Originally posted by: wandering
The problem is Nintendo fans.
It's funny: I almost raised this point, except from a completely different angle.
Nintendo fans are
spoiled rotten by most games today. Take TP or Mario 64, for example: it is IMMENSELY hard to die in these games. The focus of the game is adventuring with little to no chance of death.
Guess what? Sonic team TRIED adventuring and people b*tched up a storm that "Sonic is all about speed!", so they give us a game where the entire focus is trying to surmount obstacles while moving at breakneck speeds where one wrong move can equate death and people get up in arms about the game and how it's "frustrating", "too hard", etc. etc.
God forbid, we Nintendo fans actually sit down to a game in which we die and KEEP dying until we, oh I dunno, GET BETTER AT IT?! How feeble have we as gamers become when we become offended when a game is difficult to the point that we don't plow through it without any trace of difficulty?
NSMB was easy as hell, TP was a cake walk and Nintendo fans actually pissed and moaned that Mario SUNSHINE was too hard. Huh?
Now, we have a game which has a learning curve to the control, but rather than taking a hit and simply losing some easily-recovered life when you f*ck up, you
die. OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!11!!!11!!!!!!1!
But to make the whiners look even worse,
Sonic doesn't even HAVE lives!!! He just starts again 20 feet back from where you died, not forcing these whiners to even start the level over most of the time.
I have no problem with this control scheme, once I learned it. When I figured out the rhythm of steering Sonic, homing attacks, jump timing and jump canceling, it rapidly became second nature.
How did we forget the glory days of the 16-bit era where players didn't blame the GAME when they sucked at it but tried harder until they got it right?