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Topics - decoyman

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Chat / Video Blogging
« on: May 14, 2008, 11:29:09 AM »
Hey, do any of you guys subscribe to any video blogs? I watch random ones off and on, and one regularly in particular (Brigitte Dale - she recently won some Yahoo "Internet Personality of the Year" award or something, and she's got a great style and is really funny too).

Well, seeing as I was looking for a good excuse to learn more about video editing, I decided to start up a video blog of my own. So far I only have two episodes (and the first one is actually more of a test - just me checking out transitions, style, effects, cuts, etc.), but more are in the pipeline as soon as I have a chance. Doing these is turning out to be really fun, actually!

I've put the link in my sig, but I'll also put it here (for those with sigs turned off). Go check them out, if you dare.

... in order to gain some weight and contend with big ol' Bowser. I really thought I had you in that last game, SB, but the Dragoon (coupled with you kicking my butt from underneath the stage to cough up the last piece!) said it was not meant to be.

ggggeeeeehhhh... doughnuts and french fries.... (homer-drool)

Hey guys, anybody got any strategies for beating the Boss Battle mode on Very Hard? I can get to Tabuu with a 0% damage counter, and get him down a ways in damage, but he inevitably does his "one-hit-kill" thing, and no matter what I do, I am sent flying off the stage.

I had this idea that, using Pokémon Trainer, I could wait till he was about to do the attack, then switch pokémon right then and there, thus making myself basically invincible during the attack. Unfortunately, the attack lasts too long and blasts my new pokémon to kingdom come when he flies out of the ball. So...

Any tips? Has anyone beat this?? I tried for probably two hours, and couldn't, and I'm totally frustrated with it. (though I'm better with Pokemon Trainer now!)

Nintendo Gaming / Take THAT, you stupid Cruel Brawl guys
« on: March 28, 2008, 11:30:02 AM »
You may be able to kill me with one hit or throw, but I killed five of you by edge-guarding ;D

Has anyone here been able to beat 10 of these guys for that one trophy??? I think killing five of them took a great deal of luck... and I couldn't even do it with my main man, Pikachu, I had to switch to heavy-hitter Ike.

Nintendo Gaming / Stevey, the fan is off limits for you from now on.
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:15:45 PM »

Thank you for giving me my first friends match! I had a great time, despite the lagtastic servers, and wanted to say good match.

Also, I wanted to say I'm sorry if I came off as a douche. I set my taunt messages up a long time ago, and forgot what they all were. Then, when I used them, at the wrong times I might add, they came out as "totally arrogant w/ a hint of lousy jerk" (at least to horrified me). Let me restate what they're supposed to mean, if you will...

"Another?!" This one doesn't refer to me getting "Another KO?!". It was meant to say, "Another match?!" I'm supposed to use this at the end of the match, not when I've just KO'd someone.

"Nice, but you suck." Again, I used this right after I KO'd someone, and that changed the tone quite a bit, understandably. It was meant to be used after someone else KO'd me and I had just respawned. :-[

Also, Pikachu is my main, and I chose him again after I won the first match to follow the "if you win, choose the same character again so the other players can have a chance at revenge" rule. The next game, I chose Pit, but then you both dropped out. And I can't blame you. Not only was it laggy as frick, but I, for all intents and purposes, appeared to be a total douche. For my games after that with Stevey and Caliban and Traag (btw, good games to you guys!), I went totally random.

So, hopefully you'll play with me again sometime. I promise to adjust my taunts so they can't be misconstrued anymore!

NWR Forums Discord / I AM SO FREAKIN' BORED.
« on: March 18, 2008, 03:35:24 PM »
Somebody do something cool, come on.

NWR Forums Discord / I ate my house, mate.
« on: March 18, 2008, 03:16:29 PM »

General Chat / All our posts are belong to THE VOID
« on: February 14, 2008, 12:05:33 AM »
All our posts are gone... Our posts.... OUR POSTS!!!!! GAAAHHHHHHGHAAHDgwhhhahaaa.... 



NWR Forums Discord / I SUCK AT MAFIA.
« on: January 17, 2008, 05:12:34 PM »
Hi, Arbok, Bustin98, 18 Days, TVman, and oohhhboy. This thread is dedicated to you poor souls who came under my idiotic gaze of death.

I am a good guy. I am pro-townie. Only thing is, I suck. Which makes me extra-valuable to the mafia.

I am the vigilante role. Oh, how I wish that thatguy had written in the "Suicide if he kills a townie" clause into my contract. Then I wouldn't have had to face any more shame, wouldn't have had to end any more innocent lives in an ignorant flurry of ill-aimed and ill-advised blaster-fire.

Woe is me, such a tragic figure. I'm like that oracle chick who said things would suck, and no one believed her. Then things did suck, and she died. I think. Except I'm not dead. I'm still around to suffer for what I have done to you all.

Oh, alas you poor innocents! What I lack in strategy, I more than make up for in long-windedness and, yea, even belligerence and arrogance. And many other negatively-themed "ances," I'm sure.

I take the advice of my counsel, and say, "Away with you, you scoundrels! You don't know what I know!"

And then... alone on a wind-swept peak... snow buffeting against my cape... do I realize I am utterly defeated. My books of knowledge crumble to ash. My haggard beard belies the haggard soul residing within this haggard frame.

My failure even extends to my attempts to right my failures, coming up short time and again.

This thread is a tribute to my ineptitude at mafia, and a heart-felt apology to my victims. I insulted you all while voting for you or killing you, or targeting you, or whatever. And here I am, with my glassy doe eyes and twitching corner of my mouth, staring blankly into what I have done, the mess I have made, and hoping against hope that the townies might yet prevail, in spite of me.



NWR Forums Discord / New Year's Resolutions!
« on: January 11, 2008, 02:34:35 PM »
1. Get in shape, eat less crap, run a half-marathon
2. Start up my music again (join a community band, and/or a friend's indie band)
3. Study hard, take the GRE, and get into grad school WITH a scholarship or fellowship or some other form of $$$
4. Visit my elderly aunt and uncle in the nursing home more often
5. Get a divorce
6. Read more

Happy New Year, guys! 2008 is gonna RAWK!

NWR Forums Discord / ... it's a whole other ECOSYSTEM in there!
« on: October 01, 2007, 06:52:42 AM »
Seriously. Have you been to the Matchmaking/Smack Talk forum lately??

Wow, it's actually really active, but I don't recognize anyone. It's kind of like, if you haven't been to the extra bedroom in your house for awhile, and then when you go in one day, there's like SOME WEIRD FAMILY LIVING IN THERE.


What I mean is, do I have a voice? You know, when you read my posts, what do I sound like to you? Do I have a "voice" in your head when you read my posts aloud to yourself?

I must know! Look, I'll even go first. I'll name off a few active posters, and what they sound like when I read one of their posts:

Jonnyboy: well, this doesn't count – he sounds like he sounds on the podcast. In fact, all other staffers who've appeared on the podcast sound like themselves when I read their posts. I'm more interested in people we've never heard in real life.

DISCLAIMER #1: I mean no disrespect through any comparisons that may be made. In general, I hold all of you in high regard! I'm just being honest, and the truth may be endearing, or unsettling, or both!

DISCLAIMER #2: Many times my impressions will take the form of celebrities, or people I've known.

Kairon: how I imagine Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes would sound, if he were our age.
GoldenPhoenix: Tasha Yarr, from Star Trek TNG
Easycure: Keanu Reaves
Ceric: this guy I knew in high school named Henry
Strell: this guy I knew in high school named Noel
wandering: this guy I knew in high school named Stu
Perm: Tom Cruise
Vudu: a calm Harry Potter (we all know HP has a tendency to get worked up)
Infernal: The "Wheel of Fish" gameshow host from UHF
Stevey: this guy I knew in school named Jason
thatguy: Puddy from Seinfeld (just the voice, not so much the personality.)
Bill: a medium-range male voice who enunciates well
Shyguy: Ted Danson

There, see? That wasn't so bad! Now, someone tell me how I sound in their head! I want to know!

Oh, and if you want to know what you sound like (provided I haven't already told you in this list), just ask, and I'll add you to the list.  

edit: sorry, I know if it's "someone I knew in school" then it won't make much sense to you... but I can't help how you guys sound, dang it!  

General Chat / The State of NEBRASKA (all NE discussion goes here!)
« on: July 07, 2007, 12:44:42 PM »
Hello everyone.

As of earlier this week, my wife and I have finished our cross-country move back to my homeland: NEBRASKA. Coming from the well-known tourist destination of Monterey, California, the question on most peoples' minds is: WHY?? Well, this topic has been engineered to answer that question, and more. So, if you have any questions about Nebraska, ask here and I'll do my best to answer promptly.

Oh, and if there are no questions about Nebraska, I may just fill this thread with my own meandering thoughts on this fine state. And if you are wondering, I AM PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF SUPPLYING THESE MEANDERING THOUGHTS IN GENEROUS, EVEN OVERWHELMING, SUPPLY.

So, my first point of discussion: "Nebraska: YAY!"

Nebraska is worthy of a fully-capped "YAY" because my family is here. It is also pretty inexpensive to live here too. The people here are very friendly and down-to-earth (sometimes I talk with people on the street – "Hey, Happy 4th of July, guy I don't know!" – and also in the grocery store – "Hmm, have you ever tried pickled beets?"). I also like Nebraska  because there are four real seasons (this alone could—and may well should—be expanded into a whole topic of its own: "How the existence of four "real" seasons (winter spring summer fall) promotes awareness of one's own life cycle, thus affecting the dispositions/outlooks of people who reside in such a location as Nebraska"). Lincoln, NE, is one of my favorite towns because it's a university town which draws people from all over the world. I also like that even the big cities in NE have the small-town vibe, while retaining big-city amenities (like malls, theater, indie film venues, local music scene, cool coffee shops, authentic foreign restaurants, oh, I could go on and on).

Ok! That should do it. What do YOU think of Nebraska? Have you been to Nebraska (driving through does not count! ). Or is there anything you want to know about Nebraska? I'll help!

P.S. – If you have any negative things to say about Nebraska, you are wrong, so kindly take your ideas elsewhere

General Chat / Origins of your forum name?
« on: May 26, 2007, 05:00:19 PM »
Hey everybody... so, um, I've always been curious about how people choose their screen names in places like forums and all. So, this is a thread to discuss it! If you want to, you know, vanquish the fog of mystery, this is the place to do it.

So, I'll go first. Decoyman was a comic character with a big target on his chest that I used to draw in high school. He was a sort of accidental superhero, whose only power was to keep other characters (such as those from my other comics: Super Slug and Jan Snordan, the skiing Norwegian) from getting hurt. I think I dissolved him in acid, dropped anvils on him, and did all sorts of other nasty stuff to him. But since he was like made of jelly or something, he was never hurt too bad. His arch-nemesis was Dr. Fuzzball, who was evil, and had some sort of tragic past (he didn't used to be a fuzzball) that drove him to his evil ways. Their rivalry was never resolved because, well to be honest, I got too busy. But it was good (and weird) enough to be used as a screen name, and so, his odd legacy lives on to this day.

So how 'bout anybody else? I'm curious about lots of you guys, so I want to hear 'em all

General Gaming / Ken Kutaragi "Retires"
« on: April 26, 2007, 09:56:11 AM »

« on: January 20, 2007, 01:12:04 PM »
I was bidding on something on ebay, and I was going to get a great deal on it, and with 2 seconds left, someone outbids me by $2.50 (it was a hundreds-of-dollars item).


General Chat / ACE Questions (Adobe Certification)
« on: January 12, 2007, 05:47:43 AM »
Hey, so is anyone here an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE), Specialist (ACS), or MASTAH (ACM)? If so, I'm a designer who's looking at getting certified, and I've got questions for you.

• How tough are the tests, and how closely do they correspond (difficulty-wise) to Adobe's sample tests?
• If you fail once, do you get any chance at a re-take under the already-paid fee, or would you have to pay again?
• Do they have lots of questions on obscure features you hardly ever use?
• How heavily do they hit on features new to the current version vs. features from past versions?

I hope someone can help me... Thanks in advance!

Nintendo Gaming / WiiConnect24 ate my miis :(
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:27:42 AM »
If you've added lots of people to your friends list, had lots of friends try out mii creation, and/or been busy creating weird freaks or celebrity miis, you've no doubt run into the 100 mii limit in your plaza. But what happens when you have 100 miis, and someone sends you some miis? I've gotten the message, "You have more miis to be received. Quit and restart the mii channel to receive your miis" (or something to that order).

However, when I kill off some "expendable" miis () and quit and re-enter the mii channel, I never receive anything. It's frustrating because someone's spent the time to send me a mii, and then it gets lost in cyberspace somewhere, doomed to forever wander the great abyss, with no home. I have no way to know what it was, and who sent it to me.

Anybody else running into this? Anyone know how to fix it?

Nintendo Gaming / WiiConnect24 Error Code: 110213
« on: November 19, 2006, 02:33:04 PM »
"There is a problem with the WiiConnect24 service. Please try again later."

What? Has anyone else had this problem? I tested the connection, and get a "successful." I already updated the system once, so I know it can connect... it's just with this last update, it always gets stuck. I thought the servers might be totally slammed, and are just denying any new connections or something, but...

So, am I the only one, or are the servers just wonky right now? BTW, I'm on the west coast, in case that could have anything to do with it...

Nintendo Gaming / Amazing Wii Deals!
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:39:38 PM »
I can't believe there's no thread for this yet... I just found my first Wii deal, so I need a thread to hold it.

At Target, you get a $20 gift card if you buy 3 games on launch day.

Now, if you never shop at Target (your loss), then it's probably not a deal. BUT if you do lots of shopping at Target, then it's basically like getting 1 game at full price and getting the next two at 20% off (assuming they're all $50 games). That seems like a decent deal to me. Oh, and plus, the gift card they advertised this deal with was the snazzy white one which lights up blue LEDs around the edge if you push the "power" button on it. Nice.

Since I'm starting the thread, I'm going to suggest some ways to keep it organized. Just post deals or comments about said deals, and avoid idle chitchat tangents. How 'bout we also list the deal part in bold so it's easier to pick out too. What do you say? EASY PERUSING ENABLED.

EDIT: Forgot my source: there're these little Wii brochures you can pick up in the gaming aisle that advertise this deal. I can post pics if anyone wants.

General Chat / Snowboarding is fun
« on: September 22, 2006, 07:51:06 AM »
Hi everybody – does anyone else like to snowboard? It's almost that time of year and I must confess: I'm thinking about snowboarding even more than Wii./sacrilege

Last year, I moved to California, and I've gone snowboarding several times out here since. It's crazy that you can be at the beach, drive three or so hours and be in the mountains snowboarding. While I'm out here I'm trying to take advantage of it!

If you HAVEN'T snowboarded before... or even skiied... it's not too late! I didn't strap on a board until last year (I'm 27), and even though I was covered in bruises after three days of falling down a mountain covered in cement-hard, icy snow, I couldn't stop thinking about the next time I could go back. Heh, I was so bruised up and sore that I ended up stuffing a towel into my snowpants to shield my rear, and wrapped extra socks around my elbows and knees. Despite any of that, though... when you start to "get it," it's just awesome.

So, any snowboarders around?

Nintendo Gaming / Drill Dozer Help!
« on: August 07, 2006, 07:21:46 PM »
Hey guys...

I'm looking for help in finding Treasure #12. All I know is that it has to be in Area 4-1, Metal City... but I've gone through several times, and I can't find it. Any help would be great.

Also, the game's great, for those of you who haven't picked it up. Now that you can find it fairly easy for ~$10, NO EXCUSES.

General Chat / I gave up video games...
« on: March 03, 2006, 09:38:41 PM »
for Lent.

Weep for me.

I'm having a hard time after only a couple days in:
• Can't check my turnip prices daily in AC:WW. And what about my budding relationships w/ Brewster and Sable?
• Won an eBay auction for Killer 7. Got the game, but can't play it. Read the manual like 3 times.
• Having to get my "gaming fix" by reading articles and posts about other people enjoying games.

And now, I just finished reading the Internet. I guess I'll go sit in a corner and stare at the wall or something.

Nintendo Gaming / 4-way tie?!
« on: December 05, 2005, 06:11:16 PM »
Crud, it makes that blue shell* at the finish line on Yoshi Circuit hurt even more...

Good races, though - you guys are intense!

* that knocked me from 1st place to 3rd mere inches from the finish line on the final lap! Frick!

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