Author Topic: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)  (Read 246061 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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I hope Chadwick Boseman told the studio what was going on with him. If I were a studio I'd make every actor film a death scene and a goodbye scene. Especially if I were Disney after Carrie Fisher died in the middle of Star Wars. Or Warner after Heath Ledger overdosed. That would be a top policy. I'm sure nobody would really want to film these sort of scenes, but in giant franchises these seem so necessary.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Boseman apparently told no one outside his immediate circle anything.

And with technology as it is today, if Disney wanted to film Black Panther 2 Starring Boseman w/o the mask the entire time, they could make it believable enough.

The internet edits of Carrie fisher were better than the Million dollar studio jobs.

Offline Spak-Spang

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in context of the show....

Black Falcon and the White Wolf

actually what should've happened was it should have typed out Black Falcon and The Winter Soldier
then someone starts hitting the backspace button to erase the entire title card.
then they type out Captain Falcon.... then hit the backspace some more to erase Falcon.
then out Captain America and The White Sold..... backspace backspace backspace.... Wolf

then the complete title card enlarges to say
Captain America and The White Wolf

I like this.  They could have done it as a mystery...some government worker is typing up this report of the past events and the Title of the report could have been Black Falcon and the Winter Soldier report, and after writing up the report they scroll up on the type writer and backspace to change the title.  The report could be pulled and it could have had a SWORD letterhead or something.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Boseman didn't want to be defined by his illness.  He fought it and kept it a secret.  I am curious who knew and when, but it doesn't matter.  I would have recast Black Panther and dedicated the next movie to him.  And move on.  Not allowing the franchise to have the Black Panther character and move on is a mistake.  A mistake a respect, but still a mistake.

Offline Adrock

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I was under the impression that Marvel will write out T’Challa and continue with the Black Panther character. Maybe another character takes up the mantle. I’m on Team Recast. It’s sad that Boseman died, but T’Challa is too important culturally to tie the character to the actor who played him. I’m sure Marvel had its reasons.

Offline nickmitch

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I think those of use who would rather see a recast would understand if they didn't, but people who didn't want a recast would be offended.  They may shoot themselves in the foot creatively (at least a little bit), but they'll upset the fewest people.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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well this seems appropriately timed....

Lupita comments on the filming of BP2 w/o Boseman
the way which he [Coogler] has reshaped the second movie is so respectful of the loss we’ve all experienced as a cast and as a world. So it feels spiritually and emotionally correct to do this.

Very curious to see how they proceed. But Black Panther is the Title of the Wearer, T'Challa was just one of many Black Panthers. We can move on w/o recasting. We just need another prominant black actor to take his place and carry that mantle as King of Wakanda and Black Panther.

Maybe they saved Killmonger, who changes his ways. Maybe something happened and a Wakanda experiment went wrong and fused T'Challa and Killmonger into one, but kept the appearance of Killmonger, so that explains the fundamental change of Killmonger's M.O.

Could be another long lost brother, a cousin, or an existing character who takes over.

Whatever they do, I'm sure it'll be fine, even if it's not what most of us would have wanted. They'll make it work.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Maybe they saved Killmonger, who changes his ways.

I think this would be the best route if they wont recast.  Killmonger was popular and many sympathized with him.  Having a redemption story where he's trying to make up for his wrongs could be pretty powerful.

Plus his death is very easy to retcon since T'Challa does tell him he can be saved before Killmonger pulls the dagger out to bleed to death.  They just need one line that says T'Challa got him to a medical team at the right moment before it was too late.  Yeah it would still be a retcon but at least it's a somewhat believable one.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Maybe they saved Killmonger, who changes his ways.

I think this would be the best route if they wont recast.  Killmonger was popular and many sympathized with him.  Having a redemption story where he's trying to make up for his wrongs could be pretty powerful.

Plus his death is very easy to retcon since T'Challa does tell him he can be saved before Killmonger pulls the dagger out to bleed to death.  They just need one line that says T'Challa got him to a medical team at the right moment before it was too late.  Yeah it would still be a retcon but at least it's a somewhat believable one.

This right here would be the coolest idea.  You can have the opening Title Screen and opening credits be Killmonger at the Gravesite of T'Challa.  He is making his peace with a monologue teaching us how he survived AND how he wants to make amends.  He becomes the Black Panther, but renounces the leadership of King.  Now you Wakanda in a new place.  Changing with the times and you have a more interesting morally gray Black Panther that is trying to be a better person and make peace with his past.  While at the same time, facing a world that is ever showing him, that although his ultimate goal was wrong, his view and understanding of the problems of the world was and is still correct. 

Offline Stratos

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It could also lead to some interesting dynamic where Killmonger is angry at T'Challa for basically breaking his final promise to him and has to work through those feelings as part of his ongoing development.

Also, it was unclear if they had anymore of the flower seeds that gave the Black Panther powers, and if Killmonger was saved, he could be one of the only people left alive with the power with T'Challa no longer in the picture, which could open the door for Wakandan leadership releasing him and possibly giving him a second chance.

We could also see Wakanda move to a more democratic government without a proper king so they basically keep Killmonger from being a leader but he retains the Panther powers and suit to find his new way in the world, perhaps finding a way to modify his vision to be a less violent one with a similar outcome.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 02:39:16 PM by Stratos »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Doctor Strange and teh Multiverse of Maddness wrapped filming.

cast and crew were given a gift: Potential Character spoiler....? but we already knew about that character. I'll not post the actual pic just incase.

Offline UncleBob

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Spoiler for Loki Ep1

Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Adrock

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Loki Episode 1 was excellent. I really like how they used stock footage in a pretty interesting way to update 2012 Loki with 2018 Loki's character development. Stellar acting from Tom Hiddleston as he forwards through his file. EDIT: Owen Wilson is good as Agent Mobius as well. I wanted to give credit where credit is due. He has good screen chemistry with Hiddleston.

I have a ton of questions. I presume the next five episodes will answer most of them. I am a little disappointed by how short this show is especially given how good it is so far.

And obviously, another Time Variant Loki messing with the timeline is clearly misdirection. If we keep guessing Mephisto, we'll get it right eventually.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2021, 02:34:34 PM by Adrock »

Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Viva Loki)
« Reply #488 on: June 10, 2021, 02:19:51 PM »
Updated the title but skipping the comments until I can watch it tonight.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #489 on: June 12, 2021, 12:36:47 AM »

Been saying it since Infinity War. He lives. This is the key. He now knows how he dies and avoids it later by faking his death. The end of the file is just the end of that tape, I bet you there is more tape as Loki lives on. Either he switches places with Infinity War Loki, warns his other self, or some other solution, I'm still confident Loki lives past his encounter with Thanos.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #490 on: June 12, 2021, 08:32:40 PM »
I'm hoping for the opposite.

While I did enjoy the Loki character I think it's time for him (at least this portrayal) to be retired. I was pleased when Thanos bumped him off in Endgame. After all he is a mass murderer and I think he got off far too lightly for leading a murderous army and trying to subjugate a planet. What I did like is that the show didn't handwave this to get the most milkage of the fanbase. They brought it up front and centre and discussed it.

Having said that I am still hoping this is his last appearance in the MCU. The fact he is reportedly not in Love and Thunder lends a bit of credence to this (still won't be surprised if he turns up though). I think he's had his run and would like more time in another villain in future projects.

Am still watching this show with great interest though. Still promises to tell a very interesting story and will contribute with some significant world building.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #491 on: June 17, 2021, 10:24:35 PM »
I like how they touched on the reverse butterfly effect. It's weird. They put into speech exact thoughts I've had on the subject.

Meteors, Natural Disasters, Apocalypses. These are all gigantic events that counter act the butterfly effect to some degree.  Because certain events are unavoidable then there would be an averaging effect on time over the course of history if one were to try to alter history.

I used to play this game called card game called Chrononauts, and there was a Back to the Future variant. In the game you play as different characters whose goal is to make history play out a certain way to ensure your existence. So, to make sure that you were born you had to make sure that certain "linchpin events" happened. An example of this in the BTTF version is Marty McFly, Marty McFly has to make sure that Lorraine Baines and George McFly kiss and the dance or he was just going to disappear.  In the regular version of the game you have to make sure the crash of the Hindenberg happens or the sinking of the SS Lusitania.

I like how the series is setting about to destroy the Marvel Canon which at this point has been sacrosanct. I'm ready for the Marvel Apocrypha.  Continuity has been too much of a problem. How do we get the X-men into the Marvel Universe? Simple, they exist in an alternate reality and the realities just need to be merged.

If I were to guess where the end of the series ultimately ends: The time keepers are just Loki. As In Me, Myself, and I.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #492 on: June 17, 2021, 11:46:33 PM »
The reverse butterfly effect is cool.  But I hope that Loki doesn't "win" or if he does he realizes that winning was never what he truly wanted.  Because, his main arc is that he dooms himself.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #493 on: June 20, 2021, 12:55:07 PM »
Finally watched the first two episodes.  I really liked the twist of gender-swapped Loki.  I knew they had to do something visual with the character (why else bother with the cloak when we know it's Loki) and all the visuals surrounding the explanation of variants showed visual alterations to them.

This does bring up some questions though.  There is one "Scared Timeline", so how do variants alter so much?  Like, how does Loki being out of time make him into a her?  And Mobius remarks "that's how it happens, that's how it always happens" as if the Scared Timeline occurs over and over.  This makes me think there are multiple timelines that just get steered back into the main one when they get branched off.  The show makes it seem like things get reset and the branching path never happens, but I'm not convinced that's always true.

I may also need to go back and revisit The Ancient One's time loop explanation she gave Professor Hulk in End Game.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #494 on: June 21, 2021, 12:16:44 PM »
So my dad thinks this isn't really Loki but some magician/witch linked to Loki in the comics, which would explain why she was all "don't call me Loki" as she is an agent of Loki posing as him.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #495 on: June 21, 2021, 03:44:32 PM »
If you pay attention to the credits... she isn't completely credited as Loki.

In other news there is a palette swapped version of Scarlet Witch.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 09:25:59 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #496 on: June 21, 2021, 08:12:33 PM »
If you pay attention to the credits... she isn't completely credited as Loki.

you paid attention to the credits, and this is the spoiler thread, so what was she credited as?

Offline ThePerm

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #497 on: June 21, 2021, 09:29:02 PM »
Oh yeah. It's the spoiler thread.
Sylvie as in Silvie (Lushton)Laufeydottir, which I guess is Marvel's 2nd Enchantress

« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 09:39:02 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #498 on: June 22, 2021, 01:29:50 PM »
That's the character my Dad was talking about.

I'm also putting together that Wanda was referred to as a Nexus so is she a timeline event that could threaten the sacred timeline?

I wonder if all these shows are setting the stage for Multiverse of Madness that brings it all together on the big screen.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Livin' La Vida Loki)
« Reply #499 on: June 22, 2021, 04:43:27 PM »
#itsallconnected #forrealthistime