What I don't understand is that the Sonic Team has been atrocius with every Sonic game in the last few, years, poor controls, and showed an obvious lack of talent. I do not buy the opinion that they developed the Wii controls to be "hardcore", I think they just lucked out that some people would buy the game and defend the controls because even though they are sloppily implemented, like about any control scheme, people can get used to it. I Have no doubt people got used to the new Sonic controls for 360, does that mean they are hardcore? No they are still piss poor, but like anything you can compensate in most every game.
In fact if the argument Smash, along with others used about SR's controls being nothing more than something you get used to, then that means any game that can beaten should NEVER be critisized for poor controls, because it just takes "Practice". They can be like Sonic, imprecise, clunky, but you can still get "used" to them if you torture yourself long enough. Reminds me of Tomb Raider, it had some of the sloppiest controls around, but hey people got used to them, so does that mean they were good? Or maybe something like Blasto, that game could be beaten, but the controls sucked, though I guess if you were a "hardcore" gamer they would turn out great, right?