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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2800 on: March 28, 2014, 11:08:33 PM »

@azeke: Lots of things kind of left unanswered: why'd he leave Dora Lang's body for people to find it? Why all the references to The Yellow King with no payoff? Why did the Tuttle connection just kind of get dropped? Who killed Reverend Tuttle? What about the "new" case that Cohle & Hart were being interviewed about? That never went ANYWHERE. And the connection to Errol Childress was so poorly conceived: maybe his ears had paint on them? Really? That's the best you can do? What painter gets paint on their ears? And nobody figured that out in 1995?

Just to address some things to your questions. Dora Lange's body wasn't the first to be left out in the open. Rust was able to start figuring out there was a serial killer by looking at other dead bodies found to start seeing a pattern. But Dora Lange's body was found by a sugarcane field that was being burned down and I always thought was that the intention was for the fire in the field to have spread and consumed the body but it didn't happen and that's why it was found like that. Plus, there is the fact that there was a great cover-up going on with people in the police force involved with the cult so there could have been other instances of bodies found that were covered up. There was the Christian Task Force which was implied to be set-up to take such cases and handle them presumably so that they could be further covered up.

I thought the Yellow King was the serial killer but in the end, I wasn't really following that part of the investigation that closely. I guess the Yellow King is the leader of the cult whoever that is which to me is implied to be the governor Tuttle or whoever the head of the Tuttle clan is. The Yellow King is who the cult follows as evidenced by Dora Lange's diary and is powerful enough that he can keep anyone from squealing on the group and keep it undercover. The Yellow King is mainly used as a way for the detectives to follow the trail leading to Childress. They don't mention it to others so when it is brought up, then they know they are on the right trail. Like Cohle said in the end, The Yellow King wasn't their man. They got their man which was Childress. Therefore, despite the Yellow King probably being behind some awful things, he wasn't the killer of Dora Lange. I also think the Yellow King part is left open as sort of a way of keeping fear open to the viewer. Sort of like how Hannibal Lector escapes and disappears at the end of The Silence of the Lambs. That chilling killer is on the loose still. Evil still roams.

The Tuttle connection didn't get dropped. It got covered up. The old maid woman who starts talking about Carcosa when Rust shows her the stick figures was a servant in the Tuttle house and I thought she brought up that Childress was a child of Sam Tuttle but with another woman than his wife. At the end, when the media is covering the story, you hear a reporter say that the allegations that Childress is a Tuttle relative are being denied (or were proven false) I can't remember the exact wording. Still, the point is, the powerful Tuttle family is already covering up their involvement and link to Childress and Marty and Rust know this but can't prove anything further and aren't going to prove it further. It's not their case anymore. It will be left to the other detectives really to move forward on it if they can since they now know the details from their interviews with Rust and Cohle and they are the ones handling the rest of the investigation from that point on.

Rust speculated that the cult killed the Reverend Tuttle for losing the pictures and videotape Rust found in his safe. Billy Tuttle obviously told someone in the cult about the theft and they killed him to cut that link in case he was blackmailed or was exposed. That's what Rust theorized and told Marty in the storage shed.

As for the other case, the two other detectives found another victim like Dora Lange and they had evidence of Rust being around the area. Thus, he was their prime suspect and they interviewed him and then Marty to find out more of how the earlier investigations were handled because they suspected Rust was behind the whole thing and covering his tracks and blaming other people to get away with it. They basically tell Marty their suspicions and evidence as to why they are interested in Cohle concerning this new victim but Marty rejects their hypothesis. From that point, they keep their eyes on Marty and Rust as shown when Marty meets the one younger detective before heading out to see Childress. He questions what Rust and Marty are doing at his private security firm all the time and wants to know what sort of leads they are pursuing about the case. They just don't have enough evidence to go after Rust yet or get a search warrant. We see them later trying to follow up on some of the details that Rust and Marty gave about their '95 investigation when they run into Childress to verify the facts. That's what their investigation was about.

I'll agree. The green paint connection was a weird way to crack the case. They were going a better route with the sheriff Childress who covered up the Marie Fontenot's case. Surely a connection could have been made that way. We even see the killer painting a school and yet he isn't sloppy enough there to have paint over his ears, (at least that I noticed) nor was it like he was wearing a mask that left his ears exposed while he was painting. But then, he didn't exactly look like he had spaghetti for a face either. I just thought that was supposed to be a mask like the other members of the cult wore. In the end, I just accepted it because the show wasn't about looking for clues. We were only going to learn about things as the detectives learned about them. This wasn't a show where you are given suspects and evidence have a chance to figure out the ending like say a Mentalist Episode. Rather, you are just coming along for the journey.

What bothered me even more was the cliché of the cellphone having no signal when getting into the killers house and then both detectives individually going into killer's maze system. I get you don't want the guy to get away after all this time but you are clearly entering into a place which you have no idea what the layout is, what's in it or have any back-up if he gets the drop on you. Not to mention, he is taunting and leading Rust on the whole time. Clearly, he isn't worried and has a plan to kill you. I would wait until a whole search force arrived and then go in after him. I'm just saying dumb, dumb, dumb in my head the whole time. Yet, I was also tense and nervous about it all so it accomplished what it was supposed to do.

True, I've watched the episode again since. I still think the paint connection is weak, but if that's the weakest part of the whole season, I can live with it. Just an incredibly strong show all around. But yeah, you're right. They probably should've waited for backup. I mean, Christ, Cohle. Don't be an idiot.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2801 on: April 03, 2014, 10:08:45 AM »
Agents of SHIELD put out probably their best and an honestly good episode last night.
promotional photos of Deathlok looked quite cheap and poor, but in context and action, it really didn't look that bad. Special Effects for a specific Deathlok scene were obviously budget-capped but the overall episode was good. There were things at stake and the events lead up to something that happens in parallel to the events in Captain America 2 (which I hear changes everything in the MCU and most definitely will flip the show AoS on it's head).

So if you were planning on watching Agents of SHIELD and already have your tickets purchased for CA2, I suggest you start with maybe episode 11 or 12 and work up to the current episode of 16 to get you caught up on the UPRISING Arc that this whole show was created for*.

*My running theory is that Agents of SHIELD was created to specifically tie into the events of Captain America 2 with their UPRISING Arc in the story. The first 10  or so episodes were to set up the characters and events specifically for this section of the season and the ultimate tie-in. (If you think about it, this explains pretty much everything that people were complaining about early on, as the show has taken a much more serialized approach in the episodes starting around 11 or 12 and seen much improvement since doing so)


Arrow puts out another quality episode where Deathstroke is a fucking BOSS (for simp reasons...)
Ollie gets bullied out in the yard and then punked for his lunch money infront of the principal who laughs and goes back to work. Things are fucked up in Central City.
Suspension of disbelief is still a requirement for enjoyment, but the one thing they have needed to address and can no longer be overlooked is that Officer Lance still doesn't know the identity of The Arrow. I hear it happens maybe in the next episode in some way or another, and considering what happened in this episode, I find it hard to not believe it will happen.

Lets just say that this is yet another episode of Arrow that could have served as a Season Finale. But there are still like 5 more episodes... which should run straight after next weeks break.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 10:24:05 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2802 on: April 03, 2014, 10:23:46 AM »
Yeah, Arrow last night was very good. It reminded me of the start of season 2 when there was just so much stuff happening at once. It really illustrates how the show had slowed down a bit over the last 6 or so episodes. Last night, they finally picked up on pretty much every thread and got this train rolling again. 4 episodes left and with everything that is going on, I'm hoping they stay as fast-paced and jampacked as this episode. It's always great whenever you finally see the villain's masterplan take shape and there are still a few more hidden details to go. I'm wondering how its going to end especially looking at the episode titles for these last 4.

This episode did what it needed to do. Rounded all the players up, started the endgame rolling, and got the viewer hyped up to follow it through. The only thing I'm not sure about is the ending with the abrupt reveal of Ollie's secret identity to one character. I get the dilemma that is obvioulsy being set-up for the end but I'm disappointed with this being the way it happens a bit and it just seems like we are getting to a point where almost everyone knows.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2803 on: April 03, 2014, 11:24:13 AM »
Re: Arrow
Laurel knowing the secret will play into her telling her dad. So atleast that little game of "I'm a detective that can't detect the obvious" will finally be over.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2804 on: April 03, 2014, 12:36:38 PM »

The dilemma I mention getting set-up is the fact that Lance is now being arrested on conspiracy charges but if he reveals the name of the Arrow, they'll get dropped in a deal. Sara obvioulsy isn't going to tell but with Laurel knowing, she will now face the dilemma of whether to tell her father or keep the secret. So, Lance being in the dark may continue.

Frankly, if I were to speculate. I'd say that the Green Arrow stops Blood's plan/army in such a way that the police are finally willing to accept his or at least tolerate his prescence. With Quinten being the only officer with ties and a connection to the Arrow, he'd get reinstated back to detective and act as the liason. There's already the fact that Quinten was right to arrest Slade Wilson for the kidnapping which the news then called his release a blunder for the police department. With last week's Huntress police trap going south and the cop working for Blood earlier in the year, I could see a shake-up in the police deptartment happening where Lance comes out on top without having to know Ollie's true identity.

The speculation is that Sara dies at the end of the season. If that happens and Laurel knows Ollie's identity, it could just be a step towards her being the future Black Canary. As well, Ollie did just save Laurel's life awhile ago when he killed the fake Brother Blood. I don't think she is at a point where she would be ready to just betray him and give up his secret identity right away to her father. But I guess we will see how it all shakes out.

I just wish they would stop referring to Shado's death as Ollie's choice. That has been bugging me for weeks now. Ollie's choice was for him to die before either Sara or Shado. Just because Ivo pointed the gun at Sara and Ollie ran in front of her wasn't a choice to kill Shado. If Ivo had pointed at Shado, you really think Ollie was just going to sit and watch? He most likely would have done the same thing and got in front of the gun pointed at Shado. It just bugs me how everyone acts and treats it like Ollie sat back and gave Shado's name as the one to die.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2805 on: April 03, 2014, 01:50:56 PM »
Arrow was awesome last night

Roy tells the truth about Ollie being stupid and leaves (for Flash's town?) Like a boss
Slade takes Ollie's company away from him. Scratch that, Ollie gives his company away. Like a boss
Slade turns Thea against Ollie. Like a boss
Slade having an evil Shado in his head works. I'm guessing he will exorcise his demons and go semi-legit like Deadshot at some point. Like a boss
Slade swags into Laurel's apartment, drops a truth bomb and leaves. Will Laurel betray the Arrow to save her dad? My guess is she will try to tell him and he will say he doesn't want to know the Arrow's identity (he knows, but doesn't want to confirm) Like a boss
Time for Slade to pick off Felicity, Diggle and Canary. Ollie is outmatched and Moria needs to get ahold of Merlyn to save Ollie and the city. Like a boss.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2806 on: April 03, 2014, 05:42:16 PM »
Who's ready for an Arrow Spoiler!?

Just click the link...
well, wait, don't you want to know what the spoiler is about?

Well, we know that Slade is not working alone, this spoiler is showing who one of those people are...  <--Isabel Roschev (Summer Glau) is Ravager

Offline Stogi

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2807 on: April 08, 2014, 06:18:47 AM »
Rick and Morty

Easily the best episode this season and by far the most creative thing I've witnessed in years.

What makes it even more special was that the voice work was pretty much done by one guy.

how about that twist though?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 06:23:46 AM by Stogi »
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Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2808 on: April 08, 2014, 06:53:44 AM »
Rick and Morty

Easily the best episode this season and by far the most creative thing I've witnessed in years.
Yeah it was really, really good.

Amazing consistency with quality in this show. With Futurama you had to wait maybe a season to get an episode as strong, Rick and Morty shits them out week after week.

The great thing about it is how packed to the gills it, in every frame there are jokes hidden within, in every episode there are sometimes four or so storylines at the same time, BAM! BAM! it never stops you blowing your mind. So much stuff crammed in.

Being a huge SF fan, i really love to recognize all these plots from books i read way back: cloning episodes, planet of the apes, evil clones from parallel dimension.

This one episode was kinda like Seventh Voyage of Ijon Tichy, of course with a bit more asses but just as funny and smart.

Such a good show.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2809 on: April 08, 2014, 12:00:08 PM »
Agents of SHIELD (tonites episode ep17: Turn, Turn, Turn - up on HULU now)

Hot Damn this show has hit it's stride. this current episode takes place during Cap2

lines are drawn in the sand and some surprises (and some not so surprises) are had.
Another good episode.

If you have yet to catch up on this show, and/or dropped off early, just pick up at Ep 11, and allow the internet to summarize the first 10 episodes for you. The serialized 2nd half is so much better than the procedural 1st half, but this episode just explained why everything was the way it was, why and how the team was assembled, and I can make assumptions on the reason why it's centered around Coulson, but that is related to Cap2 Fury wanted to know that the blue alien goo is safe, and since there have been no side effects, and it saved Skye's life, that is the stuff that Fury used on himself to heal his many life threatening injuries after the attempt on his life. He also needed someone he could trust to take a mobile SHIELD center off the grid and conduct covert missions outside of SHIELD's ever watchful eye.
The last 2 episodes are by far the best the show has had to offer, and judging by what's going on, I'm sure it's likely to continue on through the s1 finale.

For a while now I've suspected that the whole show was created for this Captain America 2 related UPRISING Arc, and based on the episodes within it, I believe that was confirmed. It's a shame that the earlier episodes weren't as engaging/interesting as the later ones, but they were really killing time to "build characters" until the tie-in could come up.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2810 on: April 08, 2014, 04:58:36 PM »
Rick and Morty

Easily the best episode this season and by far the most creative thing I've witnessed in years.
Yeah it was really, really good.

Amazing consistency with quality in this show. With Futurama you had to wait maybe a season to get an episode as strong, Rick and Morty shits them out week after week.

The great thing about it is how packed to the gills it, in every frame there are jokes hidden within, in every episode there are sometimes four or so storylines at the same time, BAM! BAM! it never stops you blowing your mind. So much stuff crammed in.

Being a huge SF fan, i really love to recognize all these plots from books i read way back: cloning episodes, planet of the apes, evil clones from parallel dimension.

This one episode was kinda like Seventh Voyage of Ijon Tichy, of course with a bit more asses but just as funny and smart.

Such a good show.

I just read the book/link. Superb. You got anymore?
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2811 on: April 08, 2014, 05:15:50 PM »
Watched some episodes of Borgen. It's good. It is a bit like House of Cards (British or American) in that it involves national politicians and reporters and such, but the similarities pretty much end there. Really good show. I was able to get it on DVD subtitled from the library.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2812 on: April 08, 2014, 10:07:01 PM »
I just read the book/link. Superb. You got anymore?
It's not a book, just a short story in a collection. Probably one of the best ones. Coincidentally i remember discussing this particular story with my colleague last month, you couldn't have said from her looks that she's sci-fi nerd type, but she definitely remembered it.

But generally everything written by Lem is of unrivaled quality. My favourite (sci-fi) writer.

I highly recommend his other short story collections: Cyberiad and Fables for Robots: they're short and snappy but contain mindblowing ideas that other writers are still inferiorly reinventing 50 years later. Oh, and they're also extremely funny.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2813 on: April 10, 2014, 02:41:17 PM »
Watch the Series Finale of HIMYM.

Yeah... Seriously...

After all that Time Investment of the last 2 seasons this is how they end it?  There were parts that were good touch backs but they should have been the second half of this season.  And then how the Mom ended up in the end.  Also the Ultimate conclusion.  It's not what it should have been.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2814 on: April 11, 2014, 09:27:43 AM »
Finally got to see the last episode of AoS which I will now go into Spoilers mode because of its Connections.

Ward actually wasn't a surprise with the early reveal.  In fact one of the Science Twins would have been a much bigger twist.  I'm disappointed with the death of Ice, the head women of the Hub, because if memory serves show would be needed for H.A.M.M.E.R and Dark Avengers.  Interesting that they didn't at the very least sneak a cameo on a screen or something for AoS in Winter Soldier.  They new the show was coming when WS was taping. 
This is probably going to change the tone of the show more and I don't know if that is going to be a good thing or not.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2815 on: April 15, 2014, 07:19:45 PM »
Rick and Morty

What up my glib glops/10.

Edit: Season one is done. I'll do a review later. But this is easily the strongest first season for a show since Archer and Futurama.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2816 on: April 15, 2014, 09:13:30 PM »
I too just finished How I Met Your Mother, the finale was awful it kind of ruins the whole damn show. Plus I was always rooting for him to end up with Victoria so for me the show ended with them riding into the sunset, I wish it ended there or I stopped watching, I always hated Robin.

I also caught the Psych finale and in complete contrast that was a perfect ending for that show.

Right now I have been re-watching 3rd Rock from the Sun on Hulu Plus, I always liked the show when it was new but my parents hated it so I only ever watched a few off and on. I am only half way through season one and so far it's better than I remembered it being.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2817 on: April 21, 2014, 06:09:04 PM »
I watched the first 7 episodes of Rick & Morty

Recommended for anyone that likes to laugh and double bonus to those that can catch movie references as almost everything seems to be a reference to some popular movie from the 80's 90's to present.
This **** is pretty damn consistently hilarious though, and no cartoon has really made me laugh since early Family Guy & South Park episodes from atleast 5+ years.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2818 on: April 21, 2014, 09:14:06 PM »
Alright Someone please say that the pilot episode of Rick and Morty is pure garbage?

The best part was the Jessica fantasy scene.

Hopefully it get vastly better.  I didn't find any of it funny...
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2819 on: April 21, 2014, 10:33:37 PM »
I found later episodes to be much funnier than the 1st.

supposedly the show creator wrote the 1st episode, but different writers take over after that. So that may explain why the 1st wasn't as funny as the rest (so far).

But if you are truly not liking the 1st episode, it just may not be the type of humor for you.
I would try ep2 & ep3 before quitting though.

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2820 on: April 22, 2014, 12:54:36 AM »
Alright Someone please say that the pilot episode of Rick and Morty is pure garbage?
Yes, it's very, very weak.

Though it did had some neat moments:

R&M's second episode will already improve on it tenfold. And then it will only get better. There are a few some duds (first episode, final episode, devil episode), but otherwise it's an incredibly solid show.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2821 on: April 22, 2014, 09:30:11 AM »
The Devil Episode is a the second one.  I found that one ok.  Tried the 3rd one but at that point I got half way through and they showed that stupid coke commercial again and I was out.  I'll probably go back to it because concept wise I could see how that could be funny.

My biggest problem with the series so far is that there would have been a few parts that could be funny and then Rick:

1) Burps
2) Vomits
3) Dribble Vomit

and it kills the whole thing.  Its like your mother-in-law showing up and when you finally get a mood going.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 09:55:41 AM by Ceric »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2822 on: April 22, 2014, 09:46:48 AM »
Orphan Black - It's incredible that Tatiana Maslany wasn't nominated for an emmy, or something, and she's not even earning up the hype that Bryan Cranston did for Breaking Bad.

She's playing four separate, entirely distinct characters on screen in this (regularly two at once) and acting off everyone else - and everyone else - at the same time.

Offline Stogi

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2823 on: April 22, 2014, 08:40:35 PM »
The Devil Episode is a the second one.  I found that one ok.  Tried the 3rd one but at that point I got half way through and they showed that stupid coke commercial again and I was out.  I'll probably go back to it because concept wise I could see how that could be funny.

My biggest problem with the series so far is that there would have been a few parts that could be funny and then Rick:

1) Burps
2) Vomits
3) Dribble Vomit

and it kills the whole thing.  Its like your mother-in-law showing up and when you finally get a mood going.

The second episode is actually the dogs one. The devil one is the ninth. And the end of that episode (after the credits) is hilarious.

Rick burping or drooling bothered me for the first episode but now I actually like it. That includes all the stammering as well. It's like the exact opposite of Archer.

But keep watching it as everything builds to what I think was the best episode I've seen on any cartoon due to its tight narrative and that's episode 10 Close Rickcounters of a Rick Kind.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #2824 on: April 22, 2014, 11:54:56 PM »
The Following.... not sure why I continue to watch this show. It just gets more and more ridiculous. There are so many comically large plot holes, "dues ex machinima" and anything else you can think of for "This doesn't make any sense", "How did he get there and/or know to go there & "why would they do that!?".
I guess you just have to take it for what it is.

The Tomorrow People
- I almost gave up on this show many weeks ago, but it's fairly interesting. I only post about it now because hot dayum at the ending to that last episode. I didn't see that coming. I was wondering why she would want a call made at a specific time, but it didn't dawn on me until she opened the jacket right before the phone rang. SHOCKING!!!

Naked and Afraid
- On the Latest episode they show that the girl gets sick and needs to be rushed to the hospital. This chick was so annoying, I couldn't wait till she got sick and hoped it ruined her whole month. She sat at the camp doing jack **** all day while the guy went out and tried to find food. Her philosophy was "that a woman stays home and does dishes and a man takes out the trash".... bitch we aint got no plates and I don't see no garbage... she follows up this I'll stay at camp keeping the fire going attitude while you unsuccesfully attempt to hunt for food attitude by then stating something like "I don't know about this guy, but if I was out here with my husband he would have wrestled something out of the brush by now" as if she could do any better. They guy ended up tapping out due to exhaustion, dehydration and starvation.... she lasted another 5 days on her own since she sat around doing nothing for the first 16 days. I was so irritated by her. she didn't finish, but she made it to pretty much the last day. she didn't deserve it at all. And the poor guy had like 3 different tropical diseases, including malaria, so it's no wonder he didn't make it.