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Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:19:23 PM »
For the sake of transparency and at the request of Ty, I'm going to make a post to explain the rationale behind the recent round of bannings.

On June 2nd, Ty, AKA S-U-P-E-R, AKA CatDrugs took advantage of the fact that he was once staff by editing a post he made when he was staff (that contained a basic outline of forum rules) on the Announcements forum.  He removed the rules and posted "anti-forum propaganda".  I will not comment on why he chose this action, as I feel that is for him to come forward and discuss.  For these actions, he received a ban (seven or ten days, that seems to be questioned and I can't seem to find a way to review what the original ban was for - however, the first time that I, personally, looked at it, I seem to recall it saying ten days).

At some point, this ban was extended.  I do not know why, but, if I had to guess, it might have something to do with Ty, whom by his own admission, used alternate accounts to bypass his ban and post on the forums.

Today, a group of posters, for reasons of their own that I do not wish to speak for them, decided to disrupt the forum, during one of the biggest weeks of the year (E3), by editing old and new thread titles across several different forums (including, but not limited to: Talkback, General Gaming, Console Gaming, Handheld Gaming) to include some variation on the phrase of "Free Super" across no less than 25 different threads.  In some cases, this included bumping threads that were as much as SIX years old, to include virtually no relevant new information.

I do not know if they were acting as an organized group or if one started it and they all thought it was a good idea.

The result of these actions created a large chain of "unread" posts that contributed nothing to the forums and was designed for the purpose of disrupting normal forum activity.  Congrats, it worked guys.

After spending my personal time (which is at a premium this week, due to the fact that I was out of town on business Monday through Thursday, not to mention trying to keep up with E3 news and play Animal Crossing) cleaning up the forums (while some of those involved were still working to disrupt them), I made the decision to temporarily ban those involved.

Khushrenada, oohhboy and Brandogg each received a 24 hour ban for their involvement.

Fatty_The_Hut initially received a ten-day ban, due to the sheer amount of topics, however, after speaking with Ty, I decided ten days was too harsh and unfair - and cut that down to a three-day ban.

Tion received a ten-day ban because A) a Talkback thread was involved.  You don't screw with Talkback.  B) Tion received a previous warning regarding spamming the forums.  Tion messaged both myself and Ty via Twitter that this was "Fair".

I don't like banning good people (even more so when I let the stupid ones stay)... but I simply cannot tolerate a disruption of the forums.  No amount of munchkining the rules to try and say "Well, I didn't technically..." isn't going to change that.

Again, this is really about all I have to say on the topic, unless you were one that was involved and want to discuss the situation in a reasonable manner that doesn't involve trashing the forums.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2013, 10:58:34 PM »
How was Tlon able to mess with Talkback threads, anyway? Just changing a reply?
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 11:00:26 PM »
How was Tlon able to mess with Talkback threads, anyway? Just changing a reply?

I *think* there was a singular thread where Tion's post got merged with a Talkback thread, and since Tion's post was created first, it was made the first post in the thread (and thus, it was able to be edited).
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 06:30:19 PM »
EDIT: This is a lot of text so I'll break it up over a few posts.

Well, guess I'll add in some of the details on my end for the mods as to what was going on and why.


Basically, when S-U-P-E-R got banned, I understood it was deserved and he has said the same thing too. I thought about changing my avatar to have a mask and gun and sort of joke in what was the latest funhouse meme if you will but I'm just not a photoshop person so I didn't really get around to it.

Then there was the surprise that his ban actually got extended another couple of days. That seemed a bit unfair but there also seemed to be some confusion from the mods as to the actual length it was orginally supposed to be. There had been a joke made about getting S-U-P-E-R a lawyer and having done ridiculous arguement stuff in the past (like running a campaign to get elected staff years ago) I thought, what the heck. I'll take up the S-U-P-E-R case and start arguing in his behalf. Again, it was just a way for me to share my sense of humour and have some fun on the matter. Plus, it sort of reminded me of arguing my case in a mafia game so I enjoyed it.

However, after the 10 day ban was up and it got extended further again, I did feel bad for S-U-P-E-R because it seemed like he was getting jerked around a bit. I know the comment was made that it may have been extended because he circumvented the ban as Doctor Video Games (of which I absolutely loved that avatar and name) but at the same time, he had been behaved under that alias and had done nothing to cause a disturbance or further increase his cause of changing forum rules so I don't know why that would cause an increase but it would have been helpful to others wondering about it also to know why I guess.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 03:02:26 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2013, 06:33:13 PM »

Anyways, for whatever reason, I was driving home from work and I suddenly was hit with a flash of inspiration. Or madness depending on how you look on it. What if the level of protest could be raised to a grand scale than just an ignored funhouse thread? What if a large number of forum users were to change the titles of the threads they had created to FREE SUPER? Something like this had never been done on the forums before and the overwhelming force of so many people doing at once may prevent the moderators from really being able to ban anyone or else they would have to ban everyone. Strength in numbers. S-U-P-E-R had joked about blowing up the forums but suddenly, I had the inspiration and idea of just how to do. It was like Bane blowing up the infrastructure of Gotham. Best of all, the icing on the cake, was that it was taking S-U-P-E-R's original prank of editing a thread and title to this whole other level and so it had this wonderful loop to it.

I sent S-U-P-E-R a pm about this idea and he sent it back that it had some merit but he backed me down from the original concept of changing everytitle to the same thing of FREE SUPER. Which was the right course of action. Plus, as I got close to launching this campaign, I began to wonder if maybe this would make the staff think I disrespected them which wasn't the case. In the end, I just wanted this to be some harmless fun that was a simple enough idea that other forum members could join in on too if they wanted and it would last for a day or two and then burn out like most of these jokes do. Plus, it might cause other forum members to get curious as to what it was all about and explore the forums further which I see happened with Adrock.

I went and texted other forum members who seemed to be on the pro S-U-P-E-R side and told them about the plan and invited them to join and after there was a solid number, I gave out a time to launch. So, if you are looking for a ringleader and it means further banning, I fully plead guilty to it and understand.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 03:00:50 PM by Khushrenada »
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2013, 06:34:14 PM »

However, I should state that some people went above and beyond what the final scope of the plan was. Which I guess happens in any revolution or protest, right? But Tlon started posting some empty spam threads in the funhouse and so I sent him a message saying to wait for the launch time and just stick to established threads. Reading over the rules, I saw that thread titles were to pertain to the topic being discussed which I tried to do and think I was able to accomplish successfully with my thread titles. Even with the FREE SUPER stuff added, it wouldn't keep anyone from know what the thread was. Although I fully admit some were rather lame but I would still like points for creativity and originality, dang nabbit. I even sent some of these titles ahead of time to my fellow conspirators so that they would have a basis of what to do and how this was to work.

In the end, a bunch of old threads ended up getting bumped for the sole purpose of being able to change those titles without any original thought being put into the post bumping them. I had mentioned that if someone wanted a thread bumped, to say what it was and if we could have a legitimate conversation in bumping it but people just seemed to only hear the bump threads part and did that. I had warned everyone that a banning would most likely happen as well but maybe instead of keeping people cautious that led them to be reckless instead thinking that was going to be the end result anyways so might as well go for it. I'm not sure. Or it could be enthusaism got the better of them.

It was disappointing to come back and see that people were getting upset with the mods. Not being able to access the forums, I wondered what was going on. I realized S-U-P-E-R had posted his twitter account before so I checked it out and saw his discussion with Unclebob. I saw him send a tweet to I think Neal and Johnny complaining about the state of the forums which I didn't like as I wasn't out to cause any complaints about Unclebob or Insanolord's moderating and I hope that wasn't the case.

Final quick notes: E3 timing was just a coincidence. This could have been anytime of the year and wasn't chosen specifially for it. In fact, this thing happened after E3 technically wrapped up and most news was posted. Judging from the amount of comments from yesterday, there wasn't that much activity or stuff posted anyways so I would think the chaos would be minimal.

The end goal was to cause a bit of annoyance to the staff about this FREE SUPER campaign still going but to do so within the rules but when the mission launched, rules ended up broken. It wasn't to last long especially with S-U-P-E-R's ban set to end in a day or two unless it has been extended again. And I'll be changing all titles back to their original state here pretty soon.

I guess if there are any other questions, shoot and I'll answer them as well as I can.
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2013, 06:34:31 PM »
Well, if he joined the forums under a new username, he does deserve to have his ban extended. Even if he was well behaved.

Offline UncleBob

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2013, 11:30:32 AM »
Oblivion - If you want to be left out of these threads, then stay out.  This is twice now, after you asked to be left out, that you've came in and stated your opinion.  I'm perfectly okay with you being a part of the conversation, because you are a part of the forums - but, if you want to be a part f the conversation, then you have to actually be a part of the conversation.  You can't just pop in and out, occasionally insulting and attacking others, then declare yourself "off limits" the moment someone tries to respond to you.

Khushrenada - Thank you for taking the time to explain yourself and admitting that the rules where broken and doing so in a polite, respectful manner.  This is so much better than me receiving angry e-mails in my personal account from people who still don't think they did anything wrong and want to continue to spend their energy being negative and attacking me.

Regarding SUPER's ban extension - and, again, I don't know, officially, why - but, Ty used, at least, two accounts to continue to post on the forums after he was banned - not just one.

Regarding the "ringleader" thing... yeah, we knew it was you. ;)  But no, we're not looking to permanently ban anyone over this.

I do want to stress, yet again, no one was banned or silenced over the message itself.  This was no gestapo-like conspiracy to silence those who spoke out against our "authority". If that were the case, wouldn't we have completely deleted Ty's propaganda post? Removed avatars/signatures of those who had "Free SUPER" related stuff in them?  Banned posters at that point?

No - it was never about the message - it was about the method used to convey the message.  That is all.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2013, 11:50:35 AM »
Every ban that was handed down was for legitimate reasons. If you think we overstepped our bounds you've been spoiled by our generally very lenient stance on things.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2013, 01:12:06 PM »
I want to address one more thing - my time.

My time is important to me.  I know it's not important to anyone else (well, maybe my wife and my boss), but it is important to me.

In the last 19 days, I have spent 12 of them on the road (all but one of those days for work).  I've driven over 2,000 miles across five different states (Mapquest says my total drive time was 34 hours, but that doesn't include stops and the drive from the various hotels I was staying at back to the stores I had to go into).  During this time, E3 was going on, Animal Crossing: New Leaf was released, I've had to squeeze in my home life (which includes various "chores", like doing laundry, cleaning, dishes, etc.), attempting to spend *some* time with my wife, trying to spend time with friends (and to see the new Superman movie, which required another 2 hours of drive time).  And I still had duties at my home store I've got to take care of.

During this last three weeks, I was supposed to take a week vacation.  When the first work/travel event came up, I moved it.  Then, the second work/travel event came up, so I just shorted it, getting four days of my nine day vacation.

During all of this, I've had the pleasure of dealing with this mess.  I spent half an hour on (what was supposed to be) my day off (which ended up with me going in to work for 6 hours) cleaning up threads (and didn't even get them all).  I've had had a couple of e-mails shot my way (none of which even tried to be respectful in any sense).  I've tried to keep an open line of communication via e-mail, Twitter, and these forums.

For someone to tell me that I'm just "exaggerating" the effects of this - well, if you value your time so little, then yes, I can see how this might be exaggerating things to you.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 01:13:50 PM by UncleBob »
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2013, 03:57:59 PM »
cleaning up threads (and didn't even get them all). 

Well, as I mentioned somewhere after posting my reflections, I only saw this lasting a couple days and then it would be time to put thread titles back to normal. I've done that with all I can except in the Mafia forum because I'm no longer a moderator there. In fact, no one is so at least this little escapade finally resulted in getting MaryJane and Maxi no longer listed as mods. If you are willing to restore that power, I can get those fixed up as well and you don't have to worry about those threads.
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2013, 04:04:40 PM »
Yeah really guys, the moderators have lives.
Every ban that was handed down was for legitimate reasons. If you think we overstepped our bounds you've been spoiled by our generally very lenient stance on things.
i honestly agree you guys are very lenient.
although i did get dinged for using common terminology describing how people play smash brothers that just so happens to contain a not so friendly term.

I would appreciate something addressing that in the rules.

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2013, 05:49:41 PM »
I would appreciate something addressing that in the rules.

If you need the rules to spell out something like "you can't call other people really offensive words", then you really are a bad poster.

If you are willing to restore that power,

I don't have the ability to do that, nor do I see it happening anytime soon.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2013, 07:33:04 PM »
I would appreciate something addressing that in the rules.

If you need the rules to spell out something like "you can't call other people really offensive words", then you really are a bad poster.
what im saying is that word was used as part of a common term used to describe a certain subgroup of the Smash community. it is extremely commonly used and the idea that the rule applys to that specific term is simply not a given as you might think.

The fact is YES there are people who need that spelled out for them.

I still don't view it as an offensive term in that particular context because it is so commonly seen in other gaming communitys but at the same time i am willing to follow the forums stance on the matter.

You can say don't use offensive language but not everybody shares the same definition of 'offensive'.

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2013, 08:34:07 PM »
There are a lot of "common terms" that are not acceptable in respectable conversation.

I'm sorry if you need an adult to tell you that "f**" isn't an acceptable word to use in public.  I'm not going to make a list of words that adults should already know are not nice words to use.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2013, 09:15:24 PM »
its an issue of the context

I do consider f** by itself to not be acceptable
I don't feel the same way about the term 'tourneyf**'

thats what i'm saying. not everybody puts the two on the same level. I suppose this is what i get for not wanting to specifically mention the actual word in question.

the entire time i was referring to the term 'tourney***'

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2013, 09:43:14 PM »
That doesn't make it better.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2013, 11:18:24 PM »
It changes everything. Tourneyf** is a term that is deeply entwined with gaming. Given that this is a gaming forum one could assume that everyone here would know that it is simply a term used to describe a certain segment of players and that the word f** existing there is largely inconsequential.

I am not defending my actions, I'm explaining that this is an instance that should be referenced in the rules somehow. it simply isn't necessarily common sense that the term tourney*** is basically ****ed by association.

not everybody thinks the way you do...  but I think I have long made my point.

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2013, 10:35:28 AM »
Quote from: S-U-P-E-R
Active sabotage is the only way to get things done around here. Fact

I will put aside my internet revolutionary/supervillain/crazy person persona aside for the sake of this thread. Let's do this proper-like and get some positive results!

Timestamp: June 03, 2013, 12:38:34 (I have no idea what timezone)
I initiate my forum jihad by editing the rules sticky in the announcements. I'm able to do this since I'm the original poster and long-time NWR staff alumni.
Primary motive: comedy
Secondary motive: Affecting change in forum policy

Getting increasingly bored and frustrated with the NWR forums, I decide to edit the rules sticky into this after kicking the idea around in my head a couple days. I considered giving a moderator a heads up on my scheme, but decided I liked surprise factor more.

What I expected to happen: Some laughs, maybe some moderation action. I didn't expect much, considering my godfather status, results of previous shenanigans, and what other posters such as TJ Spyke and pokepal have gotten away with. Of course, there are 5 different ways to recover the sticky even without me keeping a copy, so I feel no real harm was done. I was slightly surprised at a 7-day ban (the ban message showed the ban would expire June 10), but was willing to roll with it. No moderator has identified themselves as the ban-guy. I suspect it might be a staffer that doesn't regularly use the forums but I don't even know.

June 03, 2013, 10:26:34 AM
I post a sassy comment with one of my secret parachute accounts, Albert Wesker. Motive: sass.

June 04, 2013, 09:25:08 PM
I register a throw away account, WEEDLORD BONERHITLER, to share those propagranda-poster-esque posters/avatars. Motive: comedy, propaganda psy-op.

June 4-9:
Nothing happens. I am content to wait out my ban. My ban expiration continues to show as June 10.

June 10:
My ban is suddenly extended to June 16. No explanation is given and no moderator has come forward about this. I'm wondering if it's the product of a forum bug (it wasn't). It seemed really rude and ice cold to me to extend a ban at this time without an explanation, especially since it was about to expire and it was the week of E3.

June 10:
Not wanting to be left out of E3 posting, I register account Doctor Video Games and post like normal. So, Doctor Video Games was a response to the ban extension, not vice-versa. Me and Khush exchange some PMs, which he already covered. He came to me with his idea; I told him that forum prankery should use finesse, not spam. Maybe Khush can post that PM, since I can't see exactly what I wrote anymore. That's the extent of my involvement there; I slept through that entire action. Japan time.

June 16:
My extended ban expires. That's the timeline!


Let's talk about forum policy. I based my version of the forum policy heavily on Something Awful, which I feel offers the best model rules/policy on any forum on the internet, and the level of discourse, popularity, and success there reflects it.

The two big things I think are missing here are working with the community, and keeping the riffraff in check. This post by insanolord really got my goat; the smite system is hugely unpopular and I think probably contributes a lot to the air of negativity around here. Insanolord is saying "I'm going to do the opposite of what the community wants, for no reason." Maybe he said it in jest, but I don't know. If not ditching smites immediately, at least post a poll on them in announcements or something. Now, it's not just a bad feature in itself, but also seems kind of spiteful to keep at this point.

This post is pretty similar. It says to me, "I'm willing to let post quality degrade to some unknown low point before I am willing to take responsibility." Potential new posters decide to register based on the posts already in the forum. We want to attract posters who like good posts. Moving busted threads to the Funhouse is a good call. But, you can move whole posters there! I understand the want to be all-inclusive on the forum, and that's great if you want the forum to be 4chan or gaia online.

Some examples of past successes based the SA model implemented here: The Funhouse, "hot topic" temporary forum areas, adoption of user stuff (like mafia), pranks (Wandering's Funhouse, Everybody Gets Banned Day '08), rules including "work-safe" guidelines, bandwidth leeching, and the moderator catch-all rule.

There are a lot of smaller things to do but those are the big ones. Issues coming out of the current fiasco is moderator transparency and hierarchy - nobody seems to know who banned me, nor why my ban was extended. SA keeps a viewable rap sheet for each user, which shows each ban/probation on their account history, which mod/admin performed it, and a link to the offending post. Individual posts get a stamp at the bottom for infractions which is pretty handy for any user to understand what not to post. I know this could be one of those things that's hard to implement, but maybe you guys can at least keep a log in your secret staff area or something. Actually, publically viewable is better. There also needs to be an admin who is on the forums frequently and has the final call on all of these things. I'd like to think that's whoever has the Community Manager title - those responsibility dodges are no good.


A thing that isn't exactly forum rules are anti-stagnation measures. I know it's kind of tough on a Nintendo forum (heh :evil; ), but at least shake things up from time to time to keep it fresh and interesting. I think it's about time to launch dedicated forums for Smash and Animal Crossing - they could potentially be big internet hotspots with some front page promotion. Maybe prune the deadest forum areas, change some colors around, instigate something funny. E3 barely measured a bump in activity at all, but the forums have to keep moving, like a shark allegory.

So there you go! Please use this post wisely.

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2013, 10:37:51 AM »
It changes everything. Tourneyf** is a term that is deeply entwined with gaming. Given that this is a gaming forum one could assume that everyone here would know that it is simply a term used to describe a certain segment of players and that the word f** existing there is largely inconsequential.

I am not defending my actions, I'm explaining that this is an instance that should be referenced in the rules somehow. it simply isn't necessarily common sense that the term tourney*** is basically ****ed by association.

not everybody thinks the way you do...  but I think I have long made my point.

This is an example of something. It's a great post for a 12 year old on 4chan, but definitely not the kind of post anyone wants to see here.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2013, 11:08:19 AM »
Khush can post that PM, since I can't see exactly what I wrote anymore.

From Herr Doctor VG's own mouth:

I think your idea has legs! Just needs... something. Like keep the thread titles on topic with a little wordplay. eg, Smash Bros = FREE S-U-P-E-R SMASH BROS.

CC this to the coolguys. Pokepal seems like he might blab, so maybe include him at the last minute?

Remember my current ban expires in 3 days unless some clown renews it without an explanation again!

Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2013, 04:25:41 PM »
Below is reproduced my email exchange with unclebob (with wee edits to remove my personal information). Please judge for yourself. Because I no longer care.

Fatty _The_Hutt Banned
14 Jun (3 days ago)
to unclebob
Sorry to bug you unclebob, but you're the only mod that shows an email address.
So, I got a 10 day ban. A bit harsh for a harmless prank but there it is.
However, I've been deep into the Animal Crossing lately and would really like to keep connecting with NWR players, advertising turnip prices, telling folks when I have my gate open, etc.
Is there any appeal here? Can I do anything to alleviate the ban-hammer?

14 Jun (3 days ago)
to Fatty
"Harmless"?  I have to disagree with your definition of harmless.  Disrupting the forums by participating in a mass bumping of old threads and incorrect/misleading/confusing topic titles - all during the week of E3?
No.  I disagree with your definition.  By a lot.
I was the one who had to clean that mess up.  One or two posts, I could have lived with.  What you and that group did was simply unacceptable.
With that said, I DID relax your ban to three days after talking with Ty.  You received a longer ban than most of the others due to the sheer number of posts you abused.
I don't like banning people and I don't like that Ty was banned - but there's a major distinction between someone posting something unpopular (or, in the case of a handful, just plain stupid) and someone activily doing things that disrupt the forums.  That's just not cool.

15 Jun (2 days ago)
to Unclebob
It was protest for Ty's banning. That point seems to have been lost on you mods. We repeatedly made entreaties to end it. You did not. We resorted to civil disobedience. You reacted like so many dictators before you. You're just not listening and you just don't get it. You're upset because you had to clean up the mess? Hey, genius, I could have happily done that for you but you insta-banned  me from the ability to do so. What we wanted was for you to finally take notice that we really, really do think your banning of Ty was wrong. If you had rescinded it or negotiated with the protestors, that would have been fine. We could each have taken the few minutes it took to enact the protest to set things back the way they were. But you didn't. You attempted to silence your detractors. I thought you were a proud American? You're not behaving like one. Maybe Nixon.
I appreciate you considering my appeal and shortening the ban but it is still too long. It has been a day now. You should end it. I am losing something because of this banning decision: I am losing the ability to connect with fellow Nintendo enthusiasts during a busy time, I am losing the ability to advance smoothly with others in a new online focused game (Animlal Crossing), I am losing respect for the actions of mods, and I am losing my zeal for being an active NWR community member at all. I maintain the action was harmless. What harm did it cause you, exactly? Was there financial loss? Did investors or advertisers complain and pull their funding? I'd appreciate specifics otherwise I would ask you to reconsider your assessment. As for giving me a longer ban, I changed 8 topic titles and my signature That's it. It took me far less thn ten minutes of my life to do so. So please, stop exaggerating.
And what about Ty? Have you finally lifted his ban? Has any of this had any effect at all on you mods and your questionable decisions?
I await your reply.

15 Jun (2 days ago)
to Fatty
I totally get that it was a protest for Ty's banning.  However, the message isn't what the punishment was for.  It was for the method of getting your message across.  No one was banned for changing their avatars, their signatures, making posts about it, etc.  The bannings started when you and your group decided to work to disrupt the forums.  Plain and simple.
You can stand on the side of the road, chant, and hold signs, but the moment you start standing in the middle of the road and blocking traffic, then it becomes a problem.
Not a single one of you bothered to make a respectful, adult post in the FEEDBACK forum.  Instead, you worked together via private message to accomplish your "mission".  You guys clearly understood the risks of "repercussions for antagonizing staff".  Well, here's your repercussions.
As for the harm?  Again, taking my time to clean up your mess ("Oh, I could have cleaned it up!" - yeah, you could have just not done it to begin with.  You don't spray paint the wall, then tell the judge "Oh, I could have cleaned it up, but this jerk officer arrested me!") and, again, disrupting the forums.  All that stuff you said you were missing out on?  That's the result of your actions you chose to take.  Period.
As for Ty's banning - again, as I've stated many times, I didn't do that and therefore cannot answer anything about it.  If someone had bothered to ask for feedback regarding Ty's ban in the FEEDBACK forum, then, perhaps you would have gotten an answer regarding it.  I posted everything I know regarding his ban in a thread in the FEEDBACK forum already and you're welcome to read that.
You say I'm not listening, but here's the thing - I am.  You are the one that's not listening.  You refuse to accept responsibility for the actions you took, refuse to believe there was any harm in the and refuse to even care one iota for anyone else effected by them.
Therefore, I am leaving the three-day ban.  You are free to contact any other moderator you wish (most of them are on twitter), but I see no remorse for your actions in your messages that shows me you have any belief that what you did was wrong in the slightest.

15 Jun (2 days ago)
to UncleBob
Appreciate the reply. We will agree to disagree. Three days is way too long. But you are judge jury and executioner. Your reasoning is so flawed I don't know where to begin. So I'm done. I think your actions have done you more harm than good. But we will again have to agree to disagree on that.
Have a super weekend (no pun intended)

I am very soured with this forum because of this experience. I think shyguy captured my feelings best with this post:
What petty, humorless, spiteful behavior on the part of the moderators. Why not just shut down the forums then everything would be perfect?
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 04:38:08 PM by Fatty_The_Hutt »
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline Ceric

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2013, 04:35:18 PM »
I'm going to have to personally agree with UncleBob on this one.  3 Days I personally find Lenient.  If this was say next week I might have thought differently but, for this site its the same as pirating part of a Super Bowl commercial.

I honestly find for the most part the mods to be relatively easy going here.  Heck, who have had about 3 or so pages of political discussion because, everyone wanted to and that is clearly a No-No for forums rules.

Do I think we're probably do for a rule shake-up?  Probably but, if you resort to terrorist style tactics then expect a Terrorist Style Retort.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2013, 04:37:30 PM »
When suggesting you judge for yourself I forgot to add "because I don't care."
Will edit original post.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline pokepal148

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Re: Real Talk: Recent Bannings
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2013, 05:43:46 PM »
Yes super... i am just this horrible horrible person of whom clearly has no redeeming qualities whatsoever... clearly i am just a horrible poster forever and i know everything i could do to improve but just have no desire to do so

Clearly there is such a clear, well written definition of 'good poster' on the forums that i am just completely ignoring...
