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Messages - Art_de_Cat

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Nintendo Gaming / Re: Street Pass!
« on: September 09, 2012, 07:37:48 PM »
My gamestop and TrU have changed over to NSMB2 carts and are now street passable again!! They reset the info though, so have to build them back up again.

TalkBack / Re: NWR Community Night - September 11, 2012
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:39:00 AM »
MK7 and Pokemon White are my only internet ready games after an internet upgrade.  TV is a bit dying for doing console games.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What's the problem with Community Nights?
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:58:39 PM »
Havent seen word on the next night, when will it be?  Hiopefully there will be more people wanting to play games instead of the game* that the people were trying a few weeks ago......

Japan got a new stationary for their Nintendo direct today.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wario Land (3DS Virtual Console)
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:31:30 AM »
Isnt that the one with a breakable block right beside it?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Official 3DS System Friend Code Thread
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:23:38 AM »
Hello, I just got my 3ds for my bday, and would like to exchange codes with people.  Currently I only have MK7 and swapnote for the time being.  If you would like to add, send me a pm, just to make sure we get each other's codes.


Hey whoever is moderating this thread, my code had an error in it and I went back and fixed it.  The middle group of numbers should be 0087, not 9987.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Street Pass!
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:30:21 PM »
It caps off at 99 for the same mii.  Me and my bro have reached that already. Finished my 6th puzzle swap photo today, Link looks good in 3D.  Now if I could just get more pink pieces.....

TalkBack / Re: Crosswords Plus Preview
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:26:08 PM »
Hopefully they have improved letter recognition from the original game. Certain letters were a pain to register correctly at the oddest times.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wario Land (3DS Virtual Console)
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:24:45 PM »
After a little delay, I have finally added Wario Land to my 3DS collection of downloads.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What's the problem with Community Nights?
« on: August 24, 2012, 01:23:31 PM »
Yeah messaging people when you add them does help to make sure both parties know to share codes.

TalkBack / Re: Fluidity: Spin Cycle Revealed for eShop
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:33:35 PM »
I liked the Wiiware game, even though I never got past world 1, stupid boss area. grr

I would want black since the system itself doesnt look any different from the original for the most part. If they made a blue one, I would hope for a cobalt blue, and not the pale blue.  A pimp hat purple wii u like the 3ds would be awesome.

TalkBack / Re: Puzzle Swap Gets New Super Mario Bros. 2 Panel
« on: August 10, 2012, 10:13:50 AM »
Question is, why is there no pokemon themed puzzle yet? I would be all over that.

TalkBack / Re: Puzzle Swap Gets New Super Mario Bros. 2 Panel
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:58:51 AM »
No pink piece here, and just when I thought I would be catching up on puzzles too. Hopefully it looks good when complete!

TalkBack / Re: US Keldeo Pokémon Black/White Offer Announced
« on: August 05, 2012, 06:11:01 PM »
At least we can get it in the original BW.................

Nintendo Gaming / Re: What's the problem with Community Nights?
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:33:55 PM »
Tuesday/Wedsnesday nights would be good, a lot of groups do something on monday and I cant have three windows open at the same time to keep track of them all.  As how to pick the game,...definelty leave it up to choice, for everyone to find someone to play with, but maybe allow people with odder games, or less owned games to voice a time they want to do something to attract the others with the game.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wario Land (3DS Virtual Console)
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:21:20 PM »
I remember playing it on the original game boy. It took forever to get enough coins for the best* ending.  Couldn't tell who the greedier person in the game was.  Can't wait to get it for the 3ds since my original cart is on death bed.

TalkBack / Re: NWR Community Night 8/6/2012 - Players' Choice
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:53:25 PM »
Sounds good, butis there away to have the chat window open without the right side being covered up by stuff in the main forum?  I know one week it was possible but it seems like other weeks no matter how you stretch window, the right side is covered up with stuff.

TalkBack / Re: World of Goo Creators Bringing Little Inferno to Wii U
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:32:10 PM »
Makes me want to play World of Goo again.

TalkBack / Re: New Kirby Panel Available in Puzzle Swap
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:11:40 AM »
If you saw the blue dot on street plaza, go check your notifications, and you should see a puzzle swap notification telling you about the new panels for it. Then you can launch the software and get your piece.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Puzzles for Puzzle Swap on 3DS
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:00:42 AM »
I still don't have anything yet. Blue dot showed itself on the Mii Plaza earlier for a second.. then it just disappeared. Hmmm...


EDIT: Got it. Had to reset my 3DS. Weird.

Go to your notifications and look for the notification about swapnote. It will tell you about new panel and next time your there you will pick it up.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Puzzles for Puzzle Swap on 3DS
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:41:18 AM »
The only pink piece I got was from Motiff from his E3 mii pass.  My town sucks for street passing.  So i was really hoping on spot passing for pieces but I read the note too fast in notifications. sigh.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Puzzles for Puzzle Swap on 3DS
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:28:27 AM »
Maybe I sped read the note fast, but new Kirby Puzzle anyway. Not so sure on the spot pasing other than just getting the new panel piece from Nintendo, but would still like to know what people got.

Nintendo Gaming / New Puzzles for Puzzle Swap on 3DS
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:44:33 PM »
Got a notice stating that there are new puzzles for Puzzle Swap on 3DS and that these are spot passable!!
Got started with a piece from Kirby 20th anniversary. 
Did anyone receive a different puzzle piece?  Be curious on working together on these.

 Kirby 20th Anniversary

I would love a new blast corps game, but could they get rid of the dump truck? the game.......or at least rework it handle better for smashing things.  Could never get the last gold medal I needed to explore........well I won't spoil that surprise for those who don't know about it. :D

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