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Messages - optimisticlimbo

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zack & Wiki: Buy it! (If you can find it...)
« on: October 27, 2007, 07:51:14 AM »

Originally posted by: ShyGuy
I didn't find him that hard, once you figure out angled mirror makes the beam go straight and straight mirror makes the beam go at an angle

Just beat that level.  What made it so hard is the fact that there are 3 versions of the level, so every time I would restart, I'd have to figure it all out again.

Lovin the game though.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Zack & Wiki: Buy it! (If you can find it...)
« on: October 27, 2007, 07:13:30 AM »
I have done 1 Bell rhythm game successfully.  The other, not so good.  Also, the second world boss level is hard.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Zack & Wiki: Buy it! (If you can find it...)
« on: October 25, 2007, 04:22:11 PM »
I found it!  2 Walmarts, Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, 2 Gametops....last Gamestop had it.  So far, I love this game.  It's that kind of experience that's been missing for so long, that sense of wonder and amazement that videogames use to give to me so long ago.  I'm glad it's back.

TalkBack / RE: Takahashi Brothers Talk Golden Sun Sequel
« on: October 18, 2007, 12:41:26 AM »
I personally think it has to be on the DS so it can link to the GBA 'back story.'  I know that's why I'm so excited for the sequel, I mean if it took two games to set that up, what's the sequel gonna be like? <drool>

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 08, 2007, 04:57:38 PM »
I think the controls are great except for rolling, those do indeed suck.  You have to be in motion, get to the edge of the screen, and then do the swirls.  Problem is, if it's a small area, you need to line up and get ready.
I actually think just moving movement to the d-pad/abxy wouldn't have been bad, leave everything else in tack, as is.  (Except for the face button shortcuts, of course)

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 08, 2007, 12:52:00 AM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
You know, this review put me on the edge of not buying. Some people say the phantoms aren't an issue while I see noone in support of the review's position (GP doesn't count). Can I take that to mean the stealth sections are insignificant?

The thing is, there's no real stealth to be seen.  The phantoms can be run from, and there are always safe zones to run to.  I've actually used strategy of timing where the phantoms are to run past them.  The risk of being caught isn't so great that you live in fear of them.

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 06, 2007, 05:02:31 AM »
I want to comment on the 'time sink' dungeon.
I played through it what is technically your third time last night.  Afterwards, my cartridge got eject through stupidity and I had to go back and do it again.  However, because of the short cuts offered by items, I was able to only lose 4 minutes from the amount I had.  This is what this dungeon is designed for.  Keep doing it faster with new items and use the map!  You can take any notes, including shortcuts you THINK will be useful in the future.
So from the experience, I agree the hate towards it is like the hate of doing a dungeon in '3 days' in Majora's Mask.  If you failed, you had to do again, but now you get a map, in game, to make it faster.
In conclusion, Phantom Hourglass is Wind Waker's Majora.   Now where's my TP's Majora?

TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 05, 2007, 01:33:24 PM »

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix

Originally posted by: optimisticlimbo
I didn't feel the review actually looked at the game, rather looked at what it wasn't compared to it's predecessor.  I agree with Lord_die_seis that this review doesn't live up to the standard that NWR reviews usually hold.  I think a 7.5 is low, but I would rather see a re-review of the game that focuses more on the game and either removes or warns of spoilers, rather than to inflate the score beyond how Zach feels about it.

Perhaps the game shouldn't have advertised itself as the sequel to Wind Waker, in the same setting. When a game does that it deserves scrutiny compared to its predecessor. What has made the Zelda series so unique is that each game was virtually stand alone in some way. yeah you "sequels" but they took place in a different setting or in a new time. PH tries to be Wind Waker 2 for DS, so yes the comparisons are justified. Now if it followed tradition and took place in a completely different setting, almost a stand alone tale, then I could say how comparing it to Wind Waker would be weak. As it stands now it plays like a dumbed down hand held version of Wind Waker.

I see what you're saying.  I still don't feel like the game itself was given a fair chance.  There's too much, why isn't it like Wind Waker.  The only response I have to it being a different setting is that they did 'set sail for far away lands.'  So it's sort of a different setting.

TalkBack / RE: REVIEWS: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
« on: October 05, 2007, 01:18:30 PM »
I didn't feel the review actually looked at the game, rather looked at what it wasn't compared to it's predecessor.  I agree with Lord_die_seis that this review doesn't live up to the standard that NWR reviews usually hold.  I think a 7.5 is low, but I would rather see a re-review of the game that focuses more on the game and either removes or warns of spoilers, rather than to inflate the score beyond how Zach feels about it.

I agree with darkheart's post.  My biggest problem with Sunshine wasn't the setting but with the shines themselves.  Why on earth could you BUY a shine for blue coins?  They're island is 'dying' and this guy is hording them away for profit.  So basically, the later shines that required endless coin searching are the ones I never bothered with.
As for NSMB, it's still one of my top DS games.  One of the few games on DS that I wanted to  play to 100% complete and felt good about it.  (This is of course disregarding that the reward of wallpapers was terrible, at least the game itself was fun.)

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Free Wii Anti-Slip Jackets
« on: October 02, 2007, 12:52:02 AM »
They have to be the lamest Wiimote covers I've ever seen, and I'm counting the tie-dye ones in that statement.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Nintendo World Store Phantom Hourglass Launch Event!
« on: September 30, 2007, 04:10:15 PM »
Wow, that is awesome.  Congratulations.

And yes, I am very jealous, lol.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Mario Galaxy
« on: September 21, 2007, 12:39:28 AM »

Originally posted by: TrueNerd
Sunshine should have been nothing BUT the classic levels.

This comment couldn't be more spot on.  After playing Sunshine, I kept secretly hoping that they'd release a Mario game with TONS of those classic levels.  They were a perfect challenge as far as I was concerned.

TalkBack / RE: Star Wars Coming to Wii Next Year
« on: September 19, 2007, 12:56:30 AM »
Ah, but let's not forget that Crash Bandicoot started as a "hardcore" "3-D" Mario-like platformer exclusively for Playstation.  That wily character even stormed Nintendo's headquarters.
Back on topic, I'm excited for this game, but I'll restrain it until they actually show a preview.  They have a chance to not mess it up and I hope they do well.

TalkBack / RE: TimeSplitters 4 Bound for Wii?
« on: September 19, 2007, 12:41:44 AM »
This is the kind of news I like to see in the morning.  The Timesplitters were basically my favorite Cube games since they got played THE most while in college.  They really were Goldeneye reincarnate to us.

My immediate reaction is licensing, but of course, as you said, we can get GBA and DS games from anywhere.  Maybe it's the assumption that you WILL travel with your handheld game device and want a new game while in another country, yet you won't take your home console with you.  But, that theory is out the window now that airports are making people take consoles out to be scanned.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Official "Virtual Console Mondays" Thread
« on: August 06, 2007, 04:49:12 AM »
I need to beat some other games first, but Wave Race 64 is definitely my next VC download.  I'm so glad you can snag them at any time.

I picked this up last night  and jump right into multiplayer.  4 hours later, we thought the clock was lying.  online was even fun, though we weren't coordinated enough to take on the ranked ladder.  I need to add people from here after work today.

TalkBack / RE: Zelda DS Gets Dated for N. America
« on: July 02, 2007, 04:59:38 AM »
And what is this crap hidden at the end of this news:
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass follows hot on the heels of another classic Nintendo franchise with amazing new controls. Metroid® Prime 3: Corruption, the third installment of the hit trilogy, launches with motion-sensitive controls exclusively on Wii™ on Aug. 27??

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Wiimake on Gamestop's database
« on: June 23, 2007, 09:28:21 AM »
On the ammo topic, I feel I've been getting less handgun and shotgun ammo.  Plenty for the TMP though.  And the ganandos seem to stand back when alone, so I can't knife easily OR they'll gang up and rush me so I NEED the shotgun.  Maybe it's cause I played the game 2 years ago, but it does feel different.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Wiimake on Gamestop's database
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:46:21 AM »
So I wanted to comment on the speaker, and I have definitely heard it go off during each radio conversation so far.  It's like an effect of the radio getting closer to you so you only hear the radio 'crackle' after the display appears with Hunnigan.  I think it's fitting and subtle.
As for difficulty, I felt it was taking MORE shots than usual to take the Ganados down, even though I was pulling off MORE headshots.  All in all, I still think the game was worth picking up again.  I really got it for Separate Ways anyway.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: June 20, 2007, 01:21:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Shift Key

Games made for Nintendo systems enjoy a broad variety of styles, genres, and ratings. These are some of the reasons our Wii and Nintendo DS systems appeal to such a broad range of people. But as with books, television, and movies, different content is meant for different audiences. That's why the ESRB provides ratings to help consumers understand the content of a game before they purchase it. As stated on, Nintendo does not allow any AO-rated content on its systems.

Translation: "We appreciate the right to make games. We appreciate the right for people to play different games. We choose what you will play on our system."

You can play what you want, as long as it doesn't exceed M.  It's interesting that this issue with AO really hasn't been dealt with.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: June 20, 2007, 12:47:45 PM »
I really don't see the point of an AO rating if no one can really use it.
This brings up an interesting question, what does this mean for No More Heroes?  Suda51 said he wanted to TOP Manhunt 2.  Does this mean it will be banned before even being rated? j/k

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Manhunt 2 from Rockstar? Whoa...
« on: June 20, 2007, 11:09:31 AM »
So considering this:
Sony and Nintendo say  No
this makes sense:
Amazon: Manhunt 2

Since no one will let the game exists, it looks like they might be going the best route possible, move the release date and edit the game so you can still make money off of it.  

TalkBack / RE: Get a Free Wii Keychain
« on: June 13, 2007, 12:23:00 PM »
They finally give something away for all those worthless codes and it's on a game I don't want to spend the money on.  Why isn't this a budget title anyway?

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