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Messages - toddra

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General Gaming / Re: IGN up for sale
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:55:58 PM »
I never really cared for IGN myself. I used to read EGM back in the 90's but then they went through so many changes I kind of lost interest. Actually to be even more honest this is still the only video game site I ever visit, which isn't that often anymore.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:15:32 PM »
I did find what I was looking for but did it occur to anyone that I did search google and this forum is what came up? Anyways looks like some things never change so I will let it go.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:01:11 PM »
Thanks for the replies I do appreciate that very much. I just can't stand being told, go to google all the time, because obviously information changes and I prefer to get it from people in the know rather than wikipedia which I never use anyways. I guess I forgot how little we knew about the Wii at this point in the game, seems like Nintendo likes the guessing game. I am still on the fence if I will buy one to be honest, I got a Wii on launch day but it turned out to be such a disappointment for me I am just skeptical this time around. I know the whole idea is Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games but for me even those weren't good enough last gen, I was really not a fan of the waggle at all. I just remember getting past the launch excitement and then by March things slowed way down and never picked back up. I did find some of the answers in another thread right after I posted so I could have edited it. I just hate sorting through what is rumor and what is not and google, and especially wikipedia are not good sources of reliable information, in my experience. I can say that so far the WiiU does have me at least a little more excited than with the first one.

I might check it out, even though I was never any good they were fun.

That is what I thought. It's not a big deal.

I always liked coming here, especially during the mafia games.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:24:43 PM »
Yes, but then why even have a discussion forum at all? I hate that response, it akin to go away.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Super Mario Bros. U
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:21:13 PM »
This is the game that has me most excited about getting a Wii U.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Day 1 Launch Games!
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:05:12 PM »
I wish I would have seen this post before I replied to that other one, sorry. The one game I am excited for is on the list so I am happy.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U's launch price(s): Is it worth it?
« on: October 28, 2012, 04:03:53 PM »
I think the launch price is certainly fair considering what you get. Plus I have owned every single Nintendo console ever made so I am biased but this one I am excited about, Wii I was not so much. I bought a Wii but I regretted doing so until the day I sold it.

Alright so I sold my Wii in 2009, and with it I had a ton of virtual console purchases. I created a Nintendo Account that I remember being tied to my system somehow, my questions is first, would it be possible to reclaim my old account if I bought a new WiiU console and transfer my old purchases over? Second if I did so would it interfere with the person who purchased the system from me in the first place? I sold the entire console with Virtual Console titles as a selling point because I never anticipated buying another Wii console. Now that WiiU looks actually appealing to me, I am starting to wonder if I should have freed up that account before I sold it.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U "Chat" and Online
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:38:47 PM »
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I think doing away with Friend Codes could be done if they used age authentication combined with Parental Controls? That way a person who buys a WiiU enters their Age information, verifying they are not a minor for instance, and then set parental controls so they can only add other friends whose ages have been confirmed? That way parents can prevent their kids from associating with strangers online, and adults can just meet up with their friends without having to resort to that complicated code swapping mess? Just a thought.

 This is me introducing myself, yet again. It has been a couple of years since my last visit so things have changed a lot. I am not the same eccentric person I was before. I am here because I love Nintendo, and I am looking forward to their new system launch. I kind of lost interest for a while thanks partly to the Wii and also partly to life getting too complicated. Things are better now, I am out of that place. I made some good friends here whom I miss talking to. I also made a few enemies along the way which I regret. I am not looking to get all back into things, I am just here to talk about the new Nintendo system, not to dig up old arguments, or start trouble. I don't anticipate I will stick around for too long, I am just looking forward to the new console.  I am mainly hoping to discuss things with fellow Nintendo fans. I started coming here when it was Planet GameCube, back then I was a mess. I do not currently own any game consoles, just a pc and an iPhone. Actually it is WiiU that has me excited about getting back into gaming. I sold my Wii in 2009, so I am out of the loop. I do miss it miss it sure, but I was bettering myself as a person and there were more important things than video games in my life. When I was here before I was a crazy rapper wannabe living in Nevada. I pretty much hated my life, and went out of my way to make everyone else miserable too. I have honestly changed a lot, I am in college now, and I left Nevada where moved to Nebraska. Ironically, I am now an English major, which might come as a shock to some who remember my old posts. I am not planning on bringing up old grudges, just wanted to see what's new in the world of Nintendo, and get reacquainted with some old friends.


Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:05:19 PM »
Just popping in to ask some quick questions, as this thread is far too long for me to even try to sort through everything in it. My questions are, when is the system supposed to launch and how much will it cost? Have the complete specs been announced yet? Does the system play Blu Ray discs? I heard it uses some type of high capacity Blu Ray-like disc? What are the launch titles confirmed for the system and what titles are confirmed for near launch? If I don't pre-order now will I be able to expect to get one by January or is this going to be Wii all over again? I was lucky I got my Wii on launch day but I had to out smart everyone else by going to K-mart when at that time nobody was shopping at K-Mart anymore.

Sorry if my questions are old, I spent the last hour reading through dozens of posts and I must have missed the info I was looking for. Also I am not new to the site, been here before a while back just checking back in because it's new console time and this time I am actually kind of excited for the new system, Wii was a disappointment for me but I am mostly excited for that New Super Mario Bros game it looks really fun.

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