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PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« on: April 16, 2019, 07:16:23 PM »

Sony is spilling the beans on the hardware for the upcoming next gen Playstation. Ahh, the words "next-gen" are back. It's been a while!

CPU: 7nm AMD Zen 2, 8 cores (third gen Ryzen, not even out yet)
GPU: Custom AMD Navi (not even out yet), including ray-tracing support?!
SSD+ storage with custom interfacing to massively increase bandwidth (faster than anything available on PC?)
PS4 Backwards compatible
Physical media
PSVR compatible
On-chip 3D audio support

Will it be five hundred and ninety nine US dollars?

Offline pokepal148

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2019, 07:20:06 PM »
- Contains super SSD with "a raw bandwidth higher than any SSD available for PCs"
So that's code for either a Proprietary, or non user replaceable storage solution for the PS5 right? Awesome!
If the crazy rumors that Sony came up with a way to emulate PS1-PS3 games on this thing and it's compatible with your old discs are true I might be interested but in this world of HD remasters there's no F-ing way.

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 07:21:39 PM »
Yeah, that seems like a way to irritate your third parties. Arrogant Sony!

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2019, 07:21:41 PM »
I don't have any current videogame systems (3DS likely doesn't count anymore) so the idea of me being two generations back sounds bizarre.  The PS4 is a lot older than it seems, likely because the PS3 still got a lot of support for years after its release.  Also I follow Nintendo primarily and the Wii U/Switch scenario has put them out-of-sync with their competitors' console life schedule.

But I'm really not that excited because I don't expect to see anything immediately impressive from the new system that will make it stand out.  8K support?  I don't even have a 4K TV and I don't have the slightest interest in getting one so what is the PS5 really going to offer me that a PS4 can't aside from games eventually only be released for the newer platform?

I think back to the pre-HD era where every new console was this insane jump.  You could look at the most graphically impressive games from the previous gen which had pushed the hardware as far as it could which were made by devs with years of experience with the hardware and compare them to launch titles of the next gen where the devs were literally making their first game on the hardware and the next gen always blew them away.  You show me random screenshots of NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube games and I'll immediately identify what system they each belong to because you would have to be blind not to tell.  PS3 vs. PS4?  Mostly guess work if the screenshots aren't in the native resolution.

Why do we need a PS5?  The reasoning seems to be that PS4 sales are slowing down and Sony needs a new product to reheat things.  Deep down that was always the reason for a new system from the company's perspective but from the gamer perspective that's not a real reason.

How powerful is the Switch?  It doesn't seem to be quite on par with the other systems but it doesn't matter because it seems capable of running any game you could come up with and it's portable as well.  Play any type of game that's actually cost-feasible to make and play it at home or on the go.  That's it.  That's the end product we were moving towards.  VR or the freakin' Holodeck is the only thing else I can come up with and the PS4 Pro can already do VR.

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2019, 09:14:22 PM »
So... has Iwata’s “[specs] really don’t matter” finally come to pass?

Backwards compatibility is cool and all. I never bought PS4 like I thought I would. If I keep putting it off until PS5, I guess I’ll just catch up on all the games I didn’t play. I’m pretty happy with Switch though.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2019, 09:21:37 PM »
I don't know. Raytracing support might make a big difference. That was considered the holy grail for years.

but Iwata and myself were right. There is a wall. once you hit it, it is going to be a long time before you can make a game that looks noticeably different.

Pushing things like 8k is ridiculous. But if you've figured out 120hz 60 fps at 8k great.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 09:23:27 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2019, 09:34:16 PM »
but Iwata and myself were right.
Stop trying to take credit for Iwata’s genius, you heathen.

Offline broodwars

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2019, 09:36:45 PM »
If you don't think there's been a significant jump from where we are now with games than where we were on the 360/PS3, I suggest you pop one of those games in and then play a modern game. I recently replayed the original 2 Dead Spaces on my Xbone. Trust me, there's been a significant jump in polygon count & resolution, and it's very noticeable.

I'm not convinced on the PS5 yet. Sony may be attempting to future-proof the thing with 8K support, but I don't even see the point in 4K right now so that does nothing for me. Combine that with them now internally censoring 3rd party games AND the lack of confirmed PS3 backwards compatibility to match where Microsoft is right now, and I'm just not seeing the appeal. And Death Stranding can go **** off with every other game made by that frustrated wannabe film director.
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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2019, 10:18:20 PM »
I'm in a similar boat as most of y'all.  I don't have a 4k tv.  While I absolutely see the jump in generations still, i'm still at a point where I recently finished God of War on PS4 and was wowed by the way it looked in 1080P. 

The only thing that perked my ears was the demonstration around Spider-Man's load times comparison between a PS4 Pro and the devkit of PS5 with the "custom SSD" that supposedly took the loading from 15 seconds to less than a second when using the fast travel.  If that's something inherent in most games across the console and not just a "when devs use it you'll notice it" feature, then that's something of a game changer for me. 

Backwards compatibility is something i'm grateful for too, but I hope they find a solution that goes beyond just PS4. 

Either way, this is looking like a console launch where I'll be happy to wait for a bundle with a game I'm interested in, a price drop, or a mid cycle redesign when I'm ready to upgrade to at least a 4k tv.  Just feels like the wrong move for them to push into the "beefy specs" category, unless it's also their means to keep pushing the needle on console VR as well.

I say this as someone who is just as much a Playstation fan as a Nintendo one.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2019, 10:27:11 PM »
Backwards compatibility is cool and all. I never bought PS4 like I thought I would. If I keep putting it off until PS5, I guess I’ll just catch up on all the games I didn’t play. I’m pretty happy with Switch though.

I'm in this boat as well.  I'm also in the "don't have a 4K TV boat".

I will admit that I am sick of all this 2D sound bullshit, so thankfully that someone is finally taking the issue head on.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2019, 10:27:22 PM »
but Iwata and myself were right.
Stop trying to take credit for Iwata’s genius, you heathen.

Give me enough time and I'll find the quote.

Ok, iv been around these forums analizing the market forever. In 1999-2000 things were alot different. Sega was around but with only 14% of the market was largely uniportant. Nintendo was releasing less n64 games and was droughting, but alot of people still had faith in the company. Alot of people were avoiding ps2 because they knew Nintendo would have a superior powered system. You have to look at these things from the then temporal perspective. Then less then entirely expectedly and much to the chagrin to at least Nintendo(which by the way wasn't far behind in the market 9/9/99 nintendo announced they had the majority market share) Around this time there were rumors of the Xbox, but no confirmation. Confirmation didn't come until january of 2000. At this time we werent sure whether Dolphin would come out relatively the same time as PS2.
Nintendo's big trump card was "we will wait and see, and for sure our hardware will be better" This puts Sony at a dissadvantage. However, the hardware card didnt work out.

Xbox spec sheets makes it look like it is vastly superior to Nintendo's system, when in theory the difference in power between the two systems is minimal. As Julian Eggebrecht has said can do anything on gamecube you can do on jsut have to figure out how to do it in a different way. This is why games like Resident Evil 4 and Star Wars: Rebel Strike, and Starfox exist on the gamecube. To remind gamers that GCN is really a hardware beast. Sadly we know that it really hasnt been taken advantage of. Back to the point.

This coming generation Nintendo will return once again to having the hardware advantage. From what i'v heard and from what i would do logically as that they are devloping thrree different models of systems all designed with different pricepoint and power counter whatever the competitors are for sure making.

I am 60% sure that most of Microsofts advantage was in its supposed power superiority...which is what drives a bulk of gamers to buy certain games. I'm sure the other %s was Halo.

So, i think at e3......the tides will change. That is if Nintendo does have the beast of the hardware..aned does offer something revolutionary...rather then gimmicky.

following post is also hilarious.

One thing that really got me psyched about the upcoming Cube was at the time I thought Nintendo was back.  I thought the only reason the N64 had underperformed was because it used cartridges.  It was the result of one foolish mistake.  Now that the Cube was using discs and there was a level playing field Nintendo would start working their way back up to the top and third parties would come back.  That was obviously a very optimistic point of view but there were unknown factors that goofed everything up.  The Xbox threw a big monkeywrench in the whole thing.  If it was just the PS2 and the Gamecube the Cube would be doing much better and would get all of those third party games that currently appear on everything but the Cube.

However one thing that really surprised me Nintendo sheer incompetence.  They just screwed up all sorts of stuff that pretty much anyone with any minimal knowledge of videogames would have done differently.  The Cube revealed to me that the N64 didn't just "fail" because of the cartridges.  The cartridge problem was just one of many.  I assumed Nintendo wouldn't rip everyone off on memory cards or have such backwards ideas about third party support or be so anti-online.  Look at the demo discs issue.  I assumed the N64 had no demo discs because it was, you know, impossible to do on a cartridge system.  How were any of us to know that Nintendo actually just has a really retarded attitude about the whole demo disc concept?

So now I don't trust Nintendo anymore.  I'm not optimistic anymore.  The Cube could have EASILY have killed the Xbox but it didn't.  I imagine other people don't trust Nintendo anymore either which is going to make it harder to sell Revolutions.

The tides can still change but it requires incredible competence on the part of Nintendo (which I see no evidence that suggests that will happen) or a major screwup from one of the competitors.  I think MS might be going down the wrong path with the Xbox 2.  They're giving up a lot of their advantages.  Aside from the weaker hardware they're no longer going to be spending as much money.  Plus rumours suggest they're being overly ambitious as they want to turn the Xbox into a multimedia device.  I think they're going on their "plan" too soon.  They aren't big enough in the console market to start doing the traditional MS routine yet.

But Nintendo may majorly screw up themselves if the Revolution's big new idea flops.  If they show up at E3 with the Virtual Boy 2 they're f*cked.  I don't mean last place f*cked I mean out of the console market period f*cked. They have to luck out and hope the competition does the wrong thing while at the same time do the right thing themselves.

Nintendo's next generation will depend mostly on whether or not they show up as brilliant NES/SNES Nintendo or stupid moron N64/Gamecube Nintendo.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 10:35:33 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2019, 12:26:53 PM »
So... has Iwata’s “[specs] really don’t matter” finally come to pass?

Yes, except Iwata was saying that about Gamecube level SD TV hardware which was ridiculously premature when we could see PS3 and Xbox 360 games with large expansive worlds that made Wii games look tiny and outdated in comparison.  The Switch is where the idea really came together.  It's selling great and it actually is getting most of the same third party games the other systems get.  The Switch hardware is at a disadvantage but the effects are a lower resolution or framerate or they have to have a download because the cart can't hold the whole game.  That's not at all like prior generations where a hardware difference often meant the game couldn't be done PERIOD unless you completely redesigned whole parts of it because you couldn't have as many objects on the screen at once or have an area in a level over a certain size or the AI was too advanced.  In theory those limitations could still be in place but that's not the norm.

There are going to be things you can do with the PS5 you couldn't before but it matters less and less to the average person with each gen.  Better framerates and resolutions don't mean **** to 90% of the population.  This isn't like N64-to-Gamecube where everyone is immediately blown away by the difference.

Offline Adrock

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2019, 01:22:02 PM »
So... has Iwata’s “[specs] really don’t matter” finally come to pass?
I just imagined Iwata crotch chopping in your direction. No offense, of course.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2019, 02:10:30 PM »
So... has Iwata’s “[specs] really don’t matter” finally come to pass?
I just imagined Iwata crotch chopping in your direction. No offense, of course.

I cannot image Iwata doing that.  He's too nice.  He would probably just smile and shake my hand.

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2019, 02:47:52 PM »
So... has Iwata’s “[specs] really don’t matter” finally come to pass?
I just imagined Iwata crotch chopping in your direction. No offense, of course.
I cannot image Iwata doing that.  He's too nice.  He would probably just smile and shake my hand.
Everyone keeps underestimating Mr. Iwata.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2019, 01:29:13 AM »
Everyone keeps underestimating Mr. Iwata.

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2019, 02:15:27 AM »
you werent going to see Mr Iwata-san do much in his first few months. He hasnt even began. This is a man who was under the wing of Yamauchi. He is younger but he has been taught many things. He could really turn the company back into theraging tiger it once was.

Well Sd cards are getting huge, but it seems as though their incompatible wit the Wii, on the otherhand now that nintendo is number 1 if it released a $60 HDD then everyone would by it. I say the limit to a game size should be like 640 mb, or just more than half a 1gb sd card, equal to a cd, and like the most anyone would ever be willing to download. You could have 1 or 2 big games per sd-card and thats it. You could either buy more sd-cards, or if they do offer an hdd solution, than only that audience should buy one.
I was so bad at grammar.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 04:57:48 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline ejamer

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2019, 10:45:16 PM »
Place your bets now: will this sell better or worse than Playstation Classic?
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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2019, 02:05:40 AM »
I think it will have pretty good games.
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2019, 04:06:24 PM »
I wonder if the whole 8k thing is only there for 8k Blu-ray. Sony is one of the main stakeholders in the whole Blu-ray thing so whenever that comes along they could probably rig it so the PS5 will be compatible.

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2019, 08:57:55 PM »
Place your bets now: will this sell better or worse than Playstation Classic?

If the PS5 gets outsold by the PlayStation Classic RIP in potato Sony.
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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2019, 01:38:39 AM »
I'll be buying a 4k tv soon. To some extant I can see the difference but barely feel like I need one. 8k i'm sure is nice to have, but is incredibly pointless. Literally pointless. You can't see the points. They're too tiny.

I've seen a few raytracing tech demos that to me illustrate how big a difference that can make.

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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2019, 12:11:20 PM »
Pushing 8K seems like going against the grain of consumer tastes.  Hell, big screen TVs themselves seem less important when an entire generation is used to watching stuff on tiny mobile screens.  Nintendo is cleaning up with a hybrid and Sony wants to tie you down to a television?

But more important than that is the move towards digital downloads and eventually videogame streaming.  8K visuals are going to result in larger files which is counter-intuitive to downloads, particularly with data caps being common across the US.  So you get a visual update that your eyes might not even be physically able to detect in exchange for filling up your storage quickly and waiting longer for your game to download?

Offline broodwars

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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2019, 06:19:14 PM »
Earlier this week, I installed that Borderlands: Handsome Collection 4K update that was supposed to improve the visuals across the board for all display types. I literally can't tell the difference on my 1080P, non-HDR TV. Hell, the textures STILL take 5-10 seconds to load.

I can only imagine how spectacularly unimpressive PS5 games will look on this TV if 8K is the target.
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Re: PS5 aka Playstation 5 aka Sony Next Gen
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2019, 01:59:21 AM »
When I bought my PS4 I had the choice between a ps4 pro and a regular ps4. I picked the regular PS4 because:

It was cheaper

I don't have a 4k tv

and Mike Matei of Cinnemassacre did a video demonstrating that people couldn't tell the difference and also ended up picking the 1080p TVs in preference.
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