Author Topic: Rate the last movie you've seen  (Read 1571953 times)

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4625 on: April 06, 2014, 06:38:59 PM »
Well, duh. Most of Iron Man wasn't even written, but improvised. Every single thing to come out after Iron Man was "better written".

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4626 on: April 06, 2014, 06:52:05 PM »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2014, 06:59:10 PM by marvel_moviefan_2012 »
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4627 on: April 06, 2014, 07:27:42 PM »
Captain America: The Winter Soldier was soooo good.

- How good was it -

I would skip Guardians of the Galaxy & Avengers 2 if I could get the Cap 3 movie next year.
Everything about this movie was on point, and I'm just gonna assume (TWS & AoS spoiler)Fury had such a remarkable recovery thanks to the same stuff that revived Coulson & healed Skye, as he had a lot of injuries to be so up, out and about the next day at SHIELD headquarters.

As some may find Iron Man to be the more fun movie, Cap 2 was the one that was so intense, that it had you eagerly anticipating what's going to happen next. And after everything that did happen, I can't wait to see what happens next. This is probably the Marvel movie that wins some award. I think this movie hit all the right notes.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4628 on: April 07, 2014, 03:47:16 AM »
Divergent was incredibly stupid. After 30 minutes of exposition, including an opening expository narration by the main character, the film finally gets started. The film also barely struggles to hold onto it's "scifi" label it's been given. It's so far off from that it does not deserve that label. It isn't. It's a slightly-dystopian future, but thats it.

An unspecified war has ravaged the world, so Chicago has decided to split itself up into five factions. (all of these points are noted in the trailer too). As teenagers, everyone is subjected to these tests and those who fail the initiation - upon choosing their faction - become factionless.

The film spent too long with the plot it wanted to go down - she's a divergent - and less with things i wanted to see, like "what happens if you refuse to do the test?". It also is incredibly stupid in that everyone has a single dominant personality trait (honesty, bravery, quest for knowledge etc) and that possessing more than one is somehow implied to be a bad thing - but is not explained why that is.

There is also very little said as to some of the other factions, and the factionless themselves, except for a passing glance at the start of the movie.

This film might have been better - controversial - if they opted to create these factions based on gender, genetic tendencies, race etc. Anything to try and make it a more tangible, personal, kind of movie to people in 2014 over an aspirational personality trait that can be broadly applied to anyone.

This probably comes as no surprise, but Jai Courtney was in this. He looks ridiculous in this, as if Lady Gaga styled him herself. It also comes as no surprise but this was greenlighted for a second and third movie before release, expecting a Hunger Games like demand for it. This is nowhere close.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 03:52:56 AM by Plugabugz »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4629 on: April 07, 2014, 10:31:08 AM »
I also saw that movie yesterday,  but we missed maybe the first few minutes whet she is explaining things, so we were a little lost as the training for everything until later in the movie. We spent the first 2/3 thinking that being a divergent must mean you have some secret super power or something and that it was going to reveal itself at anytime.... then I was a little disappointed to find out that it just meant that she was a free thinker, which showed her to think outside the box and not conform to a hive mentality as easily as everyone else.... wut!?
That deserves death? If anything they should be moved into the 6th faction, the one that ruled the rest of them.

Overall I thought it was mediocre at best, but I can see how a sequel might make it to theater, but that's where the series dies. Unless something far more interesting happens than convincing yourself you're dreaming/having a bad trip, and then being able to manipulate that dream to end it immediately.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4630 on: April 07, 2014, 10:45:32 AM »
The books have to big of a fanbase for that.  My wife is one so I've heard at least part of most of the books.  Its not something I would personally watch as a movie but, whatever.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4631 on: April 07, 2014, 10:58:22 AM »
It did good at the box office this time around, but for people like me, having gone into the 1st movie with nothing more than info from the previews... that didn't explain all that much, it wasn't that good that I would sit though the sequel again before I could do it on a Netflix rental.

Maybe the fanbase turns out for it, but I've never heard of the books, and I'm sure it will get a 2nd theater release, I'm just not sure how that will turn out profit wise.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4632 on: April 07, 2014, 12:05:33 PM »
It is just the a fad with shitty but popular Young Adult Fiction where life is a giant highschool. On the "positive" side you have BS like Glee and on the dark gloomy side you have Hunger Games, Enders game, Divergent. There are more like it, but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

They are all functionally the same movie where teen(s) join/conscripted/forced into a clan/school/faction/contest where they have to pass tests in order to forefill some preset goal which always has some not very cleverly hidden secret agenda by organization/government/school that will eventually force some arbitrary binary choice where the protagonist will "Cleverly" take the third option instead at which point they "grow up" and "redeem" humanity.

The **** is so trite if it was a French Stick of Bread, you could kill someone with it.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4633 on: April 07, 2014, 12:16:17 PM »
another similar recent movie is Vampire Academy.
I'm not really sure that one even made sense with it's class structure of Vampire's and Vampire's keepers. i would have to watch it again, but I have no intention of doing that. so let's just classify that as stupid and not worth the watch.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4634 on: April 07, 2014, 12:59:47 PM »
Interesting, interesting. Well, then, I think I'll skip Divergent and catch it some time later on video. However, I am surprised at how well received Cap America 2 has been from your comments and other reviews. I've never seen the first one and the only thing that interested me about the 2nd is that Robert Redford was in it. So many movies to watch.

I finally got around to seeing Taken last night. I'd planned to make it a Taken night by watching it and the sequel both but it was late and I was tired so I'll do that tonight. Still, I really liked the first one. I was in the mood for something less serious and mre action based after watching a lot of dramas and some so-so movies of the 40's and 50's. It was a silly movie but it did its job well. One of the better action movies I've seen in a while. (I'm looking at you Jack Reacher.) Some quick thoughts on it:

- I loved how vague the movie could be. It didn't seem to be too concerned with details. At one point, he has an Albanian translater tell him what some men are saying and one of the villains says he has to go to a construction site. It's never mentioned where the location for this site is nor if he follows someone there but somehow Neesson is able to find it and has already infiltrated it in the next scene.

- Speaking of the construction site, I think the car chase in it is the weakest part of the film. The amount of bullets shot at his truck that never puncture any tires or wound him or the girl he has found nor do I think they damage the windshield were too much for my suspension of disbelief. I think that 3 or 4 times, a vehicle drove up alongside his firing bullets at him as they are side by side and yet still nothing hit. I could buy and play along with everything else but not this.

- Neesan commits to the role. When harassing a prostitute to get an Albanian to threaten him so he can plant a listening device on him, Neesan acts vulnerable to the Albanian. You now he isn't but he sells it well. Same with him as the caring father. Moreover, I didn't realize he is 61 years old so he was 57 or so when he made this but you'd never think he was that old in the movie, he plays the ruthless action hero part well.

- The dinner scene with the corrupt French spy and his wife. Wowzer. When he throws the bullets at the guys face and then shoots his wfe in the arm when she has no idea what's going on and thought it was a friendly supper. Cold, man, cold.

- Katie Cassidy! I didn't even recognize it was her at first until she gets to her apartment. Of course, like in a horror movie, for her scandalous nature, she dies.

- Famke Janssen! It's a shame Xenia Onatopp doesn't get more to do than act like a shrew towards Neesan until their daughter is kidnapped, then just sucks up to Neesan to save the daughter and for saving her.

- The takedown of Peter at the airport. Owned!

- "Wouldn't it have been easier to just sign the papers in the first place?" "Wouldn't it have been easier to have just talked to me about it first?" Owned!

- "Please apologize to your wife for me." Owned!

- "It wasn't anything personal." "It was to me." Owned!

- The takedown of the ship. Owned!

- This movie isn't interested delaying things. Helps out with concert security and that night just happens to save the singer's life from an attacker. Great timing! Doesn't want the daughter to go abroad on her own and is worried for her safety. She's then taken in what seems about 2 hours after landing. Why waste time?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4635 on: April 07, 2014, 01:09:02 PM »
Taken was a bad-ass movie.

Taken 2... not so much. It had good scenes, but didn't live up to the 1st.

and for some reason they are making a Taken 3.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4636 on: April 07, 2014, 01:21:46 PM »
Gotta complete the trilogy.

But now you've lowered my excitement for Taken 2....
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4637 on: April 07, 2014, 03:51:24 PM »
I just watched a movie called "House of Whipcord" on Neftlix. It was a bait and switch, I was adding slasher films to my list and it recommended me it based on adding Sleepaway Camp 2 and Bay of Blood, so I figured okay it's old it's British but what the hell I like slasher films I will give it a try. Stupid, I should have known it was not going to be what I was looking for it was a total waste of time. I skipped ahead during the boring parts and it took me ten minutes to watch the movie, yeah it was that boring. It wasn't even trying to be scary and there was no stabbing in it at all. I would rate it 1 out of 5 but it was so terrible I just say stay away period.

On that same note, Sleepaway camp 2 was crap, the first was a real sick movie but the sequel was just lame.

While it is still fresh on my mind, it Netflix really needs to learn that just because Hell Raiser was British and damn good does not mean all British "horror" movies are the same. I hate how it recommends a movie based on country of origin like that means anything, watch some Doctor Who, oh you might like Dilby Abby or whatever it is, like Hell Raiser oh you might like this boring snorfest made in the 70's where nobody gets killed but it's labeled horror/slasher anyways.

Seriously it annoys me. What is worse, and kind of racist in a way, I watched a Japanese anime and it flooded my suggestions with some Korean crap, not even Korean cartoons/anime just movies and sitcoms from Korea, yeah not even cool jackasses.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 03:57:03 PM by marvel_moviefan_2012 »
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4638 on: April 08, 2014, 06:43:43 AM »
It's interesting (read: distressing) that all of these popular young adult books are based on a female lead/central character and the majority of the cast (in the movies) is white. Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, Beautiful Creatures, Mortal Instruments.

Is there any YA books - post-harry potter - where the central character is male?

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4639 on: April 08, 2014, 01:08:31 PM »
I don't really read a lot of YA books. Don't know why that it is.....

But is the Percy Jackson series YA? If so, did it get started after Harry Potter? That's the only thing I can think of because it became a couple of movies.

As for Taken 2, yeah, it is rather disappointing. Part of what made the first movie interesting was his take-down of the kidnapping ring and going through all the levels of it. It meant him encountering many different people and having to navigate through various obstacles. Plus, there was a time limit and urgency to his mission. With Taken 2, you see the villains track him down but there's no urgency or worry for Neesan because he doesn't know this net is drawing in around him. Then, when the villans strike, he's soon captured and taken out of commission for awhile. Once freed, there's a bit of action but he gets his daughter to safety then he retraces his steps, kills the bad guys and gets his ex-wife back. Thus, the scope feels smaller, there's less action, and it leaves the problem of the head villain's sons possible looking for revenge so it doesn't feel complete either. That's why there has to be a Taken 3.

Other thoughts:

- Once again, the Taken series doesn't want to get into details. What's wrong Lenore? Oh, I've seperated from the rich guy I married after you? I'm sorry to hear that. Well, thanks for the wine. See ya! Seriously, what caused that rift? Was it something from the first movie? Screenwriters don't care. Just get Bryan and Lenore together so they can be can be captured later in the movie.

- Guess singing didn't work out for Kim?

- That French agent from the first film is having one bad day after another. Wonder how things are with his wife? Did he survive the Albanians interrogation? Guess we'll see in the third movie. Maybe. It's details and these movies don't need them.

- I'm always up for the use of Istanbul/Constantinople as a setting for a spy movie. For years, I was big into Byzantine history. When playing Civilization, I want to play as the Byzantines regardless of how strong they may be. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend the three volume history of Byzantium written by John Julius Norwich. It plays out as an epic trilogy of the rise, the dominance and the fall of an empire full of political intrigues and diplomatic manueverings. Bond has been to Istanbul 3 times with From Russia With Love taking the most advantage of the setting. The World is Not Enough ends in it but hardly uses it and Skyfall begins in Istanbul with a pretty good chase through it. Wish Taken 2 had used the setting more to its potential but in the end, it just became a blur of winding non descript alleyways that could have been in any number of places. At least there were a few great shots of the city and a brief rooftop chase of Kim.

- Kim is told to hide in the closet. She does but is just about captured. What would have happened if she was captured also? I thought maybe there was a panic room or hidden compartment in the closet but nothing. She wasn't even told about the weapons until after the villains fled the room.

- Do the movies really have to keep using the word taken? Can't they say captured or kidnapped? It starts to sound silly after a bit and circles back to the non-use of details. Taken is a rather vague word.

- The car chase was a better than the first but it reminded me of The Naked Gun when it was over. In that movie, Frank Drebin commanders a Driver's Training School vehicle and instructs the new driver of what to do while chasing after some villains. Here Bryan is instructing Kim what to do as she objects to much of it. I feel like the Taken movies are close to a really good car chase but there's always an element or two holding them back.

- Further on the chase, they have to evade the cops since Bryan shot one of their own. How does the daughter feel about that? As the audience, we know that cop was working with the main villain since he calls him on his cell phone (about what or why he was there in the first place is never mentioned nor do you hear anything from their conversation) but does Kim or Bryan ever learn this? For all Kim knows, Bryan just flat out killed someone innocent doing their job.

- He's killed a police officer, some Albanians, went on a reckless car rampage through the city ended by his breaking through security into the US Embassy while his daughter ran around throwing grenades in the city and he's a retired agent not even working on a case. Yet, somehow, it's no problem for him to then leave the embassy and get right back on the trail of the villains. His buddy Sam must be pretty powerful.

- After a hail of machine gun bullets through a wall, the shooter than creeps towards one of the bullet holes to look through it and see if Bryan is dead. Unfortunately, of all the holes to look through, that was the one Bryan was expecting as he shoots the villain as he looks through that hole. Bryan wins this round of Whack-a-mole.

- So, your last henchman has fought Bryan in hand to hand combat and is actually winning. Bryan is hurt and down. Imagine if you had a gun instead of cowering a room? Could have shot him right there. How was this guy the leader of the villains?

- There weren't any bullets in the gun! What a surprise. As if he was going to turn his back and leave the villain with a loaded gun.

- Hey! Maybe next time, Kim's boyfriend Jamie can join in on the action or be the one taken. He's part of the family now, right?
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Offline Oblivion

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4640 on: April 08, 2014, 02:36:05 PM »
It's interesting (read: distressing) that all of these popular young adult books are based on a female lead/central character and the majority of the cast (in the movies) is white. Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, Beautiful Creatures, Mortal Instruments.

Is there any YA books - post-harry potter - where the central character is male?

Lemme just say that the fact that there are a lot of white people in the Hunger Games was on purpose, to follow the book.

I don't see what's "distressing" about having a female lead. This isn't the 1920's. Having an all white cast, sure, but that's the same with all of Hollywood, not just movies based on YA books.

I don't really read a lot of YA books. Don't know why that it is.....

But is the Percy Jackson series YA? If so, did it get started after Harry Potter? That's the only thing I can think of because it became a couple of movies.

Yes, it is. The books started in 2003, if I remember correctly. The film rights were bought in 2004 and I think the first movie came out in 2010.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4641 on: April 08, 2014, 04:54:46 PM »
It's interesting (read: distressing) that all of these popular young adult books are based on a female lead/central character and the majority of the cast (in the movies) is white. Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, Beautiful Creatures, Mortal Instruments.

Is there any YA books - post-harry potter - where the central character is male?

Lemme just say that the fact that there are a lot of white people in the Hunger Games was on purpose, to follow the book.

I don't see what's "distressing" about having a female lead. This isn't the 1920's. Having an all white cast, sure, but that's the same with all of Hollywood, not just movies based on YA books.

I don't really read a lot of YA books. Don't know why that it is.....

But is the Percy Jackson series YA? If so, did it get started after Harry Potter? That's the only thing I can think of because it became a couple of movies.

Yes, it is. The books started in 2003, if I remember correctly. The film rights were bought in 2004 and I think the first movie came out in 2010.

I mean distressing in the sense that you can see where the hype trail is leading things - look at all of those films i listed: Divergent's two sequels were greenlighted BEFORE the first movie was released, the budget doubled and the release date moved to broadly match Hunger Games' first movie release date. All because Hunger Games did well enough to expect lightning to strike twice.

I just want to see one where its done differently again.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 04:57:44 PM by Plugabugz »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4642 on: April 09, 2014, 01:12:19 AM »
payback- 4/5 Wish they made more like this. All the characters, acting, and music are perfect.
casablanca- 3/5 Got lost in the setting's geo-political conflict, but i like humphrey bogart's character. "I'm the only cause I'm interested in." Classic.

a few i couldn't finish due to boredom:
frozen- lasted 10min
big fish- 20min
planes- ~15min Sad to see Pixar pandering to 4-year-olds when they're capable of so much more.

wolf of wallstreet- 3min 19 seconds, due to grossness
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4643 on: April 09, 2014, 02:19:21 AM »
payback- 4/5 Wish they made more like this. All the characters, acting, and music are perfect.
casablanca- 3/5 Got lost in the setting's geo-political conflict, but i like humphrey bogart's character. "I'm the only cause I'm interested in." Classic.

a few i couldn't finish due to boredom:
frozen- lasted 10min
big fish- 20min
planes- ~15min Sad to see Pixar pandering to 4-year-olds when they're capable of so much more.

wolf of wallstreet- 3min 19 seconds, due to grossness

Big Fish was a good movie, but you have to stick it out.
and Pixar didn't make Planes. Disney Animation Studios (or something like that) did.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4644 on: April 09, 2014, 02:28:15 AM »
Big Fish is a great movie. It's Tim Burton without all that gothic crap and being at his earnest. People like to **** on him for overreliance on his wife and Depp, but if you look back at his carrier, there are some very, very, VERY good movies.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4645 on: April 09, 2014, 10:59:39 AM »
casablanca- 3/5
what what WHAT? I just..I don't know what to say. How about this: I respect your opinion sir, though I strongly disagree.

Casablanca is just a fantastic film all the way through. Barely a wrong note in the whole thing. Damn thing kills me every time I pop it in, which is at least a few times a year.

a few i couldn't finish due to boredom:
frozen- lasted 10min
I was remarking, after my third viewing, at how well the first 10 minutes of Frozen hooks you in. If you aren't invested in the characters by that time, by the time the trolls wipe the little kid's memory and her sister shuts her out and the little kid sings "do you want to build a snowman" through the locked door of her sister's bedroom then this film is not for you. Probably best that you bowed out when you did.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4646 on: April 09, 2014, 11:52:26 AM »
Sine Khrush watched Taken 2, I bit the bullet and watched it for shits and giggles. What I got was shits and Giggles. There is a perverse pleasure in seeing Liam Nesson kill people not much different than watching Arnold do the same.

Compared to Taken, this movie is trash. There aren't even any cool quotes. For some reason the camera man can't even do a slow pan without acting like he is shooting on a boat. The killing instead of being OH SNAP moments of cringing are loaded with unintentional comedy. The pacing was nonsensical. While the first Taken was lite on details as Khrush pointed out, it was a tight package. Taken 2 on the other hand is a whole load of What? Really? Less said about the "Villain" the better.

At this rate Liam is going to have to kill the guy's extended family down to the child in Taken 3 and commit genocide in 4.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4647 on: April 09, 2014, 01:34:06 PM »
At what point do you just stop messing with Liam Neesonsss?

Like, if he stole your grapefruit, would you exact revenge by stealing two of his or would you just count it as a loss?

And I know I just compared grapefruits with people, but I really love grapefruits.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4648 on: April 09, 2014, 01:46:56 PM »
Why do you think the Balkans is such a mess? They treat everything like grapefruit! Grapefruit theft and eating all over.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4649 on: April 09, 2014, 02:47:05 PM »
Hahaha I might have to make a visit there real soon. Sounds like my kind of place.

I just imagined several movies where what people were fighting about were grapefruits.

Boondock Saints

"The juice of grapefruits is on your hands! AND YOU WILL REEEP IT!"
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