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Offline decoyman

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Board Game Discussion!
« on: March 17, 2019, 04:20:42 PM »
I'm kind of surprised a board game discussion thread doesn't exist here! I've been playing more board games (the physical kind) than video games for the last few years, and I love everything about them. The tactile nature of all the pieces, the way it brings friends/family together, the strategy, the art... I've even started designing my own board game! (But that is a topic for another time…)

Any other board gamers around here? What's your favorite game/genre/mechanic/etc.? Why? Any board game you've really been playing (or wanting to play) a lot of lately, or are looking forward to releasing?
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2019, 04:38:32 PM »
Sort of have this thread.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline decoyman

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2019, 05:23:40 PM »
Sort of have this thread.

I swear I did a search before I posted. ;(
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline ejamer

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2019, 07:58:56 AM »
Yay, another person who likes board games!

As mentioned in my last post to the "whatcha buying" thread, I've recently tried to cross-over my love for board games and (mostly retro) video games by buying a bunch of old DS conversions including: Catan, Carcassonne, Keltis, Amazing Labyrinth, and Scotland Yard.  But we play a lot of actual board games at home too - not just digital versions.

I don't really have a favorite game mechanic, enjoying all kinds of different games... but I admit that math-heavy games where you have to quickly evaluate different choices really catch my interest. (For example: stock holding games where you have to buy and sell stock and manipulate company values/ownership.)  Maybe I only enjoy those type of games because I'm good at them... but I also think it's really interesting to see how game designers model different ideas and philosophies using math.

Most of my board gaming happens with family, so involves lighter games. We often play:
  • Carcassonne -- Lay tiles to build a landscape, scoring points for controlling certain features as they are built.
  • Takenoko -- Grow a bamboo garden while moving around a hungry panda.
  • Small World Underground -- Different fantasy races fight to control territory on a map.
  • Mord im Arosa -- Listen closely and use audio clues to solve a murder in a (3D board representing a) hotel.
  • Bohnanza -- Farm beans! Although it's really all about trading, negotiation, and hand management.

But if you ask what some of my personal favorite games are, they skew a bit heavier:
  • Pax Renaissance -- As a rich banker, use your money and influence to pull strings during the Renaissance era to accomplish various goals. A complex game, the back of the box claims you can: "fight pirates, arrange weddings, topple empires, burn heretics, and become pope". That's only a small sample of what might happen... and all in roughly 25 minutes per player.
  • Steam -- A train game where you take out loans to invest in building track so that you can earn money (or victory points) by delivering various goods across the board.
  • Yellow & Yangtze -- This is a "sequel" to an old classic named Tigris & Euphrates. Set in the ancient warring states period of Chinese history, you place tiles on the board to help build (or destroy) various states, earning points for your contributions and exploits. That's a terrible description, but it's a fantastic game.
  • Catacombs (third edition) -- A classic fantasy dungeon-crawl, but it's dexterity based. If you want your barbarian hero to run over and smack those bad guys, you literally just flick the disc across the board and try to run into them. You can get special equipment, use ranged attacks or spells, summon ancient creatures to help (or sometimes hinder) your quest, and more. Top notch game! (This actually isn't difficult to play at all - unless you count weight of the box. Lots of wooden pieces are included for all the different heroes and monsters, and tons of cards for the different items/spells/abilities you might need.)

But don't just ask - tell us what you like too!
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 09:24:09 AM by ejamer »
NNID: ejamer

Offline Stratos

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2019, 07:25:28 PM »
Obligatory Settlers of Catan comment! Love that game, with all of expansion driven glory.

I love board and card games. Currently some coworkers and I get together to play once or twice a month, so we get to try a few new ones.

I am a huge fan of Forbidden Island/Forbidden Desert, they are easy co-op games that pit players vs the board. You race against the clock and elements of the environment and use your different assigned skills and roles to gather all the treasure before escaping. It is also great because of the group work, new players (or young, or old) can have an easier time since you work together and collaborate on actions.
My Game Collection
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Offline ejamer

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2019, 07:39:46 PM »
Ooh... I really need to try Forbidden Desert sometime. Island was great; the system was very similar to Pandemic but re-themed and given some interesting tweaks with how tiles flood and sink.  Does Desert change things up very much?
NNID: ejamer

Offline decoyman

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2019, 02:39:09 AM »
Yay, my peeps!

There is a sandstorm element in Desert that’s pretty different from anything in Island (that’s how the tiles get buried iirc), but there are similarities, too... trying to collect certain things, parts of the map becoming unavailable (but you can reclaim (excavate) them temporarily)... umm but yes, good ones! Lots I haven’t heard of too, which is cool. :D

But don't just ask - tell us what you like too!

Oooh ok ok—
Probably my favorite, which just got a rerelease this past year... Pillars of the Earth. Worker placement game where you’re trying to contribute the most toward building a cathedral in medieval England. It’s based on a book series by Ken Follett but you don’t need to have read them to enjoy the game. Absolutely beautiful art and production.

Letters from Whitechapel is another favorite. One player takes on the role of Jack the Ripper and the others play as constables trying to catch him before he completes his fourth grisly murder. Hidden movement game.

I’d also have to say that Dead of Winter is right up there too. Really dig the storytelling aspect to that one. Zombies are generally a good time, too. ;)

So, any games on the horizon that you’re stoked about?? What’s the hot thing out there these days??
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline decoyman

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2019, 02:42:42 AM »
Currently some coworkers and I get together to play once or twice a month, so we get to try a few new ones.

Jealous. I recently moved and all my board game friends are far away. ;<

And yes, Catan and Ticket to Ride are why we’re having this discussion today. 😬
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline ejamer

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2019, 11:30:34 PM »
What's hot with my friends lately:
Scythe: Rise of Fenris - This recent expansion for Scythe provides campaign play where you keep track of certain things over the course of multiple games and unlock a story of sorts. We've played the first 3 sessions and it's been interesting.

Scythe is a fairly popular game, and looks gorgeous on a table. Usually it wouldn't really be the type of game I'd play often... but I'm blessed to have some friends and family who enjoy playing games, and with them almost all games are fun!

Probably my favorite, which just got a rerelease this past year... Pillars of the Earth. Worker placement game where you’re trying to contribute the most toward building a cathedral in medieval England. It’s based on a book series by Ken Follett but you don’t need to have read them to enjoy the game. Absolutely beautiful art and production.

That's a great game!

The book is apparently well loved, but I don't understand why. Characters are incredibly one-dimensional. Nobody ever displays any depth, self-awareness, or ability to change. Plot was often predictable and cliched, never compelling. As the story neared conclusion I was constantly left just shaking my head in disbelief at what I was reading (not in a good way).

People look for different things from the literature they read, but I had a difficult time identifying anything of value from this book and actively regretted the time spent reading it... that regret was strong enough to ruin my enjoyment of the (not strongly related, and excellent on its own merit) board game.

So yeah... my recommendation to anyone who hasn't read the book is to just play the board game instead. It's much better!
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Offline ejamer

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2020, 02:32:45 PM »
... I am a huge fan of Forbidden Island/Forbidden Desert, ...

Ha - we just got Forbidden Desert in trade a week ago, and my kids LOVE it. There have been a couple of close calls, but so far no escapes from the desert. That said, some of the decision making hasn't exactly been optimized; my kids are getting better though and it won't be long before we break through that barrier.

Another older game we just got into is Agricola. Showed my kids how to play yesterday, and they insisted on playing three times. The whole idea of building a farm intrigues them, and between plays my daughter went off to play some Minecraft and used that game to plan out what kind of ideal farm she hoped to build in our next session.

So yeah, not a bad March Break even though travel plans were cancelled and we ended up mostly just staying home and (for the adults) working.

By the way, I'll also put in a plug for the game being designed by NWR forum member decoyman. Play as animals competing to gather resources in preparation for the winter, and see who is best prepared to make it through to spring. Cute, and sounds like a fun theme. Not sure why he's not pushing it more, but I don't mind throwing it in everyone's face multiple times... hahaha. :)

More info here:
NNID: ejamer

Offline decoyman

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Re: Board Game Discussion!
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2020, 03:46:55 PM »
 That is great you're letting your kiddos figure things out on their own instead of showing them how to win. And I love that your daughter went and planned out her farm in minecraft! That's some dedication there, and shows the power of games for learning. My little one is two, but is already showing some interest. He calls my game, "Hunky," which is just <3, and wants to play with the pieces. I'll take it. Speaking of...

By the way, I'll also put in a plug for the game being designed by NWR forum member decoyman. Play as animals competing to gather resources in preparation for the winter, and see who is best prepared to make it through to spring. Cute, and sounds like a fun theme. Not sure why he's not pushing it more, but I don't mind throwing it in everyone's face multiple times... hahaha. :)

More info here:

Thanks for that, ejamer. ;D I long ago lost my "forum regular" status, so I hesitate to just come in here and spam you all with a tangentially-related passion project. ;) But I have to say, it's nice to see some familiar names still. ^_^ Yes, I am developing a board game, and its main theme is friendship. It's admittedly sort of an unusual theme for a competitive board game, but the design space is fun and not often used: interact with others in friendly—even sometimes board state-improving ways—to earn bonus points. This makes it a good game for families or anyone new to games (I think a little Nintendo rubbed off on me). I've been developing/polishing it for four years, so I was pretty excited to launch the campaign. Would love to have anyone interested check it out!
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)