Author Topic: Mafia LXXXV: Metroid Dread. Game Over! Postgame Breakdown and Analysis Thread.  (Read 83578 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Story Post

With the Self-Destruction sequence activated, MASB, aka Motherbrain And Space Bartender, immediately turned its full attention to the threat at hand. Using the circuity that was running throughout the Space Pirate base of operations, Mother Brain was able to quickly identify the threat of Dark Samus and its location. It began issuing orders to the remaining Space Pirates on how to track Dark Samus down. In the meantime, Dark Samus had broken through a cracked wall at the end of the pathway it followed and entered the Command Center. The glowing Crystalline Structure was giving light to the room in a way the closely resembled moonlight. Dark Samus began walking towards it in order to find the rift it had come through and leave. Suddenly, there was a loud rush of wind. Dark Samus stopped and began scanning around to locate the source. From above, a pair of glowing red eyes appeared and they immediately grew in size as they rushed towards Dark Samus. D.S. fired a couple blasts of Phazon but was a bit off the mark. The shots only illuminated the figure rushing towards D.S. letting it know that it was Ridley! With a tremendous impact, Ridley knocked Dark Samus across the room and into a wall while also snatching the Metroid away from it.

““I fooled you, I fooled you, I got pig iron the metroid, I got pig iron the metroid, I got allll pig iron the metroid,” Mecha-Ridley-Programmed-By-Lucario cried out as he then made a bigger hole from the one which Dark Samus had used to enter the room. Then he flew off down the corridor back to Kraid’s Lair to end the self-destruct. He passed a couple Space Pirates on the way and told them that Dark Samus was all theirs.

“Oi. Unbelievable,” the Space Pirate called RABicle said, “You see that, mate? Once again, the higher-ups here only want the easy jobs of transporting a Metroid while we have to do the actual hard work of eliminating the real threats. How much you wanna bet as to how much he’s getting paid to carry that Metroid around compared to what we’re earning by putting our lives on the line?”

The Space Pirate that Rabicle was talking to, Nickmitch, answered, “I hear you. You’re absolutely goddamn right. The Space Pirates were created to oppose the Federation but lately the whole thing is becoming too bureaucratic with ineffective leaders at the top. Look how many Space Pirates have died these past few days.”

The two Space Pirates entered the Command Center. Dark Samus was struggling to move toward the Crystalline Structure because its body was falling apart. The synthetic Phazon it had taken from the Omega Pirate was having a strange effect on its chemical makeup and actually causing its body to war within itself. The result was that Dark Samus seemed to be melting as it used all its remaining strength to leave.

The two Space Pirates took in the sight of Dark Samus’s struggles. Then they turned their heads to face each other, gave each other a nod and then turned their heads back to Dark Samus as they took out their laser rifles.

“And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you,” shouted nickmitch as the two Space Pirates began to fire furiously at Dark Samus. The laser fire began spattering bits of Dark Samus all over the room. The bits would then began to solidify and dry up. Soon, the room was covered in splotches of dried Phazon. The inbalance of real and synthetic Phazon had prevented Dark Samus from being able to reform and thus ended its existence.

“Nice speech, comrade,” RABicle remarked after it was over.

“I been sayin' that **** for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass,” nickmitch explained.

“When is that corrupt bourgeois pig Ridley going to shut off this alarm already?” RABicle asked in annoyance.

Suddenly there was crackling of static and then Mother Brain’s voice rang out through the intercom system. “Attention! Space Pirates RABicle and nickmitch. Please proceed down Corrider 3-X5 to assist Commander Ridley. It appears he has gotten stuck while returning the Metroid to Kraid’s Lair. I’m afraid he can’t enter because he’s too big,” Mother Brain reported. Woo! I got a "Ridley's too big" joke in after all. Bet you didn't see that coming. High five!

“Unbelievable. This is just want I’ve been saying, comrade. Just because someone is actually large in size doesn’t mean they are bigger than anyone else here. No one should be getting a larger slice of profits because of their physical size. It should be about the contribution to the effort,” RABicle argued as they headed off to help Ridley.

Sometime later after the self-destruct sequence was turned off and the Space Pirates were gathered in Mother Brain’s Chamber, Mother Brain made the announcement that because of the great victory they had in repelling the Federation and Hunters, the Space Pirates would now be unionized and all would get an equal share of the profits as well as an incredibly generous health and dental program. The fact that this was possible because a whole bunch of Space Pirates had died in the fight thereby creating a smaller pool to divide this among was not mentioned. The Space Pirates, except for Ridley who was taking a big cut in pay from this news, began to celebrate. That celebration was short lived as all around them the Space Pirate Base of Operations and planet began to change with different elements appearing and disappearing. Suddenly, it was all gone and the Space Pirates were on the surface of the planet. Not only that, they were surrounded by thousands and thousands of Metroids which immediately attacked them and began sucking away their life force. It was an instant wipe out of the Space Pirates. It turns out that killing Dark Samus and preventing it from going back to the timeframe it had emerged from altered the timeline resulting in this dark future where the entire galaxy had begun to be overrun by Metroids who had begun evolving into incredibly resilient and deadly species. Soon all planets were infested with them and they were the only life remaining. With the conquest of the galaxy completed, it was now finally at peace.

The End.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Announcement Post

The following players have died:

GK - Dark Samus (Killed by Day Vote)

And with that, all remaining players are Space Pirates meaning this is a


Congrats to the surviving townies:

MASB - Mother Brain
Lucario - Ridley
nickmitch - Space Pirate
RABicle - Space Pirate

You are the victor's of Mafia 85!

Poor Steefosaurus...

Everyone is now free to complain about the game and tell the winners how they only won because they got lucky from a mistake someone else made. (And to tell the host how everything he did was perfect and wonderful and that there is absolutely nothing that could be done better by him.)  ;D ;)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2020, 10:22:03 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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For those interested, here is the breakdown of roles and items assigned to everyone this game:

Mother Brain - Map - MASB
Ridley - Energy Tank - Lucario
Kraid   - Super Missiles - Steefosaurus
Omega Pirate - Power Bomb - NWR_Insanolord
Townie - Metroid - pokepal148
Townie - Morph Ball   - RABicle
Townie - Missile   - ShyGuy
Townie - Charge Beam - ejamer
Townie - Ice Beam - nickmitch
Townie - Grappling Beam - Luigi Dude
Townie - Torizo Statue - Mop it up
Townie - X-Parasite - thatguy
Deleter - Power Bomb - TheFleece
Commando - X-Ray Visor - Mr. Bungle
Marine - Scan Visor - Stevey
Trooper - Speedboost - Stratos
Samus - Phazon Suit - BeautifulShy
Dark Samus - Varia Suit - GK
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Behind the scenes action:

Day 1

BeautifulShy decides to send in her hit early. I mean, early. About 4 hours into the game, BeautifulShy makes a hit on Thatguy and lets it get locked in.

This is good news for Pokepal148 who later decides he should let everyone know he's got the Metroid. He gets voted out. Shortly after locking the thread, I do a random draw for who gets the Metroid and TheFleece aka the Godfather gets it.

The Mafia has already decided to do a recon. I ask the Godfather to let me know if he's keeping the Metroid or wants a different member to guard it. I then realize that the Doctor could protect pokepal148 from the vote and void this whole transaction. I contact Lucario to see if he is planning on saving anyone. Surely, he's not going to save pokepal148, is he? Nope! He asks if he can save pokepal148. He doesn't agree with the argument against him. I tell him he can do that and then inform the Mafia that they will have to wait until start of Day 2 to find out if they have the Metroid.

Stevey investigates thatguy for the Mafia side and Mr. Bungle does not send in his order until after Day 2 starts. Thus, the Mafia ends up with nothing when Day 2 rolls around. Meanwhile, MASB investigates BeautifulShy and knows the identity of Samus on Day 1.

More breakdown to come. But it's supper and Better Call Saul time.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Let's keep this breakdown going while food cooks.

Day 2: GK comes close to winning Part 1.

For whatever reason, Day 2's vote is left wide open and no one wants to take command of it. Pokepal148 gets a bit of redemption in it by correctly deducing BeautifulShy is Samus although some of his reasons for that were incorrect. He also correctly votes for Stevey a mafia member. In the end, though, no consensus is reached with a tie between Mr. Bungle (a mafia member) and Steef (who is Kraid and has two vote manipulations he can use to change the vote as need be) along with stevey (another mafia member) as the only players with votes. Now, when it comes to vote manipulations, those need to be in before the thread is locked so Steef was playing a dangerous game here but he gets away unscathed. I'm also curious to see what will happen with the new tiebreaker rule of having a player decide what the outcome will be.

Meanwhile, Lucario has decided to use one of his self-protections that night. That's right. Pokepal148 and the Metroid were unprotected for Day 2. GK aka Dark Samus submits their hit for the night targeting pokepal148. Now, on the start of Day 3, how likely do you think it is that GK gets away with the Metroid and wins? Considering how close he came in the end, I think he'd have pulled it off if Steefosaurus didn't get the idea to forget the day's vote and choose to vote out pokepal148 by his lonesome self to get the Metroid. It was that close already on Day 2.

As an aside, when I was randomly assigning the roles and saw GK come up as Dark Samus, I had a good laugh to myself. After last game when I targeted him first, I wondered how many people would be giving him a bit more leeway this game or would even think to target him right away. I have a feeling he'd probably be able to go far and he definitely did. This is why targeting the players people think are dangerous by reputation early like "thatguy" or "Khushrenada" isn't necessarily the smartest strategy. By dismissing a lesser known player and not focusing on them, you could likely be creating the reason why you lost the game. Everyone is a threat.

Back to the point on hand: Steefosaurus gets the Metroid. The Mafia decides to do another recon. This time, they get the orders in properly and investigate Mop it up and ShyGuy. Mop it up is a townie and ShyGuy has the Missile upgrade. MASB chooses to investigate ejamer who is also a Space Pirate. Not much info for these parties to act on.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Wah

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The 8 man townie alliance started by me and masb wins!
Made you look ****.

Offline Wah

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The members where:
and on the last 2 days
Made you look ****.

Offline Khushrenada

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Day 3: BeautifulShy gets Space Madness

I'm not sure why BeautifulShy suddenly declared it quits. I guess the stress of the plumbing and the game might have gotten to her. In any case, she suddenly decides to let everyone know she's Samus and vote her out. In a way, she had been doomed early on with MASB knowing her identity but if MASB was eliminated before telling anyone then she may have recovered.

In any event, players take their time in making a majority vote and someone even argue against taking her out. I had one player approach me and say that if they were hosting and someone needed to drop out of the game for personal reasons then they would probably just kill them off right then and there so the game can move on. From her postings, BeautifulShy was coming off quite upset and like she didn't want to be there. At the same time, she wasn't voting for herself to speed up her elimination, she seemed to want to try and have some kind of game discussions with the players and still sent in a hit on Steefosaurus in case she lived. So, I let it play out.

Usually if a person wants out of this game then they just don't participate and/or try and vote themselves out. Luigi Dude followed that proper protocol later for some reason.

With one killer down and the Samus hit blocked, the Mafia decided to try for a target and went after ejamer and eliminated him. With BeautifulShy and ejamer gone, both the people MASB had investigated were out of the game. MASB did not make an investigation for Day 3. Lucario the Doctor chose to save no one that night.

(Going back to Day 1, when pokepal148 was making his pitch for the doctor to protect him as the Metroid holder, I really thought he was going to doom things because Lucario had not been around yet and there was no guarantee he would select pokepal148 with his protections. Would you make that move if you knew Lucario was the doctor? You have to account for those kinds of things and plan on the basis that the Doctor is actually absent and not active. But that's just me.)
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline MASB

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The members where:
and on the last 2 days

Don't forget Mop It Up! :)

Offline ejamer

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The members where:
and on the last 2 days

Don't forget Mop It Up! :)

And me!  Oh wait...
*single tear*
NNID: ejamer

Offline Mop it up

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The members where:
and on the last 2 days

Don't forget Mop It Up! :)
I'm used to being under-appreciated, hee hee. I even took a bullet for Steefosaurus so Dark Samus wouldn't get the Metroid!

Offline NWR_insanolord

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I had the option of taking Stratos or Luigi Dude to kill with my power and I chose the wrong one. It's like Mafia crossed with Safe Words.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent

Offline Khushrenada

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Day 4 - A turning point

Players turn up to vote and they are after townie blood! End of the day vote is:

Lucario - 4 votes (Townie Doctor)
NWR_insanolord - 4 votes (Townie Vigilante)
Luigi Dude - 3 votes (Regular Townie)

Surprisingly, the players are cool with letting the vote go to another tiebreak which means Kraid doesn't have to use a vote manipulation to target whomever he'd like. Out of nowhere, Kraid targets stevey. Steef said to me later near the end it was a lucky guess but I'm surprised he went for it when he could have chose to eliminate no one.

As for the Mafia, they are feeling very good at this point about their chances of victory. I was included in their conversations (thank you so much for that) so I know what I'm saying there. Although the loss of players has been slow, I guess they felt they were slowly but surely working towards victory. They decide to do another recon. Mr. Bungle investigates Steefosaurus and Stevey has the smarts to investigate GK. Unfortunately, because Steefosaurus makes stevey the Day's target, Stevey can not complete his recon and the Mafia never learn GK's identity.

Dark Samus, however, has a big hit on TheFleece and gets a Power Bomb. For the first time this game, a Samus has an item. Just like that, the Mafia is dealt a crippling blow.

As for MASB, he decides to use his investigation and the one he saved from yesterday to investigate Lucario and Mop it up. Lucario is Ridley and Mop it up is a townie. Since the Godfather is dead and no Samus has acquired a morph ball, the MASB can trust the Mop it up investigation and a townie alliance begins. I don't know the extant of it but somehow the townie alliance grows to include Steefosaurus, Insanolord, and ShyGuy. At this point, the townie roles all seem to know each other.

Lucario (or someone) mentions that there have been screenshots of players showing their roles to each other. I'll be darned if I let one of my games come undone by that strategy. Although I sent out role messages to everyone including the townies, I also knew they were all individually crafted so there was no form letter to compare. Yet, a lot of the players in the game right now would not be from past games and know that I'd be willing to create and fake a role message for them if they desired. So, I make sure that option is known to the Mafia and Dark Samus as well as in the Day Thread in case anyone takes advantage of it so that no can claim to be unaware of this trickery later. I'm not sure it will make much difference but I later hear that it did create some doubt which is as it should be.

Day 4 also started the bizarre trend of issues with editing votes. BeautifulShy made a comment about it in the Dead Thread but I didn't really care that much how it was going. Still, I had a feeling that the old rule I used of editing was probably there in the rules I copied and pasted from an old game. It was and so I brought it up in the thread. This annoyed some players at having to get things just so but I still think it is for the best to make sure that it is clear how votes are tallied at the end and not the host deciding which votes to count and which are obsolete. For whatever reason, it would continue to be a point of contention this game so I may have to rethink how to handle it but I did not think it was that difficult to edit an old post so that the letters un are added to the front of a vote and the bolding is removed. Not just one part of that equation but both parts: un and no bold.

In any case, the townies are looking like this will be their game to lose at the start of Day 5.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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I had the option of taking Stratos or Luigi Dude to kill with my power and I chose the wrong one. It's like Mafia crossed with Safe Words.

I think you mean GK instead of Stratos but the point still stands. You and 50/50 choices are a recipe for disaster.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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I had the option of taking Stratos or Luigi Dude to kill with my power and I chose the wrong one. It's like Mafia crossed with Safe Words.

I think you mean GK instead of Stratos but the point still stands. You and 50/50 choices are a recipe for disaster.

No, the townie alliance had decided on the second to last day that we were going to kill Stratos and Luigi Dude, and I had the choice of which one I wanted to use my ability on and which one we'd use the vote for. If I'd went the other way I'd have survived until the end.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent

Offline Khushrenada

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Now I am taking a break from the... breakdown. Will post how GK was denied two other ways from pulling off a win and a bit more glimpse from behind the scenes for the final few days.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline nickmitch

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I was really convinced Lucario was mafia up until I got invited into the townie alliance.  This was definitely a hard to read game throughout, but very fun!  I'd be interested in doing another one with these rules.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline pokepal148

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Let's keep this breakdown going while food cooks.

Day 2: GK comes close to winning Part 1.

For whatever reason, Day 2's vote is left wide open and no one wants to take command of it. Pokepal148 gets a bit of redemption in it by correctly deducing BeautifulShy is Samus although some of his reasons for that were incorrect. He also correctly votes for Stevey a mafia member.
I mean I don't see how I was supposed to know that BShy locked in her kill way earlier than she should have. Honestly all things considered I basically had her pegged almost perfectly. She even admitted that she wasn't aware that the Doctor could protect me from the vote even though it wound up not being a factor.

MASB actually reached out to me claiming that BeautifulShy was Samus but he refused to give any kind of reason or divulge his identity so I basically disregarded it. Later when I reached the same conclusion on my own I assumed that MASB was the Space Pirate Commando since he refused to confirm whether or not he had an investigative role, even when I explicitly asked him.

I actually consider GK not hitting Bshy that day to be a big mistake on his part. Next to me who you should assume is being protected by the doctor based on the results of day 1, since only an idiot would leave the Metroid holder unprotected, Samus is basically the second big target that needs to be taken out, since doing so would give him a kill option every night, so me publicly listing BeautifulShy as most likely to be Samus should have made her an easy pick for who the hit target should be.

This was a bit of an off game for me overall. I don't know if it's because this is the 6th game in a row I've played where I had some kind townie power role so I basically thought I could play it like I did the last 5 games or if it's because of stuff at work but I just made alot of mistakes. I misread the rules alot and generally didn't think things through.

I voted for Bshy on day 2 because I'm an idiot who was thinking in general Mafia terms of 'Bshy is the killer and needs to be eliminated' without considering that it would have been better to kill her off on day 3 so we could cancel the killer's kill than. I knew at that point that Stevey was a bit suspicious as well because as we discussed last time Stevey is just a really easy read but honestly I was just going for a vedetta vote because Bshy took too long to make up her mind on who to vote for, I didn't want to join her vote against Steef because I loved his roleplaying so much, and I needed to get to bed.

Offline RABicle

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The critical mistake the Federation made was not killing every night. Why investigate? There's no 'wasted' kill. You have to eliminate everyone. And the vote break in day two by Kraid should've been the big sign to the Mafia (and the killer) that Steef was Kraid. If anyone was being saved by a townie power, they should assume they're valuable. And the fact the mafia knew the otehr option was their guy should've made ti a really safe call.

Anyway. I shouldn't tlak. I really did just tune out for the first two days and only paid attention from day three onwards. Pokepal and Steef are my picks for MVP, pokepal for drawing fire and in my opinion, doing the right thing to get the ball rolling for a townie alliance. Steef for securing the Metroid for himself.

Oh and sorry to BShy if I seemed inconsiderate. The 'lol' was me laughing that the vote was now easy.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 12:59:20 AM by RABicle »
Pietriots  - Post ironic gaming log.

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So a few things if you compare my hit list and the roles for them up above. I really could of taken out a good portion of the townies.

Listed roles...

Mother Brain - Map - MASB
Ridley - Energy Tank - Lucario
Kraid   - Super Missiles - Steefosaurus
Omega Pirate - Power Bomb - NWR_Insanolord
Townie - Metroid - pokepal148
Townie - Morph Ball   - RABicle
Townie - Missile   - ShyGuy
Townie - Charge Beam - ejamer
Townie - Ice Beam - nickmitch
Townie - Grappling Beam - Luigi Dude
Townie - Torizo Statue - Mop it up
Townie - X-Parasite - thatguy
Deleter - Power Bomb - TheFleece
Commando - X-Ray Visor - Mr. Bungle
Marine - Scan Visor - Stevey
Trooper - Speedboost - Stratos
Samus - Phazon Suit - BeautifulShy
Dark Samus - Varia Suit - GK

My hit list by days...

Day 1. thatguy-X-Parasite
Day 3. Lucario or Steefosaurus
Day 4 or 5. Insanolord
Day 5 or 6. ShyGuy
Day 6 or 7.  TheFleece or Steefosaurus

Knowing what I know now I would have gone after steefosaurus on Day 3.   Because Kraid had such a impact over the game I knew if there was ties going on over the past few days I could essentually have two kills a night. One from a random tie breaker kill and then one from my hit. Insanolord would be next and I would essentually if there was a tie I could have 3 kills that night and then with ShyGuy I would have gotten a missile.  which I think nullifies a role so I guess at that point I could nulify someone who I thought was Mother brain or one of the scan visors to at least make the game last a little longer so I can narrow things down more.  The Fleece I figured he was bad news but I figured I had a chance of the Mafia going after inactive players or trying to find Mother Brain for me.

I partly blame the Day 2 inaction on Fleece but also myself because I was trying to edit posts so close to the end of the day but by the time I was about to send my post through the thread was locked and I felt inputing a post after the lock even though I still had mod powers would not be right so I went with inaction on changing my vote.  So yeah me being honest to myself and not entering that post after the lock and waiting on Fleece on a response I think cost me the game.  As to Day 3 yeah I was dealing with so much crap that week with stress and having this role and trying to figure out how I should play.   I do admit I didn't exactly play like I usually did and send out mass PMs to everyone on Day 1 and that may have cost me but on the other side I guess I was searched Day 1 so it really didn't matter.    I guess if there was one thing that I would of changed is I wouldn't of been so public about my role and just hint if Dark Samus/ Samus or the Deleter wants to look at my notes then contact me.   Really only one person did ask to see my notes and that was Fleece but at the time I didn't know Fleeces role but one thing stood out to me in messages was on Day 2 Fleece said Steefosaurus was gone no matter what he did. That to me meant that he didn't care who died just that they did. So that signaled to me Dark Samus or Mafia.

But yeah one other thing I wanted to comment on was Rabicle commenting on my use of they when referring to Fleece and thinking I was talking about Fleece and Mr. Bungle.    Yeah when I go with they nowadays I am usually talking gender neutral terms and if I say they when only talking about one person.  If I am talking about multiple people I will state a certain amount of people. 

Oh one last thing.   I don't know who noticed but the last time I was the killer I had a hit list that I posted at the end of the game and I was going to go in reverse of it somewhat while inserting the new players who didn't play in that last game. 

So yeah I was thinking about using this list instead.

So if I used that list then things would of ended like this.

Thatguy Set Day 1  X-Parasite
Mop it up-Torozo Statue
The Fleece Deleter
pokepal148- Townie- Metroid
 Steefosaurus Kraid
Lucario- Ridley
Stratos- Trooper Speed Booster
 ejamer- townie charge beam
Luigi Dude- Grappling Beam
Insanolord- Omega Pirate- Power Bomb
GK- Dark Samus any items from them.
Nickmitch- townie- Ice Beam
Stevey- Marine scan visor
 Mr. Bungle-Commando X-Ray Visor
ShyGuy- Townie-Missle
 RABicle-Morph Ball
 MASB- Mother Brain

So looking at how things went I possibly could of gotten the Metroid on Day 2 If I voted had a chance to change my posts before the lock.  I wouldn't of acted like a ditz and flew off the handle like that and I would of just went on like I was going and trying to piece things together like I usually do.

Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline RABicle

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But yeah one other thing I wanted to comment on was Rabicle commenting on my use of they when referring to Fleece and thinking I was talking about Fleece and Mr. Bungle.    Yeah when I go with they nowadays I am usually talking gender neutral terms and if I say they when only talking about one person.  If I am talking about multiple people I will state a certain amount of people.
That possibility occurred to me in real time as I typed that sentence. Which is why it reads the way it does.
Pietriots  - Post ironic gaming log.

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Also Townies thank you for making me eat my words. You pretty much swept the Federation in succession because no one could take out Kraid.  I figured that was going to be a large aspect to the game going into it because with low numbers or with the majority rule the tie breaker/ vote manipulator can have a wide sweep of control in the game.  If there was majority then that makes the end game more on the townie side because in all likelihood they know who is who and they can control the vote and it gives the Mafia less of a chance to influence the vote.  Even if majority is 5 votes and 3 Mafia members vote out a player and then that kinda shines the light on them more and then where will that leave them. Sure they can explain it away as a mistake but how much leaway will that give in the coming days?
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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I also want to give Khushrenada a shoutout because I know how complex this game can get to host and while I did have a million questions Khushrenada did answer them fairly well so as to not give too much away. 
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

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Day 5 - Leave it to Kraid

After two smart tiebreaking decisions by Kraid, the game's focus has suddenly become all about him. It now seems like players no longer care about the vote and just leaving it for Kraid to decide everything going forward. Luigi Dude, once again, gets some votes and suspicion. This seems to break the real Luigi Dude who votes for himself and then doesn't come back to the game after.

After mainly keeping the game vote tied up, it finally ended a Luigi Dude and Mr. Bungle tie. Steefosaurs, the big green Kraid, threw out a vote for Stratos before the day ended. Know thing Steefosaurus is Kraid, the mafia suspected that Stratos may now be who he chooses for the tiebreak. This is a big choice. If Kraid chooses a different player who is a townie, the Mafia can make a hit and Dark Samus has the potential to make two hits and grow in power. Depending on the hit choices, there could be 8 players for Day 6 with 2 Mafia and the Killer plus the townie alliance could be broken if a few roled players go down.

MASB investigated nickmitch so he's only found another Space Pirate. There are no confirmed Mafia or Dark Samus identities. Lucario uses his second self-protection on himself yet if the Power Bomb is used on him then he'd still be exposed. Even if the townies take out Stratos then the Mafia could still make a hit. In the end, the townies make the right call and vote out Mr. Bungle. Not sure how the decision was made there. Meanwhile, GK makes his hit choices on ShyGuy and Mop it up. Two townies part of the townie alliance but nothing to really do damage. ShyGuy was unverified and now they had nickmitch to replace Mop it up as a verified townie. With him and the townie roles still in play, that is a core group of 5 that can keep trusting one another. Worse, Dark Samus ends up pretty much powerless again because of the items from his hit choices. A different combination of hit choices and powers gained then who knows how things go. The important thing is to keep Stratos and Luigi Dude in play as they do seem to be getting a lot of suspicion compared to GK.

After getting picky in Day 4 about editing votes, I pretty much had to stay picky going forward and this time Mr. Bungle was the issue with his vote. It really didn't matter much except it meant Kraid finally had to use one of his vote manipulations to make sure there was a tie and then presumably decide between Luigi Dude and Mr. Bungle as to whom he thought was more guilty.

And now the important Day 6.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Day 6 - GK comes close to winning Part 2

9 players still alive. 5 of them are verified townies now working together. MASB, Lucario, Steefosaurus, Insanolord, and nickmitch. 4 unverified players left. GK, Luigi Dude, RABicle and Stratos. MASB chooses RABicle to investigate and discovers another Space Pirate. That leaves three players - 2 of whom are guilty and 1 innocent. 6 vs 3. How can the game be lost at this point?

Think on it for a bit. Are you ready?

Well, as we know would play out Stratos was made the majority vote. Insanolord targeted Luigi Dude. I'm not sure how but somehow GK managed to convince or give off some aura that he was the last legit townie among the three. Lucario the doctor protected MASB. With Stratos getting voted out, the last Mafia member was eliminated and the Mafia hit was blocked yet again. Insanolord took out the wrong target and thus two townies were taken out of the game. Meanwhile, GK made a hit on Steefosaurus and ended Steef's MVP run while capturing the Metroid.

What these events did was remove any other player able to make a hit at night. The Omega Pirate was included when we had extra players join to make sure that the townies still had a night option to try for a hail Mary in case a Samus acquired the Metroid and they failed to vote out Samus. The Mafia could make a hit but depending on when and how the Metroid was acquired, the other Samus may or may not have been able to make a hit that night. Having the Vigilante gave the players one more slight chance of stopping a Samus victory. But now there was no Mafia and there was no vigilante.

Stratos had an item associated to his role - The Speed Booster. When the Mafia did a recon, it make Stratos immune to night actions. He could zoom to the next day, as it were, with the Shinespark mod chip. However, if a Samus were to acquire the Speed Booster then it worked a bit differently. Instead of being immune at night, a Samus would be immune to the Day's vote and could zoom away to the Night instead where they would be vulnerable.

GK did vote for Stratos but because at this point it had already been made a big deal in Day's 4 and 5, the way GK changed his votes in the day rendered his Stratos vote invalid. Remember, if a Samus is part of the vote that successfully eliminates a player during the day then they have a chance at winning the item assigned to that player. If GK's Stratos vote had counted then there was a 1 in 5 shot that he'd have won the Speed Boost. With that and his Steefosaurus kill, GK would have been immune from the vote on Day 7 and safe at Night with no one able to make a hit on him thus escaping with the Metroid and leaving the townies staring at his dust as the planet (game) exploded from them in surprise.

Who knew that little rule of how to edit and change a player's votes would prove to be so crucial in the end. I feel bad about it because if you follow GK's posts then you can see the clear line he takes between changing his votes. As I tried to explain before the majority was made, the only bolded votes in the thread should be the ones that the players actually want counted or tallied not past or previous. At the same time, the townies did try to help out GK. RABicle mentioned he needed to edit his previous votes. In the end, he could have voted correctly and still not gotten the Speed Boost but it is a shame he didn't get the chance to try. At the same time, I fear if he did pull off the Speed Boost lottery then players may have felt I was "rigging" things for maximum drama and a big upset.

There was almost another possible route for victory. Going by the same way things unfolded on Day 6 with Stratos, Insanolord and Luigi Dude gone, let's say GK makes a hit on Lucario instead. Lucario's self protections are gone so he cannot stop such a hit. That gives him the Energy Tank. With it, he can survive one elimination whether by vote or night hit. There are no more night hits to worry about and he'll be the target on Day 7. On Day 7, there are now 5 player left like it was on the actual Day 7 except Steef has replace Lucario. Players have to vote for GK to make sure he uses up his Energy Tank item and take him out on Day 8. During the night of Day 7, GK now hits Steefosaurus and gets the Super Missile item. With it, Dark Samus can change someone else's vote to whatever they like and controls the tiebreaker. Day 8 would now consist of 4 players, Dark Samus and three townies. Dark Samus can vote for a townie and change a townies vote to also vote for that same townie. Let's say the vote is 2 for GK and 2 for MASB. It's a tie and Dark Samus controls the tiebreaker. Thus, MASB is eliminated and Dark Samus makes another hit. It's Game Over.

There's only problem with that scenario. Steefosaurus had control of the Metroid. As per the rules, when a player controls the Metroid, that becomes their item and the item first assigned to them becomes inactive and goes with the player when they die. Only the Metroid item would be taken from them, not both the Metroid and their assigned item. Therefore, in that later scenario, GK would be unable to get the Super Missile item and would most likely be in a 3 - 1 vote scenario and taken out. Thus, Steefosaurus's decision to take the Metroid from pokepal148 on Day 2 becomes even more relevant to the townie's eventual win by blocking off this possible route to victory.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 03:13:33 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.