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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2200 on: April 03, 2011, 06:28:45 PM »
i just watched 2 movies

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2201 on: April 03, 2011, 07:08:23 PM »
I caught most of Dr. Strangelove on BBC America this afternoon. That is a truly fantastic movie. 10/10
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2202 on: April 03, 2011, 10:44:09 PM »
I caught most of Dr. Strangelove on BBC America this afternoon. That is a truly fantastic movie. 10/10

Agreed... MY FUHRER!!!
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2203 on: April 06, 2011, 04:02:30 PM »
Kopps 6/10

Kopps is a swedish movie where that gif of a cop shooting "from the hip" is from. The plot is about a small town police station being shutdown because there's no need for them. The town they survey is perfect. So to keep their jobs, the cops stage events to boost the statistics. It's not a bad setup, but it doesn't go anywhere. And when it finally does, I'm wasn't laughing, I was bored.

I literally laughed 6 times. Twice was during that scene where the cop plays hacky sac with his gun, once during a convo between that same cop and kid over the word "FOCK", again with that same cop discussing his best guess of what happened to a small hot dog stand, and twice during another awesomely ridiculous scene with that same cop. That's it though.

I suggest you try and find the other awesome scene of ridiculousness on the youtube and skip the movie.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2204 on: April 06, 2011, 05:01:48 PM »
Mystery Team - 7/10

Stupid but funny. A group of teens, who have refused to grow up, are still running their Mystery Team Stand where they solve mysteries from around the neighborhood as if they were the Scooby Doo crew. It stars Donald Glover (Childish Gambino & Troy from Community on NBC) as the "leader" of this virgin squad of "12yr old" young adults in their senior year of High School. Lots of moments so stupid you can't help but laugh as they obviously draw influence from not only the scooby doo crew with their own mystery team, but Charlie Brown with their curbside wooden "advice" stand. If you are in a laughing mood and looking for some light hearted comedy, this may be a good movie to stream from your Netflix account. I enjoyed it for what it was.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2205 on: April 07, 2011, 09:07:21 AM »
Faster: 5/10

Generic, generic, generic. How many more times should I say it? My brother-in-law insisted we watch this movie, and knowing how his taste in movies differs from mine, I still watched it. It was entertaining, but **** on a stick was it generic. I knew the entire plot in the first twenty minutes except for the part where he visits his mother, which was stupid anyway
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Offline EasyCure

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2206 on: April 07, 2011, 09:34:15 PM »
Sucker Punch (IMAX)*: 10/10

Keep in mind I was of altered mind.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2207 on: April 07, 2011, 10:22:25 PM »
Sucker Punch (IMAX)*: 10/10

Keep in mind I was of altered mind.
Was it also in 3D?

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2208 on: April 07, 2011, 10:27:08 PM »
Faster: 5/10

Generic, generic, generic. How many more times should I say it? My brother-in-law insisted we watch this movie, and knowing how his taste in movies differs from mine, I still watched it. It was entertaining, but **** on a stick was it generic. I knew the entire plot in the first twenty minutes except for the part where he visits his mother, which was stupid anyway

If you expected anything more than the Rock hunting people down you went to the wrong movie.  It never pretended to be anything else and I liked it because it is exactly the kind of action movie I expected.  I've wanted the Rock to make action movies like this for ages but he did all those shitty Disney movies instead.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2209 on: April 08, 2011, 07:37:25 AM »
You're right of course, but from the way it was advertised I thought they were at least going to try and be original by bringing out how fast (the movie was called Faster) the Rock was, or make it more about driving (like why couldn't he have chased someone down in his car and killed them?). But it was just an average movie with cool cars in the background.
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2210 on: April 09, 2011, 12:39:01 AM »
Well, I've watched a bunch of Star Trek movies lately, so I guess I might as well talk about them.  First off, I finished watching the Blu-Ray theatrical versions of Star Treks 1-3, and overall my impression of these movies hasn't really changed.  Star Trek 1 is still ludicrously dull and filled with goofy music (I may hate it even more than Star Trek 5 now), Star Trek 2 is still my 4th-favorite Trek movie (behind First Contact; Star Trek 6; and Star Trek 4; respectively) with great music and great action, and I'm still somewhat indifferent about Star Trek 3.  What surprises me, though, is how the Blu-Ray transfers worked out in my opinion: oddly enough, I think Star Trek 2 is the worst-looking of these 3 movies, and it's the only one that got a proper restoration.  Wrath of Khan just looks dark and a little muddy in sections, whereas the DVD upscale transfers for Treks 1 and 3 still look pretty good (though the scenes on the Genesis Planet towards the end of the film look hilariously fake now).  I'm looking forward to seeing how Treks 4 and 6 look.

But I suppose the big movie I just finished watching (my dad wanted me to watch it with him) was J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek reboot film.  And good God, this film is horrible.  No, I'm not even going to give it the benefit of the doubt by saying that it's just "bad for a Star Trek film".  No, it's just bad in general.  The movie has a lousy script and the set designs are horrible

Forget just not looking like Star Trek sets, you can't tell what anything in this movie IS.  Every set in the movie either has so many shining lights you can't see anything, or it's so dark you can't see anything (or we have the beloved shaky cam).  And even when you can see what's going on, nothing in this movie makes sense from a design perspective.  What is the utility of anything in this movie?  The bridge of the Enterprise is so garishly bright I refuse to believe anyone can see what they're doing, while meanwhile the ship's Engineering deck looks like a frickin' factory with so many tubes and pipes anywhere you can't even tell what the area does.  Sadly, this lack of design sensibility extends to both Spock's and Nero's ships (seriously, why does a mining ship look like a giant squid with all those tentacles, let alone nothing inside the ship looking the least bit practical?), as well as the Federation ship at the beginning of the movie.  Argh!  Look, I can deal with artistic interpretation and the need for Abrams to do his own thing (heaven knows the original Trek movies saw quite a few Enterprise redesigns), but there's just nothing distinctive in this movie except for the exterior design of the Enterprise.  Everything's overcomplicated in an attempt to look "edgy" (which, honestly, was a problem with some of the later Next Generation movies as well, especially Nemesis).  It's hard to comment on the special-effects being good or bad when you can't see a lot of it, and even when you can see it you can't make out what the effects are supposed to be.

And like I said, I really found the script lacking.  I found Kirk completely unlikeable almost the entirety of the movie, which is a problem when he's the main character.  Uhura was just kind of...there, being even less important or interesting than she was in the original movies, despite having substantially more screen time.  I wouldn't even mind the romance angle they did with her if it was even set-up properly earlier in the movie.  Instead, it just feels tossed in for the hell of it and makes no sense.  And what was Checkov' role on the ship, anyway?  I could have sworn in the original series and movies he was a weapons' officer, yet here both the role of Navigator and Weapons Officer seems to have been given to Sulu.  The overarching story relies on a lot of contrivance (such as how Star Fleet Academy students just somehow become bridge officers on the Federation's flagship through plot convenience), and the time travel aspect of the movie is really forced and not very well told.  And yeah, I don't appreciate how everything I love about Trek (except the TV series Enterprise) basically got dumped on by this movie.

That isn't to say there aren't any good aspects to the movie.  I thought the actors did excellent impersonations of their older counterparts, especially Spock.  It took a while for the actor who plays Dr. McCoy to grow on me, but he did eventually.  By far the best part of the movie, though, was Leonard Nimoy reprising his role as the older Spock.  In his usual way, he was warm; inviting; and the time with him felt like a Star Trek movie should.

Ugh, it disgusts me that this movie is getting a sequel, but hey...the original Star Trek movie was horrible, and it got a stellar sequel that righted all the wrongs of its predecessor.  Maybe this Trek's sequel will do the same?
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 04:19:43 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Morari

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2211 on: April 09, 2011, 12:48:10 PM »
Ugh, it disgusts me that this movie is getting a sequel, but hey...the original Star Trek movie was horrible, and it got a stellar sequel that righted all the wrongs of its predecessor.  Maybe this Trek's sequel will do the same?

I'd rather see a high-budget Klingon miniseries, all subtitles! :)
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2212 on: April 09, 2011, 05:59:01 PM »
It's been discussed somewhere, bu the New Star Trek was only partially for old Trek Fans, it was actually for everyone else that was afraid of actual Trek Fans with some homage to the originals so that they would leave a convention and meet some normal people for once.

I kid, I kid, but seriously, it was a Trek movies to recruit new blood from a new generation into the world of Star Trek and those that have never gotten into it before. It was a fresh start for those of us that didn't feel like playing catch up or just never had an interest in all the other previous material. So if you didn't like it, it was probably because it wasn't made for you.

In other words, it was a action movie designed to attract the masses, not just the fans of the previous series.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 06:00:41 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Caliban

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2213 on: April 09, 2011, 06:17:14 PM »
I like it. It could have been a lot worse as a Star Trek movie.

Offline Morari

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2214 on: April 09, 2011, 09:47:32 PM »
In other words, it was a action movie designed to attract the masses, not just the fans of the previous series.

They already have Star Wars for that. They should have left Star Trek well alone.
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Offline Halbred

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2215 on: April 09, 2011, 11:35:02 PM »
See, I liked the Star Trek movie with several caveats:

1) You're right about the ship designs. No utility whatsoever.
2) The alien on the ice planet was awesome, but onscreen for about fifteen seconds. I blame Cloverfield.
3) The water tubes in engineering. WTF?
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2216 on: April 09, 2011, 11:48:24 PM »
[quote author=Halbred link=topic=28364.msg665961#msg665961 date=1302406502
3) The water tubes in engineering. WTF?

Actually, I think I may know what's up with that, besides "to look cool?"  You can see in a few shots in engineering a few giant containers with the nuclear symbol on them.  Maybe they are nuclear reactors, and the giant tubes of water are used to keep the reactor cooled?  Of course, considering I could have sworn I heard them mention having Dilithium crystals at the end of the movie, it doesn't make sense that the Enterprise would still be using Nuclear power.

And I reiterate: sure, I didn't much care for this movie as a Star Trek fan, but even looking beyond my bias as a fan of the franchise, I just didn't see a good movie there.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 09:32:38 AM by broodwars »
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2217 on: April 10, 2011, 09:20:08 AM »
[strartreknerd]Dilithium powers the warp core, which isn't the primary source of electrical power on a starship. Other Trek iterations used Fusion generators, which, seeing as they haven't been invented yet, I'm not sure whether would need extensive cooling systems.[/startreknerd]
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2218 on: April 12, 2011, 01:46:09 PM »
Stag Night 5/10 terrible and predictably stupid
Life as We know it a chick flick but i kinda liked it/10
Let Me In 9/10 now i have to see the other version
Jackass 3   7/10 not the best Jackass movie
Due Date  7.8/10 not the funniest movie, but still good
It's kinda a funny Story 7.8/10 title is pretty accurate
Spread       I wish my life was like that/10 Ashton Kutcher bangs hot cougars so that he can live in their mansions and drive their sports cars...based on a true story?
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2219 on: April 12, 2011, 09:40:04 PM »
Well, time for something different, as I indulged in a bit of nostalgia and picked up the Blu-Ray for Don Bluth's Anastasia, a movie I had some fond memories of but hadn't seen in probably well over a decade.  Watching it now, I think it holds up pretty well, and might quite possibly be the best non-Disney Western animated movie (not named The Iron Giant) from that Golden Age of animation that was the 90s.  OK, I kid a little but the movie's still pretty entertaining.  The animation is excellent and looks quite nice in this HD transfer, though you can definitely tell that the animators weren't quite as talented as those working for the Mouse and the budget wasn't quite as lavish, as there are noticeable shortcuts here and there.  The story is serviceable, if more than a little derivative of Disney and goofy in places.  Rasputin (and by extension his Voice Actor Christopher Lloyd and singing voice Jim Cummings) is also completely wasted as a villain.  He spends 90% of the movie just sitting at his pad in Limbo sending the occasional green demon spirit after the heroes.  You could literally take him out of the movie and it wouldn't really change the story much.  I will give props to the writers, though, for making Anya/Anastasia a pretty believable and strong character, something that comes off as a little forced in other "Princess" movies like this.  Sadly, the Blu-Ray is a pretty lazy effort, with seemingly all the studios' attention being on the audio/visual transfer.  All the extras are imported from the DVD sets, and they're pretty flimsy and directed squarely at under-aged children.  There's also the film's Direct-to-Video "sequel" "Bartok the Magnificent" on here, but the less said about that the better.  It looks like a VHS transfer, and the movie's quality lives up the lofty standards of the Disney Direct-to-Video sequels.  The menus are surprisingly confusing to navigate, as it isn't immediately clear when you select something on the menu that it's only displaying one of a list of features under that heading, and you have to tab over to see the others.

What I would really like to single-out, though, is the music.  At times I may be more than a little jaded about animated musicals, and the big reason is a simple one: after the 90s, the music often isn't good or worked into the film well.  What, did all the good composers; lyricists; and singers die after the 90s, let alone the writers who could make the songs not sound forced into the narrative?  I'm especially reminded of that after watching this movie, which has an excellent score with quite a few catchy tunes and only a few clunky ones (the song about Paris comes to mind).  It helps as well that, in Fox's rush to copy Disney in every way possible, they drafted the singing voice for Jasmine and Angela Lansbury to sing a good share of the songs.  Jim Cummings has an especially fun villain song called "In the Dark of the Night", and I'm pretty fond of the main theme "Journey to the Past."

Well, I have my shiny new Incredibles Blu-Ray to watch now.  Why Disney took so long to put my favorite Pixar movie on Blu-Ray when relatively-low quality Pixar trash like Cars has been on the format for ages I'll never know.  Speaking of which, the movie came with a coupon for a free ticket to see the Cars sequel coming out this year, so I guess I might as well see that now despite being pretty indifferent to the original.  :-\
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 09:59:52 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Halbred

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2220 on: April 12, 2011, 10:21:17 PM »
Huh, I thought that was a Disney movie.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2221 on: April 12, 2011, 10:34:17 PM »
Huh, I thought that was a Disney movie.

Then Fox Animation succeeded then, because making "animated movies that rival Disney's" was their founding goal.  :P:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 10:38:22 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Dasmos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2222 on: April 13, 2011, 02:12:42 AM »
Sucker Punch: What the hell did I just watch?/10

I knew it was going to be suck, anything Zack Snyder touches does, but I wasn't expecting it to be unwatchable. I mean how does a director turn a movie with both Emily Browning and Abbie Cornish into something I didn't want to watch? It truly takes talent to mess something like that up.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2223 on: April 13, 2011, 02:58:28 AM »
so the general consensus of Sucker Punch is the trailer is better than the movie?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #2224 on: April 13, 2011, 10:05:11 AM »
no, I don't think you got a general consensus at all. From what I remember, only 3 of us have seen the movie here and Dasmos is the only one that didn't like it.