Author Topic: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>  (Read 49329 times)

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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #125 on: August 16, 2005, 02:20:33 PM »

Originally posted by: nemo_83
May as well sell it, what else will I do with it?  REV will be out soon after or right when Zelda releases for Cube if Nintendo is smart making the game more widely marketable with the new system, fresh face, and wider audience.

Zelda sure as hell won't encourage any more Cubes to be sold now.  If anyone is thinking of buying a new piece of hardware it is likely got MS written on it.

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #126 on: August 16, 2005, 02:56:12 PM »
I ment, Zelda won't be selling anymore Cubes for Nintendo.  

If I hustle my Cube off it does not benefit Nintendo; it only means I have money to buy a game for another console.  The point is there isn't anything else coming out, why not sell the Cube and just pick up Zelda when the REV finally comes out.

Why pretend to have fun with the system when there are no games coming out for it.  The DS has more software coming out for it and its hardware has nill potential compared to the Cube.  The industry is upside down.  The Cube was the easiest console to dev this gen with the fastest CPU; WTF happened?

Eighty nine Mario games that weren't Mario games happened; that is all I can figure out.  There was no room for anything like Devil May Cry or MGS3 apparently.
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Offline nemo_83

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #127 on: August 16, 2005, 02:59:27 PM »

Originally posted by: Professional 666
That's right, people.  Nintendo's fanbase will flock to post-apocalyptic FPSs, racers with the same realistic cars, and zombie-filled adventures that have zombies for the sake of filling the screen with zombies.

Lets see; Nintendo's fanbase...NES - 100 million units sold.

How much is left?  GameCube, what twelve million, fifteen?

I don't know, you got me pinned down; I buy hardware for software, and I just don't see anything positive about this.  The last game worth buying that came out on the Cube was in January.

MS may not have nothing new out on Xbox1, but I am seeing a lot of third party support on 360 and the console is coming out this year; Nintendo has no software on Cube and no new system as well as a lot of pissed off third parties sick of Nintendo's arrogance and secracy.

The only thing that could make this news make sense is if MS delayed the launch of 360 to spring 06.  By then Nintendo and Sony will have shown more of their systems and MS' early launch would be spoiled.  MS would rather rush out than have that happen.
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Offline IceCold

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #128 on: August 16, 2005, 03:04:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
Deep down this is the game I bought a Cube for in the first place.  I've been waiting for this game since Nintendo showed the "bogus" Zelda footage in 2000.
Eh? I thought you bought a Cube because of the new IPs like Pikmin, and the experience that you couldn't get anywhere else in Metroid Prime? Not a sequel like this, which looked at the time like something in the vein of OoT..

OK, I'll stop being an ass. We all want this game, we're all waiting for it. But it's not going to the Rev, and it will be better than if it was rushed. So we should just relax.

And nemo, you're just being melodramatic. You should really read your posts again and ask yourself if you really meant, or even knew, what you were saying. "No 'ultimate' Zelda"? What the hell?

If Nintendo does anything to this Zelda that you need the Rev to uncover, the 20 million Gamecube owners will feel cheated. Swindled. "I bought this game for the full price and now I need to buy a $300 console to get new levels/play online?" That won't bode well, therefore I don't think there will be any forwards compatibility with the Rev, unless the new controller can play it even better.

It must have been a tough decision for Nintendo to push it to next year. A really, really tough one. When they made their profit forecasts for their stockholders, they took Zelda fully into account. Their biggest game of the year; a blockbuster. And it had a global release, so you can just imagine how much it would sell for the holidays. For the period of November to April, let's say it sold 2 million units, at the very least. That's $100M US before the end of the fiscal year. So they make a decision that is in our best interests, and definitely not theirs (let's see their overall profits for the year), and we're still complaining? Come on...

Not as many people as some think will jump to the 360 just because of this. It won't make that much of a difference. I don't know about sales - they might be a bit less because it's not during the holiday season, but not too much worse altogether. And we get an improved game. So I don't mind the wait. I do, however, agree with the Zelda demo disc idea, and advertising it a bit early as well.
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Offline nemo_83

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #129 on: August 16, 2005, 03:16:57 PM »
I also do not understand Nintendo's stance on how showing the next system will hurt current products.  What current products?  Geist.  Oh god, bwahaha.  Give me a break.  The only logic I have seen in their philosophy until now was that they wanted to wait until after Zelda to show REV so not to distract from Zelda and GameCube's shining moment.  I don't see how showing the REV right now could in any way hurt Nintendo's stocks or profits.  Nintendo has nothing coming out except DS ports like Mario Kart with online now five years later and not on the console.  Is that how the REV is going to be too, same old same old same old now with belated noline?  Yeah that term makes it sound like a gimmick; how can you make something legit like free online even sound like a gimmick Nintendo?

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Offline stevey

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #130 on: August 16, 2005, 03:25:07 PM »
"with Shadow of Collosus "

is it me or dosen't ico and Shadow of Collosus look and feel like zelda?

"Lets see; Nintendo's fanbase...NES - 100 million units sold."

Is was a one side war back then, now it 12 sided war

"Yeah, it's a poor business decision. "

... eh (well now that I'm that I got unpiss by pissing off my old sister with car key) this is just for the better and is it a poor business decision or a great business decision? think I know about o ... 50,000 people who buy a cube just for tp but the cube live is now dead so that be usless for them now but make it better long (like nintendo add the two lost level then that crappy hunt thing in ww) and delay and now they have 50,000 more rev sells and happer fan base when they stop bitching about the delay by day end.
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Offline mantidor

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #131 on: August 16, 2005, 03:47:34 PM »
Im saddened of course, but the whole "Nintendo is doomed" speech is really getting old, somehow we internet geeks who spend time posting daily on forums like this know more about video game business that the most succesful company in that business?
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Offline stevey

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #132 on: August 16, 2005, 03:54:12 PM »

Originally posted by: mantidor
Im saddened of course, but the whole "Nintendo is doomed" speech is really getting old, somehow we internet geeks who spend time posting daily on forums like this know more about video game business that the most succesful company in that business?

yeah you cant fight hardware with software MM vs the ps2 didn't end up good with MM unpoilsh and have a crappy guy named tingles.
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Offline zakkiel

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #133 on: August 16, 2005, 03:58:09 PM »
Someone with some technical know-how should take up Nile-Boogie's idea. Obviously revising the graphics enough to be worth making TP a Rev title would take more than a year. But what if they make foliage and other details scalable, like many PC games? You still have essentially the same game for the cube, but it looks substantially better on the Rev. Just a thought.

As a Nintendo fan, I'm definitely distraught. We can spin this however much we want, but there's no question it will hurt them, only how much. Plus, this inevitably means that much more delay before we get a Rev Zelda, which will inevitably be a massive seller. As a gamer, I'm frustrated and impatient, but also willing to recognize that the delay will almost certainly be worth it or they wouldn't have made it. I fully expect TP to be the epic Zelda, massive in scale and endlessly engrossing, that I've wanted since finishing OoT.

As a Nintendo fan and a gamer, I'd like to say this: Despite the tiku tiku tiku!  image, Nintendo still has a certain cache among gamers. They are the company dedicated to straight-forward, unpretentious, instantly addictive fun. They believe in quality in substance as well as presentation, in surpassing expectations. And I think this move demonstrates this as no other could.

I expect they'll delay other games again, and I expect it will cost them in sales, and I expect the games will be better games for it. It's not actually a losing strategy in the long run - take a look at a little company called Blizzard, for instance.


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Offline BigJim

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #134 on: August 16, 2005, 04:56:25 PM »
Definitely disappointing.

The excuse to "make the game as big and great as possible" spin is somewhat annoying. The game did not suddenly get bigger. Nobody with any management skill would purposely fumble the corporation's holiday plan with such blatant feature-creep. As internal milestones drew near, they simply realized they didn't have enough time to finish it. That's all. We're not getting a "bigger and better" game as a result. They just need more time to finish the game they already planned and promised.

I don't know if it's been mentioned or not yet, but it sounds like Nintendo will now use Zelda to counter PlayStation 3 rather than the Xbox. It's possible that developers only needed 2 extra months to finish, and perhaps they're purposely pushing it off a little further to counter PS3. In any event, it looks like there will be a spring showdown.

Since Zelda's launching in the Spring, there is no doubt in my mind that Revolution won't make it out until the Fall now.  

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #135 on: August 16, 2005, 04:56:53 PM »
I've played the demo in stores. To be fair I've never put in more than a few minutes of time into it but I really wasn't that impressed with what I played. I just couldn't get the controls. It was like Nintendo thought "let's make a game that uses the BONGOS" but didn't have any concept in mind to justify it. I was like bongo controls for the sake of bongo controls and I just couldn't figure out what the hell I was doing.

The fact that you think the game has no concept PROVES that you haven't put enough time into the game...PLEASE, for the sake of unique action gameplay, put more into the game...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #136 on: August 16, 2005, 05:00:56 PM »
I feel bad for everyone who is at home being upset about this...

No actually I envy them.  If one game getting delayed 6-8 months gets you this worked up, you must have pretty tame and pleasant lives.
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Offline GoldenPhoenix

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #137 on: August 16, 2005, 05:11:52 PM »
It is kind of funny, the other day I was thinking about how quickly Zelda's have been coming out and historically a 2 year window for a new Zelda game has not allowed for truly great Zelda games (good maybe, but not great). For example the 2 year Zelda games (please if I am mistaken correct me) are Majora's Mask, Zelda 2, Minish Cap, and Wind Waker (though I think it is the exception). In a way I was hoping for a delay if it truly meant for a truly grand experience that didn't feel rushed (as much as I LOVED Wind Waker I had to admit the last half felt rushed). So I think this is more of a blessing than a curse for us gamers, now it may hurt Nintendo financially but at least it shows they still care deeply about gaming.
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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #138 on: August 16, 2005, 05:36:00 PM »

Originally posted by: zakkiel
Someone with some technical know-how should take up Nile-Boogie's idea. Obviously revising the graphics enough to be worth making TP a Rev title would take more than a year. But what if they make foliage and other details scalable, like many PC games? You still have essentially the same game for the cube, but it looks substantially better on the Rev. Just a thought.

Someone get this man a cold drink and a comfy sit down. Seriously, would that not be what's best for all parties.

Gamer 1: Loves  the Cube, buys Zelda = Happy Gamer

Gamer 2: Hates the Cube, loves Zelda, Zelda's even better on Rev, buys zelda + Rev = Happy Gamer

Gamer 3: Loves the Cube and was Buying Rev anyway, beats Zelda on Cube, takes memory card and puts it in the Rev with Zelda = bonus quest = Happy Gamer

How About I (re)introduce a phrase in to the console market: Forward Compatibility.
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Offline IceCold

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #139 on: August 16, 2005, 06:01:42 PM »
But, as I said, Gamer 1 would feel like he/she was getting a raw deal. They paid a lot for the game, and now they find out that they can't play it fully without getting a Rev. Then they won't be a HAPPY GAMER anymore.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #140 on: August 16, 2005, 06:08:19 PM »
""In effect, because of the backward compatibility built into Revolution, every GameCube game also will be a Revolution title," she said. "But we feel a commitment to the GameCube owners who've been patiently awaiting this new Zelda title, and don't want to force them to wait and buy a brand new system in order to play the game."  
~Perrin Kaplan
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #141 on: August 16, 2005, 06:25:14 PM »
That just means that TP isn't being moved to the Rev. It doesn't exactly imply that there will be no 'fowards compatibility' bonus. Although one COULD derrive that from the statement.
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Offline Nephilim

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #142 on: August 16, 2005, 06:27:04 PM »
be cool if they added a feature thats unlocked when you play in on rev
much like the the gbc zelda games

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #143 on: August 16, 2005, 06:33:15 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
But, as I said, Gamer 1 would feel like he/she was getting a raw deal. They paid a lot for the game, and now they find out that they can't play it fully without getting a Rev. Then they won't be a HAPPY GAMER anymore.
 Don't you think that they would be happier that theere is even more additional content added to game to further enhance the experience with the addition of the feature set included in the Rev?

Zelda:TP could be the Rev's Trojan Horse

Player X buys Zelda:TP and plays the best Zelda game ever and is completely satisfied yet still wanting more.

Rev comes out, you pop the game in and now realize that all the graphics have been up-scaled and the game now takes advantage of the new controller.
You also discover that in addition to the new downloadable weapons, costumes & power-ups, there is a new online/multiplayer mode opens up.  Now when you complete certain new side quest in the game on the Rev you all of a sudden open up some old-school downloads (Zelda 1 & 2 NES, Zelda SNES, & ZeldaoT & MM).

Does that really sound like you would make a gamer unhappy?

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #144 on: August 16, 2005, 06:36:25 PM »
IanSane would find a way to be upset, no doubt.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #145 on: August 16, 2005, 06:38:53 PM »
"You also discover that in addition to the new downloadable weapons, costumes & power-ups, there is a new online/multiplayer mode opens up."

Whoa, hold up now...You went way too far...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #146 on: August 16, 2005, 06:57:28 PM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
"You also discover that in addition to the new downloadable weapons, costumes & power-ups, there is a new online/multiplayer mode opens up."

Whoa, hold up now...You went way too far...

Yeah, but how Satin would that be...

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #147 on: August 16, 2005, 07:06:00 PM »
Is completely stupid a suitable answer to that question? =P

But seriously, this whole mentality of "every game is better if its online" is really bad.
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Offline IceCold

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RE:<b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #148 on: August 16, 2005, 07:06:07 PM »
You undoubtedly did go too far, BlackNMild. If all of that is unlocked by playing with the Rev, it would make Gamer 1 even more bitter. The people who buy Zelda, there will be many of them that won't be buying a Rev for a while/at all. Then, potentially millions of customers will be unsatisfied because they can't get the whole experience without buying a new $300 console.

As I said before, if the game can be played better with the new controller in any way, that is fine by me. It's OK if Zelda uses the new features of the controller to its benefit. And graphical enhancements, maybe... But all of these unlockable features would lead Gamer 1 to feel cheated.
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Offline Nile Boogie

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RE: <b>Zelda Delayed to 2006</b>
« Reply #149 on: August 16, 2005, 07:18:25 PM »
Playing Twilight Princess in the Revolution will be the only way to get to older or "newer" Zelda swag.  

Walk with once more: You beat TP on the Cube then when you play it on the REV. you get uber cool stuff (downloadable) sided quest. Like Link going into Hyrule Library: While reading a story he falls asleep and wake up in the dream wordl...Cel-Shaded, does a little quest, returns to the regular world with extra rare "bunny hat" to trade for bottle of "Goron Golden Goodness" which he trades for...and such is the beauty of Forward Compatibility.

How about that.

Nile Boogie is...


Philadelphia Penn, 19130