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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #50 on: April 08, 2009, 03:13:11 PM »
I'm liking these last few episodes of Heroes. It was a good thing they got the guys from Pushing Daisies to come to Heroes because he's doing a wonderful job.

I said this back at Cold Snap and its especially evident now. There's an article on digital spy ( where HRG, or at least the actor, says how heroes became too focussed on catalysts and sci-fi-esque, and now that bryan fuller is back it's slowly coming back to being about the characters again.

However, i'm still not convinced that it's "back" yet.  After the massive shock House pulled this week... I'm convinced Heroes has a long way to go.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #51 on: April 08, 2009, 05:00:59 PM »
Heroes has much to repair from the last few volumes.  jeff Loeb basically ruined much of the show. 

I think the biggest problem with Heroes was they lost their direction after Season 2 fell apart.  Tim Krang basically said Season 2 sucked, and that they were trying to learn from their mistakes.  Personally, I liked much of season 2, and although some things did not work (Don't add more and more main characters) the focus on actual character development was great, and the slow growth of the characters was important.  Season 2 had some of the deepest character evolution with Hiro we have seen the entire show. 

Volume 3 came out and it was focused on events and twists.  See they misjudged what was wrong with season 2, and they were afraid of becoming too much like LOST.  IE: Having too many mysteries and not answering enough questions.  So volume 3 had several twists that were resolved in the next episode or two and not allowing the character to develop within those events. 

I believe Volume 4 has solved that main issue.  We have slowly seen character evolve and see the errors of their ways again, and learn what is truly important to them.  Nathan only sees things through a bigger picture, a negative outlook seeing how powers can be dangerous to the country, and Peter sees everything on the small personal scale.  Nathan was never evil, but he made poor decisions, and Angela was stuck between them realizing Peter is wrong because there is no good just fight or a purpose for heroes with powers in the real world...and Nathan is wrong because you can't solve this problem by rounding everything up and nuetralizing the threat.

Noah has believed he had done everything for his family, but the truth is he has done everything for his own personal need.  He only knows this life of hunting special people and capturing them.  It doesn't matter who he does for, it has become his life and without it he is lost.  He was losing his family in the process, but not until he is faced with actually losing his family did he begin to see how he was ruining his life.  He finally hit rock bottom threatening his wife.  He is Captain Ahab and Sylar is his whale. 

Hiro and Ando are the Yen and Yang of the show.  Hiro is idealistic to a fault.  He sees the world in simple black and white terms, he is destined to be an hero to stop the evils in this world and lives by the code of the hero (his very own Bushido)  Ando is the realist.  He sees the practical side of the world.  He understands that no matter what they do evil will exist and their battle is endless and thank less.  It is better to not even try and just live life.  His friendship and loyalty keep him protecting Hiro and dragging him further along this journey.

Matt Parkman is the every man.  He is whom I think we the audience should identify with most.  He wants to do good and he seeks justice, however he stumps along the way and loses himself to his emotions and the overwhelming responsibilities and ethical questions his power brings him. 

These are the main characters of the show, and the character that must be developed and evolve with the story.  Notice most of the best evolution has happened in Volumes 1,2 and now Volume 4.  The show is getting better.

By the way, I left out Sylar.  That is because he has never had a theme.  The first Volume he was a monster.  The second volume he was a monster.  The 3rd they tried to humanize him and it just sucked.  Volume 4 they are moving him back into that serial killer monster again...but how cares.  The most intriguing stuff they did with Sylar was back in volume 2 when you realized that even without his power he was a killer and lusted for power and control even without his ability.  This is why I want Sylar dead, they have created a wonderful monster, a force a sheer destruction, but that story must have an end.  Evil that dark must always be defeated. 

Volume 4 for me has bought them commitment for me to watch Volume 5.  Which is a huge deal because Volume 3 almost cancelled all interest I had in the show.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #52 on: April 08, 2009, 05:20:56 PM »
Its too bad they can't do re-shoots and release a Heroes director cut.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #53 on: April 08, 2009, 05:28:32 PM »
BlackNMild:  I know I think it would be nice to get a redo on Season 2.  I mean they just left that entire season hanging, and unless they moved some of the ideas in Season 3 (which I doubt) it would have been nice to see what happened.  I actually liked Peter gaining experience with the Irish Mob and falling in love, I thought that was an inspired idea, but then they just took her away and we don't know anything about what happened to her.  Depressing. 

The writers strike sucked so hard. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #54 on: April 14, 2009, 06:29:32 PM »
Well, I guess I'll bump this up with a brief summery of the newest episiode, "1961"

I don't have time to say a review AND the summery, so here is a direct quote from wikipedia on the episiode.

"The Petrelli family are re-united in coyote sands along with HRG as Angela reveals the truth about what really happened in 1961, and how the company was formed.

Whilst digging up the graves of the unknown deceased bodies, Angela travels into her memories unto what happened in Coyote Sands. In 1961, Angela Petrelli, Alice Petrelli, Charles Deveaux, Bob Bishop and many others with powers were rounded up and placed in a camp which was enforced by the government. However, this is a secret to the prisoners of the camp (Angela, Alice etc...) as they are bewildered as to why they are there." -Wikipedia
A few things this left out was that we met Angela's sister whoi can control weather, Alice. And that she is still alive, but hates her sister for leaving her, also left out the Petrelli Bros. "kiss and make up" their past, and the family pushes to make a effert to stop the gov. and rebury the truth.

As for my personal review, this episiode was dantly boring compared to other episiodes. The great part is that the plot was pushed ahead and we learn many of the secrets how the "compiny" started. This episiode we also learn the normaly heartless Angela opens up and we see her in fact doing ALL what she did for the best of mankind in the long run. The other main part is the bros. make up, and are willing to work together again (finally) and Claire respects her step dad alot more for trying to stop the gov. The story that was focusing on Alice was a nice change to the series, and I enjoyed it. Also the Dr. (can't type last name) finds out a bit more about his father, again nice to learn a bit more backstory.

This episiode didn't effect the series that much, only that the compeny may be made again, it was a treat for the viewers, and while I liked this one, I can't wait for the action again!

(Sorry, no time left to finish, nor check grammer)
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2009, 11:21:47 PM »
I think 1961 was a good episode, it was an important episode in setting the pieces up for the finale, and getting a glimpse into what I think will become Volume 5. 

What is more important is that the episode is working to repair some of the damage of the Eclipse episodes from volume 3.  Going back to the idea that the powers are genetic or gene manipulated, and has nothing to do with the eclipse.  It was good to see the Petrelli family united again, but this time it better stick.  I am tired of family feuding and it is time for them to grow up and trust each other, or at least begin to act like they care for each other.  If they bring up any of the Claire/Father issues or Nathan/Peter issues again next season I may just quiet right then and there.

As for Angela's sister, I loved the story, but I wish she didn't have a power or at least not the power to manipulate weather, but since we are now introduced to her, I wonder if she might become a villain for next season.  She has a strong enough power, and a personal motive to be against the family...

Overall I would say this was an important filler episode, but it could be completely missed and you would not be lost in the series.  Still, I think it is important to distance the show from the mistakes of Volume 3, and this episode was a great step towards that goal. 

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2009, 11:31:34 PM »
is Volume 3 season 2? or is volume 3 most of the middle part of season 3?

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2009, 06:39:53 PM »
Volume 3 is the first 13 episodes of Season 3.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #58 on: April 16, 2009, 07:41:20 PM »
Hmmm... Alice becoming a baddie... didn't think of that, good thought.

Also, alot of people hate Syler, but I think he is important to the show as Hero, and shouldn't be killed off as some of you said. As for the bald guy who hunts everyone with powers, I like him, but won't miss him when he gets killed off :D Someone said ( I think Spank-Spang) that evil like syler should always die/ or loose. What they made clear is that he isn't evil, he isn't even really greedy for power nor money, he is a ALL NEW breed of force, neither good nor evil, same concept of something being bitter sweet. Thats what make syler so cool. True, he could now just kill of president and take over nation, or go out of his way trying to get every power, but instead he now waits for power to bump into him, he doesn't hunts like he did before. He is the most complex intreging charector I've ever seen in a movie or telivison, he is great for it.

Why did I type all of that up for syler? Well I was bored, but I do agree with everything I just said, Hero and Syler are my two fav. charectors.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #59 on: April 17, 2009, 02:13:26 PM »
Snipper:  My point about Sylar is they don't know what they want to do with him. 

Volume One he was the big villain.  An evil person that was consumed with power and obtaining as much as possible, there was nobody that could stop him, except for Peter or Hiro, who had powers and abilities greater than even Sylar.

Volume Two we find out that Sylar wasn't just evil because of his ability, he was a natural serial that manipulated people, and it wasn't about his ability at all.

Volume Three Sylar is all of the sudden trying to mend his ways?  Supposedly he isn't a cold killer, but a victim of this power that makes me lust/hunger for more.  He could better himself, but he has no reason to believe in himself because nobody else does.  He even learns a new way to take people's abilities.  But, then midway through the season after he lost his abilities and gains them back he realizes he must have more power again and begins to become the monster. 

Volume Four:  Searching for his father he is now not just a serial killer, but we learn every move he makes is calculated, planned and nothing he does is irrational.  Well, this does not bear true to his past actions from the other volumes, but ok.  He finds his father, but does this lead to him evolving or learning who he is?  No, it just renews his purpose to become a monster again, like in Volume 1, to strive for real change and ultimate power.

And from what I understand, Sylar is about to have ANOTHER identity crisis with the upcoming I am Sylar episode.  Well, I am tired of going back and forth on being sympathetic or not with Sylar.  To me he is becoming bland, and the creators have used him as a crutch for too long in not developing any other good villains.  In fact what makes volume 4 so great is that the government and the hunter are the main villains and have been far more interesting than Sylar. 

I have to disagree I find Sylar's character far from complex, and lacking a total theme.  I think the most complex character on the show is problem either Nathan, Angela or Noah.

The most complex character I know on television is a toss up between Ben Linus and James Ford from LOST.  Those characters have actually grown and changed throughout their shows.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2009, 11:23:51 AM »
I am Sylar Review:

I am continually amazed how much better the writing team has gotten with this volume.  So far no episode has felt out of place or any character feeling like they are being written. 

This episode is Sylar-sentric and it was a good Sylar episode.  Focusing on Sylar having problem dealing with living the life of another.  It begins to ask the question again of the consequences to Sylar absorbing too many abilities, and humanizes his internal struggles of identity and evil.  You begin to see that he does not truly want to be an evil man.  But he is evil, and although he doesn't want to be evil, he can't help himself.  He is obsessed with his power, and obsessed with finding a reason and purpose.  It reminds me of an young man going through puberty and being confused about all these natural urges and desires for women.  He begins to look at them all as objects to lust after, because he never had anyone teach him his purpose as a man to be a father and head of a family.  Instead of trying to learn the difficult lesson, he allows his urges to over take him, and he becomes a womanizer. 

Anyway, the question I have now is does this make me change my opinion of Sylar?  The "most interesting" character of the show?   Sadly no.  I think it is a great direction in understanding his madness, but he still must be overcome, and he is still a villain of pure evil.  But, there is not much more to say about this section of the episode, so lets move on to some others.

Hiro and Ando still prove to be the weakest part of this season, as the writers are struggling to figure out their friendship and partnership.  I think they are trying to give the characters this history of being life long friends struggling with a transition, but it just comes across as annoying and they bicker too much between each other.  Also, I am annoyed with how dumb Hiro is, and that his actions and plans fall apart because they are not well thought out.  Yes, I think they are trying to show Ando is brains of the two and Hiro is the heart, but Ando hasn't been very bright either.  I love these characters, but they are under utilized and I believe it is because they still don't know what to do with their powers.  And Hiro now developing a sort of weakness with his time manipulation is lame.  Still, I am excited to see them have a full on assault with Building 26, and if anyone can stop them it is Hiro and Matt Parkman and Ando, the energizer.  I hope they can actually film a final that lives up to that. 

Finally, I really love what they are doing with Matt Parkman.  Talk more about that later.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #61 on: April 21, 2009, 03:24:30 PM »
I thought this ep was yet more meh. There is a large amount of drama now, especially in the past 10 episodes, but something isn't clicking.

Hiro/Ando continue to serve to annoy me. The rest just add more meh.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #62 on: April 21, 2009, 06:17:42 PM »
But, I feel they are building to something, there is about to be a great big show down, and the direction and sides for this season finale are clearly drawn and laid out before the episode.  We know Hiro and Ando are about to storm into Building 26.  We know Matt is going to help out.  We know there is going to be a show off between Sylar and the only hero left to stop him Peter and I guess maybe Noah. 

What I like is seeing Matt Parkman find something to live for and motivate him.  I love the idea of them pulling his family back together and them working on an issue that has effect millions of people: divorce.  I want to see how the writers handle that next season.

This episode was trying to be character development, and as I said since it focuses on Sylar I am torn between the results.  What is troubling is that we know a sacrifice is going to occur next episode, and most likely someone is going to die, but I bet Sylar gets out alive.  Really?  Are we going to have another season of Sylar alive causing trouble?  I hope not.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2009, 09:12:11 AM »
It doesn't bring it together in a way that's making me go OH! and sit up pondering the possibilities. Lost has done a great job of doing that (explaining time travel is difficult enough, but then to do it and to place it in its own unique mythos is harder still!), but Heroes keeps returning to this backwards staple of having characters do stupid things. Nathan faces off against Sylar. Sylar bringing Micah into his house (what a wasted cameo!) for no reason. Hiro freezing Ando to allow him to get captured. Is any of that necessary?

I liked Parkman's motives at the end of the ep and it really felt like he was doing the right thing there and then, but it's not worth waiting an hour to see 2 minutes worth of something good.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2009, 10:27:30 AM »
What is annoying is they don't actually think about other solutions.  Why worry about bait when you can follow them in a car?

So Sylar wants to believe Micah believes he is special, but does Micah really need to see Sylar freak out?  NO.

Nathan running off to be the lone hero again, when the reality is he can't stop it. 

The best part of the episode was when the Hunter took out Sylar and I thought, FINALLY.  A nice twist, but then Sylar gets up, and its oh, never mind, Sylar just can be stopped typical. 

So right now the finale is going to be Peter, Hiro, Ando, and Matt Parkman because those are the only ones free...besides Micah who may or may not help.  a Smaller group for the finale is smart...but lets see what they do with it.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #65 on: April 23, 2009, 02:43:55 AM »
I changed my mind again about Matt actually; he still made a stupid decision. He took the baby back to the house where he already knew the agents were watching.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #66 on: April 27, 2009, 05:28:50 PM »
The show is finally on a good track, but we have yet to see if it wasn't too late after the terrible volume 3. Still, past episodes have been good and I'm looking forward the finale.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #67 on: April 27, 2009, 10:29:09 PM »
I didn't like the ending for chapter 4 at all. It was good in its execution, but I just didn't like the plot it has pushed onto chapter 5.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #68 on: April 28, 2009, 03:19:21 AM »
Yeah, I have some real mixed feelings over the ending of this volume. Does that mean I'm stopping on Heroes? No. I still like the show a lot. Ever since BlacknMild asked the question about Sylar teleporting, I kind of stopped doing my own little recaps in this thread because it threw me for a loop and it left me wondering about that.

But, I'll post more tomorrow on my thoughts of the past few episodes and the final.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #69 on: April 28, 2009, 03:21:45 AM »
looks like I called the Tracy thing.
And now we actually know which Petrelli died. even though he lives on.
And if they want to keep Sylar dead, they better make sure Parkman has regular check up with him. maybe posing as his psychiatrist or something.

I'm also calling the "Peter, you need to kill your brother, cause he's not really your brother" scenario for next season.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 03:24:51 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #70 on: April 28, 2009, 01:09:14 PM »
Here is the funny thing.  With what they did, the literally have a choice.  Keep Sylar dead is easy enough to do.  Just literally never have him lose control.  Or if they want to bring him back they can.

If they were smart, they would wait for that storyline for late in the season or even season 5.  But they aren't...and I would also make it just a single episode deal.  Peter could easily figure it out just by touching him and realizing he as more powers.

But Nathan should not have died so easily.  Oh well.  It really is like they decided Season 2 never happened.  Ha. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #71 on: April 28, 2009, 03:38:17 PM »
agreed with spak about nathan dieing. I wasn't upset he died (sad syler is gone... for a while at least), but I agree there could have been a epic final battle. They used alot of special effects in this volume, alot of cool animation such in "cold snap" the girl exploding and etc, but they only had the avreage Hero stopping time special effect, and thats it. I thought the story they started was brillant (still dislike it though, but smart to come up with) but had no real climax, and the poor excuse of the battle in the locked room was very unsatifying.

Over all it was still a good episiode, perhaps a bad ender.

I have 2 Q's about heros though I wanted to ask you....

1. What happen to the mystical sword Hero got that stabbed Syler? And was going to fight the t-rex with (The t-rex that he'll probaly never fight due to producers overlooking it)?

2. What is the "Crimsion Arc" that Hero and Andro keep mumbling about? Is that the nickname for Andos powers, is it a team nickname, or is is some comic they are quoting?
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #72 on: April 28, 2009, 03:44:07 PM »
1. I think the sword broke, and Hiro did face a T-Rex... in the museum.

2. Crimson Arc is the super hero name that Ando came up with for himself.
Crimson I think is the color his electric shock (crimson red)

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #73 on: April 28, 2009, 08:40:07 PM »
I liked the finale. It had some forced parts, some cheesy parts, but overall I think it set up what could be a good season 4. At this point I would really give up on awesome epic battles because its pretty clear to me now they just don't have the budget for it. The most we will get will be one or two episodes with things like the cold snap of tracy.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #74 on: April 28, 2009, 08:51:26 PM »
I liked the second half of this season, it seemed more focused and I have high hopes for next season which should give Bryan Fuller time to work with the writing staff, you could see some of his influence this last half but it was obvious he wasn't able to do much with it given the short amount of prep time (One of the biggest ones was the show being more focused).
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