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Messages - Adrock

Pages: 1 ... 326 327 [328] 329 330 ... 409
Nintendo Gaming / Re: 3DS, what are your top 3 most anticipated games?
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:08:50 PM »
And yet the rest of the internet does nothing but b!tch about Brawl being too different from Melee.  Hell Smash Boards, the largest Smash Bros message board on the internet has been hacking the game for the last 2 years in order to make it play exactly like Melee.  If Nintendo were to listen to what most of the haters had to say, then the next Smash Bros would be even more similar to Melee then Brawl is.
Yeah, I heard about that. I don't get it though. If you want a game that plays like Melee.... play Melee. In any case, I'm not sure a Smash Bros. game would work on a handheld, especially when the camera pans out. I guess you could just have smaller stages, but that's not really in the spirit of the series (it's limiting).

Now, when can we see more of Resident Evil Revelations?

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:00:46 PM »
Sky Rocketing Jump = Shinespark

And it was in Super Metroid and Fusion. God, I missed that. Doesn't look at cool without the shadow effect but it's still so nice to see it back.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Metroid Other M
« on: August 13, 2010, 06:04:39 PM »
I think it depends on the game/series. I can't really justify more than one Mario Kart per generation, for example.

Anyway, I just watched some English dubbed trailer for Other M which basically had Samus narrating the events of Metroid 1-3. Holy crap, the writing is terrible. I know the whole Metroid = baby thing has come up before, but actually hearing it in the trailer made me cringe... a lot. She says baby more than a Justin Bieber song. I'll probably enjoy the game, but goddamn that dialog....

Nintendo Gaming / Re: 3DS, what are your top 3 most anticipated games?
« on: August 13, 2010, 05:56:21 PM »
1-3: Resident Evil Revelations

Ugh, get Sakurai the hell away from Smash Bros. Let him work on something completely new. While Brawl wasn't a bad game, it was basically Melee+ so if that was the best he could do when given free reign and no deadline, I'd rather he do something else and let someone else try their hand at a Nintendo fighting game which doesn't even need to be a Smash Bros. sequel. I know not everyone shares my opinion of Brawl, but it made no major strides and I, frankly, got bored of it.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: August 10, 2010, 05:08:54 PM »
Just buy an Xbox 360 already.... Sonic Chronicle 2 notwithstanding, you keep bringing up games on other platforms that you want on Nintendo hardware. Why don't you just get those other platforms then and you can play those games to your heart's content? Let me simplify this for you:

FUN > Brand loyalty

You can get a 360 for under $200 now and you don't have to worry about the RROD problem anymore. It's a good console and you've already named several games you want and many of them are under $30 now.

TalkBack / Re: Metroid: Other M to Feature 'Theater Mode'
« on: July 31, 2010, 09:09:40 PM »
I really don't expect the story or cutscenes to be all that interesting, especially with total sh*t dialog and acting like "Mother, time to go." I'm hoping there's an option to skip the cutscenes for future playthroughs because I'll watch them once, but I'm buying the game for the some sweet, sweet Metroid gameplay.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Wii Zelda
« on: July 25, 2010, 05:12:19 PM »
Define "a lot." Understanding the plot of The Wind Waker is not contingent upon understanding the plot of Ocarina of Time. There's one reoccurring character and even then, The Wind Waker tells you enough about Ganondorf so that playing through Ocarina of Time isn't necessary, especially since Ocarina of Time didn't really tell players too, too much about Ganondorf in the first place. There are certainly connections between games, but the plots are more or less self-contained. For comparison's sake, watching Back to the Future Part III before the first 2 parts totally messes with the experience, even with the introductory recaps. Those movies are self-referential in a major way. Not so much with Zelda. I used to try to organize the series into a coherent timeline and there are a few that make sense. However, it's a mess quite frankly and even though a master timeline exists within the walls of Nintendo, it doesn't really affect the games too much.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Wii Zelda
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:49:53 PM »
Does it really matter if the games belong on a timeline? They barely reference each other. That's kind of the point of the games existing in some chronological order. Some of the games can easily be placed in a timeline, some can't, and some don't matter. I kind of feel like it doesn't really matter because each game is its own story and none of them really rely on another game for pertinent background information.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:28:19 PM »
Apparently, the arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV has 2 extra character slots. If Capcom follows the pattern of new version releases (SFA3 on PSP had 3 additional characters, for example), I would expect additional characters, though I doubt they'll be brand new. They are a good amount of characters from Alpha and III they could include.

Yeah, they are a perfect videogame team.  But with NBA Jam you can only play as two guys at once so you won't be able to play as all three of them.  So in theory any team with two stars should be able to compete with them.
Isn't there at least 1 sub? Let's say Chris Bosh is the "worst" of the 3, that's still Chris Bosh as your substitution. No team in the NBA has a 3rd option that good.

But unlike Sony's controller, the SNES pad had a distinct "feel" to its buttons -- the convex/concave shape of them.  And that made it super easy to feel your way around the controller so that you, as a gamer, always knew what button to push for whichever action.
Kudos. I have been saying this for years. I think for most non-gamers/casual gamers, they're rarely ever going to need to press a button other than Start/+ or a trigger. Swinging the remote will always be the main method of command input for them. The convex/concave buttons were highly under-appreciated.

I have to wonder what kind of impact such a game as the Last Story will have on RPGs for the wii.
None. At best, we get a solid RPG. That suits me just fine. I expect nothing more. If you think it will make a difference and suddenly bring about some renaissance for RPGs on the Wii, you probably also believe that putting your baby teeth under your pillow will yield rewards from a magical fairy the following morning. Nintendo's next console is probably coming next year. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo told Square Enix this and asked them to move development of Dragon Quest X to the successor of the Wii. It'd make a nice launch game. Unlikely, but a girl can dream.....

I'm not sure it'd be worth it to pay someone like Tom Gugliotta to be in a re-release. How many people even remember who that is? Additionally, Take Two had a reason to sign all those players. EA locked up the NFL license for roughly the next 77 years. I think insanolord's suggestion that they just upgrade the rosters is far more likely though I'm curious as to who owns the rights to the original's game's code. The NBA owned the rights to the NBA Jam IP so it's possible they own the code as well.

On a completely unrelated note, the first thing that came to mind when I heard Lebron James was signing with Miami was "Dammit, the Heat are going to be assholes in NBA Jam." Too bad, that's the best scenario they have at being unstoppable. You're not winning championships when you sign 3 max players who all thrive with the ball in their hands and literally no one else. That's like having 3 Michael Jordan's on the same team. Someone is going to have to be Scottie Pippen. This isn't like Boston in 2008.

I'm pretty sure they would only have to re-license the players that have retired. All other players (unless they opted out by having their own personal contracts) are part of the NBA Players Licensing.
The original NBA Jam came out in like 1993. Shaq might be the only active player from any version of the original.

Wouldn't they have to license all those players to re-release the game?

I'm impressed.

No, you're not.

TalkBack / Re: Kojima Talks Metal Gear Solid 3DS
« on: July 07, 2010, 11:17:12 PM »
For headshots. I thought it worked fine in Twin Snakes; it just made the game too easy. In Sons of Liberty, first person view was especially helpful for destroying the Ciphers (Snake's up+special in Brawl).

TalkBack / Re: Kojima Talks Metal Gear Solid 3DS
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:50:33 PM »
I didn't say it ruined the game. Rather, the experience of the original suffers greatly by adding gameplay mechanics without amending the rest of the game, namely level design. Optional or not, those mechanics are there. I can't imagine the 7 people who played Twin Snakes without experiencing the original on PS1 seeing the additions as optional and deciding "They weren't in the original. I shan't use them now." For those who played the original, Twin Snakes is infinitely easier. Ocelot can be defeated without moving. The game is still fun in its own way, but as a remake, the game is totally unbalanced.

I'm biased against Portable Ops because it rofl-stomps continuity more than any other game in the series and in a way that makes no sense. It's the least important entry story-wise and its major plot twists confuse more than illuminate. I think most people could live happy without it existing.

Anyway, Subsistence added much appreciated camera control to MGS3, something that 3DS may not have without a second analog stick. I would be much happier with a Metal Gear Solid title built specifically for 3DS that didn't have to adhere to old gameplay or level design.

General Chat / Re: Anime
« on: July 07, 2010, 07:05:50 PM »
So I finished the 26 episodes of To Love Ru.There is a OVA of 6 episodes which I will watch tomorrow.

Basically the series is about a princess from outerspace and she accidentally gets engaged with a guy on Earth. This guy however likes another girl and awkwardness ensues and as well as hilarity and lots of crazy situations.

There are many other characters that have their own querks so I will let you guys watch it yourselves to find out.
I was always interested in To Love Ru if only because it's basically Urusei Yatsura. Lum > all

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:58:34 PM »
(1) To be fair, Tetsuya Nomura's best designs are the ones that are not realistically portioned when modeled in 3-D. I still think Brave Fence Musashi for the PS1 is where his designs really shined with the limitations of the PS1's graphic capabilities.
A matter of opinion though I meant, for the FF series, Square Enix has gone with strictly proportionate character designs. I expect the inevitable Final Fantasy VII remake to follow Advent Children's lead. And there's about a 0% chance of it appearing on 3DS. I would expect it on a home console.
(2) And I'm a whore for Terra.
I liked Terra as well though she was the start of a string of emo FF leads. FFVI didn't really have a main character, but you know what I mean...

TalkBack / Re: Kojima Talks Metal Gear Solid 3DS
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:48:34 PM »
Which was the first you played? I'd suggest playing them in order of release date (besides Portable Ops, you can live with avoiding it) because the gameplay evolves with the series. It was hard going back to the original Metal Gear Solid (not Twin Snakes) after playing MGS2. First person shooting, for example, added so much to the series (and ironically ruined the original when introduced in Twin Snakes) The original Snake Eater was a good game so I would expect a remake to be just as good if not better. It would be nice if we got a prequel to Snake Eater that starred a younger Boss (aka The Joy... don't ask, play the game) or an interquel/spinoff starring Liquid.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: New Wii Zelda
« on: July 07, 2010, 06:37:07 PM »
I'd welcome a jump button, but not heavy platforming. It changes Link's repertoire of attacks which ultimately leads to more varied gameplay. I don't expect Link to become Dante or Kratos, but being able to downward thrust any time for example (as opposed to as a finisher like in Twilight Princess) would certainly pique my interest. I trust Nintendo enough to add this to Zelda without complicating the game.

I'm against the idea of just taking the right side of a Gamecube/PS2 controller as a substitute for the Wii remote. I can't see that working because that changes how the controller is held. Swinging it like a baseball bat seems far more cumbersome. The remote still needs to be in the shape of a remote, though Nintendo could round the edges to make it more comfortable to hold for longer periods of time. I understand Nintendo's logic in meeting the familiarity of a tv remote control, but that logic begins to falter once function comes into play. A videogame controller is held the entire time one engages with the videogame which is unlike changing the channel or adjusting the volume. In short, the curved design of the Playstation Move controller is probably comfortable than the strictly rectangular Wii remote.

I never thought the number of buttons really affected the accessibility of the Wii remote. It was more about shape and function. You see someone swinging a a remote-esque controller rather than pressing buttons. That said, the remote can double as the right side of a traditional controller with more buttons and an analog stick without alienating people. The nunchuck should incorporate the d-pad which would eliminate the need to turn the remote sideways while also negating the classic controller. I feel like that's the best compromise.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
« on: July 06, 2010, 05:12:15 PM »
I have this game registered with Club Nintendo but I don't own it. Does anyone want to offer up their opinion on the game, something I can enter into the post-play survey?
Here, try this: "Remember when players controlled Link with a d-pad or analog stick? Can we have that back again? Thanks."

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