Author Topic: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters  (Read 21295 times)

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Offline Jonnyboy117

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REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
« on: March 27, 2006, 09:18:15 PM »
Hunters is a fantastic multiplayer FPS, but we're still waiting for the first Metroid game on DS.

Metroid Prime: Hunters is the best first-person shooter from Nintendo since Goldeneye 007 and Perfect Dark in Rare's heyday.  It is easily the best use yet of Nintendo WiFi Connection and the Nintendo DS microphone.  It makes a strong case for the versatility and accuracy of the touch-screen as an alternative to analog joysticks for 3D games.  But Hunters is not, in any way, a real Metroid game.  If you are hoping for a handheld version of Retro Studios' Metroid Prime games, keep waiting.    

Hunters is strictly a first-person shooter and has more in common with Quake and Unreal than it does with the Metroid Prime games, much less with the original Metroid games.  Even the "adventure" mode, which has some basic exploration and scanning in an appeal to fans of the series, completely misses the mark.  That's because there is no upgrading beyond the six sub-weapons, which are interchangeable for the most part.  And you can't have a Metroid game without upgrades; that would be like having a Mario game without jumping.  You can slap these characters on whatever game you want, but no one is arguing that Mario Party and Mario Baseball are real Super Mario games.  The original Metroid on NES establishes the importance of upgrading within the first thirty seconds of the game.  So we can talk all day about how great Hunters is, and I will, but don't tell me it's a Metroid game just because it has Samus and her morph ball.  Maybe it's a deceit on Nintendo's part; at least the franchise outsourcing was blatant with the pinball game.  I have to think that some people will approach this game with the expectation that it has some grand adventure component to back up the obvious draw of online multiplayer, but that is sadly not the case.  If you're clear on that fact, Hunters can be appreciated on its own terms.    

The reasons to buy Hunters are its multiplayer offerings, plain and simple.  Single-card mode takes a little while to upload, and the moochers are stuck playing as Samus, but it runs smoothly and is completely playable.  Multi-card mode not only opens up the other characters for everyone, but you can also turn on bots to fill up empty spots.  The bots have three difficulty settings and are more than competitive even on the middle setting.  Another nice thing about this mode is that you can play alone against three bots to practice your skills anytime.    

The big hitter is online play through Nintendo WiFi Connection.  Random matching looks and works just like Mario Kart DS, but as of this writing, it's quite hard to find more than one random opponent at a time, and sometimes even these matches crash before getting started.  If you do manage to get a game, and the opponent is good, you can try to add him/her as a rival afterwards, which is sort of a sub-friend.  It's a great idea, because the infrastructure for friends (and to a lesser extent, rivals) is much, much better than the random matching.    

With a well-stocked friends list (try our WiFi forums to find codes and post your own), Hunters is easily the best online experience yet on the DS.  You can see games being hosted by friends, or create your own and wait for people to join, or view a list of all friends who are online.  Once in a game, there are plenty of options to arrange, dozens of levels to choose from, and the zinger: voice chat.  It works very well and makes it so much easier to agree upon the match settings, ask others to wait for a friend you know is on the way, or just gab about anything while waiting for the match to start.  Voice comes through clearly, though it's a bit quiet unless the DS speakers are turned all the way up.  Headphones do alleviate that problem.  There's also a text chat feature, which is not only obsolete but isn't implemented very well.  It's too bad the communication isn't available during gameplay, because there's no way to inform your opponent that the phone is ringing or the pizza guy is at the door, and of course you can't pause.  You can try to explain your terrible playing after the match though, during roughly thirty seconds of smack talk time which does cut off even if you're still talking.    

Voice chat is great, but the real draw here is the actual online gameplay.  It's very fast and intense, especially with three or four players.  The different match types are pretty cool and worth rotating through, but some maps are better than others for the specialized rules.  Hunters is different from most other first-person shooters in that the seven playable characters have different advantages and styles.  Each bounty hunter has a unique alternate form and affinity for one of the sub-weapons, meaning he will have additional powers when equipped with that weapon.  This assortment of characters and abilities just adds a tremendous amount of variety to the game, and you'll probably find yourself developing preferences for two or more of the hunters.  Some of the characters seem to be unbalanced (Noxus in his alt form and Trace with his sniping laser), but the playing field will probably level out as more players log on and learn to deal with these threats.  The variety quotient is multiplied again by the large number of levels, which are conveniently grouped into small, medium, and large categories to help you choose based on the number of players and match type.  All in all, online play in Hunters is robust and addictive.      

As of this writing, there are some bugs preventing a fourth player from joining most games, and sometimes friends will join the same game but not be able to see or shoot each other for the entire match, but Nintendo is working on these problems server-side and should eventually iron them out.  Those players with little patience for connection errors may want to wait a few weeks to buy the game, because the adventure mode is not an adequate alternative to playing online.    

No, sadly the other side of this coin isn't nearly as polished.  The so-called adventure mode in Hunters is a lame attempt to string together the multiplayer levels and other bounty hunters into some kind of story-driven artifact hunt.  The mission has some exciting moments, particularly the escape sequences and a precious few morph ball puzzles, but any initial promise quickly wears thin as the game becomes formulaic and quite difficult.  At least the bosses are pretty cool…both of them.  Yes, there are eight main boss fights (plus the final), but only two basic boss designs across those eight fights.  The bosses are challenging and look cool, but you won't care by the time you fight the fourth revision of each one.  The later versions just tack on more firepower and more shielding, so you don't need to change strategies, just be more careful about dodging and conserving ammo.  In contrast, the rival bounty hunters are initially quite hard but soon become laughably easy as you tack on energy tanks and missile upgrades (which tend to sit out in the open, requiring little of the skill needed to find such items in the GameCube titles).  The levels are, however, chock full of moving platforms and bottomless pits, which happen to require careful use of jumping, the only function that doesn't work well enough with the game's default touch screen controls.  But the scan visor, that's like Prime, right?  Wrong.  There aren't nearly as many items to scan for back-story, and the scan logs lack the clever writing that drives this feature in Retro's games.  The bottom line is that adventure mode just isn't worth playing beyond the initial encounter with each rival hunter, which will unlock him for multiplayer.  The whole mode is repetitive, frustrating, and just not much fun.  It's certainly a far cry from the quality and overall design philosophy of the real Metroid Prime games.    

What both adventure and multiplayer have in common is the amazing Hunters graphics engine, which pushes the best 3D graphics ever seen on Nintendo DS.  This game features fast movement, detailed level geometry, impressive character animations, and even some cool special effects like particle and reflection tricks.  The touch-screen radar displays are rather bland, but you hardly ever need to look at them anyway.  Hunters even uses a surprising amount of color in its art style, though it's easier to see these touches on a DS Lite screen.  The sound design is less impressive, as the music tends to be more action-oriented like the rest of the game, but it's fitting if not quite memorable.    

And no review of Hunters would be complete without getting into the game's controls.  The options are good: touch screen and all-digital schemes for both left- and right-handed players, plus look inversion and a sensitivity slider.  Touch controls are really the way to go, as they offer the most speed and accuracy, but they aren't perfect.  As I mentioned earlier, jumping under pressure is tricky; you have to double-tap the screen, which is simple enough, but sometimes a double-tap is registered when you just want to put the stylus on the screen after lifting it for a while.  Moreover, holding the entire system with one hand, which must also control movement and use the shoulder button to fire weapons, can be strenuous on your wrists, even with the lighter DS Lite model.  There's probably no better way to do it, but your hands will still hurt after half an hour of playing.  Take frequent breaks and experiment to find the best control style for you.    

Hunters is really two games; one is fantastic, the other is not.  One is easily worth buying if you have good access to wireless Internet, while the other feels slapped together to dupe hardcore Metroid fans and to put "Action-Packed Single-Player Mode!" on the back of the box.  As a multiplayer-centric title, even if you have no DS-owning friends in the local area, the online mode saves this game.  If your nearby friends do get their own copies, so much the better.


  • Fast, robust, addictive online play with voice chat  
  • Great local wireless modes  
  • Accurate touch controls  
  • Amazing graphics

  • Lame single-player mode  
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome  
  • Online bugs (should go away soon)

                   Graphics:  9.5
           The texture limitations of the DS are the only hindrance to this game's incredible 3D graphics.  Best of all, a speedy framerate that hardly ever gets bogged down.  I can hardly wait to see how other games will use this engine.

                   Sound:  8.0
           Good, not great soundtrack lacks the atmospheric allure found in real Metroid games.  Voice chat is excellent, foolproof use of the DS microphone, and the vocals come through clearly, just too quiet.  Crank up the volume or slap on those headphones.  Isn't it about time for that headset port to be supported?

                   Control:  9.0
           Quick, accurate touch controls are easy to use after an initial learning period.  Digital controls are good to have as an option, too.  Accidental jumps are a problem on moving platforms, and wrist fatigue is serious stuff.  Take breaks.

                          Gameplay:  8.0
           Really fun and chaotic in multiplayer.  Really dull and repetitive in single-player.  The arena-style maps are designed well for group play, but they are less impressive when loosely connected for the "adventure mode".  Boss repetition and worthless scanning just widen the huge gap between Hunters and the real Metroid Prime games.


           Lastability:  9.0
           Solo mission is decently long but not worth playing through.  Online multiplayer should last a long time though, with so much variety in characters, levels, and game types.


           Final:  8.0
           Part of Hunters tries to be something it's not, and it fails miserably.  The rest of it is awesome, though.  Hardcore Metroid fans should keep looking forward to Prime 3, but anyone looking for a great portable FPS won't find one better than Hunters.  The online support is a major step forward for Nintendo and definitely helps sell the game.      


    Offline KDR_11k

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #1 on: March 27, 2006, 09:54:21 PM »
    Makes me wonder why there is no QuakeWorld port for the DS...

    Offline edgeblade69

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #2 on: March 27, 2006, 10:25:29 PM »
    FYI, if you use the DS thumb strap, it is a lot more comfortable than the stylus, IMO...
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    Offline TrueNerd

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #3 on: March 27, 2006, 11:22:33 PM »
    I would say this is definitely one of the better reviews I've read for this game. I enjoyed the sheer disappointment the author expressed about the adventure mode as it made it obvious that the author is a real Metroid fan. Kudos.  

    Offline WackerJr

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #4 on: March 28, 2006, 12:48:11 AM »
    Yeh, it seems an honest review by a Nintendo fan, that doesn't show fanboyism, but does show off his knowledge and enthusiasm towards a gaming series. It doesn't get caught up in the hype, and was a good read. Nice review!

    Offline MaryJane

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 04:36:00 AM »
    I haven't played the game online yet, but I love it... does that make me lame? :p oh well if it does, this was a good review though, although i disagree with you on one aspect but thats what makes us human right?
    Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

    Offline Pale

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #6 on: March 28, 2006, 04:58:12 AM »
    I'm the opposite MaryJane... I've only played online and haven't tried single player.  To make matters worse, I haven't played Prime 2 yet even though it is sitting on my shelf.  Given the timeline NST said this game falls into, I was going to play through the single player mode on the DS first...  After reading Jonny's review, I may skip it and move right into Prime 2.
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    Offline mantidor

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #7 on: March 28, 2006, 05:34:52 AM »
    IT makes you wonder if using the Metroid name was any good at all, they used the licence to guaranteed some sales I suppose, but ironically previous Metroid fans wont find in this game what they like, so its not a guaranteed sale after all.

    It seems for me that Nintendo will use Metroid for any first person proyect they are going to make in the future. As long as we get our real metroid fix, I wont mind, its a bit cheap though to be honest.
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    Offline Smash_Brother

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #8 on: March 28, 2006, 05:57:57 AM »

    Originally posted by: Pale
    I'm the opposite MaryJane... I've only played online and haven't tried single player.  To make matters worse, I haven't played Prime 2 yet even though it is sitting on my shelf.  Given the timeline NST said this game falls into, I was going to play through the single player mode on the DS first...  After reading Jonny's review, I may skip it and move right into Prime 2.

    I didn't finish MP2 because it was too long with too much backtracking and upgrades. There was a part of me which eventually said, "So now I need the superbomb to appease this little piece of rock blocking my path so I can progress in this area? The HELL with this..."

    Backtracking worked in 2D Metroids and Metroid clones like Castlevania because backtracking in 2D happened phenomenally faster than it does in MP1 and 2. In MP, she was far too slow.

    I was pleased that Samus moves faster in Hunters, making backtracking more tolerable, and while I agree that the adventure mode doesn't include the same level of depth that past games have had, at least Samus didn't have the sequence where she's hit with an explosion and loses all of her gear...AGAIN!

    But I agree that multiplayer is the purpose of this game. Adventure mode is just intended to keep you busy while you're away from a wifi spot.
    "OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

    Offline Louieturkey

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #9 on: March 28, 2006, 06:13:04 AM »
    FYI, you can finish Metroid Prime 1 in under 5 hours.  Some have done it in less than 2 hours.  I didn't think backtracking was a problem at all.  It was fun actually.

    Offline mantidor

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #10 on: March 28, 2006, 06:37:34 AM »
    he meant prime 2, but Ive heard it has also pretty insane speed-runs, those are only for the hardcore who spend hours and hours finding sequence breaking and the like. The backtracking was great for me anyway, Metroid is the franchise which combines action and exploration perfectly, more than any other game out there, backtracking is part of that experience of exploration.

    Hunters as Im understanding it is more like doom with guns instead of keys, which doesnt mean is not fun and the truth is Im a bit tempted to try it, but it also means that its not a Metroid game. I dont care about the multiplayer, I hardly have access to wifi and Im pretty sure I wont run into anyone with a DS around here.
    "You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

    Offline Smash_Brother

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #11 on: March 28, 2006, 06:39:01 AM »
    MP1 was fine. The backtracking was tolerable and the bosses and puzzles were frequent enough to keep you pushing onward.

    MP2 was...not so fine. Every time I found a magnet ball track or a piece of rock I couldn't destroy or a door I couldn't open, it reminded me that this was one more time I'd have to visit this area, having to run from god knows where to find it again.

    The teleporters were a welcome addition to MPH.
    "OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

    Offline Ian Sane

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #12 on: March 28, 2006, 06:59:48 AM »
    I never expected this game to play at all like Metroid but I'm still a little disappointed to hear the single player mode isn't that hot.  That's mostly due to a problem I have with first person shooters in general.  Too many of them skimp on the single player mode to concentrate on multiplayer.  I would like to see more excellent single player first person shooters.  I first start playing games like Wolfenstein 3D and Doom.  Those games had excellent single player modes because they had to.  Multiplayer either didn't exist or it required a setup few people had.  When Goldeneye came out everyone raved about the multiplayer.  I never thought it was that big of a deal.  What I loved about Goldeneye was the fantastic single player mode.

    I see the multiplayer focus in most FPS games as lazy game design.  If you make a multiplayer first FPS you just have to come up with some cool weapons and arenas, work on some balancing issue, and you're done.  You let the players make their own game out of it and little real creativity is required.  That sort of design is okay for racing games or fighting games because the whole design of those games is to compete against opponents.  But the FPS genre has been proven to allow for interesting level and mission design.  Therefore that freedom and option should be used to its full potential.

    Offline Rize

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #13 on: March 28, 2006, 07:01:59 AM »
    I started playing the MPH adventure mode myself yesterday and so far I'm thoroughly disappointed.  I haven't read jonny's review yet because I want to finish the game first.  Assuming I do finish it.

    Problems so far:
    -Manual aiming completely and irrevocably changes the combat portion of the gameplay: I'm now very worried about how Prime 3 is going to turn out.
    -I can only check the logbook from the gunship?  lame.  I didn't even realize it was recording scans until I got back to my ship, now I already know I'm missing some (like the first hunter).
    -I'm still on the first planet/whatever and so far I've been travelling through an almost entirely linear series of rooms.  With one or two rooms repeating a number of times Halo style.  In the real prime series any time a room repeated it was a small room or connecting hallway and even then the artists were careful to put some original touches in it.
    -I stopped at the first non-hunter boss.  I really miss the prime lock on aiming system.  Trying to damage this thing is such a chore.  Worrying about dodging and attack timing is much more fun than worrying about aiming well


    "I have to think that some people will approach this game with the expectation that it has some grand adventure component to back up the obvious draw of online multiplayer, but that is sadly not the case. If you're clear on that fact, Hunters can be appreciated on its own terms."

    Well said.  I was expecting a slightly defective adventure mode and am finding out that the defects are more than slight.

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #14 on: March 28, 2006, 07:23:40 AM »

    Originally posted by: mantidor
    Hunters as Im understanding it is more like doom with guns instead of keys

    Oh no, it has keys too.  Lots of them.


    Offline Hostile Creation

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #15 on: March 28, 2006, 07:36:30 AM »
    Let's hope Retro can do better with Metroid Prime 3.  This doesn't bother me, but Nintendo should create a new franchise for true blue FPS games and leave Metroid to the unique genre it created.
    Looks like I can take this off my list after all That's actually quite a relief, to me.
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    Offline trip1eX

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #16 on: March 28, 2006, 08:31:05 AM »
    I mostly agree with the review.  The SP was a mixed bag.  ONce in awhile it would feel Metroid-like and then other times it was just a straightforward fps game.  I think some of the weapons work better than others on certain creatures.  I could be wrong, but, for instance,  I thought the cooled plasma weapon worked better on the fire creatures than the other weapons.

    Altho the graphics are pretty amazing they are also blend together alot on the tiny screen.  I've seen some screenshots that are 2x the size of the DS and that's what I think the size of the DS screen needs to be for this game.  As cramped as the controls were I still liked 'em because they were smooth, but staring at fast 3d action on a 2 inch screen was just too straining and not enjoyable.  It's not a problem in the 2d games I've played, but I didn't like enough here that I sold my game already.  

    Offline KnowsNothing

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #17 on: March 28, 2006, 08:32:22 AM »
    Yeah, basically the adventure mode isn't up to par.  It's still pretty fun, but only when I need a break from the faster action of WiFi (although I don't play much WiFi either because none of my friends are ever online >=o).

    I have no worries about Prime 3 though.  First of all, this game is NST, the REAL Prime is Retro.  Second of all, a lot of the negatives have to do with the storage restrictions, which we won't see on the Rev.  Sure, you'll still get that different combat, but I think it'll be fine so long as the other Metroid factors find a way back.  This game is obviously a multiplayer game at heart, and it does a fantastic job at it.  I'm still quite amazed when I play Hunters and realize that I'm playing a handheld game.
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    Offline Ian Sane

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #18 on: March 28, 2006, 08:57:39 AM »
    "Sure, you'll still get that different combat, but I think it'll be fine so long as the other Metroid factors find a way back."

    Can anyone give me a good reason as to how Metroid Prime would be improved by going to this different control scheme?  To me it just sounds like it would be the same thing only it would be much harder to actually hit your target.  The Metroid Prime control scheme could use some tweaks here and there but I never felt that the lock-on targetting was part of the problem.

    I've only played the Hunters demo but I found the controls really hard to use no matter what setup I chose and I really don't find struggling to hit a target very fun.  I don't like FPS games that focus too much on aiming.  I much prefer some form of autoaim so that I can focuse on dodging and shooting and not lining up my shot just so.  It's more streamlined that way and thus I find it more fun.  To me going with this kind of setup in Metroid Prime 3 would be going backwards.  They designed the control system specifically to eliminate the need for precision aiming so that the game could concentrate on exploration and puzzle solving.  Adding the need for precision aiming just doesn't make any sense.  It's like the Final Fantasy active time battle system that removes the whole advantage of turn based battles.  Suddenly I need skills that the original game was specifically designed to not require.

    Offline GoldenPhoenix

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #19 on: March 28, 2006, 09:08:37 AM »
    Not sure how many FPS you have played Ian on the PC, but I find aiming in those games to be much easier than the somewhat clunky auto-aim in MP3. I think the Rev Mote will help clear up this problem tremendously.
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    Offline KnowsNothing

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #20 on: March 28, 2006, 09:23:39 AM »
    I never said the game would be improved, but it's pretty obvious now that they ARE going to use that control scheme from Prime 3 (although I still think they'll include a lock on...), so we're going to have to live with it.  People in this thread were saying that they were worried about how Prime 3 would turn out after playing Hunters, but I think Prime 3 will turn out much more like a Metroid game than Hunters did, and that they shouldn't worry.  It'll still control like an FPS, but since the other Metoid factors will be back in the game, it won't be such a big deal (plus I really think the controls with the Remote will be better than in Hunters anyway)
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    Offline Smash_Brother

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    RE: REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #21 on: March 28, 2006, 09:50:25 AM »
    Maybe, god willing, MP3 will do away with some of the backtracking, or be kind enough to allow you to open teleports to return to certain areas.

    Teleports to bypass 15 minutes of trudging along past the same respawning enemies would have saved MP2 for me.
    "OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

    Offline Rize

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #22 on: March 28, 2006, 09:55:26 AM »

    Originally posted by: Ian Sane
    "Sure, you'll still get that different combat, but I think it'll be fine so long as the other Metroid factors find a way back."

    Can anyone give me a good reason as to how Metroid Prime would be improved by going to this different control scheme?  To me it just sounds like it would be the same thing only it would be much harder to actually hit your target.  The Metroid Prime control scheme could use some tweaks here and there but I never felt that the lock-on targetting was part of the problem.

    I've only played the Hunters demo but I found the controls really hard to use no matter what setup I chose and I really don't find struggling to hit a target very fun.  I don't like FPS games that focus too much on aiming.  I much prefer some form of autoaim so that I can focuse on dodging and shooting and not lining up my shot just so.  It's more streamlined that way and thus I find it more fun.  To me going with this kind of setup in Metroid Prime 3 would be going backwards.  They designed the control system specifically to eliminate the need for precision aiming so that the game could concentrate on exploration and puzzle solving.  Adding the need for precision aiming just doesn't make any sense.  It's like the Final Fantasy active time battle system that removes the whole advantage of turn based battles.  Suddenly I need skills that the original game was specifically designed to not require.

    The exploration part of the equation is improved by freelook.  Combat becomes more challenging since fine aiming may be required in addition to timing and dodging.  However, even without lock on, they could use an aggressive auto-aim that keeps the gameplay similar to the original prime series (note that in the original prime the game would auto-aim to some extent even if you didn't lock on).  They may have an "auto-aim slider" that adjusts the aggressiveness of the auto-aim.  The game could be designed for the lowest setting and for control freaks, the player could be allowed to crank the slider up until the game allows the player to aim completely unaided.  It all depends on how Retro decides to design it.

    I'm not going to condemn Prime 3 unless it really deserves it.  And given Retro's track record, I think there's a good chance they'll handle the switch to revmote control nicely.  I am a bit worried though.  We'll just have to wait and see.

    Offline MaryJane

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #23 on: March 28, 2006, 10:07:01 AM »
    I'm not trying to put anyone down, but it seems to me that the biggest problem people are having with the game is not being able to lock-on anymore. When did Nintendo gamers become complacent with the easy way out? I thought from what I read in other posts that the games of yesteryear without continues, simplistic puzzles and sleep-through bosses are what people wanted? The first boss (not the hunter) in MP:H was very very hard because of the multiple targets and inability to lock on but personally I loved it. I loved being frustrated trying to figure out the best way to accomplish something struggling through it and then when you finally find the best way you're so relieved it feels good, kind of like pleasuring my girlfriend... but that another story anyway, for those of you who haven't tried this game I would say if you like challenges go for it. I agree that's it's not a typical Metroid game then again neither was MP:1 how much crying was heard when it was annouced that it would be in the first person view?? I'm still wiping off some of your  tears from back then.
    Nothing against johnny I totally see where he's coming from  but I wasn't at all disappointed in the single player mode, I found it to be hard, and rewarding, one of the things i liked a lot about it, was the fact that i didn't have to backtrack a million times to get where I wanted. I stopped playing MP:2 bcuz of backtracking, i thought i missed something went back all over the friggin place to check turns out i didn't then when i went back to where i was supposed to be i could no longer go through because of a glitch. I stopped playing for 5 months I was so pissed off. Maybe i'm too open for new things and new experiences, but I would recommend this game to anyone whether they had wi-fi or not. Again, maybe because I approached it with YES! i got this totally new game, not YES! i got this new metroid game which better be like the last two i just played.
    Just as a side note, I agree with whomever said it, that the capacity limitations of the DS coupled with the space needed for wi-fi most likely contributed a lot to it's "lack of depth" (which i personally haven't come across)

    EDIT: lol i spelled without wrong who does that?
    Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

    Offline UltimatePartyBear

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    RE:REVIEWS: Metroid Prime: Hunters
    « Reply #24 on: March 28, 2006, 10:10:30 AM »

    Can anyone give me a good reason as to how Metroid Prime would be improved by going to this different control scheme? To me it just sounds like it would be the same thing only it would be much harder to actually hit your target. The Metroid Prime control scheme could use some tweaks here and there but I never felt that the lock-on targetting was part of the problem.

    I think they can make the lock-on a bit more subtle with the rev controller.  They could make it so that if you point somewhere near an enemy, the crosshairs will be drawn to it, like most console FPS games I've played.  Then, as long as you didn't move the controller away (with some wiggle room, of course), you'd stay pointed at the same enemy (or weak point, or whatever).  It would be a huge improvement over the current system that never fails to lock on to the wrong enemy.  It would also free up buttons.