Not because people shouldn't see it, but because my enthusiasm at that time hasn't translated to the real world. I have yet to sell this movie like you did for me with Whiplash. I'd rather recommend that movie or even Interstellar.

And I wasn't confused about the aspects of the story. Like I said before, it was pretty heavy handed. i.e you're correct If there is something clever I missed, then I guess I wasn't clever enough to see it.

I was confused about the movie as a whole and how I felt about it. That should be obvious now considering what I said above. I know what I saw was great, but I wasn't sure why it was great. The sum of its parts is greater than its whole, but why? I'm not sure.

The message is clear, and the more surreal moments of the movie emphasized that message. But while something like Black Swan could do that with a plucking of a feather out of her back, this movie had dialogue and whimsical set pieces. And I think I just figured out why I was confused about this movie as I was typing the previous sentence. It's obvious. There's no turmoil that is nonchalant. No character that is coy. It's all pretty much in your face all the time. People talk about it, fight about it, run from it, and cry about it, but never do anything to surprise me. Case in point, he talks about suicide with his wife right before he attempts it. And I might have let that slide but they didn't get that scene right. Talking about your lowest points before you kill yourself seems realistic, but it's not. Talking to someone about the best times you had with them is. The five stages of depression ends with acceptance, even when you commit your own death. So while the acting, the overall story, and directing are great, it never challenged me. It only entertained me. Good movie, yes. Fantastic movie, no. An 8/10 seems like the perfect score.

EDIT: I can't seem to stop bringing up Darren Aronofsky or his films when talking about movies dealing with obsession. But the dude is the master of the genre. If he handled this movie, it would have lacked all the comedy (but it was pretty sparse already), but the climax would have been far more intense.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 03:15:44 AM by Hypotheliciously »
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #14 on: January 31, 2015, 08:42:40 AM »
Well, I'd think with the final Hunger Games movie, The Avengers 2, Jurassic World, Star Wars Episode 7 and the latest Bond film SPECTRE all coming out this year that there should be a good chance of you doing that.

Do you just not like going to the theatre or watching movies in general?

Its more a time issue really, juggling school, work, girfriend, life, blog, podcast, other stuff I never find time for, Church,  or participating in the democratic process, its  even harder to find time to go out to theaters, that is why I love my Netflix I can watch a movie on a my laptop, phone, or Playstation no matter what I am working on.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2015, 12:54:36 PM »
Take off Selma and American Sniper from the list of noms and put on Gone Girl and Nightcrawler instead.

Personally I believe Interstellar should win but I seem to be the only person in the world that absolutely fucking loved this movie. It was beautiful, intense, and emotional. It can't be Whiplash maybe, but it was the best experience I had in the theater since Pacific Rim or Inception. To bad that isn't what makes an award-winning film. :(

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2015, 02:01:21 PM »
Interstellar is a hell of an experience, but after some thought, it doesn't hold up. I enjoyed it a lot. I really did. I even teared up on several occasions because of the rush I felt. It was simply epic. But again, there is too much wrong with the narrative that become obvious after thinking about it briefly, that I can't justify ranking it among this years best. It's a wonderful ride, and everyone should see it for the adventure alone, but it just doesn't hold up.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2015, 03:20:12 PM »
Whoa! You didn't like Selma? I'll get to it in awhile as I slowly post away my thoughts on these movies but I found it quite thought-provoking. I'd keep Selma nominated but I would have been happy to see Gone Girl and Nightcrawler also nominated to make the full 10 possible nominations.

As for Interstellar, there probably are a few more who like it as much as you do. It was one of the bigger movie disappointments for me. I'd been waiting all year to see it as it was one of the few movies in 2014 that really appealed to me. I saw it on opening weekend also but I pretty much began disliking the movie from the moment Cooper went into the black hole. Afterwards, I was still moderately positive about the movie but as the days and weeks passed since seeing it, my opinion of it just kept falling lower and lower. Everyone was quite positive about it in the Last Movie thread so I didn't feel like coming and criticizing it so I just kept my opinion on it to myself. I suppose after talking a bit about all the best picture nominees I could talk about some of the other nominated movies and why Interstellar didn't work for me.

When you say it can't be Whiplash, though, does that mean you've seen Whiplash?
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2015, 04:16:02 PM »
Haven't seen whiplash yet, but here's how I rank the other 7 nominees:

7. American Sniper
6. The Imitation Game
5. The Theory of Everything
4. The Grand Budapest Hotel
3. Birdman
2. Selma
1. Boyhood

Top 3 is kind of a toss up.  While maybe not the greatest year for movies, the best movies were really great.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2015, 05:22:41 PM »
American Sniper - It's kind of funny to switch talking from Birdman to American Sniper as the two are very dissimilar especially in presentation. American Sniper is very simply told. It's easy to understand and follow. Yet, it's simplicity is also what I find brilliant about it. A person can watch this movie and see it as pro-war. Another can watch it and see it as anti-war. A person can see Chris Kyle as someone to be praised, another as someone to be criticized and another could be somewhere in the middle. I thus find what Clint Eastwood did with this movie amazing. It allows people to see what they want to see out of it. Really, that is a mark of good art.

There's plenty of scenes in the movie that are praiseworthy and plenty that are worthy of criticism as well. Usually, the criticism comes from what isn't there or could have been developed more. I've read a few other reviews of American Sniper after seeing it. I like to read film criticism because it can open your eyes to things you may have missed and get new perspectives. For those that have been negative on the movie, it is usually because they felt Eastwood glossed over some aspects such as the PTSD suffering Chris experienced or little character development. I understand why some would feel that way and they are valid. Yet, I think that any variation of what is shown on screen or for the movie to start dwelling more in-depth on any topic would have ruined the way this film is now. It would start to become more about a certain message or to skew to one viewpoint. By keeping things uncomplicated, it keeps open to all the interpretations going on about it now.

So, what was my take on it then? First, I am positive about the movie. I liked it more than I expected. I was expecting a grim and dour movie. While it has such moments, it also has moments of levity and thoughtfulness. The film helps establish and put you in the mindset of the character right away. I'm on the sheepdog side. While the sudden decision of him joining the military didn't come across too convincing, the rest of the movie you understand his desire and need to keep going back to war. I didn't care much about the enemy sniper. It just seemed too cliché that, of course, there has to be an enemy sniper just as skilled as the hero. However, by having the enemy sniper, it allows the film more of a closure and mission accomplished wrap up to the story which I guess helps considering how the objectives of the war change throughout the movie. It becomes the only connecting objective through all tours of duty. Still, the final showdown and subsequent dust storm scenes felt like the lowest point of the film to me. The final adjustment to civilian life is brief. We see some of the effects of his time in war affect him. However, he soon finds a way to find a new way to serve to help himself and others and the movie ends with him at a happier moment having become a successful survivor as it were. A real American hero. Thinking about it afterwards, I did find it funny that it would have to be a Texas cowboy gun-loving America First sort of hero. The cliché American soldier almost. Again, to the movie's credit, though, I didn't find that off-putting and was mainly on Kyle's side throughout. It's probably Cooper's best acting yet.

However, let's just discuss that ending for a moment. Before seeing the film, various articles had already begun to pop up about it and I thought I'd glanced somewhere that mentioned he had died but just glancing at other headlines and tidbits before seeing the film, I thought I must have misread or misunderstood something because it seemed like he was still alive as there were all these interviews with him popping up also. So, when the title card came up that he died later that day, it was a weird shock and a bit completely at odds with the sort of happy ending that had just been set-up. Was it needed? Would the film have been better to just end without mentioning he died or showing the funeral? I'm not sure. I'm mixed about it. It's sort of like how the movie Lincoln probably could have ended with him off to the theatre without having to go through showing the Lincoln assassination. It's an interesting piece to the person's history and story but it sort of distracts from what has come before. I've seen it said that the movie only shows guns in a positive light as protectors in war and for recreation. In the one instance where guns would be portrayed negatively, which is Kyle's murder, the movie gives it no screen time. While it's an interesting critique, I don't think showing his death would be the right choice thematically. The movie is a salute to the troops. It's not trying to cast them in a negative light but just show their experiences and what they faced. To then end with a disturbed soldier killing an American hero would ruin the sympathy the film has been building with the audience. It makes an ironic ending but it would send the wrong message of appreciating the sacrifices made by the troops. So, it is what it is like the whole movie. It's just plainly stately just as the movie plainly shows most things. There's more to dig into if you want but whatever you want to dig up and point to represents your opinion of things.

It's technically sound and tightly directed. It's not a movie I'd seek out to watch again but I wouldn't be opposed to seeing again. It reminds me of past movies like Captain Phillips, Warhorse or Philomena. It's an interesting enough journey. It sucked me into its world. It didn't impact like say Life of Pi or Whiplash but it's a solid movie and I'm glad I took the time to experience it and one I don't have a problem recommending to other people to check out.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2015, 06:33:33 PM »
If Clint Eastwood really wanted us to appreciate the troops, he should have showed his death. Why? Because they never showed the real toll of going to war. They showed dismembered vets. They showed Kyle dealing with PTSD (barely). But they never showed deep mental psychosis. This was the perfect moment to show just how difficult war and RECOVERING from war is. Ending with a simple title card ruined it. It would have really made us think about what war really does to people and how far it can go. But instead, the ending is fruitless and completely devoid of emotion.
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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2015, 01:25:28 PM »
If Clint Eastwood really wanted us to appreciate the troops, he should have showed his death. Why? Because they never showed the real toll of going to war. They showed dismembered vets. They showed Kyle dealing with PTSD (barely). But they never showed deep mental psychosis. This was the perfect moment to show just how difficult war and RECOVERING from war is. Ending with a simple title card ruined it. It would have really made us think about what war really does to people and how far it can go. But instead, the ending is fruitless and completely devoid of emotion.

I'd counter that showing the difficulty and recovering from war isn't the goal or message of the movie. Look how little time is spent on it even in the end when Kyle does get back. I'd say it is more a tribute to Kyle. It shows what he went through and why he did what he did and what he sacrificed. In a tribute, you generally don't want to give much spotlight to the killer. Sometimes a person is targeted for assassination just to be famous so why give them what they want? It doesn't show the death or really anything about the killer because it adds nothing to that goal.

It may also have something to do with the fact that the actual details of what happened are more unknown. He went to the gun range with an author and this other veteran. Kyle and the author's bodies were found there but what actually happened is a matter of forensics and the testimony of the killer. As well, the trial for the killer hasn't even happened yet so I'm not sure how much could even be shown or stated of it when one is to be presumed innocent before being found guilty in a trial. The on-going legal battle may have something to do with the movie ending the way it does.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2015, 02:59:54 PM »
I see...I had no idea that a trial was underway. This makes much more sense.
black fairy tales are better at sports

Offline Dan Laser

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2015, 11:49:58 PM »
I have only seen two of the nominated films so far - The Imitation Game and The Grand Budapest Hotel. I’d love to see Birdman and Whiplash, but looks like I’ll have to wait until those come out on video now. I also missed The Hobbit Pt 3, Nightcrawler and Interstellar. The trailer for Boyhood doesn't really appeal to me, but the whole concept of it being filmed over 12 years makes it interesting. The Academy Awards are definitely about a certain type of movie, and I’m kind of tired of all of these biopics, however well they are done. I’d rather watch a documentary and not have to question what was added for drama!

The Imitation Game - I did enjoy it, but it may have been a more interesting movie if it went further into the espionage, codebreakers, Alan Turing story in general, rather than just about him. That may defeat the purpose of the film (telling Turing's story), but it would've given them more to work with. Showing guys building computers and working code at their desks doesn't make for an entertaining movie (which is why we get some weird cheesy drama bits). Thinking about it afterwards, there really wasn't much to the movie. The framing probably helped pad the film out (Alan telling his story along with additional flashbacks to his childhood), although these jumps also end up being a bit distracting. To be honest, the first time the film jumps back to the 'present' I kind of forgot that story was going on. Anyways, I did like that it was a war movie that didn’t take place on the battlefield. Like I said above, though, you are probably off watching a documentary about codebreakers during the war or Alan Turing if you want to learn something. But that’s not the point of these films…

The Grand Budapest Hotel has so much more substance as a film than Imitation Game. Interesting characters, story, art direction and cinematography make it deserving of one of the best of 2014. It's kind of funny that both Imitation Game and GBH are stories contained within stories, with flashbacks within flashbacks, and also take place during war. And that's where the similarities end. As a Wes Anderson film, you know the scenes are meticulously crafted. Even the flashback format is played with, each one having a different aspect ratio. Wes Anderson movies aren't for everyone - if you don't like him, I doubt this one will change your mind. It's nice to see original stories nominated for Best Picture, but I doubt it will win (also can't say it's really the best movie of the year until I see more of the other nominated films).

So that's all I can add for now... What are people's predictions for the categories? Predictions vs your rankings?

2. Left Behind

UGH I actually rented this. I didn't know what it was and it was the only new thing in stock. At least it was a freebie... Does Nicolas Cage still owe money or something?

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Khushrenada's Annual Oscar Thread Tradition. 2015 style!
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2015, 08:06:03 PM »
Alright. So, a bit last minute. I can't remember what I used as my source last year. Or maybe it's because there is a lot of divided opinions that a lot of things aren't as clear as last year. Well, here goes nothing.

Best Picture : Boyhood

Best Director : Richard Linklater

Best Actor : Michael Keaton

Best Actress : Julianne Moore

Best Supporting Actor : J.K. Simmons

Best Supporting Actress : Patricia Arquette

Best Original Screenplay : The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Adapted Screenplay : Whiplash

Best Cinematography : Birdman

Best Editing : Boyhood

Best Score : The Theory of Everything

Best Song : Selma

Best Animated Feature : Big Hero 6

Best Animated Short : The Dam Keeper

Best Documentary Feature : CitizenFour

Best Documentary Short : Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1

Best Live Action Short : Parvaneh

Best Foreign Language Film: Ida

Best Visual Effects : Interstellar

Best Make-up / Hairstyling : Guardians of the Galaxy

Best Production Design : The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Costume Design : The Grand Budapest Hotel

Best Sound Mixing : Whiplash

Best Sound Editing : American Sniper
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.