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Heroes Season 3
« on: February 10, 2009, 01:12:45 PM »
So, does anyone on these boards still watch Heroes? I know it has gone through a dumb patch in Vol 3 but Vol 4 is starting up really well at the moment.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 02:01:18 PM »
I'm pretty frustrated by the general lack of events per episode so far.  I still feel like I'm watching trailers for the season and not actual episodes.

I'm also pissed that Sylar is being so evil again.  He was much better when he was having his identity struggle.

I'm also pissed about how the latest episode ended.  There's no way a bullet should be able to hit someone that fast.  She'd be able to react to the gun shot noise and be out of there before the bullet even hit her.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 10:39:34 PM »
I am pissed that Sylar is still alive. 

If you have an interesting villain you don't have to keep them alive forever tell their story and let them be.
This episode felt completely like a second part of the first episode of volume 1.  And, that is too bad those 2 episodes should have been aired together. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2009, 12:01:04 AM »
I missed the premier episode. Could someone correct me if I'm wrong?

Basically, Nathan is carrying out his plan with the U.S. President to round up those with abilities right? Why is Noah Bennet working with Nathan? And why is Mohinder, Matt Parkman, Hiro and Ando together? And what is Peter up to these days?
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2009, 01:21:19 AM »
That's one thing I'm not sure. They haven't explained yet why Noah is with them. It was the one thing that bugged me last episode. That and Parkman being able to draw the future. Noah has stopped working with companies like this. Especially one that represents such a threat to his daughter.

Frankly, from what I gather in the last episode, Nathan is basically copying the company, Primatech, and rounding up people with abilities. But he's doing it his way and that's why he refused Angela's help. What this means I'm not sure. Either he wants to take the abilities away or he may want to control them and use these as an army like he was going to do at the end of volume three.

As for Noah, like I said, his part in this just feels wrong even if he thinks its to help his daughter. He's worked with these heroes before and knows that while some are a threat, most have been instrumental in stopping big disasters. He wouldn't hurt Peter despite the two chances he had. Heck, he tried to bring down the company. I figured seeing Claire on the plane would have caused him to turn on this operation but he hasn't yet. I still think he's going to try to bring it down. He seems to know that it could be dangerous and doesn't trust the hunter.

Getting back to Parkman, this is the biggest thing that bugs me. Parkman already has some awesome abilities but now they've had to add prognostication as well? That seems to be the issue with the show. They want to show what the threat is and they do that by showing future events that have to be stopped. But then, they kill off the person who sees them. In the case of Peter and Hiro travelling through time, they've now removed the time traveling ability. Jusy keep the prognosticator alive. Or leave it altogether.

That's the one thing that has me excited about this volume. In the other volumes, the heroes always start off on seperate paths and then begin to interconnect. In this volume, the heroes have all met up now in the second episode and formulated a plan of action. Yes, they are splitting up but they know they are all working together and the threat isn't something that requires knowledge of the future. It is now. But I guess they needed to use the pictures to seperate the characters.

It was awesome to see Matt use his power to escape a bunch of military guys firing at him. How does a guy with mind powers escape something like that? Brilliant. And contrary to what Mohinder said, I doubt Nathan would let Hiro go, powers or not. Hiro knows too much about the operation and knows his secret. Peter's escape was pretty clever too. I didn't expect him to get out of there. And now we know that the formula didn't give him his power back and everything's normal again. He can only keep a power at a time. Which is disappointing. The scene on the plane when he was touching all the other heroes seemed much neater when I thought he was gaining a ton of powers to quickly become unstoppable.

All in all, this volume is starting off good and I'm enjoying it, which it is all about. Entertainment. They were wrong about this being a fresh slate. They do reference a few things from before. Like Hire being killed by Ando. I thought that had to do with the formula in Volume 3 and nothing like what Hiro saw even came close to coming about. Is that future still a threat?
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2009, 12:11:19 AM »
Noah is old Noah...they won't let that character evolve or learn moral clarity.  He is doing it all for Claire, but in reality he is just driving her away STILL.  Annoying.

Matt Parkman getting precognition is a stupid plot device.  Every season they focus on the idea of changing the future so they must show it with either precognition or time hence someone needs a new ability...whey not Matt Parkman.  What is annoying is Parkman has one of the most powerful abilities if they just let him cut loose. 

I like that Peter doesn't have his full abilities, but now that just means Sylar is literally unbeatable as a villain.  Seriously the only 2 people that could defeat him were Peter and Hiro and both of them have lost their powers.  Yes, they proved Sylar can be defeated with a shot in the back of the head, but really...that won't happen too easily.  AND WHY IS HE ALIVE!!!! 

Nathan seems to be acting strange for his motivation.  Last Volume he wanted to make an army of "powered" individuals, but now since that possibility is gone he wants to round them up?  Why?  It is like there is no reason for that except for him being a spoiled brat...well if I can't have my super army I will just round them up for their own good.

As for the future stuff, this is what I have come to understand about Time travel and Precognition on the show.  Time Travel will take you into the actual past, but will only take you into the most probable future, but not necessarily the actual future.  This is why they can go back in time and change the events leading to that future it is not definite.  However, Precognition shows what WILL happen period.  You are not moving into a definitive time, but seeing what events will happen no matter what course of action you take.  None of the precognitions in the show have been stopped.  Even the courses of actions you want to take to stop the event will lead to it.

So when Hiro went into the future Ando killed Hiro and that was one future and it was prevented.  But the people that went into the future does not know that future will not come true, so they can reference it and even believe it WILL come true, but still won't.

I really hate that they took Hiro's ability from him, because it was done totally because the writers couldn't tell good stories with it...what was annoying was with Daphne around they were already hinting that Hiro's power was limited:  "If you could stop time we would not be having this conversation."  There was a limit to Hiro's ability lets explore that instead of taking the power away.  I hate that he has NOTHING.  He should either have teleportation (boring power get rid of it) or limited time manipulation (awesome power) but not both.

I am actually ok with the revisioning of Peter's power, it doesn't make him overpowered and makes him more interesting...but his reset just makes it more frustrating that Sylar is still alive, because we will never get a true all out throw down between Sylar and Peter again.  Not one in the same way we would hope. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2009, 01:21:46 AM »
Prognostication isn't definitive. If it was, New York would have blown up like the painting on the floor has always shown. That's another that will bug. We can see people go to the future and change it and we saw them prevent New York blowing up like the painting shows so why can't they prevent other paintings.

I also hope they didn't actually take Hiro's ability away because the writers found that they were so bad at using him they kept tripping over how it should work and created their own plotholes and so to prevent more mistakes, they just removed it. I disagree that teleportation is a boring power.

Speaking of Sylar, the power to know when someone is lying may be one of the best powers ever. Especially when added to his already formable arsenal. I'd like to see that power spread around. While I agree he should be dead, let's face it, he's the reason to watch the show. He's one of the best villains that has been created in a long time and he brings the most tension and suspense to the show.

Here's a question. The Haitian seems to have the ability to nullify other people's powers as well as remove memories. Does this mean the Haitian could block all of Sylar's abilities if he's standing next to him? That's the one thing I've never got. With all the times people have tried to kill Sylar, that is the first person I would think of bringing with me.

As for Nathan, like I said, I think we'll learn more yet of what his plan is all about. If it is just because he's upset with his plans getting spoiled by the end of the Vol. 3 and so wants these people rounded up, that would be kind if sad.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2009, 02:04:16 PM »
1)  No the Precognition of New York was accurate.  A nuclear blast did occur in New York.  It was just over the city instead of on the Street Level.  They could not stop the blast.  Nathan just took Peter up to save lives.  Precog still definitive.

2)Teleportation isn't boring, but compared to Time Manipulation it is.  I think it is the combining of the powers that made Hiro too powerful and that is why I wish he had one or the other, and if I had to choose I would rather him have time manipulation.  I understand the whole combining the theory of Time and Space into a power but that should not work as teleportation and Time Manipulation.

3)Sylar is an ok villain, but he is becoming stale.  Ben from LOST is easily the most interesting villain on television right now.  Sylar is too wishy washy. 

4)yes, the Haitian could block all of Sylar's ability, he did it with Aurthor Petrelli's ability...which is basically the same as Sylar's but different.  Also, I hated how they dropped the plot line that Sylar and Peter's powers may be more similar than they appear. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2009, 01:47:34 AM »
Ho ho, great stuff. I wonder who this rebel is. I know in Season 1 they briefly showed someone called the Wi-Fi Woman or something like that. I wonder if they are bringing her back. She seems to have the capability to be able to send out messages like that. At the same time, you'd think it was someone close to the Nathan's organization to know who is being hunted.

The Hunter is slowly becoming a very ruthless villian. That's good. The show needs more villians instead of just Sylar. It's going to be interesting to see what Sylar does now that he is on to Nathan's plan. I have a feeling that Sylar isn't going to kill the kid he's with. The Hunter may do that with Sylar killing the Hunter in revenge.

Looking forward to next episode. Noah is still the man for me. He's like the Batman of the show. He's got no powers but he's smart like Batman and can go toe-to-toe with any of these people with powers. Last time he was interrogated, we got "Company Man", best episode of Season 1. It would be great if we could see another episode like that. The series needs it. It should be good regardless.

Not much else to say about this episode. Knew Nathan would get the funding, more mystery on Sylar's dad, Claire speaking through clenched teeth a lot. Claire is going to go down pretty soon. Way to reckless.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2009, 02:59:20 PM »
So far Volume 4 has not been disappointing.  This is the best volume of the show so far, and feels much closer to the first season of Heroes than the others.

Noah is very much a Batman character, flawed and damaged, but still highly capable.

The Rebel is interesting, I like the character, but who can it be?  Personally, I hope it is Micah, because I feel they have not finished that storyline, and he could easily be caught and yet still gather Intel.  But reality is they will not be going that direction, instead I would put money on the Angela Petrelli being the rebel.  She is playing Nathan, and she would have the resources to be the Rebel. 

I can't decide if I like the direction they are taking Sylar, the more they humanize him the less interesting he gets.  He isn't a villain anymore, at least not in the I am truly evil since.  I find myself rooting for him to succeed more than scared of what it means if he does succeed...and this doesn't make a good villain. 

The best new character is the Bounty Hunter, which is going to turn on Nathan very quickly, once he realizes Nathan has powers.  I am waiting for that twist where Nathan's great planning will be his undoing.  It is only a matter of time. 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2009, 06:01:03 PM »
I think the hunter is going to figure out that Senator Nathan has powers just as soon as he figures out what Peter Petreli's power is.
I'm not sure why Jessica (or whatever her name is) doesn't just come out and say that Nathan can fly. She has to know that she is screwed and he betrayed her, why not return the favor?

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2009, 06:10:30 PM »
She has in a video that leaked when she was being brought in.

They probably don't believe her or Nathan has stated he is delusional.  The Hunter definitely is suspicious of Nathan and he has his own reasons he is doing this stuff.  I am sure that the Hunter already knows Peter's ability...but they just don't know he is limited to one power at a time, which is pretty dumb.  I hoping that either Peter Absorbs Sylar's power giving him all of Sylar's abilities, and jumping his metabolism into handling more powers again. or Ando's ability is used on Peter allowing his body to remember how to absorb more than one.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2009, 01:12:59 AM »
Interesting ideas. The Micah Saunders idea could work depending on how much his ability has grown. Maybe he can now see the images from video cameras and can track things just like the government. Thus, he knows what is going on and can cordinate things. Plus, after all the time the show spent on him, it would be nice to get something big out of his story. However, I just don't see him organizing such an effort for his age. It's possible he may have help. But the Micah idea could work if done right. He always had a neat ability it was just underutilized a lot.

As for Sylar, a thought occured to me. What if by helping this boy, he starts joining forces with other villianous people and starts how own Injustice League to rise up against Nathan and the hunters? Alright, that's a little stupid but that is one thing that disappointed me about the last volume. It was called Villians with a whole bunch of evil people escaping and you'd think we'd have seen a team-up of a bunch of villains together wreaking havoc across the land. The closest they got was the bank robbery with 4 guys and even then, it hardly lasted and the group lost half its members. Sure, you could point towards Pinehearst as being such a teamup but it was more a rival company than a truly dangerous supergroup of villians.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2009, 05:23:53 PM »
Micah has always been portrayed as being more mature than his age indicates.  He has experienced a lot in his life.

But I agree, he is young and needs help.  Perhaps whomever the Rebel is using/being helped by Micah.  I agree too much time was used on this character for him to be just dropped and ignoring that he ever existed.  He isn't dead, and his power is too dangerous for the government to ignore, actually any government would want to use his abilities for sabotage.  I would have rather him be killed by Sylar than ignored because people didn't enjoy his part of the over all story.

As for the Sylar Injustice League, I like that idea.  They hinted at that idea in Volume 3, but it didn't manifest itself well.  A good government vs. people with abilities is going on...and I predict Sylar and other villains will be partnering with Heroes over this battle.  I believe it can lead to a great volume 5, where they stop the government but then the villains back stab the heroes and begin forcing their will on the nation.

Interesting no? 

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 01:07:19 PM »
Another great episode. 

It is nice to see Noah Bennett as his morally gray self again.  His duality is the most interesting part of the show.  It was also nice to get an episode with zero Sylar in it, as I believe he is not as the heart of the show. 

I knew this episode was coming, a flash back to sort out and explain who many of the characters are, and how they got interconnected into this mess, and I was surprised to see that it was well written and fun.

The hunter was cliched about wanting to die for the cause of proving abilities are evil.  They needed to be exposed more for that to happen.  If the Hunter was killed people with abilities are still relatively unknown even in the government.  It could have easily been covered up. 

However, I like the idea of the hunter going rogue and out to kill.  And it seems like we can be seeing a main character death as a possibility this volume.  If I had my money I would bet Sylar would die again just to be brought back to life...but that is only because I am jaded.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2009, 03:47:17 PM »
Yeah, this was a good episode. I loved it. I think what made the episode so good was that they got the characters right. Noah having nothing else in his life but the company made perfect sense as to why he would still be doing this work. Nathan's motivations behind this whole project make sense as well. This is what I was hoping for. I said earlier that some of the characters didn't seem to be on the right side but this episode explained their motivations well, they made sense and they stayed true to the characters. Something that seemed impossible after the last volume.

In fact, this volume is actually helping make the events in Volume 3 a bit better and giving them some meaning.

I kept expecting Hiro and Ando to show up at the end to save Matt and the rest but it didn't happen. I'm not sure about the ending. Season 1 redux. Only this time, the bomb is in Washington. As for the Hunter trying to get Peter to kill him, was it neccessary? We just saw Tracy kill someone and get the operation all the funding it needs. Does he really need to die also to convince more hardliners of the dangers?

I'm sure the Hunter suffered some big loss at the hands of a person with powers. Or, he is Sylar's father and his experience with Sylar led him to believe all people with powers are monsters.

All in all good stuff and I was amazed they only stuck with one storyline this time around. Peter, Matt and Mohinder vs Noah, Nathan and Hunter. Now I can watch as Noah starts working towards his goal of bringing this organization down.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2009, 04:22:35 PM »
I'm still disappointed.... the same things back in season 1 are happening again 2 years later. Peter: just shoot him.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2009, 11:04:08 PM »
I'm still disappointed.... the same things back in season 1 are happening again 2 years later. Peter: just shoot him.

A hero doesn't kill.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #18 on: February 24, 2009, 11:30:20 PM »
Crossing the line of actually taking a life is pretty big.  Most people think that if they were pushed into a situation that it was do or die they could...but most people still freeze up in those situations, because killing is not something the soul takes lightly.

But it is pretty dumb when Peter can't/won't kill, but then goes to the guys house.  He should of shot him in the arm and leg crippling him.  Oh well, personally I would have destroyed the house and computers, or at least bugged them so he could track them...Peter needs to be more forward thinking.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2009, 03:55:49 PM »
Hmm.... to bad the top five stroungest heros were killed or weakened...

1. Syler is weakend, needs to restart his powers.

2. Hero lost his abilities,

3. Nukerler man is dead

4. Black hole guy is dead

5. Peter can only do one ability at a time

:( I still like heros, but it is sad they are weakening their forces so bad. Makes sence so there isn't no "overkill" when fighting people, but I still miss there powers :(
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2009, 04:21:16 PM »
I'm still disappointed.... the same things back in season 1 are happening again 2 years later. Peter: just shoot him.

A hero doesn't kill.

True, but there needs to be some sort of character or writing development over time, but not in the sense that Nathan is just recast into being the primary antagonist. It's like the mistakes of the past aren't really sticking and driving things forward.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2009, 06:16:16 PM »
Actually, now that I think about it, Peter did kill his father. Sure, Sylar stopped the bullet to question Arthur and then sent it on its merry way but the fact remains, the bullet that killed him came from Peter's gun. And that was his father. Oh well.
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2009, 06:35:53 PM »
True Peter fired with the intent of killing him. 

I am upset on some of the powers being taken away, but only because it didn't make sense to do.

If they had killed Sylar then Peter's reset would have been understood because he would never have a threat like him again.

Hiro's power reset is depressing because he had two fun powers that just shouldn't have been combined together because they are too powerful together...but he needs to get time manipulation back, just he doesn't need teleportation.  But it will probably be flipped. 

If at the end of this season Hiro still doesn't have a power of some sort I will be upset, and Ando's power sucks right now, because he isn't partnered with another hero.

And I am ok with Heros killing when it is the last resort.  Killing is not evil if it is for a justice...the problem is Man is a horrible judge of justice.  Nathan in this season is a perfect example.  Nathan is not evil...he doesn't want to kill people or imprison them forever, he just wants to take powers away to make them safe...which is ironically the flip plan from volume 3...once the formula was lost Nathan decided it was safer to rid abilities from people instead of giving them to everyone.

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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2009, 04:36:34 PM »
Heros and lost are made by the same people also. My friend hates lost, and hate heros, because he says "heros is like lost, alot of *stuff* happens, but the plot never advances"

I disagree mostaly, lost is frankly repitive, and NEVER anserews any of the secrets, like WTF is a polor bear on a island?! and ect. Heros does advance plot, kill off bad guys (even though there are always more baddies to come :D ) and the story is mostaly resolve at the end of each season, do you agree with me?

Also, Syler rocks  :P
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Re: Heroes Season 3
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2009, 05:27:27 PM »
---Edited for Khush

« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 09:55:31 AM by Spak-Spang »