Author Topic: Game Over: One final rant...  (Read 161281 times)

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Offline Bill Aurion

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Game Over: One final rant...
« on: January 24, 2009, 06:32:21 PM »
Okay, it's time to get something off my chest that is long past due.  Nintendo World Report is dying.

Or should I say, has been dying for a while now, and I feel it has been getting even worse over the past year.   Increasing bias and anti-Nintendo sentiment run free without consequence.  For example, in the recently-locked Final Fantasy topic, Ian derailed the thread with random trolls on the Wii's 3rd party support even though it had absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand (which in fact had to do with the financial and managing issues FFXIII was facing) AND arguing that we were only making such claims because we were fanboys and wanted the game on the Wii.  Classy.  Pale's response?  To consider Deg and myself the trolls for reprobating Ian on his derailment, and then closing the topic.  Sounds like bias to me.  Well, whatever.  I shook that off just like the countless other times Ian has gotten away with it.  No skin off my back. 

Fast-forward to today.  Mario has been perma-banned by Pale.  Meanwhile, canker sore Ian still roams free.  Why?  Rants with opinions that change based on just what Ninty is doing.  Rants that complain about a single Mario-focused game in the face of a dozen other original games.  Rants that complain about Ninty's focus on casual games when they currently make up only 20% of Ninty's published Wii titles.  Can you actually find a productive post where Ian actually sat down in a topic with us and discussed something positively about a specific game?  Does no one find it odd that he tends to stay out of topics that bring tidings of good news about Ninty or that completely destroy one his prior rants?  Instead Mario is perma-banned for "personal attacks" that were most likely precipitated by Mario's frustration over getting constant warnings for stupid things while others get away with much worse.  It's sad to see a TRUE Nintendo fan banned over one who is clearly not, regardless of the circumstances.  Now I don’t mean to put the spotlight just on Pale, as this is only an example that illustrates my point and opened my eyes to what I should have seen for a while now.

I love games, I love talking about games, and I love discussing games with other people.  What I don't love is having threads derailed with random angst (such as the case where a certain mod plopped into the Wii Sales Thread only to say that the Wii was only selling to casuals and grandmas).  I don't love having to pussyfoot around mods with obvious biases towards HD gaming.  If I did, I'd post at GAF more.  But at least GAF has the excuse of not being Nintendo-focused.  I don't love game discussion threads being abandoned in favor of threads groaning about how casual games are killing gaming and the embarrassingly pointless Staff Blog board (which was created solely so the staff could supplement their bias even more).  That was what was so magical about Planet Gamecube back in the day; excluding Ian, everyone participated in game discussion and rants were few and far-between.  Over time, it was clear that the oasis was beginning to dry up.  First was the PSP fiasco, where mods like Rick and Dragona (the others, you know who you are) were clearly PSP-biased and made their points clear that they thought the DS would flop.  Great atmosphere that built up, guys.

Then came this generation.  I don't know if it was the result of the HD war, the change of NWR staff, just a lack of interest in games in general, or an amalgamation of the three and others, but the topics really do show.  Talkback news is usually late. Game-specific topics are full of information posts with little actual insight or discussion from other posters.  The topics with the most posts and discussion come from those that aren't even really game-specific, be it arguments about sales, "casual games", third party support, or any other drama-charged groanfest.  And all these topics do is destroy bonds between posters that should instead be tightening through enjoyable discussion.  From someone who wants nothing more than to see everyone enjoying positive discussion about upcoming games, it's really depressing to see how the site has crumbled, and it's clear to see why Mario (and others before him) gave up the ghost.  Why bother putting effort into a post when it's bound to be derailed by a third party support monologue?  Why bother putting effort into a post when no one even cares anymore? 

Am I being too harsh?  Yeaaaano.  I'm not.  It shouldn't be too much to expect a Nintendo-oriented site to be slightly Nintendo-biased.  But no, I'm only seeing the opposite these days.  So I'm sick of it.  It's not fun anymore.  Talking about games here is no longer fun.  I really wish I could force myself to keep doing it, but I can't; the atmosphere is too suffocating.  I tried my best to salvage what I could, but ended up staining my own hands with the hypocrisy of adding to the very rants I wished to destroy. 

And it's painful because I really do like most of you, and wish I could have gotten closer to those I'm on bad terms with.  It's been a fun 7+ years, and I thank all of you for all the (mostly) positive experiences, and wish all of you the best of luck in your respective lives.  For those of you that DO still try to keep positive game discussion alive, I also wish you luck here at NWR.  Perhaps you guys can bring the forums back to its former glory where I failed.  Oh wait, Silks is the Director now, never mind.

If anyone wants to get a hold of me for some reason, my email is Splush23 and you can usually find me on MSN Messenger in some form.  There are still a bunch of you I haven’t played online with, so hopefully we can fix that in the future.

One last thing:  Remember why you picked up the controller in the first place.  Remember why even after all these years you still hold it in your hands.  Cherish the games you like and don't let anyone tell you different.  And never, EVER, let the Nintendo fan in you die.  ^_^

Best regards,

~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline Caliban

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 06:49:15 PM »
Well I'm not happy that Bill is leaving.

Offline Stogi

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2009, 07:11:32 PM »
*Breathes in real deep*

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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2009, 07:21:57 PM »
Wow, I go to sleep for the night and come back to this?!?! Well I'm going to actually defend Ian, say what you want about him, but at least Ian is respectful in his negativity, something I cannot say for various other forum members when they respond to him. Does he get grating after awhile of reading his constant negativity? Yeah and I've responded but some people take it way too far and actually are vicious in their personal attacks.

In regards to Lindy, I admit, I was worried when he was announced as director of the site, but really I am going to give him a chance. Say what you want about Lindy but I know him to be a decent and yes fair guy even when we may disagree on something. With that said I am really saddened to see Bill go :(.

I do want to say Pale still gets my support 100%, he does not have an easy job. He gives us all slack, maybe even when we don't really deserve it, and has done his best to balance the rules with common sense leeway. My guess is that he wasn't thrilled to ban Mario but felt he was given far too many warnings. Even as someone who isn't a fan of Ian I thought his comments about him being a moron for not getting a joke crossed the line.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 07:39:16 PM by GoldenPhoenix »
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Offline Deguello

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2009, 07:37:50 PM »
Well that's just great.  Now Ian has cost me not one, but two longtime friends on a forum.

I'm gonna agree with Bill on a lot of this.  Almost all, in fact.  Things were a whole lot more civil around here before reasonable posters were forced to accept Ian Sane as the other side of every argument, no matter how stupid he sounded or what he said.  Ian's frothing diatribes about his broken dreams and how "people back in the day" were better than us and his craven targeting of absent "Blind Nintendo Fanboys" that, in some place, at some time, said something to somebody were given equal weight with regular posters scratching their heads wondering just what the hell Ian was talking about.

He has a pissy attitude.  He insults people, and in the most sniveling way, to people who aren't even in the room at the time.  He's been an agent of disruption on several occasions.  Why is he still here?  Why do we have to lose Bill over him?  Are his opinions, ever shifting and slitherine, worth losing one of our most peaceful and pro-active posters?  Is this a good trade?

No the hell way.  The loss of Bill is a major blow to this community.  I'd trade ten Ians for another post from Bill.  Please, could you reconsider, Bill?  Don't let them get to you.
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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2009, 07:38:45 PM »
Bill I didn't read your whole thing... maybe I will some day.

But in the first few paragraphs you further proved to me you don't understand any reason behind my moderation.

While Ian may make anti nintendo remarks.. HE NEVER PERSONALLY ATTACKS ANOTHER FORUM MEMBER.

Mario was banned because after being given multiple final warnings.  In fact, he came back and seemed to be blatantly breaking the rules again as if he wanted to be banned.

My stance in the final fantasy discussion had nothing to do with the argument at hand, it had everything to do with how individuals responded with hostility towards another.

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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2009, 07:42:36 PM »
Deg please show me an example of Ian insulting someone and I will gladly take back what I've said.  I've never seen it though.
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2009, 07:43:33 PM »
Deg please show me an example of Ian insulting someone and I will gladly take back what I've said.  I've never seen it though.

I would too. Ian may stir up us Nintendo fanbois (gurls) with his comments but I don't recall him actually insulting anyone.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2009, 07:48:34 PM »
the point here pale is that planet gamecube(nwr) isn't an audience to be controlled. There is a planet gamecube base that's separate from the Nintendo base. People like Bill are people who should have much clout in the forums because they are who have contributed much to them. I wish these forums would just seperate from the main site and take a life of their own. A forum is a group of people who come together and talk, unfortuanately if the forums started off as a theme its the only outlet for them to communicate with each other. You can't just expect the whole forum community to move together as a group from forum to forum as their tastes change.

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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2009, 07:51:41 PM »
Ok, just so everyone knows, here is some of Mario's posts that led to his ban.  I want you to know that all of these happened immediately after he was given a very clear final warning.

I didn't want to make a big deal out of this decision, but Bill called it out so I will.

This was in response to the wii fit / paralyzed girl storing.  Obviously a trolling shot.
Gimmick game for kids. Get some Gears of War 2 into this biatch and then we'll talk. Online via voice chat, as I whip her aaaaassssss moffo! W0)000000000000t

This was in response to Lindy getting the director position.  Obviously hostile and mocking him without even really knowing the guy.

This was a direct response to people buying the wii copy of RE4 after already owning the cube version.
Only a complete idiot would buy RE4 twice, and Umbrella Chronicles is a good game.

This is a response to Ian simply stating he wasn't a fan of the name of a game.
It's a penis joke you friggin dense moron, the game is one big joke. In a good way.


This is a response to my impressions of kororinpa... apparently trying to say it's totally ridiculous that I haven't played the original.
How the **** haven't you played the original. What the hell.

Those are all AFTER his final warning.  While some could be considered good natured if he had a history of kidding around.. he doesn't.

If you want to read even more of his posts, please check his profile.;u=35;sa=showPosts

Now, I remember when Mario was a really nice guy to have around, but he jumped the shark a long time ago and was given PLENTY of warnings.  If we want to have a civil discussion about the forum rules and someone wants to make the case that Mario SHOULDN'T have been banned, I welcome it... but I don't see how you can ignore that terrible attitude.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 07:53:59 PM by Pale »
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2009, 07:52:02 PM »
the point here pale is that planet gamecube(nwr) isn't an audience to be controlled. There is a planet gamecube base that's separate from the Nintendo base. People like Bill are people who should have much clout in the forums because they are who have contributed much to them. I wish these forums would just seperate from the main site and take a life of their own. A forum is a group of people who come together and talk, unfortuanately if the forums started off as a theme its the only outlet for them to communicate with each other. You can't just expect the whole forum community to move together as a group from forum to forum as their tastes change.

That may be true, but constant personal insults flung at someone is not good no matter what the forum make up is, especially ones flung after the person was warned.
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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2009, 07:53:28 PM »
Perm: The only controlling I'm trying to do is make people act civilly to each other.  If someone thinks something someone else said is wrong, disagree with some class. 
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2009, 07:55:55 PM »
Ok, one parting shot for Bill.

I hope you realize you were given no formal warning for that FF 13 thread.  I read the forums enough to know that 99% of the time you are one of the most good natured posters here.  I'm sorry that the one time I felt the need to mention I thought you were over the line you took it so badly.
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2009, 07:58:23 PM »
Great Bill leaves! He has been here forever.I am really upset about this.I need to get in touch with him.I'm really sad about this.:'(
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 08:02:57 AM by Maxi »
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2009, 08:08:16 PM »

^ see what I did there?

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Offline Pale

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2009, 08:18:40 PM »
So I just finished reading your entire post Bill, and I think I found our major point of contention.

You said this:
Increasing bias and anti-Nintendo sentiment run free without consequence.

The problem is, it is NEVER our intention to penalize people for disagreeing with something regarding a Nintendo console.  If you expect that in moderation, you won't find it here.
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2009, 08:19:55 PM »
I'm gonna miss those creepy androgynous, underage anime screencaps.
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Offline Deguello

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2009, 08:39:29 PM »
Hell here's one insult from Ian,

If this was on the Wii everyone crapping on it here would be all "well I'm glad Square Enix is taking the time to make this as polished as possible."

This is how he opened his FFXIII thread derail.  By accusing everybody critical of FFXIII of hypocrisy.  Last time I checked being called a hypocrite was an insult.  Oh, but that's right he didn't do it directly at somebody.  That makes a world of difference, doesn't it?  This kind of passive-aggressive crap is what he does.  And it IS insulting, period.  Especially when he goes on rants about how Wario Ware or Wii Sports or Game-Ian-Doesn't-Personally-Like is a lot like "Reality TV" or "Garbage pop music."  I mean I feel greatly insulted by that elitist slight.  But yeah, he meant everybody who likes it, not just me.  That makes it a lot better, right?

So I always let it slide, mainly because commenting on such ridiculousless would be creating "hostility."  So Ian gets to continue farting in an elevator and anybody who comments on it gets slammed down for "starting a fight."

So ultimately that's the tragedy of Mario.  He never learned to hide his insults like Ian did.  But Ian has insulted people, especially when he just calls somebody a fanboy for disagreeing with him about whatever it is he's yelling about this time.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2009, 08:57:39 PM »
Well this really sucks. I don't even know what to say.. blah.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2009, 09:06:45 PM »
So ultimately that's the tragedy of Mario.  He never learned to hide his insults like Ian did.  But Ian has insulted people, especially when he just calls somebody a fanboy for disagreeing with him about whatever it is he's yelling about this time.

I disagree, because Mario has been very tactless and insulting people head on as if he was alienating them and it was just beyond rude and immature. And Deg you have to look at it through Pale's perspective trying to be the peace keeper and if threads have to be locked I'm sure he does his best with proper reasoning.

But I do have to agree with Bill that NWR has been going down the drain pretty fast in the past few months but I think that with Lindy's leadership he will bring things up to speed and return NWR back to the golden PGC days. 
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2009, 09:14:55 PM »
**** this.
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Offline stevey

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2009, 09:26:12 PM »
I agree completely with bill.

After the last E3, no one here has or at lease shows their love for Nintendo anymore. Why, Because there no upcoming games after a little more than a year with Zelda, Mario, Mario kart, Metroid, Smash bros, VC ports and wii-ware, and new IPs that completely blew Nintendo's load? Real Game: good games - games that Nintendo makes, not sh­it like Madden or Halo, take two-three years to make and another year or two to beta test and fine tune. Just because they choose wisely not to show random lines of code to a game without a working graphic engine yet or bad concept drawing that very likely won't resemble anything like the final game when released; you savagely attacked them for focusing on game that had substance and a near release date to their other game the won't be released by the end of this decade or stupidly acted like you're three and the moment you don't see something it's gone from the face of the earth. What's worst is that Nintendo listen to you antifanboys and apologized for doing the right thing at E3. If they don't snap out of it, they will dive bomb from #1 to last or worst if Legend of OO is any indication of their up coming E3 and games.

PGC has changed, the news always was slow, and readers epically Ian were critical of Nintendo actions that they feared might lead them to failure, but now Nintendo is on top all they care about is Nintendo waiting on them hand and foot for every one of their idiotic desires. Discussion of third party software and systems is more active than Nintendo's software. This is a Nintendo forum, for fans of Nintendo 1st and 2nd party games and systems. If you like you Ps3 soo much than go to a PSfanboy site or if you like everyone equally then go to gamefaq or GAF. Want to randomly troll, there are endless *chan /v/ boards for you. Nintendo fanboys advice to Sony or Ms fan should always be to buy a Nintendo system.

The site staff has gone moderator happy in recent month, yes I know that the Hawtness thread probably would have ended up with NWR somehow being sued, and political thread always were killed on site. But the age of the nonsense and Funhouse has died. Vendettas and harmless personal attack are gone, the site's weird sense of humor is dieing, and what made this site better than all other forums is slowly, completely, and irreversibly disappearing.

I'm still hopefully though. I hope that after the next E3, you guy will remember what all of you have forgotten! Nintendo makes great games <period>

Also no one read anything anymore that longer then three lines, due to their new found A.D.D.

I always though Bill would be here forever along with Ian. I would say don't leave but I doubt you listen...

Good luck finding somewhere better and more pro-Nintendo/loli.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 09:48:44 PM by stevey »
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Offline Deguello

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2009, 09:34:29 PM »
I disagree, because Mario has been very tactless and insulting people head on as if he was alienating them and it was just beyond rude and immature. And Deg you have to look at it through Pale's perspective trying to be the peace keeper and if threads have to be locked I'm sure he does his best with proper reasoning.

Hey I've been a peace keeper too.  I can't count the number of threads Ian just totally destroyed by bringing in totally unrelated rants about Nintendo in the 90's or the state of Nintendo fanboys in the 80's into a thread about a new Mario game or something.  I always wondered if it would be better off if I just banned him and was done with it.  But I never would because he never personally insulted anybody, just people generally.  Getting rid of Ian would have increased the peace a whole lot, and I considered it several times.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2009, 09:45:28 PM »
Well, I'm saddened to see Bill make this decision. I'm also saddeded to see Mario banned. I would be saddened to see Ian banned or leave as well.

We were all drawn here for a common interest. If someone doesn't share that interest anymore, they really shouldn't hang around though no one has the right to ask someone to leave without good reason.

Is this the price of (Nintendo's) success? When we felt the under dog, we grouped together under a flag of solidarity. Now its different. Somehow. We've lost posters. We've lost staff. We've lost our soul?

I'm sad tonight. I'd like to think that we'll pull out and turn around, but I believe its a downward spiral.

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2009, 10:06:07 PM »
NWR still rules the internetz for Nintendo, its not even close.  Lets take a look at the competition:

GoNintendo - no original content, sloppy and dirty
Infendo -  decent blog but Jacks irrationality and incompetence ruin it on a daily basis
TheWiire - boring geeks
WiiFanboy - lifeless blog
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