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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2003, 09:23:44 PM »
I understand where you guys are coming from.  I too am pissed at the lack of lan/net gaming, as well as the over push towards connectivity.  Connectivity would be cool if it wasn't so damn gimmicky.  Anyway, my point is that I don't think nintendo can take back any ground by just doing the same as MS and Sony, which is what people are calling for.  They need to do something different, and to their credit...they are trying.  Some things aren't coming out as I'm sure they have planned, but if the rumors are true that they are working on a way to make net gaming "free" that could be the change that would make the wait worth it.  I don't want them to rush out with a 50 dollar a year X-Box Live clone.  All that would do is make us fanboys happy and not draw any ms people away.  I really think its obvious that in the next gen (next spring) they will make this connectivity thing work with the probable announcement of a new console and portable that were most likely designed with connectivity in mind.  Hell, my theory is that they are gonna package them together for a VERY affordable price....but we'll have to wait and see about that.

Alright to sum up my point.  I'm just sick of this doom and gloom.  I understand how people are upset with this years was well... boring.  But stop complaining about it now, enjoy the great releases, resign to the fact that nintendo is not gonna be able to pull anything off this gen, and look forward to something over the top next spring.  Cause I really think Iwata will come through for us.
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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2003, 01:16:11 AM »
Having a Zelda or Mario game available for launch is a good idea. I certainly held off from buying a Cube until WW was released here. Of course Nintendo will try to do more to lure mainstream gamers towards it, but I doubt they will simultaneously shunt their loyal userbase. I really think that's a great connectivity idea, PaleZero, although I don't know how Nintendo would be able to get the two consoles packed cheap enough. I also agree that free internet gaming would be a huge boost for Nintendo. It could be be something as simple as Nintendo straight out paying for the server costs, if they think it would be a large enough boost to demand for the service, then make their money from all the extra games people buy for it.
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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2003, 09:04:18 AM »
That was quite a read on this page hehe.
I wanted to give some brief comments:

I agree with what most of you are saying. But I strongly believe Too Human (a new & "cool" game from AAA dev) and a popular Nintendo franchise (like Mario, Samus or Pokemon) along with a host of popular upgraded quality sports/racing games would make a good launchlist. People want to see their type of favorite game appear, they don't care if there are other types of (to them) unlikeable games on their console, as long as they get their must-have fix. Obviously Nintendo has been too slow with this as I'm still waiting for more 4-player racing games ala Mario Kart, just to name an example, outside the popular RPG genre drought. I mean, I'm no RPG fanatico, but even I can see if they launch with a Final Fantasy title or release one shortly after launch, they will be golden.

This brings up your communication discussion, you're saying you don't see what Nintendo is doing? They want you to connect with other people in real life, not via an anonymous internet connection. That's why I'm so fond of 4-player games, heck I'm even having a gamenight this week with 8 pals, who are all in their 20's.

Lastly, you have to understand that above all Nintendo is a business, they don't want to lose money on online gaming like Sony & Microsoft are losing tons of money right now. Nintendo has been online with the NES, SNES & N64 (64DD) in Japan, and all didn't live up to their expectations. Sure, only in Japan you say, but broadband for lagfree gaming isn't as common as you might think. Only 17% of the internet users in the USA has a broadband connection, the lowest percentage in the world, and 10% of them live/work in/around New York.

But in the end, they are still showing their planning to open the door for new gamers into the world of nintendo. And pave the way for follow ups to please their existing fanbase. I just wished they'd bring over some of those Japanese game commercials next console wars, those people will remember, and what you remember for being funny, cool, cute or slick... that people buy.
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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2003, 10:36:00 AM »
Here is my list....

1. Too Human
It would be an awesome launch title, being as though it's one of the most anticipated titles in Nintendo's recent history. I would rather wait another year or two than play it now, just because I know how awesome Silicon Knights can make it.

2. Wave Race 3
A popular launch title for the last 2 systems. It will be an excellent display of the new machine's graphical capabilities. I am a fan of this series, and I expect Nintendo to deliver with this one.

3. Super Smash Bros. 3
Another popular series for the last 2 systems, especially on the GameCube. I think it would be in Nintendo's best interest to have this game ready for launch. I believe it could be a system seller, based on the popularity Melee alone.

4. Anything by Factor5
Let's face it. not too many other 3rd party programing teams know how to unlock the power of Nintendo's consoles better than Factor5 (I would say that Silicon Knights is just as good, but then again they're 2nd party so they'd better be, LOL). I know that anything coming from Factor5 will be amazing. I hope for a Star Wars title, but not necessarily another Rogue Squadron sequel.

5. A WWE Wrestling Game
Wrestling games are usually very successful on any console. It would be smart of Nintendo to make sure they have a WWE licensed game at launch.

6. Soul Calibur 3
Although SCII took a while to get here, every system needs a great fighting game. SC3 could fill that requirement and then some. If we can't get Soul Calibur, Capcom Vs. SNK 3 is looking very good. I would settle for a port of Capcom's latest fighter until Namco can deliver the goods.

7. Burnout 3
Burnout 2 is one of my favorite racers of all-time. Acclaim was in rare form when they ported this to the 'Cube. I know a third installment in this popular series could be awesome on the next system.

8. Super Monkey Ball 4
Since SMB3 will be making it's debut on the 'Cube in the Spring, a next generation incarnation of this cute, but highly addictive series could be just what Nintendo needs to help maintain their family-friendly reputation without resorting to an overkill of Disney inspired crap.

9. Time Splitters 3
TS3 would be a nice choice for the obligatory FPS game as a launch title.

10. Grand Theft Auto
Rockstar's series is more popular than ever right now as fans eagerly await the next installment. With rumors that Rockstar will not be seeking to renew their contract with Sony when it expires in 2004, Nintendo would be very wise to secure exclusive rights to the GTA series. Mario might not want to carjack and shoot prostitutes, but I do.  

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2003, 10:42:05 PM »
Why are all these lists so long? Don't consoles usually have maybe 2-3 good titles on launch?

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2003, 02:24:09 AM »
I guess because people want everyone to have a taste of their personal flavour.
I know I didn't buy an Xbox because it's only must-have title at launch was a FPS.
"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world than you think. Perhaps

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2003, 05:51:45 AM »
Having a launch line-up that encompasses all the major game genres and caters to everyone is not good business nor is it logisticly feasible I think.  To clarify, I consider a launch line-up to be just that, the games available right away upon a systems launch.  Some people consider all releases within the first month part of the launch.  That's certainly a time period that is crucial and not to be ignored, so there are many titles that can be easily and safely relegated to being released a few short weeks later.  But as far as that first day is concerned, I feel the selection of titles is probably better off being conservatively well balanced.  Obviously variety is important, two platformers and no sports titles is no good.  Having too many choices though, can actually hurt the chances for any one title to really sell through to its full potential, some titles could simply end up crowded out.  Although these negative effects would diminish as time went on, it's good to get the ball rolling in terms of feeding revenue into a company right at or after a system launch.  A few key titles, one triple A, a couple of double A's, and three or four peripheral titles if you include third party entries, might be a good number/arrangement to that end I think.  As for >what< games, I simply don't know.  I've already said I rather see Nintendo purge their initial line up of anything involving pink marshmellows or mushroom kingdoms, first impressions are key, and I don't believe in Nintendo following this kid friendly approach to everything to any kind of success. That doesn't mean no Nintendo franchises, just things with broader appeal such as Metroid or Wave Race.  Expanding a list to include what I would like to see within the first month... well let's just say I feel a little more freedom to idealize under those parameters hehe.

Offline vroenis

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2003, 06:28:56 AM »
palezer0 - in respects to your comments about stealing away gamers from ms/sony etc, i really don't think this is a reality anymore.  i think we all - manufacturers, developers and gamers, need to understand that there is enough room in the market for three consoles - three different products with three different objectives.  all nintendo has to do is provide outstanding and unique elements that if possible even compliment the ownership of other consoles, or perhaps to say it better, compliment the gamer.
you're right about the $50 x-box live idea being bad - true - so along the lines of what i've discussed, they should provide an alternaitive to it.
nintendo - you mentioned being fond of 4 player games and being anxious for a decent racer (because really, xg3 doesn't count at all) - i'm with you all the way.  the whole reason i got a cube was because it offered the best 4 player games - as i've mentioned before, my roots are in pc games and any multiplayer either takes ages to set up (lan) or has to be online.  the cube really is a unique multiplayer tool and surprisingly enough, in the face of nintendo's ethos, they have almost failed to capitalise on this fact.
um... damn - i just remembered that this is a launch games thread.
resident evil mario - finally some blood will be spilt...
australia, the land of the cubeless pagans.

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2003, 06:32:39 AM »
yeah i had a good whinge in 'gamecube discussions' called where is lan? - i'm going to start another one about nintndo listening to gamers - gar - but i don't think i quite have the street cred around here to start up a decent convo full of replies
oh-well, will toil on.
australia, the land of the cubeless pagans.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #34 on: August 20, 2003, 07:31:11 AM »
Hm, a good RPG on launch to rule Japan, a GTA-like to bind America and... No idea how to grind Europe, though...

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2003, 12:28:18 PM »
I am hoping to see a WaveRace sequel.  I am a huge fan of WaveRace64 and WaveRace B.S.  NOA seems to have the hang of it, let them do another.  Wave Race with even better visuals, more storms, riders actually affect the waves, and simply improve on whats already been done.  Thats what they do with the Grand Tourismo (sp?) series, why not WaveRace?
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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #36 on: August 24, 2003, 11:31:39 AM »
I think its critical to have 3 showcase titles at a launch, at least one of them should be a AAA gameplay experience for its genre, and all three should be amazing tech demos of the machines power. I agree with the people who have mentioned they feel that Nintendo should hold off on their "colorful" franchises (Mario, Zelda, Pikmin etc, but they shouldn't wait any longer than the holiday season before releasing at the very least, Mario), because there is a chance that it may hurt their image. Now, this doesn't mean Nintendo doesn't have great franchises that are well loved that aren't primary colored, they can still offer games that both fans and non-fans can love. Having said that I think Nintendo should launch with the following:

Metroid-The GC version gained a huge amount of respect for its beautiful graphics, gritty atmosphere, and engaging gameplay. Now this is usually a title Nintendo doesn't release for a while, but I think it is a nearly ideal launch game.

F-Zero-In the last two generations its been a title that's taken a few years to appear on their consoles, but I think Nintendo should once again use this game as a launch title (IIRC it was near launch on the SNES and caused a huge stir)

Rogue Leader derivative-Developed by Factor 5 of course, a Star Wars space shooter based on the expanded universe would be a fan's dream, Rogue Leader to this day is one of the most beautiful games on any console due to Factor 5's incredible coding skills and the naturally beautiful art design that surrounds the Star Wars universe.

Now, Metroid will serve as the AAA gameplay experience, and the other two, though excellent titles, will more serve to help mend Nintendo's image while still being good games, and of course they'll showcase the amazing graphics of the N5. I kept it to three titles because, no matter how many they release, there are simply too many good options for launch titles, but these three, in my opinion, after a lot of thought, are ideal candidates for a launch, and if they weren't at least strongly considered by Nintendo, I would be very disappointed.

Offline Pale

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #37 on: August 31, 2003, 07:19:48 AM »
Just been thinking about this some more...I think after this generation everyone should see that we NEED a Mario be honest, the ultimate launch day lineup would be this...  new Mario, new Metroid, F-Zero, new Silicon Knights game, Pokemon RPG, third party RPG....  That's 6 titles that covers everything.  I think that would be a good call.  
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #38 on: August 31, 2003, 07:26:54 AM »
That's the absolute opposite of what Ninty will do too.  Do you actually think they would release so many AAA titles all at once?  A very well-known business strategy in the videogame industry is that you spread out your AAA titles so that there is nothing else coming out around then that can slow sales.  If you had 6 AAA titles, people will pass up most of them just to get 1 or 2, and eventually forget the others existed as new games come out.  That's why Ninty will release 3 AAA titles at most.
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #39 on: August 31, 2003, 08:34:55 AM »
Look how many games are to be released within the next few months. People are already complaining about lacking the money to keep up with it and some have to pick one or two out of the bunch, no matter how many are released. Sure, six games attract more people than one, but they rival each other for the consumer's money. Means you get to reap less cash per game, but in order to make them good enough to be system sellers you cannot cut back in dev costs in the same way. All in all this means less profit per game or even a loss with the less successful ones.

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #40 on: August 31, 2003, 05:16:36 PM »
Okay, I think what Nintendo needs more than anything on their next system is better MARKETING!!! I mean , not only should the marketing be stylish, but it should come early. Lets say the N5 comes out the summer of 2005. Well, could you imagine watching the Super Bowl and the very first commercial to come on is one for N5. I can see it now. Millions of people are sittng in front of their T.V. A commercial pops on. It's a black screen, with the words Nintendo written in the center. Two second clips from some of Nintendo's most well known franchises appear, with the sound of a heart beating in the background. As the beting gets faster, so do the game clips. After the first 15 seconds 2nd and 3rd party games begin to appear. Some "Kiddie" others extremely dark and gritty. The screen gets black again, the N5 logo appears with the words -comming this summer- wriiten below. And the sound of a long buzz like that beside a a hospital bed when someone dies is all you hear. And now you've just reached about every person in the U.S. and they all want Nintendo's next sytem.

I think launch games should be like so: Have Nintendo create new franchises for launch, but use franchises form 2nd and 3rd party to get hype. So I'd mae a launch ist like this:

Completely original Nintendo creation that's rated T at the least.
Too Human
Resident Evil 5
Pilot Wings (Online)
Ridge Racer (7?) (online)
Realistic Zelda
Final Fantasy 13 (Exclusively for N5)
Grand Theft Auto 4
Wave Race 3 (online)
An EA BIG game, and a wie array of sport titles.
Virtua Fighter 5
Sonic Adventure 3

That gives mature, pre-teens, and children all something to look forward to. Plus you've now thrown in some big franchises into the launch, without sacrificing franchises to be released later. Through out the next year Nintendo should ressurect all its old franchises like Kid Icarus, Earthbound, Ice Climber's, etc. 3rd parties should handle filler games and sports titles, and second parties should handle online games and amazing graphics. Then the year afte that, Nintendo should give gamers Mario, Pikmin, F-Zero, etc.

-Anathar post froom teh high inteliigince of mattcube

RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2003, 11:23:45 PM »
I agree with mattcube (above) Nintendo needs MUCH better marketing for the N5... they also need 2 try and lose their kiddy image, i know that there is mature games but during game arguments at school, my best friend, a X-Box fan keeps telling me the gameCube is kiddy and every1 always agrees with P*sses me off. Anyway back on topic, Some good colors not Purple, Platinum, Black, Gold would be cool, and like the N64 Clear Orange, Green, Blue and Purple. Online capability would be real cool aswell!

Games List:

~ Super Smash Bros. Melee 3 (or 4 if they make 3 on GC) - (online)
~ 1 or 2 more 1st Party Games (Nintendo franchise sells very well and if there is too many 1st party games the 2nd and 3rd party games wont sell very well and they may stop development for N5)
~ Timesplitter 3 (online)
~ A Final Fantasy game
~ Resident Evil 5
~ A New Rogue Squadron (Online deathmatch would be cool)
~ Another Star Wars title (Jedi Knight 4 maybe)
~ Soul Calibur 3
~ Grand Theft Auto 5
~ Super Monkey Ball 3 (Online)
~ A New NFS Game (Online)
~ Some good sports games... eg: NFL, NHL, AFL (Australian Football League: Aussie Rules), FIFA are some good options (Possibly Online - I dont care about sports games myself)

That pretty much sums it up!
Hmmm.... !

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #42 on: September 17, 2003, 09:07:18 PM »
I'm a little late to the party but i'll add in my list.
But first, i must address this:

The only time I can for sure say that Mario sold systems was when he offered a completely new game experience ie: Super Mario Bros and Super Mario 64.

Incorrect.  Super Mario World sold mucho SNESs/.  Super mario sells systems, thats just fact.

People saying to sway from their big names are crazy.  Link or Mario at launch is an absolute neccessity.  Other than that, i'll say this:

EA sports online
RPG from Namco or Square/enix
RE 5?
True Crime 2 (maybe pay for exclusive 6 months)
Half life 2
Timesplitters 3 online
Kid Icarus)if not out already)
NES compilations(like the Konami series-Rush n attack, Contra, Gradius and Castlevania)
And a Zelda or Mario

And the market is Nintendo s.
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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #43 on: October 12, 2003, 08:05:01 AM »
You can't please everyone, but a realistic LoZ would please me a lot. It ain't going to happen though, at least release Metroid Prime 2 or Super Mario 128 for the next console. Both of those would please me as well.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #44 on: October 12, 2003, 08:34:08 AM »
(btw, it's not a "realistic Zelda", but an "anime Zelda")

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2003, 05:24:39 PM »
Viewtiful Joe 3. Cause 2 will be on Cube. I hope. And Joe should be in SSB3. Sure he's basically a mix b/w Link and Captain Falcon but he's still viewtiful. And pink.
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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #46 on: October 30, 2003, 05:42:18 AM »

Originally posted by: The OmenPeople saying to sway from their big names are crazy.  Link or Mario at launch is an absolute neccessity.

I completely agree.  Look at the japanese launch of the gamecube.  Many said that it wasnt as good as previous console generations because it lacked the mario title to acompany it.  I felt this generations launch was lacking without zelda or mario.  Wave Race and Rogue squadron though completely different appeal to similar people in that they are fast paced and require skill in steering and maneuvering.  I actually agree with George Harrison when he said that making games simpler is a good idea.  The olden days were great when you just picked up a game and played(i.e. Pacman, tetris, bubble bob etc). you didnt worry about the story you just wanted to play a game for a little while.  I think thats why SSB:M is so popular.  But I digress.  A major franchise(historically mario) is necessary at launch.  I would then add a racing game and an FPS to come out at launch date.  In the month after they can broaden to other categories.

The last temptation is the greatest treason To do the right deed for the wrong reason.  ~ T.S. Eliot


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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2003, 06:35:44 PM »
heres my list
1. super mario game
it would have revoulonary graphic,gameplay something different from super mario sunshine.
2. Street fighter game
3. star wars game (episode 3)
4. FPS game( Quake 3, timsplitters 3,etc.
5. Metroid 3: the beginning
6. real driving- A real driving simulater( like GT3) made by Nintendo. over 1000 cars to chose from...
7. Mario party online
8. Final fantasy game
9. A puzzle Game
10. Legend of Zelda: the unknown Quest.

there u go!

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RE: N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #48 on: November 22, 2003, 06:10:40 PM »
1. Super Mario (insert cool sounding name here)
2. Exclusive EA game (madden, or a bond game, or any other random cool game)
3. Too Human
4. Pikmin 4
5. Wave Race: You Against the Storm
6. 1080: Adrenaline
7. Mario Tennis
8. Eternal Darkness 2
9. Grand Theft Auto 5
10. The Legend of Zelda: Revenge of Majora (direct Majora's Mask sequel)
11. Mario & Luigi RPG 2
12. Metroid Prime 3
13. Resident Evil Collection (actual remakes of every RE game every released, with "N5" graphics)
14. Mario Basketball
15. NES/SNES/N64 collection (every NES, SNES and N64 game ever released, on the same "disc")
16. Burnout 3
17. Timesplitters 3
18. Diablo 3
19. Starfox Adventures 2
20. Mario Party 7
21. Pokemon RPG (with everything)
22. Animal Crossing 2
23. Mario Kart: Triple Dash
24. Super Wario World
25. Yoshi's Island 2
26. Final Fantasy 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19
27. Metal Gear Solid 4 (with free MGS3: Substance bonus disk if you preorder)
28. Star Wars Episode 3 (the game)
29. Super Smash Bros N
30. Viewtiful Joe 3
31. Soul Calibur 3
32. Super Monkey Ball 3
33. Sonic World
34. Geist 2
35. Pikmin Soccer
36. Donkey Kong (platformer)
37. Max Payne 3
38. SSX5
39. Luigi's Mansion 2
40. NST developed skateboarding game
41. Super Mario Sunshine 2
42. Shenmue 3 (with free bonus disk containing Shenmue 1 and 2 and a documentary if you preorder)
43. Halo 3 (because Nintendo would have already bought out Microsoft by the time N5 launches)
44. F-Zero NGX
45. Skies of Arcadia 2
46. Golden Sun 3
47. N5 Wars
48. Duke Nukem Forever
49. Pacman Battle
50. Nintendo Puzzle Bonanza
*Plus at least 20 new franchises (which i cant name obviously), and at least 10 new games based on franchises that are born in the next few years and become popular.

If N5 doesnt have all those games AT LAUNCH, then Nintendo's unwillingness to compete will force me to not buy their console and abandon my gaming routes forever.

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RE:N5 Launch Games List!
« Reply #49 on: November 22, 2003, 08:41:09 PM »

Originally posted by: THE_BLINK_EFFECT
heres my list
1. super mario game
it would have revoulonary graphic,gameplay something different from super mario sunshine.
2. Street fighter game
3. star wars game (episode 3)
4. FPS game( Quake 3, timsplitters 3,etc.
5. Metroid 3: the beginning
6. real driving- A real driving simulater( like GT3) made by Nintendo. over 1000 cars to chose from...
7. Mario party online
8. Final fantasy game
9. A puzzle Game
10. Legend of Zelda: the unknown Quest.

there u go!

that makes me sick, absolutely sick. god. ugh.