Author Topic: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)  (Read 279444 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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I actually think the costume is pretty cool. My brain did a thing where it just thought it was a comic book drawing.

That blue thing looks like a slot so he can pull his Schlong out though....

It is possible to introduce lots of characters without having a movie that sucks balls. Oceans 11 does it. Both version are well regarded.

There's how many characters in civil war?

On the other hand I just figure justice league will be another "i didn't think ahead and had to cut the movie down type movie" In The Force Awakens we get introduced to three new characters. The movies was equal parts practical effects and digital artistry though. With these DC movies they use so much digital artistry that it actually means they have to rush in pre-production in order to make the schedule so they spend time on cg, which will look dated on arrival.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 09:48:17 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline oohhboy

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Watching Legends of Tomorrow. It's not bad, a bit too much artificial drama especially every time they flashback or when it comes to the kill or when some one is in jail. It isn't helped that they choose based on what I know one of the most formidable villain DC has.

The writers either don't seem to be able or willing to play the narrative game for more than a few minutes. They would talk of some sort of trust issue, but instead of letting it simmer a little, they play it straight minutes later with betrayal! They good back to this well and others so very often.

One good thing though is they don't **** around when killing people most of the time unless drama!. They have a pretty high mook body count.

The fights suffer from people in an empty area pummelling mooks as they circle the fight. On a technical level they do have some very cool scenes putting that empty room to good use. The fights themselves are better than Super girl by a little bit.

What is the deal with Ice/Fire man and their impractical weapons? I don't know the background of these guys.
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Offline oohhboy

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Finished season 1 of Legends of Tomorrow.

That ending just comes out of nowhere and I am not quite sure what really happened but it was still neat with it paying you off for sticking in with the show. The hell did Captain cold comeback from? Or is it that Doctor Who timey winedy stuff? Did Vandal get erased from the timeline? Didn't seem like it as Rip's family appears to be still dead.

Hawkgirl/guy are an insufferable pair who are the absolute worse characters in the show. So much asinine repeating dramatics. I wish them gone, but I know they aren't going anywhere.

The cartoons really spoiled me on Hawkgirl. She was so badass and when ever she attacks she goes HARARRRUG! Sure she worried about her soul mate but she was much more than that.

Captain Cold's accent is just what the **** is that? Has anybody ever talked like that ever?

It is a good enough of a show to continue to season 2 as the rest of the cast are pretty good and Arthur Darvill/Rip Hunter's intensity is like a locomotive pulling the show along.
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Offline Stratos

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I enjoyed Legends of Tomorrow for what it was and didn't think too hard about the plot holes and other issues. It was a fun popcorn adventure show for me. Captain Cold was my favorite as he had just the right amount of over the top to be fun. He and Heat Wave were the best in that department.
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Offline oohhboy

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Yeah it's time travel so plot holes are going to appear like black holes. It most certainly avoided going "LOST". There is a planned out story, they aren't making too much up. A team of damaged goods travelling through time to save the world is a pretty good and clear setup.

They really don't **** around with mooks. **** Chronos and the villains took more care in killing people than the team.

Vandal was a little disappointing as he was mildly menacing in the background rather than being monstrous in his pursuit of his goals. He was more of a half rate Hugo Drax played by Michael Lonsdale in Moon Raker.

They really needed a far more seasoned actor to play him like to Anthony Hopkins in West World. You want a villain who can monologue and hang on his every word and chew up other characters.
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Offline UncleBob

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My only issue with Legends of Tomorrow is that they *try* to explain things, then do things two episodes later that completely contradict the explanation they just gave.

Like, screw that.  There was the episode where they had to stop the Soviets from getting Firestorm tech before the future timelines 'set'.  But the entire storyline for the season was going back in time to stop Vandal Savage from taking over... like, why would Soviet Firestorm timeline 'set', but Vandal Savage timeline be so flexible?

And they try to pretend like they're not making changes to the timeline and interfering the least amount possible... but they just kill and kill so many random 'bad guys' in the past.  Like, those folks have families and ****, you know?  Like, stop pretending like you care about time abnormalities and ****.

Also, in the last episode I watched, they were trying to figure out who the Speedster is that is messing with them.  And they're all like 'All the Speedsters we know are either Barry's friends or dead.'  And two seconds later, you mention Speedsters and their ability to time travel.  Like, are you guys complete idiots?  Maybe the dead Speedster that has already time traveled once before actually time traveled before even meeting Barry the first time?  Or, screw you, idiots... one of your own teammates was resurrected from the dead... maybe he didn't stay dead!  Or, morons, you already know there are alternate realities.  You freaking teamed up with Supergirl from another reality (for some God damned reason) like three episodes ago... maybe this Speedster is from an alternate reality.

The characters don't even know the rules of their own show... how the heck are we supposed to know what's going on?
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Offline oohhboy

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My only issue with Legends of Tomorrow is that they *try* to explain things, then do things two episodes later that completely contradict the explanation they just gave.

Like, screw that.  There was the episode where they had to stop the Soviets from getting Firestorm tech before the future timelines 'set'.  But the entire storyline for the season was going back in time to stop Vandal Savage from taking over... like, why would Soviet Firestorm timeline 'set', but Vandal Savage timeline be so flexible?

The characters don't even know the rules of their own show... how the heck are we supposed to know what's going on?
Time travellers seem to have a far more flexible non-linear timelines that seems to have all events moving in parallel unless they get marooned and become events that get fixed even though it shouldn't happen anymore.Vandal is himself a traveller so he gets to play with his own events and not get crushed under the weight of the paradoxes post Occulus
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Offline Plugabugz

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Legends doesn't seem to take anything seriously, and that's fine as long as we get Mick/Heatwave continuing to be the best thing about the show. He takes *nothing* seriously - except beer - and that shows. Also "seriously? you idiots haven't worked this out by now?" and "who writes this crap anyway?"

Also, the Legion of Doom is much better with all three just chewing the scenery together and almost constantly bickering about everything is everything Savage just wasn't.

The show, however, does need to set its rulebook out very clearly though.

Offline oohhboy

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Wow, the Flashpoint meta cross over episode was lame as hell. I hope they never do something like that ever again.

Season 2 is flaky as hell and unfocused as the over arcing story is very, very weak due to the above cross-over disease.

As uninspiring of a villain Savage is, he anchored the story so it didn't breakdown into monster of the week which the show isn't very good at doing. Even though he wasn't really a threat the team was in constant danger due to how resource poor they were and they played to those limitations.

Mick has good one liners, but his character's drama is that they keep threatening to revert him.

The other references aren't bad. "She looks like my cousin" got a good laugh out of me.

They also put Rip on the fucking bus. Guess he was too expensive.

As you said, they really need a rulebook as all good shows have one. They show up to situations they solve by killing half the habitants. They are less Time Cop and more Death Squad. If they had a rulebook they can write clever solutions to the problem instead of murdering everyone.

The writers are also condescending as hell. They insist on spoon feeding plot/drama instead of letting the viewer come to the conclusion or have it play out through the actors, well acting.

Lastly they referenced LOST only to pull a LOST. There is no show worse to pull cues from than LOST. It is going to end badly.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Plugabugz

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Wow, the Flashpoint meta cross over episode was lame as hell. I hope they never do something like that ever again.

That is due to Flash's constant moping just dragging down everything else.

But the three shows can solve their plots by crossing to other shows: Oliver can simply get Barry to grab Prometheus and put him in a prison far away without him realising, Barry can call the Legends to see into the future/ask Gideon who Savitar is and the sequence of events without interfering, the Legends can get Barry to help with Reverse Flash

Offline oohhboy

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I didn't see any of the other crossover episodes or shows for that matter besides supergirl but that was the worse episode of LoT hands down.

They tried to do The Avengers, but this was straight to DVD and had none of talent to make it work. Avengers was very mechanical, but this was like a monkey throwing **** at a wall.

It's funny that the one time the Legends could murder their way to a conclusion they didn't.

Who was the guy with the pistol? Was he Deadshot or something? I didn't catch his name and I don't think he had any lines.

Felicity is so hot. She is a unicorn but the actor can act and she owned that character. It was the little things like sitting with her legs spread out, her Kara like bubbles and her unlady like body language without being a Tom Boy. Unicorn.

Rip is back! and the show has an actor again. They were dropping references like it was a stand up routine.

Thanks for giving me the download, but I don't really have much context so it does make much sense to me, but that's ok as I am going to forget the whole thing ever happened.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline oohhboy

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Finally caught up to the last episode and my god, the second half is like night and day. And oh look! Some rules are coming into play.

The Legion of Doom is pretty good. I would like more scenery chewed and some diabolic madness and glee as it is a bit boring having them be so rational.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Khushrenada

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I noticed last night on the AV Club it is reported that Manu Bennett is returning to Arrow. That's really good news since you could say he is sort of the Loki of the Arrowverse and losing him after basically the second season (his one appearance after was too brief and limited to do much) was another thing that seemed to precipitate the loss of momentum and fun of Arrow.

Interestingly, as I read the comments below, there are a lot of people saying that Arrow has a had a real resurgence this season and is apparently getting back to late Season 1/Season 2 greatness. The addition of Deathstroke's return seems to be icing on the cake and not a desperate attempt to salvage the series. Not sure what others who are still watching it here may think.

I've taken a break from whole Arrowverse this year and watching some other stuff instead but now I'm rather curious about catching up again. Arrow is the show I'd be willing to dive back into although, surprisingly, Supergirl is also right there in the top of my interest despite finding the first season pretty weak. I guess I'm just curious about the changes and the fact that it comes off as a bit more positive and brighter while Arrow, Flash, and LoT all feel darker lately. Flash used to be the more fun series but by the end of Season 2 seemed to be losing that identity. With oohhboy's positive comments about LoT Season 2, I've got to admit to now having some interest in that too leaving The Flash at the bottom of the heap. But if Deathstroke is coming back to the Arrowverse, it really energizes my enthusiasm to get back into it all. Didn't realize how much I cared about the character until hearing that.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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I wouldn't hold your breath about Arrow being a huge improvement in S5. 

It is certainly a bit better than 3 and 4, but I feel comparing it to S2 is a huge overstatement.  The current S5 villain is certainly the most intimidating and interesting villain since Deathstroke and he ends up doing some pretty extreme things, but this show is still full of annoying tripe that just ruins it. 

I suppose what I'm saying here is don't go into it expecting to shelf television because you're going to be disappointed.  At least in my humble opinion.

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Oh, and if I never hear the trope "I was just trying to protect you" ever again it'll be a day too soon.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I suppose what I'm saying here is don't go into it expecting top shelf television because you're going to be disappointed.  At least in my humble opinion.

You would need to be watching Agents of SHIELD for that.
Arrow isn't even on the same level right now.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Krypton trailer

Looks like this one moved to Syfy channel. I wasn't aware that it was still happening.

Offline Shorty McNostril

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It looks completely uninteresting. 

Offline oohhboy

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Is SuperGirl dead? It has just stopped at episode 17 with nothing and the flashpoint or whatever has passed...
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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All the Arrowverse shows are on break for a few weeks.  I think they pick up early May.

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Episode 18 played yesterday.  Seems it came back a bit earlier than I thought. Haven't watched it yet.

Offline oohhboy

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That was a pretty good episode of Supergirl. Had a lot of heart.

It was great not having people in fists fights in a middle of a fire fight. It is something every show needs to get away from.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Does anyone actually watch this trash before they give it to CW? Seriously?

What the hell was that "fight"? Barry just stands there and gets disorientated...AGAIN!!! I thought surely he'd have employed some countermeasure this time to resist her eyes. Or at the very least RUN THE HELL AWAY before she had the chance to get him. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He just stands there and takes it. What the hell did he expect was going to happen? Somehow he'd now be magically resistant? He even had something like 5 seconds warning it was coming.

Crying out loud why do I do this to myself?

Aside from that tripe it wasn't a bad episode.

Offline oohhboy

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I only watch SuperGirl and Legends of Tomorrow but given how the movies are working out along with the crossover my feelings can be describe as "Omni-shambles".

It's hard to buy in when you're dealing with some of DC's most powerful super heroes so you keep having to do absurdly contrived things to put them in "Some" danger like poorly done mandatory fist fights.

LoT gets away with this by not having super heroes but super villains or the cheesy loser equivalent.

Supergirl is somewhat weaker than you expect but you don't watch the show to see her fight. Watching her is like watching a kitten, you just can't help but adore her character as she bubbles her way through each episode.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?