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Topics - Requiem

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NWR Forums Discord / Who's "blacker
« on: July 13, 2007, 01:43:54 PM »
All this talk about stereotypes made me want to make up this fun little thread.

If BnM agrees, we will list our previous experiences that prove how "black" we are one by one until someone admits defeat.

BnM, do you accept the challenge?

General Chat / MAN VS. WILD
« on: July 10, 2007, 05:41:16 PM »
Possibly the greatest show ever (not an understatement) is being aired on Discovery channel. The few precious hours I care to watch T.V. seem to always have this playing and it's great!

Check it out seriously!

Nintendo Gaming / WiiWare!
« on: July 08, 2007, 06:47:25 PM »
I am honestly SHOCKED and APPALLED at you so called "Nintendo Fans." Why hasn't anyone posted this? Even you NWR?


But seriously, here it is, straight from the horse's mouth:

Nintendo's WiiWare Paves the Way for Fresh Games, Cool Consumer Experiences


The search for the next ingeniously ground-breaking video game has begun. At a private developers conference this week, Nintendo announced the introduction of WiiWare, a game-creation service that will allow developers large and small to create new downloadable video game content for sale by Nintendo through the Wii Shop Channel of the hot Wii home video game system. WiiWare paves the way for smaller, more creative games to make their way to the public at lower prices, without any inventory risk to developers. The first WiiWare content will launch in early 2008.

This is by far the greatest news we've heard this year. This just bleeds potential.  

Nintendo Gaming / Get HOOKED!
« on: June 21, 2007, 05:31:53 PM »
New fishing game from Askys, a company who has only made three games (DS, PS2, PSP).


Don't really know much about the game, but I can tell you this: it comes with a fishing pole shell! It actually looks well done. My only concern is if you can actually reel the nunchuck and that it's not actually free since the game cost 60 bucks. Oh well, what are you going to do?

I don't know, I thought some of you guys might be interested (Kiaron, was it you that said you were looking for a fishing game?).


General Chat / Anime
« on: June 14, 2007, 04:49:37 PM »
So I just finished watching all the episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender over at TV-links and I must say, I'm kinda sad now .

I haven't liked an anime since Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo (I like the previous way better), but this one won me over somehow. It wasn't bloated with dialogue that would ultimately fly over my head like most anime (i.e. Ghost in the Shell). It was really simple to understand and to follow. It almost plays out like a videogame. Also, the action isn't half-bad and sometimes I'm really impressed by its presentation.

Anyway, the reason I made this thread and what I ultimately would like to ask you is, what animes/cartoons would you suggest I watch next?

Keep in mind that I like animes that are more fantasy than sci-fi (though Bebop is a rare exception, the music alone is enough reason to watch). I like action in my animes, but if it's one thing I hate, it's those sequences where the characters are throwing punches at each other and the background is a mess of colors and lines. One more thing, I don't like in animes is when they amplify characters' emotions by making them fall down; and I especially hate the giant tear drop.

I would really appreciate this.

You can go HERE to look at all the anime up on the site. The list is pretty comprehensive. Oh and if you haven't checked out the site, PLEASE do!

I didn't even hear about it till a couple months ago, and now I visit it almost everyday [/spam....(sort of)]  

NWR Forums Discord / Duuuuna na na, na nu, na na: RIDDLE TIME!
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:37:08 AM »
Guess this object

When you see it, you will not buy it
After you have bought it, you will not use it
And when you use it, you will not know

Nintendo Gaming / LiveMove
« on: May 23, 2007, 06:14:25 PM »
So I didn't see this anywhere.....

New Wii Development Tool Announced


Instead of complicated programming, developers need only take a few minutes to train the Wii Remote by examples. LiveMove lets developers focus directly on creative work without the burden of onerous coding requirements, helping them quickly unleash the potential of Wii. The only limitation is the game creator’s imagination.

Video Example

Any thoughts?

Nintendo Gaming / Help Find a Wii thread
« on: May 21, 2007, 11:01:25 AM »
So I am finally done with another year of college, and finally have enough loot to buy a Nintendo Wii. The only problem is: I can't find one.

Do you guys know what I should do to finally get one of these bastards into my house?

Couple days ago I saw a kiosk of a N64 type controller hooked up to a tv. It was in one of those islands in the mall and it was running all sorts of old school Nintendo classics. Now, this wasn't the first time I've seen one of these things, but it was the first time I've seen one since I heard Nintendo will pay people to tell them about it.

First that even true? I heard it here a long ass time ago (back in the Don'tHate days), so I guess it stuck with me. Can I really get money just by telling them the exact location of such a distributor?

Secondly, how do I go about it? Do I call them or what?

Any help would be appreciated (i'm looking at you Kiaron (( I think it was you that mentioned it before)))

Nintendo Gaming / Wii to feature same online structure as the DS
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:37:48 AM »

This is som-ol-bullsh*t. The most depressing fact is that the Gamespy rep even said a UNIFIED CODE was possible but that Nintendo made all codes game specific.


General Chat / The 300
« on: March 09, 2007, 12:50:44 AM »
Who has seen it?

How is it?

I'm about to see it in 12 or so hours either way, but opinions are still welcomed. (B&M, I'm looking at you)

Nintendo Gaming / New game idea thread
« on: March 06, 2007, 09:02:13 PM »
Type of game: Action RPG
Maximum Players: 4
Point of View: TMNT-type side-scroller

Imagine playing a very dark and moody TMNT-type side-scroller. Your heroes would be knights. Your weapons would include many medievil weapons, but you'll mostly use your sword and shield. You move around with the joystick and attack by swinging the Wiimote. The moves wouldn't be one-to-one, but it can tell in what direction your striking and if your stabbing. Also, your nun-chuck controls your shield, allowing you to block, parry, and attack your foe. Other moves include: duck; jump (a small jump); dash; kick; dive/slide; grab/throw; and a context-sensitive button (such as use item/open).

The game will be very realistic in that one good swing will kill most of your enemies (and you too). A second blow is almost always needed though in order to finally kill the person. If you don't strike a second time, enemies will grab onto you as the bleed to death, and disrupt your fighting of other enemies. It'll also be very gory, allowing you to dismember and behead opponents. Also enemies are always few in numbers, but fierce. This allows you time to kill foes. Later levels will require you to kill faster, but that's where the RPG element comes in, in the form of new moves and weapons.

Now, enemies will appear from the side of the screens. Their movements will be puzzle based and brash. For example, a sword enemy begins to swings his sword downward from up above his head. At this point, if your quick enough, you can bash him with your shield or kick him to disrupt his flow. Then let's say you stab him in the chest. Now you have some options: you can pull out your sword and behead him; you can pull out your sword then grab him and throw him; you can leave your sword in and grab him and fling him off your sword; or you can leave your sword in and kick him off of it. I told you it was gory.

Point is: the game is very realistic in the sense of how you can kill an enemy. Attack combinations can be formed and will be needed. In the end, you will figure out how to best each type of enemy.'

Levels will range from walking to horseback to protecting or attacking a fortress. Each level may have a particular event that changes the gameplay for a bit. For example a level may start of by walking, but may get to apart where you must run as quick as possible in order to avoid exploding catapult grenades.

NWR Feedback / How many users are NOT viewing this site in BroadBand?
« on: January 05, 2007, 05:43:04 AM »
 Damn it Vudu....why do you do the bidding of other's without there bid?

But my point remains valid.

Do you really think that in 10 years when the internet is at cut-neck speeds that you'll still have the same restrictions you do today?

They why have the same restrictions we had 10 years ago?!

General Chat / So what other sites do you go to?
« on: January 04, 2007, 05:02:00 PM »
Right now, I was just thinking to myself: "man, i'm f*cking bored"

I checked out my email....
I checked out PGC...
I checked out soutparkzone and watched a little southpark...
I checked out gizmodo, and checked out the cool sh@t that came out this week...

But now......

Now i'm bored.

What other sites do you guys go to?

Don't know how reputable this site is (though from a quick look around, looks legit), but they show (with perdy graphs) that the Wii already has 3 million sold! That's crazy!

Check it out  

Nintendo Gaming / Japanese get MARIO KART 64
« on: December 26, 2006, 02:27:06 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / PC hackers and the Wiimote
« on: December 21, 2006, 06:35:34 AM »
I don't know if you have seen it already but in this video, it shows a person using both the Wiimote and Nunchuck to play Call of Duty on the PC.

It has only been a month. At this rate, they may find something extraordinary (like the best way to play a FPS with the wiimote), and essentially, do the developers' job for them. This will allow developers to get to the nitty gritty and concentrate on gameplay. Also, how many Wiimotes do you think will get sold if they do find a spactularly intuitive way to play PC games? What if setting it up is just as intuitive? Counter-strike is hella-popular but imagine how insane it would be if everyone is using Wiimotes!

Your thoughts?

General Chat / 300
« on: December 20, 2006, 01:50:15 PM »
Quite possibly the dopest movie ever?


Nintendo Gaming / Everyone's talking about the Wii...
« on: November 27, 2006, 01:37:55 AM »
I don't know how many times my friends and I have been watching TV only to see a Wii advert that immediately starts discussion. These people, mind you, aren't hardcore gamers. Some don't even have a game system, and the ones that do have a PS2 or N64. They are the type that when told that the GC is more powerful than the PS2, their immediate reaction is "bullsh*t, I don't believe that..."

So you see where they're coming from.....

Anyway, since the Wii came along (and especially the commercials) they have been excited just to try the damn thing. One friend had a chance to and his impressions made the rest of the group even more hyped. All he played was some of WiiSports (bowling and boxing specifically) and like 10 minutes of Zelda (said the sword mechanic is "f*cking sweet"), but he's hyped....really hyped.

This trend has been growing. While walking to class, I've over-heard many conversations talking about the Wii and how it looks "sick," with COD3 being one of the games that stand out (due to the commercials, me thinks). This specifically builds up my confidence in Nintendo.

Once they release games that live up to the Wii's potential, Nintendo has the opportunity to become as popular as the DS. And because so many people are so anxious just to try it out, it gives Nintendo the opportunity to do what they do best and prove to them that this is what gaming is all about. After's a downhill battle....

Nintendo Gaming / It's all a matter of time....
« on: November 19, 2006, 09:10:11 PM »
Its only a matter of time before a new game revolutionizes FPS's and shows developers how to make the damn thing like Mario 64's effect on platformers. Though I have never played any of the Wii FPS's (Red Steel, Call of Duty 3, FarCry), it seems like they got alot of things right and alot of things wrong. Basically, all Nintendo has to do with MP3 is fix what those games got wrong and instead get everything right.

But how?

Should they use a big-bounding box like Red Steel? Should they make a small one like Call of Duty? Should they just make it like a PC FPS and have pixel perfect accuracy?

I recall reading an article (I'm not sure where it came from) that explained how using a tall yet very skinny rectangle as a bounding box would improve turning while keeping the versetility of aiming above and below the center of the screen. This is brilliant, yet will not result in the tightest controls. You see, the single biggest issue so far has arguably been turning. No matter how skinny the rectangle, it's going to feel disorienting having a barrier that you cannot see, and eventually you will notice yourself going past your target to simply center your target. That's why I suggest something like this instead.

Besides having a very small zone within the middle (to counter-act shakiness), turning starts immediately if you point left or right. Naturally, the farther you point to either side the faster you spin. This will make turning a breeze, yet retain the strengths of pointing.

Now let's say you are following a player moving from the left of the screen to the right. Since turning doesn't require you to go through a bounding box, you can track their movements at a greater precision than ever before. Also, since the bounding box goes up at an upwards angle, this gives you a triangle of slowly rotating verticle movement. This allows you to precisely move your aim up to their head without ever changing how fast your aim is spinning horizontally.

Now that is great and all, but you must admit that Red Steel's control scheme looks very effecient when it comes to aiming at things that are on-screen. The ability to quickly point at multiple targets while not messing with the camera seems to be more immersive as well as more effecient. And the easier it is to aim at something, the harder, more challenging, and ultimately more fun you can make the game.

So what to do now?

Comprimise. Why not use both a skinny and big bounding box for when appropriate? When running around normally, let the bounding box resemble the one above. However, include a toggle button. When this button is held (the "Z" button), the bounding box will take up the entire screen. The player can now point to anywhere on the screen without the camera moving. And after the player releases the button, the camera will quickly center on what they were currently pointing at.

These two "modes" of control will work seamlessly together, and bring about a new way to imagine FPS's.

For example
Imagine running down a tight corridor full of turns, wasting flying and crawling enemies along the way. At the end of the corridor lies a mechanical monstrosity with 4 targets located on its chest. This is where you'll want to hold the toggle button. It slowly approaches and forces you to walk backwards down the corridor. The targets are its only weak points and to defeat it you must shoot the water pipes that run along the wall and force it to reveal one of the targets to you. You must shoot the first target, then shoot the next target that randomly appears before the opportunity ends and the mechanical beast regains control (it ends within less than a second). After you hit all four, it becomes stunned and allows you to get close enough to throw a mine on one of the targets (by flicking your wrist like a frisbee) and blow the damn thing up. After a few series of that, you finally kill it. All the while you'll have to strafe left and right and avoid gunfire.

After you've played like this for awhile, you'll start noticing something. You can literally make the camera jump quickly in any direction by holding "Z" then moving your aim to a spot you would like to center on, and then releasing "Z". If theres mulitple enemies around what you had just centered on, you can quickly hold "Z" again and blast them all away. Or, if you see someone running on the outskirts of the TV, you can hold "Z" and accurately place your aim to his head, take a shot while you let the camera auto-recenter (it won't *&#$ up your aim), and then hold "Z" again and take another pop after its centered.

Combine this technique to the already versitile bounding box, and you would have precision unlike any other.

So what do you think? Yay, Nay?

P.S. Zooming with curtain guns is activated by sliding the remote forward. Aiming is still exactly the same.
P.S.S. This would make for the most intense multiplayer battles, due to true skill becoming a factor. Also, add in a Licence to Kill mode to whatever game uses this control first, and you have bond reincarnated.

A sick FPS for the Wii would literally make millions of Xbox fans buy the Wii.


Nintendo Gaming / Phenomenal TC preview
« on: October 15, 2006, 11:18:43 AM »
This preview has alieviated all my concerns for Truama Center and, more importantly, the functionality of the Wii-mote.

Read here

Definitely buying this game.

Nintendo Gaming / Square-Enix to support the VC
« on: October 09, 2006, 08:37:18 AM »
Click here

So, now Square has stated they are on board which was expected, but is still amazing. They also confirmed that they want to make an new Mana game due to the huge potential of the Wii.

So is anybody else anxiously awaiting the release of Chrono-Trigger for VC?

Also, a real-time RPG with Wiimote control? I can literally taste the potential (salivating).

I don't know about you guys, but I am getting more and more anxious everytime I read a preview.


Because of qoutes like this:


But does the Wii-mote actually improve the experience or merely provide a different way to play? To be perfectly honest, the verdict is still out.
-- IGN (I know, I know)

I can't help but worry about the Wiimote's quality factor. When I first touch the control, I want to see no hitches and glitches; I want it to be the next level in gaming. But the more and more I read, the more I feel like Nintendo may have gotten ahead of themselves this generation.

I have yet to see a game that truly innovates (maybe trauma center). Even Nintendo's own offerings seem a little g!mmicky. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to at least try them out, but will the Wii live up to all the hype?

Sure....they really had no choice but to go this route due to both the 360 and PS3's focusing on superior graphics, however, everything still feels very rushed to me despite all the planning.

Hopefully my concerns are strictly superficial, and that it's the developers fault for the game feeling "laggy" or sometimes losing the controller. And hopefully, once I play Excite Truck or Hudson's plane game, my worries will wash away. Until then, I can't help but think that, at launch, the Wii is going to be battered with both dissapointments and praise alike and not a "HURRAH" for the next level of gaming as Nintendo intended.

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