Author Topic: Live?  (Read 73384 times)

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Offline Pale

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RE: Live?
« Reply #275 on: May 17, 2005, 09:46:38 AM »
 "They are running their business in the way businesses should be run. They are stressing the little guy instead of the companies that can afford 8 figure budgets."

The problem is that you have no way of knowing that, and for that matter, Nintendo missed their chance to show anybody that. you can believe Sony when they tell you the PS3 is 35 times faster than the PS2, but I can't believe Nintendo when they say they are stressing the little developers and innovation...

:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline Fro

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RE: Live?
« Reply #276 on: May 17, 2005, 09:47:52 AM »
Yeah, nobody would be complaining if they showed a couple minutes of "Revolution" footage and some games from the usual non-Nintendo suspects.

They also didn't deliver anything new for Gamecube of great value.  Obviously Zelda is going to be awesome, but that seems to be the last gasp for the Cube.

They're seriously in trouble console-wise if they don't get their act together or unless their new ideas live up to the hype.

I for one am definitely going to pick up a PS3 if the price isn't ridiclous.

DS did have a pretty good showing though.

Offline Savior

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« Reply #277 on: May 17, 2005, 09:48:34 AM »

Not only was this their big chance I feel it was their last chance

Exagerating a bit?  
The Savior Returns Late 2005

Offline Famicom

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RE: Live?
« Reply #278 on: May 17, 2005, 09:50:47 AM »
Far from their worst. The EFFECT of it might be the worst, but the presentation itself wasn't terrible by any means.

There's really two issues here that are causing a problem. The first is that unlike Sony's and Microsoft's, Nintendo's conference wasn't 90 minutes of JUST next-gen console. Nintendo obviously feels that what they have going on right NOW is more important that one year from now. Nothing wrong with that in a general sense, but I can see where it would cause a problem. The order of events was pretty poor too. Leading out on the GC wasn't the best of ideas at all. Yes a Zelda trailer is great and exciting, and maybe that alone should have stayed last, but the GC games trailer didn't deserve that spot over the Rev. Plain and simple, that alone was a mistake.

This directly ties into issue two, which is what I felt was the most important, a lack of a games reel or preview of any kind. I saw about one frame of Samus doing something, but the report I read on IGN said it was prerendered and not actual game footage. Besides online, the biggest issue Nintendo has is third party support, and if nothing else it would have been great to give us some hard facts about who's on board either visually through a reel or vocally speaking about it, but we got nothing. Oh wait, we did get confirmation about WiFi Crystal Chronicles from SquareEnix, but that alone ain't gonna cut it. This mystery IMO will continue to hurt Nintendo in the long run here.

Other than that, I think what transpired went over well. I don't know if Electroplankton deserved that much spotlight, but usually the games Nintendo spotlights tend to deserve it, so I won't call them out on that. Although I think the simple nature of the game won't go over well with the hardcore showgoers of E3, unless its amazingly spectacular. We'll see what happens with that on the show floor. No love for Meteos? Laaame. PSP fans are creaming over Lumines, so it would have been in their best interest to say "hey, we not only can match that, we can beat it!" But oh well. For the Rev, despite Microsoft's and Sony's conference, they didn't have to blow the load on their system. They stayed away from specs, because if they DO plan on beefing up a little bit (I doubt it) it was a wise move to stay quiet. They stayed away from the controller, which is fine. They stayed away from the SECRET, which is also fine. But those things are only fine when you address the problems of the past and show that they are long gone. Nintendo did that with online, but not with third party relations. Perhaps they have, but them saying nothing = means nothing.
Oops pow suprise!

Offline wandering

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RE: Live?
« Reply #279 on: May 17, 2005, 09:52:23 AM »
It's true. The ball was in Nintendo's court and they dropped it.

But, a good product will trump a good presentation any day of the week. The DS unveiling was 'late', and Sony hyped up the PSP to no end. But the DS is winning right now because Nintendo had a better product, a better price and a better launch strategy.

Right now I'm thinking Nintendo didn't unveil the Revolution because they knew they could either reveal everything or nothing. Showing footage would mean giving away their revolutionary display. Showing the controller would mean revealing their revolutionary control. Showing Miyamoto's big flagship game would be utterly pointless without giving away the first two things I mentioned. Showing third party support would mean admitting that they don't really have any yet... and showing specs, in abscense of anything else, would be suicide if they aren't quite up to snuff.

The important thing is that there isn't any idication that Nintendo is heading in the wrong direction. The console design shows that they are willing to appeal to the mainstream, the download play and internet strategies sound excellent...and I'd bet anything that the controls, visuals and gameplay they're working on will be amazing.

It's also important to remember that, when everything rests on unproven revolutionary technology, showing your hand too early can be a huge, huge mistake.

As long as they show everything THIS YEAR, and they actually have something exceptional to show (which I'm sure they do), Nintendo could still easily mop the floor with the competition. Microsoft and Sony have apparently already given us almost everything they have....and they didn't have much.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Live?
« Reply #280 on: May 17, 2005, 09:53:19 AM »
" you can believe Sony when they tell you the PS3 is 35 times faster than the PS2, but I can't believe Nintendo when they say they are stressing the little developers and innovation..."

I don't believe Sony's numbers, but the difference between them is that Sony has shown some evidence that there is still something to be impressed about underneath the lies. All Nintendo has shown is empty baseless words... and not even clear words, but horribly vague and uninspiring.

Nintendo needed evidence. They needed to back up their words. Sony at least tried to back up theirs. Nintendo didn't even bother, and that pisses me off.

The problem with this conference is that Nintendo just talked, they didn't show.
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Offline Pale

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RE: Live?
« Reply #281 on: May 17, 2005, 09:56:38 AM »
This is my last post in this pathetic thread...

Just because they didn't show any evidence of their business strategy that is DIRECTLY related to the Rev...they showed a ton that backs it up on other platforms...  My all need to grow up.  It isn't a f*cking competetion.  The only competetion involved is whether or not Nintendo will be in business...and if you aren't convinced they are, then you need to calm yourself down and think logically.  This is like arguing the differences between Sin City and The Scooby Movie.

I'm out.
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Live?
« Reply #282 on: May 17, 2005, 10:00:40 AM »
"What concerneed me the most, was the lack of third parties"

What I want to know is what do third parties know about the Rev.  If Nintendo wants to keep the details from us that's one thing but the third parties need to know what's going down and they need to know NOW.  In fact they should know already.  The Cube had this terrible post-launch drought that pretty much single handly killed it's potential and that was largely because Nintendo waited too long to give third parties the low down.  Third parties couldn't make Cube games in time for launch so we either got nothing or really crappy ports of PS2 and Dreamcast games.  If they want to avoid that they have to reveal the details to third parties now.

"They are stressing the little guy instead of the companies that can afford 8 figure budgets."

I'll agree that that's cool but we don't know anything about it.  Nintendo didn't tell us how they were going to help the "little guy" or deal with big budgets.  We just got some vague promise.  It's a good thing to focus on but I need to know what it is.

Offline Savior

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RE: Live?
« Reply #283 on: May 17, 2005, 10:01:09 AM »
Once again, Nintendo doesnt realese until 2006... So going in deph with the Rev ala Sony would have been a mistake too  
The Savior Returns Late 2005

Offline Mario

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RE: Live?
« Reply #284 on: May 17, 2005, 10:04:03 AM »
Pale, Nintendo make me happy too, very very happy, they've given me more awesome content than I could ask for. I'm happy about the actual Revolution console, it has SSB at launch, a new Miyamoto franchise at launch, I will buy it.

However, Nintendo had a chance to start next generation with #1 in mindshare, they now have a VERY uphill battle, i'm just a bit disappointed they didn't capitalize on the opportunity, obviously I don't know what they know, but from my knowledge they messed up, and judging from the general reaction of everyone on the internet, nobody wants or cares about their next console now, which is not good. I know I know "who cares what other people think", well I don't, I just want Nintendo to finally get the success they deserve and I want better support for their future consoles.

But you know what? Next generation is a year away, GameCube and DS are the present, and they rock.

Offline Famicom

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« Reply #285 on: May 17, 2005, 10:04:37 AM »
For the interested, Gamespot has the free replay of Nintendo's conference up and available now.
Oops pow suprise!

Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: Live?
« Reply #286 on: May 17, 2005, 10:05:40 AM »
Would you people chill, go get some air and then comeback with a fresh point of view I'll wait....

Now that that's done, Nintendo could have just blown it big time or they could have done the smartest thing ever. Hear me with both ears folks!!! No matter what they showed it would not have gotten the proper attention, with Ps3, XboX360 etc...

Any of you folks here play poker? Good. If you have the best hand and you know you're going to win this hand, what options do you have? You can put you cards on the table and call early, making everybody else @ the table take notice, win this hand but to seize the moment you jeopardize the future. Now your opponent is thinking "well he's better than I thought I should rethink and regroup. Now lets just say you've lost to this same opponent before, they've see you make the same bet you always do, play the hand the same way so they feel comfy in they inflated position. You let them drop the Full-House on the table, ready to collect the pot and the out of nowhere..."BAM FREAKIN' STRAIGHT FLUSH ON THIER CANDY-A$$."

AnyWay, Revolution or not, Twilight Princess was worth the price alone. Have faith boys and girls. Fear Not!!

Wise-Old-Fanboy:  "That show(E3) was our last hope"
Wiser-Older-Fanboy: "No, there is another..."
Nile Boogie is...


Philadelphia Penn, 19130

Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Live?
« Reply #287 on: May 17, 2005, 10:06:10 AM »
Just to set things straight... nobody's complaining about Nintendo as a business here.

We're complaining about the press conference. It wasn't good. It didn't show enough.
<BR><BR>It shone, pale as bone, <BR>As I stood there alone...

Offline Savior

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RE: Live?
« Reply #288 on: May 17, 2005, 10:08:59 AM »
Meh...  the promise of iGames service is alot....  espeically if they add a HD to the System, and let Third Parties get in the action....

Ill be able to play Star Tropics, Chronno Trigger, Super Mario 64 and Metroid Prime, plus Smash Brothers Revolution all in one console.... Thats awesome.  Its the best part of the Revolution, sad to say its the only thing they really talked about
The Savior Returns Late 2005

Offline LuWoo75

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RE: Live?
« Reply #289 on: May 17, 2005, 10:15:21 AM »
Ian's right on point.  If Nintendo dosn't woo third parties this is all for not.  Sales do matter b/c who would wanta develop for a console that hasnt sold that my systems thats limiting profit to them.  Ok if Nintendo is just hold on to some big secret when and how are they going to tale it to the public this is the biggest event no one even going to be paying attention after E3.  The ps3 maybe dosnt' do everyhing it says but i know that it has 7 3.2 ghz power pc's thats enough that and i can see the games that it's launching with.

Offline Shecky

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RE: Live?
« Reply #290 on: May 17, 2005, 10:18:54 AM »
I moved this to what is to be my only e3 post....

My plea

Offline BranDonk Kong

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« Reply #291 on: May 17, 2005, 10:21:44 AM »
If you think about it, there's a whole year before Revolution is released, right? I'm sure Nintendo will have a HUGE event before the system's launch.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Live?
« Reply #292 on: May 17, 2005, 10:22:41 AM »
I've been trying to think of this from a more optimistic perspective.  One good thing about this is that of what we do know about the REV none of it's bad.  We're mad because we wanted more info but at least we're not mad about the info we do know.  What I do know about the Rev is overall pretty good.  The conference was complete ass but the Rev so far is not.

I've been thinking about how Nintendo can salvage this.  They're going to be ripped to shreds by the media for this.  But the internet is just part of the media.  A large percentage of gamers still get their info from magazines.  Those magazines are working on their E3 issues right now.  The general gaming public won't know Nintendo's conference bombed for a few months.  So what if Nintendo in the next few days phones up EGM and says "how would you like the exclusive sneak peek of the Revolution?"  EGM would probably reveal that info in the same issue as their E3 coverage.  So the general public learns about the Rev at the same time that they learn about E3 and Nintendo gets a few extra months before the "secret" is leaked which helps ensure that Sony and MS don't have enough time to "steal" it.

Offline Savior

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RE: Live?
« Reply #293 on: May 17, 2005, 10:28:31 AM »
When you compare it to Sony sure it looks bad, but compared to Microsoft? Were still golden  
The Savior Returns Late 2005

Offline LuWoo75

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RE: Live?
« Reply #294 on: May 17, 2005, 10:31:25 AM »
U know what?  I remember something Bill Gates said about the revolution he said, "I'm not worried about Nintendo, i'm more worried about sony."  He goes on to say that the Revolution is just going to be a "niche system".  Maybe ol Bill got some inside info?  I think it's crazy how the new xbox is concave and the ps3 is convex, the 360 is a revolution and the 3 represents the ps3 it's like he was privy of some info none of us were.  Maybe Nintendo's stradagy is to be the other system.  About 1/3 of gamers have at least 2 systems, maybe that is Nintys goal.  I dunno just throwing that out there.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Live?
« Reply #295 on: May 17, 2005, 10:54:18 AM »
Bill may have some inside info, but I think he's basing that more on the fact that Sony has been far and away the number one competitor in home consoles for two generations now, while Nintendo keeps losing marketshare.

As for the Revolution presentation, I finally got to see it for myself, and I thought there were a few nice details there.  I'm a little concerned about 512 MB of internal memory, that seem rather small to me, but I'm happy with the decision to go with SD cards.  I'm also glad to see they are at least considering some colours other than black (but I do think black or silver should be used as the marketing colour for the system), and seeing Iwata make the comment about backwards compatibility in person was a lot more exciting.  It's not going to sell me on the console, but it is a cool feature, and one that MS and Sony can't copy very well.

I think the lack of info on the Revolution is okay for the most part, I don't think it's going to hurt the Rev that much in the long run, as long as Nintendo puts on a good show later, preferably this year.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline Mario

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RE: Live?
« Reply #296 on: May 17, 2005, 11:00:25 AM »
Alright, i've now thought about it, I think this is a good, wise move, but I just wish they'd give us one screenshot or something to shut up all the bitching.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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« Reply #297 on: May 17, 2005, 11:23:44 AM »
I'm not mad @ Nintendo for not spilling the beans, I'm mad that I got up early this morning to watch this conference live to see Nintendogs & Electroplankton for 25 minutes!!!(thats what it felt like) & to see screenshots of games(& the Rev) that had already been leaked.  I just wanted some kinds of surprise @ the show, give me something I didn't already know, and not just a confirmation of stuff that we kinda knew (internet d/l service, MK & AC online) or thought was obvious.

No the GB mini was not a surprise, it was more a dissapointment, I was actually hoping for a multimedia GBA SP or even a DS media version (takes SD cards, plays video & audio) .

Why not make a GC mini - maybe that would spur some sales, i don't need nor want a smaller GBA , the SP is small enough

Offline Rancid Planet

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RE: Live?
« Reply #298 on: May 17, 2005, 11:47:47 AM »
Well I'M happy with what I heard anyway. I didn't really expect Nintendo to showcase the Rev at all. And they shouldn't have. The damn thing is still early on enough in development for Nintendo to   A.)   Admit that the pics shown weren't the final design as it was "bigger" than what the final version will be.   B.)   Obviously not be totally secure about all the hardware specs as they would've thrown us more of a bone.

The Rev will be awesome and we all know it. Deep inside we do. The showing at this E3 wasn't as glitzy as Sony or MS's but that is because MS HAD to since it's system will be out before year's end and Sony wanted to compete with them directly as they feel MS's breath on their neck.

Meanwhile Nintendo get to do what I've hoped they would all along. Just sit back and let these two go at it tooth and nail all year long. Then at next E3, Nintendo will be the ONLY one of the three with anything really "new" to show. And at THAT E3, Nintendo can truly "steal" the show as it will be a one horse affair next time.

And I think that is freaking AWESOME.

So quit being upset about what we didn't get this year. The long-term strategy here is almost flawless. Nintendo have encouraged me this E3. They are ALREADY making sure that the Rev's launch line-up will be a great one. They are ALREADY touting the extra features that the Rev will have in spite of it's incompletion. Which must mean they feel pretty damn confident about the aspects of the machine that we still don't know about. And that also makes me VERY happy.

Open up your eyes people. This is what our hearts wanted but in your MINDS you know that this is what is BEST in the longrun. You know, longrun? That thing we always say Nintendo doesn't plan enough for? Well they are now. And we must remain faithful for they have given us every reason to be so if we'll just read the signs.

Quit playing into Nintendo fanboy sterotypes and losing your minds over what we DIDN'T see. And start putting the big picture together in your head.

-Nintendo will be the only game in town with anything truly "new" at the next E3.

-The Rev is obviously going to be strongly supported at launch. Something we haven't seen in over a decade from Nintendo. For SM 64 alone did not make for a good launch.

-The Rev is going SERIOUSLY online. And if I'm not mistaken, didn't we all agree that lack of online was a serious problem with the cube? From a selling standpoint anyway?

-We are going to be able to download a freaking LIBRARY of classic games onto our Revs. Isn't that just a LITTLE bit awesome? huh?

...and last but sure as hell not least...

-It's a NINTENDO console. Doesn't that speak a bit for it's quality?

And all this before we've even seen the damn controller? Which we've been assured is also quite the neat trick? Are you kidding me?

The Rev has a promising future. If you can't see that than your a blind man...period.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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« Reply #299 on: May 17, 2005, 11:54:55 AM »
*not so patiently waiting for Spaceworld 2005*