Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 724632 times)

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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Not to mention trying to get media with the capacity to hold that kind of game at that size. They'd be back to the N64 situation of the media eating up a huge cost.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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I'm still wondering how they are going to get a Wii U equivalency in a handheld. Maybe, just maybe there is more truth in that Nintendo XDS. Not saying that the video is correct but Nintendo seems to try and get the most out of their hardware architecture. Wii U with more RAM is what the damned thing needed from jump street.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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As I've said before, a portable Wii U (sans drive) would be easily doable. Having said that it would also be a terrible idea.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline broodwars

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With how rapidly smart phones are catching up to dedicated platforms, I'm not sure merely Wii U-level capabilities will be enough. At the rate they're advancing, give them a few more years and they'll be at least at PS3-level, if not PS4.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Even if smartphones are capable of that, nobody's going to do it there because you can't make back the budget it would take off 99 cents and microtransactions.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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I just had a thought: I've been wondering why Nintendo haven't put out a new Wii U color or GamePad Pro. Then I got to thinking that maybe the NX is really just the "NEW" Wii U?

Offline Enner

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They haven't put out a new Wii U color or a new GamePad because the sales and prospects are that low.

As for NX being the "New" Wii U, that seems too straight-forward for Nintendo, regardless of the Wii U's sales.

There was that Digitimes article that reported that the NX is coming out July 2016 along with some other dates and names of parts providers (think Foxconn). Not linking it since what the article reports sounds absurd.

Offline rlse9

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There's no way it's the New Wii U.  It just can't be.  They couldn't possibly tease something that far in advance and be so secretive about it for it to be the New Wii U.  Then again, it's Nintendo.

Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Wii was only a " Super GameCube Plus ex Alpha" at the end of the day.

Offline Evan_B

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There is no way in hell the NX is an upgraded Wii U.

That would be the worst possible choice for Nintendo moving forward... Ever.
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Offline Soren

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That would be the worst possible choice for Nintendo moving forward... Ever.

I am more convinced than ever the NX is an upgraded Wii U.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Sadly I am at the point where I'm assuming the NX will be the exact opposite of what it needs to be.  That's pretty much where my faith in Nintendo in general is at.  "New" Wii U?  That's idiotic and would probably destroy Nintendo's console presence for good so, yes, they are totally doing that.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Like I just said in the other tread, anyone expecting Nintendo to go all out in power for their next system is going to be very disspointed.  Nintendo is not going to jump through hoops to please the remaining third parties that haven't bankrupt themselves yet because of insanely high development cost that just keep rising.  Any new Nintendo home console will have to rely entirely on Nintendo's own lineup, which they gain nothing from suddenly jumping to more powerful PS4 level tech.  After all the time and money Nintendo spent to get their Wii U engines finally running, no way they're going to suddenly just jump to PS4 level.  Even Sony's studio's who had a lot more experience with this level of tech, are having trouble with the PS4 which is why Sony's first party lineup has been incredibly weak since launch.

Just like those Gamecube engine for the Wii, Nintendo is going to get the most out of everything they just did for the Wii U to ensure their next home console can get the strongest 1st year lineup as possible.  The only way that can happen is if they're able to reuse their Wii U assests the same way the Wii was able to reuse the Gamecubes which is why the Wii had the strongest 1st year lineup in Nintendo history.

This way, Nintendo can also release their next home console at a healthy profit so even if they get Wii U levels sales, it won't cost them much.  This is once again, the real reason the Wii was as underpowered as it was because after the Gamecube, Nintendo wasn't willing to take a huge financial risk.  Yes the Wiimote itself was a risk because of how different it was, but had the Wii been a failure, it's wouldn't have bankrupt the company which a 360/PS3 level device would have had it been a failure.  Sony lost over 5 billion off the PS3 and that system eventually ended up selling over 80 million units.  Had the Wii sold less then the Gamecube with PS3 level tech, Nintendo would be a Japan only Pichinko making company right now.

Anyone who thinks Nintendo will ever be willing to take a 5 billion loss on a product let alone anywhere close to 1 billion is just delusional.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 02:49:34 PM by Luigi Dude »
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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The Wii U with 4GB of RAM and 25% more in both cpu and gpu would be more than capable of competing in the new "Hybrid Market" I haven't done the hard math but I'm  sure with these specs (and no 2x screen rendering) the NX would be able to do DX11 (can almost do it now), Unity 5, Unreal 4 and CryEngine (4) with no compromises.

From a pricing structure I'm also fairly sure you can pull this off in a tablet for $200 US. Add the HDMI Dongle and Dock for another $30 more and boom, another classic Nintendo Winner!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 03:08:56 PM by Nile Boogie Returns »

Offline Ian Sane

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Like I just said in the other tread, anyone expecting Nintendo to go all out in power for their next system is going to be very disspointed.  Nintendo is not going to jump through hoops to please the remaining third parties that haven't bankrupt themselves yet because of insanely high development cost that just keep rising.  Any new Nintendo home console will have to rely entirely on Nintendo's own lineup, which they gain nothing from suddenly jumping to more powerful PS4 level tech.  After all the time and money Nintendo spent to get their Wii U engines finally running, no way they're going to suddenly just jump to PS4 level.  Even Sony's studio's who had a lot more experience with this level of tech, are having trouble with the PS4 which is why Sony's first party lineup has been incredibly weak since launch.

Don't think of it as jumping through hoops for third parties but rather for consumers.  People expect third party support.  The only people that will tolerate a console with nothing but Nintendo games are the same die-hard Nintendo nuts that bought the Wii U.  And if Nintendo is only going to target that group why they hell even release the NX?  Why not just stick with the Wii U?  What does anyone gain from Nintendo doing some ticky-tacky minor update that ensures that the only people that will buy it are the existing Wii U userbase?  And what purpose does this serve for the Wii U userbase?  Isn't it just buying a new console for arbitrary reasons?

Any sort of "New" Wii U has no purpose to exist.  It will not sell to anyone that isn't already on board and will not offer anything distinct enough from the Wii U to even offer any real value to that userbase.  So they don't grow the userbase and risk pissing off the small userbase they do have by forcing them to upgrade to a new console that offers no real upgrade?  What the ****?  I don't understand the hypothetical strategy behind such a move.

Offline UncleBob

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I, too, want to get overly emotional on the internet over unsubstantiated rumors printed by random people on the internet.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline broodwars

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I don't really see the value of a "New" Wii U when so far less than 10 million people even bought the 1st Wii U, and I doubt even all of those 10 million would be willing to sign on for more of the same. Assuming that the NX is a console (and with Nintendo's handheld obsession that's certainly not guaranteed), it needs to be at bare minimum as capable as the Xbone to even be a player in the console space. Handhelds are a different story, though. They could probably get away with Vita-quality visuals on a new handheld, at least for a little while.
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Offline Adrock

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There was that Digitimes article that reported that the NX is coming out July 2016 along with some other dates and names of parts providers (think Foxconn). Not linking it since what the article reports sounds absurd.
This doesn't gel with a recent statement from Nintendo that it does 60% of its business from October to December. Nice try, rumor mill.

Nintendo shouldn't be in a rush to replace Wii U. It can't afford to whiff on a successor. That doesn't mean Nintendo shouldn't have a sense of urgency. Rather, make sure it's ready and no sooner.

Offline broodwars

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Nintendo shouldn't be in a rush to replace Wii U. It can't afford to whiff on a successor. That doesn't mean Nintendo shouldn't have a sense of urgency. Rather, make sure it's ready and no sooner.

I don't really see that Nintendo has much of a choice, given how poorly Wii U has sold, alongside a gradually slumping 3DS. If Nintendo had any real intention of supporting the Wii U anymore, I think we would have seen it at E3 or at any of the other Directs Nintendo's posted this year. Instead, we're seeing a bunch of games Nintendo announced years ago finally coming out, followed by Shovelware like Mario Tennis & Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival. It's not an encouraging sign that the Wii U has any life left in it.
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Offline Adrock

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I don't really see that Nintendo has much of a choice, given how poorly Wii U has sold, alongside a gradually slumping 3DS.
You're right considering the choices here essentially are:

1. Release the new console when it's ready and have a chance at success.

2. Rush out a broken mess and be stuck with two consecutive duds.

That's not much of a choice if Nintendo hopes to ever be competitive again.

Offline Ian Sane

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I don't really see that Nintendo has much of a choice, given how poorly Wii U has sold, alongside a gradually slumping 3DS.
You're right considering the choices here essentially are:

1. Release the new console when it's ready and have a chance at success.

2. Rush out a broken mess and be stuck with two consecutive duds.

That's not much of a choice if Nintendo hopes to ever be competitive again.

They can't wait too long though.  The Wii U's poor reputation will further damage Nintendo's brand as a console maker the longer it is out.  Each year Nintendo is more and more of an afterthought and that will just make it harder to sell the NX.  I'm of the idea that the quicker the Wii U is swept under the rug the better.  Nintendo needs to be ready and not rush the NX but if they knew what they were doing they have started their Wii U exit strategy a while ago.  They'll only be rushing it if they took too long to admit the problem (so in other words they're probably rushing it).

Offline BranDonk Kong

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There would be no reason to go up to 4GB RAM with 25% more CPU and GPU power. Those will be the specs.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline ThePerm

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The way hardware manufacturing works: Nintendo can probably make something more powerful than the ps4 at a lower price around x-mas next year. *though xmas 2017 sounds more likely in my book(i dont think Nintendo will have its act together by xmas 2016.)

Nintendo should really just make nx be three things. Powerful as ps4(or better), be able to use 4 controller screens, have multi touch screens.
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Offline Ceric

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I, too, want to get overly emotional on the internet over unsubstantiated rumors printed by random people on the internet.
This is why we can't have Nice things or UncleBob on NFR. (Open Invite)

At this point look a the  PC gaming space.  There has been machines that would ran circles around the PS4 for the Die Hard years before the PS4 came out in raw power.  The tech has been shrinking and getting better.

The Wii U is limping along.  I'm actually more concerned for the 3DS myself.  Even the New 3DS with New 3DS games.  That system is really not aging well at all.  Wii U still has more untapped power.  I'm sure of it.  The 3DS is totally tapped out.

If they are going to combine the Sku's that will be the main reason.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 09:01:47 PM by Ceric »
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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There would be no reason to go up to 4GB RAM with 25% more CPU and GPU power. Those will be the specs.

I'm not sure I follow.

 I'm saying the NX should essentially be an Overclocked Wii U if Nintendo wants to come in at aggressive price point as recent comments suggest (also be a handheld). And those humble estimations I came with should place the NX firmly in the range of using the current farm of scalable graphics engines.