Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 724648 times)

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Offline Evan_B

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The ports need to come out early and they need to be strong, otherwise there's little use in releasing an "upgraded" version of a game a year after it's original launch- hell, it's risky to do that six months after a game launches, if Watch Dogs has shown us anything.

But again, this is all if the NX is a home console. Which it isn't. I don't care what way you try to spin it, Nintendo is going to double down on its handheld success and either make something that links to a TV, or links to another device that will be released even further down the road. Because it's a stupid idea, and because that's the unconventional thing to do.
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Offline Ian Sane

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The ports have to be there.  They won't sell anyone on the console but they have to be there.  Hell, ports isn't even the right term.  We should use "multiplatform releases".  That's what they're called on the other consoles.  It's not like the games are thought of as a PS4 release ported to the XB1 or the other way around.  Usually a developer works on a game for the PS4, XB1 and PC at the same time and releases it at the same time.  This is how the videogame market works these days.  Games are made for all non-handheld platforms at the same time and the first party exclusives are what differentiate the platforms.  Nintendo has been the lone outsider in this and that more than anything is why the Wii U flopped.  Customers expect to buy one console and have 99% of the games made show up on it with only first party releases and a handful of third party exclusives being the exception.  This is why Bayonetta fans were PISSED that the sequel was a Wii U exclusive.  It was bucking the industry convention that the first game had followed.  You're not supposed to miss out on games like that if you buy one of the "normal" consoles.

Of course Nintendo also needs really exceptional first party exclusives to make anyone want to make the switch as the expected third party games won't attract someone that owns one of the other consoles.  They need to be really impressive games, not generic 2D sidescrollers like the Wii U was trying to peddle.  It will still be hard because the time to release something like this was when the other consoles were released but Nintendo fucked that up by releasing the Wii U instead so they have to do what they can with the situation they created for themselves.  The goal of the NX should be simply to make up lost ground so that next gen they launch a console that can truly compete.  The NX's is largely a stop-gap as the Wii U is not fit to survive for a full generation, particularly when the generations are now 7 or 8 years.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 03:07:45 PM by Ian Sane »

Offline ThePerm

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If NX is only a handheld... I won't be buying it. I didn't buy 3DS because DS didn't do it for me.

Ideally NX would be a console with a controller that is as powerful as a Playstation Vita(or Wii U) when you take it on the road. When at home it's games scale up to at the bare minimum of ps4 with more ram. That was my idea months ago. The one most people liked.

probably not going to happen. I think Nintendo should for once try to do something practical.  The introductory price for ps4 was $399, the introductory price for xboxOne was $499. At that price I think they have some room to take advantage of economy of trade and Moore's law.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Ideally NX would be a console with a controller that is as powerful as a Playstation Vita(or Wii U) when you take it on the road. When at home it's games scale up to at the bare minimum of ps4 with more ram. That was my idea months ago. The one most people liked.

Is there any way Nintendo could do something like this where the controller's specs boost the console's without causing some very weird architecture that third parties wouldn't want to support?  I'm guessing you could split the RAM between the two but not something like a CPU.  I figure this is the sort of thing Nintendo would want to do but I fear it would get into "Sega Saturn has two CPUs and no one but Sega knows what the hell to do with it" territory.

Offline ThePerm

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That sounds grossly inefficient. The console can boost the handhelds specs, but not really the other way around. Like for instance. Say you were playing a game like Minecraft that requires some storage space. The console could act as a server while you are away. You can play in the world and access it via 4g or someone elses wifi. But all the stuff that is changing is happening on the consoles save file, the handheld is only accessing it.
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Offline Evan_B

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...the DS didn't do it for you? It has one of the best software libraries in video game history. What did you need it to do?
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Offline Ian Sane

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So the ideal setup is basically a PS4 with the PS Vita as the Gamepad?  Sounds like it would be expensive.  More likely Nintendo would skimp on the specs of both to meet a lower price point (and higher profit margin; let's not BS over the REAL reason Nintendo cheaps out).  Of course if they did a skimpy spec version wouldn't it be essentially a Wii U with a 3DS controller?  Where is the appeal in that?  Doesn't seem different enough than what we currently have.

Whatever they come up with for a handheld has to be a step up from the 3DS to justify its existence and any console can't just be the Wii U again.  Any hybrid idea needs some sort of noticeable hardware boost or it's basically just a 3DS with a TV-out and a portable Wii U.

Offline Stratos

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NX console is a traditional, top of the line gaming console with a more traditional controller. The NX handheld can act as the gamepad for the new console. The shared framework should allow them to operate together seamlessly, but allow the handheld to operate independently as a portable system.

I would also hope for something similar to Perm's idea where the home system can act as a central hub/server for other games. Allow it to be persistent online for games like Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Tomadotchi Life, and others. Imagine being able to visit your friends AC town while they are away-or better, a shared online village that can be visited by anyone at anytime.

Then there is further encouragement for each portable version to be more about the individual person going out and exploring the world through visiting other locations or playing AR style games like Pokemon GO.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 09:45:52 PM by Stratos »
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Offline Stogi

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I really really think it's a mistake to make the NX a $400 PS4 clone. It's also a mistake to go the gimmick route (and I mean that in the best way) as it's hard to excite a massive audience unless what you offer is truly revolutionary.

I would be conservative and make a console that pairs well with a PS4 or an Xbone. If a PS4 is steak, then NX is scotch. I'd also make it $200 max. Max. Any higher and people will have no choice but to compare it to a PS4 and Xbone, and you don't want that. Any less and people will wonder why a 3DS is so much. $200 is the perfect price point to hit a niche market between heavy hitters and handhelds.

As for features, I'd let it link up with the 3DS or 4DS to come. Better yet, I'd let it link up with phones as well. Need an extra controller in a pinch? Or having people over and want to play music and videos? Make it an AppleTV but with much, much better games. Make the thing damn easy to make games for and port games to. Focus on indie steam games, lightning fast power on - to playing transitions, and multiplayer - particularly same room multiplayer (8 controller connection at least). In terms of power, make it a notch above a WiiU. I've yet to see any reason why all of the latest and greatest games couldn't be toned down in the graphics department and still work. And besides, it's not the job of this console. The only thing that matters is the structure of the computer architecture.

Most importantly, since I'd be putting out a cheap console guaranteed to make money per sale, I'd invest in many more studios working on every type of game, from tiny even texted based games to true masterpieces. I'd aim for a game every month, small or big. I'd also offer the best profit margin to any developer willing to make a bug-free game.

As for media, I'd use the internet of course and SD cards with dual functionality. Meaning, if developers want to make a game for the NX and 4DS, they can put it on one card and the user can play it on either platform. All Nintendo would need to do is encrypt the data so publishers can decide what size the cards need to be.

And I'd make the thing tiny and usb powered. If I could have it be powered by a TV, that'd be even better but at least have it tiny. I'm thinking the size and shape of a CD but an inch thick. If it can't be that small, then make it a block.

And lastly, the controller should as comfortable as gamecube and as functional as a PS3 controller. And then allow everyone to bring their own. Allow Xbone, PS4, PS3, and 360 controllers. Allow Wii, Wii U, and pro controllers. Allow cellphones. Allow options.
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Offline Adrock

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I don't think Nintendo really has a choice on whether NX is compared to PS4/One, regardless of price. It's going to be. End of story. The only ways Nintendo gets a console down to $200 is if it aims low on hardware or takes a bath on it. For what Nintendo needs the hardware to be capable of as far as third parties are concerned, the latter may be too steep to get the console down to $200.

I'm in the camp that Nintendo should aim high hardware-wise this time if only because it's launching mid-cycle (and that's not even the only reason). Launching higher end hardware is something Nintendo hasn't tried. While it won't magically solve every problem, it's a start and does remove one major hurdle. NX should be more capable than PS4 out of principle. At the same time, launching at $400 against a juggernaut like PS4 is setting NX up to fail. I don't normally advocate selling at a loss, but I feel like Nintendo has to out of the gate. Nintendo has to sell, consumers don't have to buy, and Nintendo is launching from an extremely weak position. Both Sony and Microsoft can drop the price so Nintendo has to anticipate that and plan accordingly. I wonder if Nintendo can take a loss and launch at $300 with better hardware than PS4.

As for the handheld, the XL model (which should be available alongside the regular one at launch) shouldn't exceed $200. No exceptions. Nintendo already played that hand, and it lost. Badly.
NX console is a traditional, top of the line gaming console with a more traditional controller. The NX handheld can act as the gamepad for the new console. The shared framework should allow them to operate together seamlessly, but allow the handheld to operate independently as a portable system.
That's how I see it based on what Nintendo has been saying for the past few years. I'm still of the opinion that console and handheld will share some games, particularly first party.

Nickmitch your problem is you just assumse that PS4 console generation is arbirtraily set in stone and once committed to it people won't want to move on. I was never talking about Wii U so why did you even bring it up Wii U was a mess from the start, Nintendo has a chance to fix those mistakes. If it is JUST another Wii U, mid-generation but barely on par then no it will fail it has to be both more powerful, and support B/C with Wii U and Virtual Console, not an easy task. On top of that it needs both Nintendo exclusives, which we all agree on, and third party exclusives, which I said but you ignored somehow. And you are delusional if you think people's minds are set on a five year cycle when history has show that other consoles can launch at any time and throw everything off. N64 was a mid cycle release and it did just fine comparatively.
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Offline nickmitch

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Nickmitch your problem is you just assumse that PS4 console generation is arbirtraily set in stone and once committed to it people won't want to move on.

I think your problem is you ignore the current situation and think there's only a minimal impact in launching a new console so late in the generation.  You also ignore what it means for Nintendo to abandon a console mid-generation.

I was never talking about Wii U so why did you even bring it up Wii U was a mess from the start, Nintendo has a chance to fix those mistakes.

I used it as an example.  You don't have to be talking about something for me to bring it up as an example.  For instance, you bring up the N64 later. Why? No one was talking about it.  But it illustrates your point, so you talk about it.  (Which is ok.)

If it is JUST another Wii U, mid-generation but barely on par then no it will fail it has to be both more powerful, and support B/C with Wii U and Virtual Console, not an easy task.

Ok, nothing disagreeable here.  But I would like to point out that I never said Nintendo should skimp on the horsepower.  I started with saying they need a hook.

On top of that it needs both Nintendo exclusives, which we all agree on, and third party exclusives, which I said but you ignored somehow.

So, I wasn't ignoring your point.  I was saying that not enough people bought Wii Us for just the exclusives.  When I said, "Especially if those games that really make the system (Splatoon, Smash, XCX) are few and far between" I was trying to imply that you need something than just exclusives.  Wii U has exclusives, great ones.  Maybe a better way to illustrate my point is that Nintendo needs their big, shiny, sexy games to come out more frequently.  Games like NSMB U (which I intentionally mentioned earlier) and DKC:TF are great games, but nothing to get excited about.  The promise of more of those first party games could make the system.

And you are delusional if you think people's minds are set on a five year cycle when history has show that other consoles can launch at any time and throw everything off. N64 was a mid cycle release and it did just fine comparatively.

"Delusional" is a bit harsh. I never said anyone's mind was set on a five year cycle.  But the N64 was a 2 year delay.  The NX would be a 3 year delay (at least).  The N64 also paled in sales to the PS1, pretty much only beating out the Saturn, which isn't much to brag about.

Look, my initial point is that the console needs a hook.  If Nintendo put out a machine on par with a PS4, it wouldn't be enough.  The multiplatform releases are needed, sure, but that's not enough.  Normally, I'd say exclusives sell systems.  But they didn't sell the Wii U (again, just using it as an example), so I can't say that's enough either.  It needs something that makes people say, "Hey, I wanna try that" or "Wow, that looks really fun".  Admittedly, it also needs the follow through.  Wii U's hook was half-baked to say the least.
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Offline Ian Sane

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I've yet to see any reason why all of the latest and greatest games couldn't be toned down in the graphics department and still work.

Because scaling down a game requires time and money to make an inferior version of the game that no one that owns a console with the better version would EVER bother to buy.  Such titles would only sell with people that ONLY own the NX and if that audience was worth it for third parties to target they would be releasing Wii U games.  And at it's most basic level it's the company with zero leverage demanding that third parties jump through hoops for them which is same bullshit Nintendo has been pulling for 20 YEARS and it has failed miserably all that time and suddenly NOW it's going to work?  Nintendo has no position to ask any third party developer, retailer or CUSTOMER to make any special exceptions for them.  If they require the devs to make scaled down versions they just won't get the games.  If third parties weren't willing to do that for the Wii, which is one of the best selling consoles of all time, why would they do it for the NX?

Offline Stogi

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I'm talking about game experiences, Ian and not specific games. Name one gaming experience that has to be made on the PS4 or Xbone. You can't. And like I said earlier, the NX should be a complimentary system. And it should allow the 4DS to play it's games remotely with the same gamecard. I don't see those two goals working with a huge system upgrade.

Furthermore, if you make the system architecture closely related to the PS4 and Xbone and PC, then I can see a flood of indie games coming to the NX and a few major titles. As long as it's easy to port and has the best profit margins and allows all sorts of options for control, I don't see third parties passing up an opportunity for more revenue.
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Offline Adrock

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #514 on: January 14, 2016, 08:50:39 AM »
Scaling won't really be a problem if Nintendo gets on the same architecture as everyone else. It should absolutely go X86-64 on the console side (maybe even the handheld side too) because going with ARM complicates porting to NX. Assuming Nintendo takes the path of least resistance for once (e.g. X86-64), it should be aiming for NX hardware to be powerful enough that the most popular modern and current engines (e.g. Unreal Engine 4, Unity) run well on it.

NX doesn't really need more powerful hardware to run the same games as PS4 (get in the ballpark and scaling will the rest). Doing so just keeps Nintendo in a better position moving forward as a console that is launching mid-cycle. Of course, if Nintendo is planning more frequent hardware updates like some rumors suggest, maybe it doesn't think it needs to directly compete on hardware since it can just keep updating the hardware every other year or so. I don't like that strategy because that's the exact opposite reason I like buying consoles. Also, I think having different configurations is a generally bad idea because it will most likely confuse consumers.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #515 on: January 14, 2016, 09:42:42 AM »
Glad someone updated the thread title appropriately. 

I don't envy Nintendo's situation.  The path they've paved for themselves ("hybrid' home & mobile console) sounds like it could be as costly as some of the VR solutions that are coming out, but at least for Sony/Microsoft, they can ditch support of those & focus on their core consoles if they fizzle out.  This IS Nintendo's next core business driver.

That said, I'd personally be comfortable predicting the following:

1) The NX will at best get lazy ports of Western 3rd Party developers.  At worst, it'll repeat Wii U with being primarily being the Nintendo machine.  If it's the best case scenario, Nintendo will be the only company to utilize cross functionality between NX home console & handheld in a meaningful way.

2) Nintendo's strategy isn't to be the complementary console to Sony/MSFT.  They want to be the primary machine you play on.  They may get some sales through this market, but their aim is to be the main thing you play on.

3) Lower your expectations on how capable the handheld portion will be.  While patents aren't guarantees of planned functionality, these patents make it look like they'd focus more on flexibility of control options rather than a core experience.  I have no expectations for a handheld portion as capable as a Vita, and moreso expect something akin to a portable accessory you can take on the go and play mobile, RPGs, RTS, & other games that require less tactile input.  I'd also expect the handheld portion to be more it's own separate console & an accessory to the home console, with the NX home portion coming with a controller similar to the Wii U Pro.

4) I expect the NX home console to have hardware comparable with PS4/Xbox One.  The Handheld to have Vita-like physical presence with more an empahsis on the front touchscreen and to not have a back touchscreen.  From a cost point, There's no way Nintendo launches NX home console over $299 - a big draw other than the killer app of motion control was the relatively cheap price point of $250.  If they want people to own both, they better find a way to get the handheld sub - $200, or at least offer a limited time discount to those who purchase the home console.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #516 on: January 14, 2016, 10:42:59 AM »
To those expressing pre-umbrage at Nintendo's bone-headed moves: there is no solid information at all about the NX. The "rumors" are barely even that, with the most recent one haven been taken apart by people in that NeoGaf thread. Actually, the only real new information there is people mentioning that Nintendo has an especially harsh NDA for the new system(s) this time around.

Also, all this talk about porting gives way too much credence to developer complaints about the difficulty. "Oh gosh, it's just so hard! We can't do it, sorry!" I'm sure it's not as easy as porting between PS4 and Xbone, but it wasn't some crazy mountain to climb with WiiU (the guys who ported Darksiders 2 talked about how quickly they got the build running, there were plenty of other ports in the launch window), and it won't be either if the new console is Arm-based.  Third parties just don't want to do it. Removing the supposed hurdle won't start an avalanche of ports, as the publishers will just come up with some other reason or fall back on the old demographic standby. The reality is that the big houses are perfectly happy with three platforms: PS4/Xbone/PC.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #517 on: January 14, 2016, 12:54:47 PM »
To those expressing pre-umbrage at Nintendo's bone-headed moves: there is no solid information at all about the NX. The "rumors" are barely even that, with the most recent one haven been taken apart by people in that NeoGaf thread. Actually, the only real new information there is people mentioning that Nintendo has an especially harsh NDA for the new system(s) this time around.

Also, all this talk about porting gives way too much credence to developer complaints about the difficulty. "Oh gosh, it's just so hard! We can't do it, sorry!" I'm sure it's not as easy as porting between PS4 and Xbone, but it wasn't some crazy mountain to climb with WiiU (the guys who ported Darksiders 2 talked about how quickly they got the build running, there were plenty of other ports in the launch window), and it won't be either if the new console is Arm-based.  Third parties just don't want to do it. Removing the supposed hurdle won't start an avalanche of ports, as the publishers will just come up with some other reason or fall back on the old demographic standby. The reality is that the big houses are perfectly happy with three platforms: PS4/Xbone/PC.

Just to speak briefly to the bolded above - 3rd party developers didn't quit porting to Wii U because it was too hard.  They quit porting to the Wii U because the install base is miserable, and the financial incentive isn't there.  Even if the ports of 3rd party companies made money over the cost of porting it, there's a term called opportunity cost, meaning basically "If I Port this game to Wii U, what opportunities are we missing out on by using our limited staff to focus on this instead of maybe working on project A, B, or C?".

The question may be "will this port make us money", but the bigger and right question these publishers ask are "Will this port make us more money than other projects we could have our employees working on right now?".  And the answer to that is a pretty straightforward "no". 

Offline Evan_B

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #518 on: January 14, 2016, 02:28:20 PM »
Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not so sure that's the correct answer, here. Its a combination of having to make development sacrifices and loopholes for a system structured to do things efficiently in a very different way from more western-oriented philosophies, which eats up dev time and money, in addition to the system being weak, sales-wise. I believe the XBone's install base grew faster than the Wii U but they are not drastically different in terms of overall sales. Am I wrong about this?
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #519 on: January 14, 2016, 02:57:03 PM »
Nintendo is supposedly notorious for being unfriendly for third parties.  Like they won't document the console worth a **** and if you phone their support they have to contact NCL in Japan and then it takes days to get a simple response because of all the translating and back and forth between countries in different time zones.  Days and weeks of wasted time and thus wasted money go by.

So you have that plus they go with what is essentially non-standard architecture and go weak on power (prioritizing idiotic stuff like power consumption and fan noise instead) and the Wii U product itself was something that everyone but Nintendo knew was doomed to fail.  You think third party devs didn't know that Nintendo was releasing a PS3 equivalent a mere year before the PS4's launch?  They had to know in order to have time to make the PS4 launch so they knew early on that the Wii U was a dumb product and pulled out the second the weak launch sales confirmed their assumption.  The second they found out what the other guys were doing they probably realized the Wii U was screwed so they finished the projects they already started and had no intentions of supporting it further unless the launch sales were really strong.

Weak selling console with a very questionable business strategy behind it that requires MORE work to make games for than the others.  From a strictly business perspective it makes perfect sense to not bother with it.  But if it doesn't require more work and the product actually resembles something that could sell maybe they would.  It isn't like Nintendo set up this perfect product that everyone just ignored.  If Nintendo didn't give a perfectly legitimate reason to not support them would they still not get support?  Kind of hard to determine that since Nintendo never plays ball.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #520 on: January 14, 2016, 04:20:51 PM »
Whoa whoa whoa, I'm not so sure that's the correct answer, here. Its a combination of having to make development sacrifices and loopholes for a system structured to do things efficiently in a very different way from more western-oriented philosophies, which eats up dev time and money, in addition to the system being weak, sales-wise. I believe the XBone's install base grew faster than the Wii U but they are not drastically different in terms of overall sales. Am I wrong about this?

To me at least, what you wrote is a longer version of [size=0px] [/size][/size][size=0px]"Will this port make us more money than other projects we could have our employees working on right now?".  That encompasses things like the cost of them working to understand added complexity of the Wii U.[/size]

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #521 on: January 14, 2016, 05:46:46 PM »
There is a reason why Nintendo has to abandon Wii U. Nintendo never really has abandoned a system on this level before. Things aren't working.

Nintendo's best bet is to give gamer's the system they've always wanted. The trick of the matter... What's that?

One would imagine there are five routs for that:
1 Something Weird: This is no longer working.
2 Something Practical: A clone of ps4/xbox one. This is unlikely for Nintendo.
3 High Powered Console, wii U controller that becomes portable (the price tage of which would be $400, $500, but sounds appealing.
4 Going all in on handhelds and dropping consoles.
5. A very high powered handheld, a handheld so powerful that it is more powerful than any console on the market. meaning that it is more powerful than any ipad/cellphone as well. Competing directly with Apple, but also Sony and Microsoft.
6 A powerful tablet that comes with a controller and a dongle.
7 "Bring your own tablet" console. That's one thing Nintendo with Wii u should have done was realized "hey everyone has tablets" and allowed them to hook up their controllers via usb for 2-4 players.  Microsoft has patents on some of this, but not sure what Nintendo can and cannot do.

8 Xbox One- people don't realise this, but Sony is doing way better than Microsoft. Microsoft is rumored to be selling the xbox brand. Xbox one's numbers are actually pretty comparable to Wii U's as far as units sold. Even the president said it might be a good idea publicly. All Nintendo has to do is buy the brand, throw in their new controller for xbox one, create wii u cross compatibility options, port wii u games, and piggyback on xbox's future. This would give both brands a needed push. Reunites Rare with Nintendo. Unifies some market share. If I were to announce I bought the xbox brand, the first game to announce would be a gorgeous James Bond game. This would remind all the console shooter fans where it started.  Question? whats the amount of people who have both a wii u and an xbox one in their home? Sony has 36 million consoles sold and both Microsoft and Nintendo have 10 million each. Also if they brand the xbox one Nintendo NX in Japan..sales will spike in that region.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 06:17:34 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #522 on: January 14, 2016, 06:01:12 PM »
Nintendo's best bet is to give gamer's the system they've always wanted. The trick of the matter... What's that?

The last time they had a console that was what gamers truly wanted was the SNES.  So what's a modern SNES?  If Nintendo never went insane with cartridges on the N64 what would the Wii U have been?  Nintendo took a weird turn in 1996 and they're now miles and miles off course.  So where would they be if they didn't and how do they get there now?

What I personally want is a combination of the third party support of the PlayStation consoles with the quality first party games of Nintendo.  That's what the NES and SNES were!  It's funny that Nintendo insists on being weird all the time whole time but aside from the casual fad of the Wii (which pretty much destroyed their rep with the dedicated gamer market and sowed the seeds for the Wii U's rejection), being weird and contrary has not worked for their consoles!  The NES and SNES were incredibly straightforward.  The weird stuff like sticking with cartridges and not going online are the things that blew up in their faces yet the thought pattern that led to such idiotic ideas is what Nintendo clings to.  It's like everyone working their thinks R.O.B. is the reason the NES was successful.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #523 on: January 14, 2016, 06:14:25 PM »
Eh, looking back I think Nintendo made the right choice with cartridges. The games are still better on n64 than on Playstation. All those FMVs look horrible(I never though much of them then anyhow) The fmvs gave allthese people a false opinion Playstation was better. It is still a false opinion. They were the gimmick.

The only thing that changed was the culture of video games. It'd be weird for Nintendo to do anything but carts. Carts work. Carts still work.  Trying to get to the second disc of your ff7? Too bad. Even if you kept your disc immaculate, chances are the drive doesn't work on your psx.

I fucking hated load times. PSX never did it for me.

Gamecube was a pretty straight forward console, but i guess it didn't have online. It didn't have shitty experimental, and slow online with generic shooters.

I think Wii hit it out of the ball park, the only problem was when they stopped making games for it 2 years early.

Wii U also was great, but third parties didn't want to have anything to do with it because it got leapfrogged by a huge margin graphically in its second year. I don't think Wii U was much more than conventional itself. They should have made it more powerful. The controller is nice, but it is expensive. It would be better if they made a straight forward power console initially, and then introduced the controller at this point.  Ideally that is what I would want. I'm still pretty satisfied with the wii u controller, if it had mult touch it would be perfect. I just want my Metroid game to have battlefront graphics.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Your guess is as good as mine EDITION)
« Reply #524 on: January 14, 2016, 07:02:53 PM »
Nintendo is supposedly notorious for being unfriendly for third parties.  Like they won't document the console worth a **** and if you phone their support they have to contact NCL in Japan and then it takes days to get a simple response because of all the translating and back and forth between countries in different time zones.  Days and weeks of wasted time and thus wasted money go by.

Honestly, fixing this will likely solve their 3rd party issue more than anything.  Just having an office (or two) in NA with people trained to help developers would make a difference.  They could go all out and invite devs to workshops or make house calls.  NOA (and NOE) should have this as a core function.
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