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Messages - GoldenPhoenix

Pages: 1 ... 525 526 [527] 528 529
Nintendo Gaming / RE:A more "traditionally designed" controller for Rev?
« on: September 17, 2005, 11:54:23 PM »
Well I dug up an article at that IMO proves that change has done more to help expand gaming, not hurt it and guess what? Most of the change came from Nintendo, and that is why I'm excited for their next system! I found this quote to almost allign perfectly with people's worries about Revolution's controller, and was in regard to the analog stick "And by showing off the new controller with a polished (but not complete) version of Mario 64, Nintendo showed the killer app that made the thumbstick more than a gimmick." Sounds awfully familiar doesn't it? A top secret controller, that when revealed was first seen as a gimmick!  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:A more "traditionally designed" controller for Rev?
« on: September 17, 2005, 10:03:00 PM »
I could care less that NES came after the implosion of the gaming industry, change benefited it. History has shown that changes to traditional controls have helped the gaming industry more than they hurt it, a couple of these changes that come to mind is the analogue stick and pressure sensitive buttons. One other minor, but still significant change was the rumble pack. Honestly when you look at the Revolution controller it is not that different from the current generation of controllers it just has a different shape and 2 fewer buttons than the norm (that is not counting the two NES style buttons towards the bottom), what it does have is a new way with interacting games that could possibly help expand control in games such as FPS or even give a big boost to camera control which has been a nasty little troll that never quite got exterminated!  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:A more "traditionally designed" controller for Rev?
« on: September 17, 2005, 03:50:17 PM »
I've been thinking through all the complaints about the REvolution controller, and we have to realize that change is what got us to the "traditional" controller in the first place. Do any of you remember that most games, in the time of Atari that a joystick was used? Or even before that things were less complex, change didn't require any damage control, in fact Nintendo was the one that kicked off the traditional controller in the first place. All I see the Revolution controller as is a controller that is a slightly larger step from the traditional joystick to a joypad whose main purpose is to better immerse the player in the game. Change didn't hurt NES, and I don't believe it will hurt Revolution.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:A more "traditionally designed" controller for Rev?
« on: September 16, 2005, 01:20:13 PM »
I don't see why Nintendo can't include the controller attachment, along with bundling all the controller accessories together into one package. Heck MS is selling their wi-fi controller for 50$, I'm sure Nintendo could sell the remote ( the only area where things are pricey), analogue attachment, and traditional controller shell for under that price, because I have no doubt in my mind that MS is making a hefty profit from their price!  

TalkBack / RE:Metroid Prime Hunters Adds Online
« on: August 30, 2005, 11:11:05 PM »
Um that was my point about Ian and people like him, they cry wolf so much when something truly bad occrus no one is going to take it seriously! They get so caught up in complaining about everything when something good does happen they are no where to be seen, there is no wolf to call for!

TalkBack / RE:Metroid Prime Hunters Adds Online
« on: August 27, 2005, 10:47:46 PM »
This is definately good news, though I may not get Hunters I realize it is a great move by Nintendo. Speaking of Ian I think he is someone that has what I call "Crying wolf syndrome" where all he can do is complain to the point of no one paying attention to him (even if some of his complaints have merit), but when something good happens he is out of his zone since he can't cry wolf.

TalkBack / RE:Resident Evil to Nintendo DS!
« on: August 24, 2005, 01:59:17 PM »
And yes it was released for Saturn I just checked Gamefaqs.

TalkBack / RE:Resident Evil to Nintendo DS!
« on: August 24, 2005, 01:50:21 PM »
I can confirm that RE was on PC considering I have it! IN fact it was the first version I played (I encountered the dog window smashing scene with my speakers turned up all the way, talk about freaky).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:More Revolution details soon?
« on: August 23, 2005, 09:48:48 PM »
I'm honestly not sure what Nintendo can do, it appears their stuff gets snubbed by most stores and rental places. For example, unless this is localized, I see much more in the way of PSP accessories and games than Nintendo DS items yet they both are relatively close sales wise. The GC section in stores are usually quite small even though it appears its games still sell out. I'm not sure if this is because of store bias or because companies like Sony and MS are able to buy more shelf space, but it is frustrating especially when it deals with the NDS (which is why I believe NDS staying neck and neck with PSP is quite good considering which one is more out in the open!).

Nintendo Gaming / Curious about how price drops work
« on: August 21, 2005, 12:22:07 AM »
As most of us know the NDS's official price will be 129.99, now my question is how retailers avoid getting burned by a price drop if they have NDS's already in stock, not sure what the wholesale price is but if nothing is done it would obviously affect their profit. Does Nintendo refund 20$ on each unit sold by the retailer?

TalkBack / RE:Madden 06 is a Hot Seller
« on: August 18, 2005, 07:17:16 PM »
Well NFL 2k5 must have been some competition or EA wouldn't have dropped their price to 30$! I don't even need to know the sales numbers just the price drop when it comes to judging how well each series did. Obviously EA felt the 20$ was a threat and thus dropped their price.

TalkBack / RE:Game Boy Micro in September at $99
« on: August 18, 2005, 03:51:35 PM »
I have to agree with an above poster, if this is Nintendo's idea of low priced that makes Revolution even more scary price wise . I remember at E3 how Iwata said we would be shocked by how low the price was, um I'm shocked but not because of how low the price is! That is pathetic when a 16 bit handheld sells for the same price as a gamecube!

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 08:49:32 PM »
Well I just found out that Zelda OOT had a 3 year development cycle, I got the information from this link

TalkBack / RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 08:47:47 PM »

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 08:27:12 PM »
To comment on something, wasn't OOT in development for close to 4 years? I seem to remember pictures of it before the N64 came out.

TalkBack / RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« on: August 16, 2005, 05:11:52 PM »
It is kind of funny, the other day I was thinking about how quickly Zelda's have been coming out and historically a 2 year window for a new Zelda game has not allowed for truly great Zelda games (good maybe, but not great). For example the 2 year Zelda games (please if I am mistaken correct me) are Majora's Mask, Zelda 2, Minish Cap, and Wind Waker (though I think it is the exception). In a way I was hoping for a delay if it truly meant for a truly grand experience that didn't feel rushed (as much as I LOVED Wind Waker I had to admit the last half felt rushed). So I think this is more of a blessing than a curse for us gamers, now it may hurt Nintendo financially but at least it shows they still care deeply about gaming.

Thanks, I was just curious, no other reason besides that.

I was wondering how many mega bytes the 1019 is, I've never seen anything regarding the mb size of their cards.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Size Does Not Equal Power
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:38:09 PM »
GC more powerful than PS2? We all should know that PS2 is easily the most powerful of the 3, how many systems have the ability to fire missiles and were banned in some countries.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official DS Sales Thread
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:35:49 PM »
I don't know if this is a localized thing or not (I doubt it is) but have any of you noticed how PSP is alot more advertised along with having a special place in stores when it comes to accessories along with games? I think if this is not localized it could explain why PSP is outselling NDS, it is in the public eye more. Not only that but I am of the opinion it really isn't in the same league as the NDS considering it is also a portable DVD player of sorts.

To start off, what is the point of these debates, it appears people are drooling over anticipation of attacking Nintendo before the specs are released on Revolution. I can understand the comparison between Zelda and the next generation systems, because Iwata is right especially now days, there is little difference graphically between new consoles. In fact since N64 I haven't seen anything that was a drastic step above it the following generation, not like the SNES and the N64 or SNES and PS2. Power under the hood is mattering less and less, especially if you want to focus solely on games (since PS3 and Xbox 360 will be "mult media" consoles they require more power, it is common sense).

Going back to Zelda TP, I have been more impressed with the graphics than RE4 since the game is more expansive than RE4 was, and thus requires to spread out the graphical joy a bit more thus leading to less detailed enviroments and enemies. They are two different games that require two different graphical schemes due to their game design! That is like saying a fighter for GC is better looking than any other game, well of course, they do not require expansive enviroments and can focus on a smaller one giving a noticeable graphical flare.

TalkBack / RE:EDITORIAL: DS is for Old People
« on: July 27, 2005, 02:50:13 PM »
I agree with most everything stated in this article, in fact I created a topic similar to this on the Nintendo DS board and why I believe PSP is struggling. One reason why I sold my PSP and rebought a NDS was because the PSP felt like a mini-PS2 which is not what I look for in gaming, on handhelds gamers are looking for experiences unique to handheld gaming (such as pick up and play) and do not want quick ports or rehashes of "pretty" console games. Sure SM64 DS was a good game but it is not the type of game gamers want all the time on a handheld, unlike PSP which is basically a PS2 on a small screen.

Handheld gaming benefits little from fancy hardware, at least in comparison to consoles since the games that are IMO, the best are simple graphically such as Meteos, Kirby, WW Touched along with others. Not only that but a handheld should be affordable! A 250$ handheld is not attractive, and those that have the money probaly won't want to sit down for hours when they get home from work to beat the newest PSP RPG or platformer on a small screen, but will instead fire up a console or a movie. With Nintendo's handheld philosophy continuing, I see a bright future in console gaming for a long time to come with companies like Sony washing out in the market.

TalkBack / RE:Report Says DS Outplays PSP
« on: July 09, 2005, 08:36:59 AM »
What is sad, in Washington State at least, you are hard pressed to find accessories for the DS in non-gaming stores yet find a ton for PSP!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What makes a great handheld?
« on: June 30, 2005, 01:24:41 PM »
Great replies, I think Durability is a big factor, even though I take great care of my handhelds I still felt like I was going to break my PSP just by holding it. Not to mention all the moving parts it also had, which I felt was a flaw (I think carts are the right medium for handhelds).  

Nintendo Gaming / What makes a great handheld?
« on: June 30, 2005, 12:28:14 AM »
I've been thinking about what makes a handheld and what makes a console system, IMO they are for certain games. Sure you can have some cross over and ports but I've always felt a handheld system should stick with games that are pick up and play for the most part (like Meteos, 2-D platformers, WW Touched etc). I think one reason why PSP has been struggling is because it feels like a PS2 portable and the games are nothing special, feeling like ports of PS2 games, I don't think handheld gaming was built for too many console ports. I bought a PSP but sold it because the experience felt like the same thing I've felt on consoles for years, but on a smaller screen along with poorer controls. I think Nintendo has always been great with their handhelds, every once in awhile they may create a 3-D platformer, RPG (well 3rd parties usually do thosE), or something like that but they keep the majority of games as addicting pick up and play titles such as Kirby, Nintendogs, Bomberman, WarioWare series, and puzzle games. I think this is one reason why Nintendo still is ahead in the handheld department, people are ready for console on the go, but what a different experience that is unique to handhelds. What do you think?

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