Author Topic: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19  (Read 34800 times)

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #100 on: September 14, 2006, 02:57:41 AM »
Looks like we're getting charged $38 (at the current exchange rate from Japan) for Wii Sports.  Also looks like Pale wins the "when will Wii launch" contest.

And a photo editor that doesn't even let you put the photos in the games?  NintenROFLs am cry!

Super Paper Mario delayed instead of awesome, Virtual console games cost as much as a car, launch price within farting distance of Xsux 360, launch date is as late as possible.  More like BAD NEWSATON.

edit: It's a good morning to be a dirty Sony turncoat!  
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline blackfootsteps

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #101 on: September 14, 2006, 03:06:40 AM »
Hmm, so usually $US gets a straight (no-exchange rate) conversion to Euro for Nintendo products, that would put the Aussie price at A$420. Eh, I was hoping for $400 (the same as N64), still looks way better than the PS3 at A$1000.

The price gouging on our side of the world is quite extraordinary seeing as US$250 (should) = A$330. Yay for $90 price increase, they better pack-in Wii Sports here!  XBOX 360 premium bundles got the headset removed so I wouldn't be surprised if we paid a lot more for less.

I hope the controls are reasonably priced otherwise I'll probably import from the US.
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Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #102 on: September 14, 2006, 04:35:50 AM »
I'm not bothered by the price.  If I can afford the 600.00 PS3 (Which I can, but not getting until several games I think are interesting are out), then 250.00 for Wii is nothing.

I'm not gloating or anything, it's just that I sometimes spend more than 250.00 in a month (sometimes a week o_O) for books, dvd's and stuff, so it's not like I am buying something extravagant.

Also, I take home 350.00+ net in my weekly paycheck so I'm not crying, regardless of what Nintendo decided to stick in the box or not.
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Offline Nick DiMola

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #103 on: September 14, 2006, 06:02:32 AM »
Soooo, according to IGN and the live report from the conference we are only getting 1 Wiimote and 1 Nunchuck attachment, and officially the Wiimote costs $40 and the nunchuck costs $20 (You're killing me Nintendo). But it also says ALL of the cables will be included, hopefully that includes the component cables (then I can finally play my Cube in Hi-Def). At least their interface looks rocking and the games are looking sharp and crisp and absolutely gorgeous. I'm pissed that I can't waste more money at launch on games. $250 for the Wii, another $60 for the Wiimote combo, $50 for Zelda, and probably another $50 for one more game (probably Red Steel), that's already $410 before taxes (Definitely my limit). 30 Titles in the launch window, so hopefully people will be good to me this Christmas and get me some Wii games!
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Offline jasonditz

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #104 on: September 14, 2006, 06:34:23 AM »

Originally posted by: nitsu niflheim
I'm not bothered by the price.  If I can afford the 600.00 PS3 (Which I can, but not getting until several games I think are interesting are out), then 250.00 for Wii is nothing.

I'm not gloating or anything, it's just that I sometimes spend more than 250.00 in a month (sometimes a week o_O) for books, dvd's and stuff, so it's not like I am buying something extravagant.

Also, I take home 350.00+ net in my weekly paycheck so I'm not crying, regardless of what Nintendo decided to stick in the box or not.

Nintendo made some very clear promises and they're going back on them.

"One price, one configuration, one color."

I know damned well we were promised multiple launch colors...

And the Gamecube version of Zelda isn't coming until mid December, TWO YEARS AFTER IT WAS FIRST PROMISED I MIGHT ADD, but more recently they promised to release the Wii and GC versions the same day... is the GC suddenly way more difficult to develop for?

And remember being promised Metroid Prime 3? Well, that's pushed back to 2007

I mean sure, I can afford it too, that's not the point. There's a question of value here, and right now it's not looking good. $250 system with a game is great (even if it's a game that wasn't too high up my list)... but we still don't know the full specs of the system, most of the really good games are getting pushed back to 2007, the launch box comes with a multiplayer game, but only one controller for it, and the VC games cost 10 times what I'd be willing to pay for them.

I'm not hearing one good thing: everything is worst case scenario of what we were promised, the price is the highest they talked about, the date is the latest they talked about.

Just as a sheer value proposition, the minimum Wii launch purchase is $360... a system, two controllers, and TP. No VC games, not at that price.

I'm not going through the same months of buyer's remorse I had with the DS before enough games came out to justify the purchase... not when the cost of admission is twice as high.

Offline TrueNerd

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #105 on: September 14, 2006, 06:36:02 AM »
Sixty dollar controllers for the LOSS. Worst news that has come out of this thing.  

Offline EasyCure

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #106 on: September 14, 2006, 06:41:28 AM »
i dont see what the big deal is when it comes to the virtual console prices. those prices were announced a pretty long time ago and i dont remember THAT big a deal being made, even here at planetwhiinecube.

if its true and we dont get a second controller packed in, and the wiimote and nunchaku controllers are sold as seperate skus, that will most likely hurt nintendo more then luanching a measily two days after ps3 in my mind. thats asking way too much considering how differently each game can play on your new console. so far all the launch games i am definately going to buy require the wiimote/chuck combo. if selling the two seperate you are seriously handicapping your lower income customer because you *sigh* and i'll sound like ian for saying this, you arent giving them the full experience. in order for the full experience you'll have to pay extra for an attachment that can only be used with the Wiimote. Its not like the nunchaku can be used independantly in a versitile way (the wya the wiimote can be used). If that were the case then selling it seperately would at least have SOME merit. Its not the case though.

IMO they are asking way to much for a peripheral that looks like it cost them only five cents to make. its the same analouge stick as GC so development on that has to be fairly cheap right? the two buttons on its back arent analouge so theres no reason for price to go up on that. the biggest offender, no rumble, so again cost should stay low. it doesnt use its own battery supply either. so what are we paying for. $20 for a stick, two buttons and an accelorometer? thats just not fair.

this is gonna hurt them. its doign nothing but causing confusion amonst buyers. imagine mommy who doesnt know anything about video games picking up that extra controller for lil johnny... woops, you need something else to play the game with, looks like you gotta wiat until you get the second peice to your controller.

dumb move
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline Luigi Dude

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #107 on: September 14, 2006, 06:45:01 AM »
Even though I agree that the system being $250 and the controller $60.  It's still much cheaper then what you have to pay for the competition.  I dont see this really hurting Nintendo to much since the average person will walk into the store and see

Wii - $250
360 - $400
PS3 - $600

This is a big difference then the last gen where it was just

Gamecube - $200
PS2 - $300
XBox - $300
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Offline BigJim

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #108 on: September 14, 2006, 06:50:14 AM »
$180 for another 3 controllers. Fail. What I really don't like is that the nunchuk attachment has shown itself to be entirely vital. Sell them separately on as backup parts or something.  Splitting them at Retail is just gonna confuse people.

Everything else isn't so bad.  

Offline Dirk Temporo

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #109 on: September 14, 2006, 06:58:21 AM »
I don't WANT Wii Sports Nintendo. Why are you making me buy it? You aren't making the Japanese people buy it, why the hell are you making me buy it?

And what the hell is this? We're ONLY getting white? Way to go back on your promises Nintendo. I don't want a ugly white Wii sitting next to my BLACK N64 AND GAMECUBE. Is it really that goddamn hard to release black too?

Wow. This whole thing is disappointing. I don't even know if I want a Wii at launch anymore.
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Offline Athrun Zala

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #110 on: September 14, 2006, 07:04:00 AM »
wow....if you all complain so much about these things, I'm glad you aren't sony fanboys =|

the ONLY problem I have with all this is the Wiimote+nunchaku price (if it were just 10 or 15 less it'd be great), everything else is just fine
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Offline Dirk Temporo

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #111 on: September 14, 2006, 07:15:27 AM »
I don't WANT Wii Sports. I should not have to pay for a game I do not want. And I also do not want a white console. Do we have any idea how long it will be until black is available?
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Offline jasonditz

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #112 on: September 14, 2006, 07:24:44 AM »
I've pretty much decided I'm not buying one at launch. Sorry if it sounds like complaining, but the system just isn't what I was hoping it to be.  

Offline EasyCure

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #113 on: September 14, 2006, 07:25:05 AM »
is it confirmed that wii will launch in only white (initially)?

this might actually mean i'll have to buy white at launch and trade it in for black when that released. its not much of a hassle but i'd rather be able to buy black from the get go. with the DSL i didnt mind so much because i already have a ds to hold me off until released. this isn't the case anymore. i dont have a Wii to hold me off until a new color comes out.

and if Wii sells out like the dsl's do in japan, then that means i'll probably have to preorder a black Wii just to ensure i'll get it, the trade in value by then probably wont cover the full cost of the new color so i'll technically have to pay for a second console, even though not much. any word yet about wiimote colors being available at launch??
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline BigJim

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #114 on: September 14, 2006, 07:26:34 AM »
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #115 on: September 14, 2006, 07:27:39 AM »
Why are almost all of you complaining about the price? The Wii is a superior system than that of its competitors, and could easily sell for even higher than $250.

Nintendo can't price it too low because then people would see it as an inferior system, when it is actually the superior system when you consider the innovative features. Plus this gives breathing room for price cuts later on. If Nintendo released it for the lowest possible price then they wouldn't have much room to cut prices. Also, the supply of Wiis at launch is going to be somewhat limited, and you'll probably see these selling for $1,000 on ebay anyway.

So it is my opinion that the price is right. I'm also pleased to see the return of pack in games.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #116 on: September 14, 2006, 07:28:52 AM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Out of all the blunders Nintendo has made today only one color is perhaps the most forgiveable. It is the other things that could cost NIntendo dearly down the road.
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Offline Arbok

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #117 on: September 14, 2006, 07:29:21 AM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Well... at least when I take the Gamecube out, it will look natural with the white Dreamcast and white Wavebirds I suppose...

I always tend to get the console in its most advertised color anyway, so that doesn't really bother me, although they should have issued it in at least one varient color like the GCN when it launched.
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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #118 on: September 14, 2006, 07:30:05 AM »

Why are almost all of you complaining about the price? The Wii is a superior system than that of its competitors, and could easily sell for even higher than $250.

If the price included a pack-in people wanted, that'd be one thing.

The Japanese price is $212 with no WiiSports. I think many here would prefer that option rather than have no alternative but to pay the $40 for WiiSports (or get no system at all).  

Offline EasyCure

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #119 on: September 14, 2006, 07:33:19 AM »

Originally posted by: VGrevolution

Originally posted by: BigJim
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Out of all the blunders Nintendo has made today only one color is perhaps the most forgiveable. It is the other things that could cost NIntendo dearly down the road.

what if people hold off on buying a wii until the black color is available? what if that or other colors isnt available for 6 months or so, for whatever reason? that means people wont be buying wii's, or wii games, w hich means initial sales will make it appear to be a lost cause game developers. that means by the time someone does get around to owning a black wii, developers will back out and we'll be living in the gamecube gen all over again.

although that is a worst case scenario ;-). just because this scenario is possible, i wouldnt call it the most forgiveable. if we get a lack of games because systems didndt sell initially because a color alternative wasnt available...i wouldnt forgive nintendo ;-)
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #120 on: September 14, 2006, 07:33:50 AM »

Originally posted by: Chozo Ghost
Why are almost all of you complaining about the price? The Wii is a superior system than that of its competitors, and could easily sell for even higher than $250.

Nintendo can't price it too low because then people would see it as an inferior system, when it is actually the superior system when you consider the innovative features. Plus this gives breathing room for price cuts later on. If Nintendo released it for the lowest possible price then they wouldn't have much room to cut prices. Also, the supply of Wiis at launch is going to be somewhat limited, and you'll probably see these selling for $1,000 on ebay anyway.

So it is my opinion that the price is right. I'm also pleased to see the return of pack in games.

Like I said in another thread, after launch is what will be really telling and you are going to have trouble selling inferior graphical hardware to the masses for 250$. Nintendo is also going to be limiting the games people will be buying which could turn out to negatively impact the sales of 3rd party games which could chase them away instead of bringing them in. I was planning on getting 4 games at launch, now I can only get 3 which will be Elbits, Zelda, and Red Steel.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #121 on: September 14, 2006, 07:36:23 AM »

Originally posted by: BigJim
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Wasn't that the case with the SNES? Yet the SNES was a huge success. White or black as the default color is fine for any console.

I'm just glad that the default color isn't indigo like the Gamecube was. That actually could be why the Gamecube failed...
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Offline jasonditz

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #122 on: September 14, 2006, 07:40:32 AM »
I wouldn't have cared about the color if they hadn't explicitly promised multiple colors at launch. Just like I wouldn't have cared that the GC version of TP is coming out a month after the Wii verison if they hadn't promised the release two years ago and then again promised the release on the same day as the Wii verison.

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RE: From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #123 on: September 14, 2006, 07:41:17 AM »
::looking around:: I'm not worried about the color(s).

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: $250 on Nov. 19
« Reply #124 on: September 14, 2006, 07:43:29 AM »

Originally posted by: EasyCure

Originally posted by: VGrevolution

Originally posted by: BigJim
Your choices of colors (systems and controllers) are white, white and white.

Out of all the blunders Nintendo has made today only one color is perhaps the most forgiveable. It is the other things that could cost NIntendo dearly down the road.

what if people hold off on buying a wii until the black color is available? what if that or other colors isnt available for 6 months or so, for whatever reason? that means people wont be buying wii's, or wii games, w hich means initial sales will make it appear to be a lost cause game developers. that means by the time someone does get around to owning a black wii, developers will back out and we'll be living in the gamecube gen all over again.

although that is a worst case scenario ;-). just because this scenario is possible, i wouldnt call it the most forgiveable. if we get a lack of games because systems didndt sell initially because a color alternative wasnt available...i wouldnt forgive nintendo ;-)

Lol why must you include this worse case scenario when they have already fulfilled two others .
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