Author Topic: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)  (Read 279443 times)

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Offline nickmitch

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« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 02:04:28 AM by nickmitch »
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Offline Spak-Spang

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You know if this is successful, and like the Snyder Cut is actually popular and gets good reviews.  I wouldn't mind the Synder-verse continuing separate from the other series.  If not to just get a fully Snyder Justice League Trilogy going.  I mean whether you liked his vision or not the man obviously had a vision which is more than that new Star Wars Trilogy has, and probably more than the DC movies have now.

Offline nickmitch

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I haven't seen the theatrical cut of Justice League, but I didn't like Man of Steel. So I'm not exactly holding my breath to see this, and my only reason for wanting to is how much people have been clamoring for it. The most interesting part to new is that the cut didn't really exist. There was probably never a finished Snyder-cut to release, hence why HBO is paying for him to make it now. I wonder if all the extra time will improve or hurt it.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Well, he has the benefit of a fairly good budget of $20M to do SFX and editing work, and the opinions of the #releasethesnydercut fanbois to navigate what to fix and what to flesh out.

I don't assume there will be any additional footage shot, but $10M sounds like sooooo much to just assemble footage from a movie already shot and then add CG effects to it. Entire movies with heavy CG effects have been shot from scratch for less, and this one has already been filmed.... only needs the CG effects.

I of course will not be queuing up to watch this, but if it's free to stream one day, and nothing better is on, I might give it a watch.

Offline Khushrenada

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And here I thought the news in this thread would be about Ruby Rose jumping ship from Batwoman already. The TV shows are starting to catch up to the movies in development issues!
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Offline broodwars

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And here I thought the news in this thread would be about Ruby Rose jumping ship from Batwoman already. The TV shows are starting to catch up to the movies in development issues!

It's Batwoman. People were shocked it even got renewed for a 2nd season because no one watched the 1st season. Plus, we have Stargirl coming who could easily take her slot if Warner wasn't so devoted to the sunk cost fallacy.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Are rating the reason Ruby Rose jumped ship though?

Offline Adrock

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I read Ruby Rose was almost paralyzed after a botched stunt. Many suspect that had something to do with her departure from the show. I probably would peace out after that.

Offline nickmitch

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Well, he has the benefit of a fairly good budget of $20M to do SFX and editing work, and the opinions of the #releasethesnydercut fanbois to navigate what to fix and what to flesh out.

I don't assume there will be any additional footage shot, but $10M sounds like sooooo much to just assemble footage from a movie already shot and then add CG effects to it. Entire movies with heavy CG effects have been shot from scratch for less, and this one has already been filmed.... only needs the CG effects.

I of course will not be queuing up to watch this, but if it's free to stream one day, and nothing better is on, I might give it a watch.

He's having the cast come in for recording audio, so there's that.  Also, CGI is really expensive. Good CGI can cost millions for even a few minutes of it.  GOT season 6 allegedly cost $10M per episode, which was a $4M increase over the previous season. (Season 6 was the one with the actual dragons, right? I never watched it.)  So, if Synder has a $20M budget, I imagine half of that is going to CGI, since I think that movie was CGI heavy already, a couple million for the actors' time, and something leftover for him to take (plus pay whoever else he has working on this).
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Offline nickmitch

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Are rating the reason Ruby Rose jumped ship though?

According to multiple sources, Rose was unhappy with the long hours required of her as the series lead, which led to friction on the set. It was thus decided by her and the network and studio, Warner Bros. Television, that they would part ways.

I read Ruby Rose was almost paralyzed after a botched stunt. Many suspect that had something to do with her departure from the show. I probably would peace out after that.

I don't really buy that it wasn't a factor, but:
It was speculated that it had something to do with pain associated with an emergency surgery Rose underwent for two herniated discs, but a source familiar with the situation tells Variety that Rose’s decision “had nothing to do with her health or injury.”

Same link.

Personal speculation: There was some backlash with the casting, she got hurt pretty bad, the ratings weren't great, so it's just a perfect storm of "time to leave".
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Well if Batwoman isn't moving forward, you can always you know...move to tell a story about Barbara Gordon as Batgirl and people would be happier.  Batwoman looked awful. 

You know I know it won't happen, but I hope they are able to use almost everything filmed and tell a long form movie making it 4 hours would be great...but honestly, they could easily back door this into a series to finish the Synderverse.  The regular episodes would not have as much as a budget, but if they could get the stars to commit and just tell all of the Synder DC Cinematic run in 1 season of television it might be a reason to subscribe to HBO Max. 

Offline Shorty McNostril

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I'm pleased that JL is coming back, but I have rock bottom expectations. I guess I'll be viewing it for the same reason as the crossover Arrowverse shows. The spectacle, not the substance. I hope I'm wrong and it turns out to be great, but if BvS is any indication then it's just going to be a yawnfest that takes itself far too seriously.

I tell you what though, the Snyder fanboiism on another forum I frequent is nauseating. Seems to be up there with the Nolan fanboys. At least Nolan is a fairly safe bet for quality product. Snyder is as hit and miss as they come. And the predecessor to JL was one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen but of course they gush over it like it is God's gift to cinema.

I'm very happy for them though. Something they've been crying out for for years is finally coming, but even if (when) it turns out to be trash it's going to be most amusing/nauseating to see them worshiping it.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Shorty:  I agree, I have low expectations.  Batman vs. Superman isn't great, but it isn't great for 2 reasons.  1) Tonally it is all wrong.  The music, and colors, everything just didn't work for me.  Next, (And really this argument is a double edged blade) We hadn't had Superman be Superman yet.  So the battle over ideology just can't exist yet.  Maybe if there was a couple of montages comparing Batman's crime fighting and life to Superman's that could have worked. 

This idea of mine being a double edged blade is simple, the argument could be made that IF Superman had been Superman for a long time then Batman would trust him, and so the reactionary story works best...and honestly that is pretty fair. 

The Synder Cut to me, will hopefully show a bigger and bolder image and movie...something that has some vision behind the spectacle, now that vision might be a bad vision, but at least it will be there. 

Offline that Baby guy

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I agree with Spak pretty much entirely.

My perspective on the recut JL, though, is that it's likely to be awful. I thought Man of Steel was okay, but didn't like the portrayal of any of those considered Superman's friends or family.

BvS was just sad. I fell asleep watching the final version of Justice League, but to be fair, I was sick that day and needed rest. I think the Snyder JL will be a joke. If it is, it'll be fun to laugh at and should help all those who for some reason believe Snyder is infallible maybe finally come to grips with how underwhelming his movies have been, and how out of character most of his characters seem.

But, if it's a great movie, at least it'll be a great movie.

Offline ThePerm

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I hope the Ayer cut happens. I had a bad feeling things were going to go south when I heard they were going to do recuts. When It came out I thought it was "alright", but nothing has been as good tonally as The Dark Knight trilogy.
Suicide Squad was such a different movie than a typical Ayer movie. Fury, The Watch and Suicide Squad are not even in the same league.
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Offline oohhboy

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Oh boy, here we go...Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.

I think I watched this. Had to double check. John and Zatanna are always top shelf although not her best incarnation. I am right with you on the new 52 or whatever. Just bad.

Harley Quinn has continued to slaughter every sacred cow with ever humorous gusto. Shots fired at Disney via Little Mermaid. I died with the invisible plane. Gordon is new level badass and bat **** insane. Poor Batgirl with no one listening to her. Not a single bad episode yet.

Legends is humming along nicely, ever more embracing the weird and fun with strong character moments.

Supergirl season was all over the place and the finale was a wet fart. Lex is a bastard. SG was constantly on the back foot and ineffective as a reporter. Lena got reduced to this dumb emotional mess, you're better than this girl. Brainy is just dumb, dumb. John was muscle taking SG's job. The new reporter is sort of cool but steals Kara's job. Kara is playing second fiddle to her own show.

I have no dog with the DC movies. Really enjoy the parody cuts. Don't care for Synder although I would take him or anyone imaginable over J 'Dumpster fire' J.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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The CW found it's next Batwoman!!

discuss. :D

Offline nickmitch

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Watch out for the nerd rage!
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Offline ThePerm

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She's gorgeous. I'm interested in see what her costume is going to look like. Here is another picture from her facebook fanpage.
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Offline Stratos

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I'm more curious how they will write her as the new Batwoman in the show, since it revolved around a totally different actress for a full first season. Are they just going to swap her and not say anything? Or somehow write in a new character that then "takes the mantle" and how can they effectively make that transition without the previous actress there to help with the handoff?
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Offline Kairon

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It's a new character and I think I read somewhere that Kate Kane (the previous Bat Woman) will be written as having disappeared and that will be part of the story of this season, so it'll be an organic in-universe transition.

Honestly I watched maybe two or three episodes of the first Bat Woman and just couldn't get into it or excited. With the renewed interest in the show I'm looking forward to giving it a second try in season 2, though it's probably got more to do with the style of their storytelling than anything to do with individual characters.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2020, 03:13:09 PM by Kairon »
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Watch out for the nerd rage!

In the BLM Age, in sure it'll be kept at a minimum..... Publicly.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Looks like The Batman is getting a "Companion" series on HBO Max

Hopefully this is planned out well since the movie ain't even done yet. Better be some story crossover, and character cameos, even if just from a different perspective.

Offline nickmitch

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I don't understand why WB/DC/AT&T/Media Conglomerate #2 would want to build multiple shared universes out of their DC film properties.  Seems like it'd get confusing.
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Offline Adrock

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Didn’t Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice have a dream sequence within or immediately after another dream sequence? I haven’t seen it in a while. I have doubts Warner Bros. knows or cares what’s confusing to the audience.