Author Topic: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)  (Read 253352 times)

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Offline Stratos

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SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:38:14 PM »
This is the thread for talking without spoiler tags about Marvel Films.

The rules:
  • Any MCU film that has released can be talked about here without spoiler tags
  • Subject will be updated with each new release to show the most recent film that can be discussed
  • All of MCU applies, so movies and TV are fair game so long as it has released/aired
Since regional releases can be different follow the subject line for what can be talked about that is new.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2023, 05:36:26 PM by Stratos »
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Offline Wah

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Poor Rhody... :-[
Made you look ****.

Offline Evan_B

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Spider-Man was pretty shamelessly inserted. I don't understand why they felt the need to shove so much exposition for the character into the film, and it felt a little ham-handed.

Black Panther should have been the only character introduced in the movie, because his story was extremely well-integrated, unlike Peter's. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to see Spidey and he did some great stuff, but it was superfluous.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Poor Rhody... :-[

What? He's still alive.

Anyway, the movie was awesome. Going to see it again this weekend. Definitely the best version of Spider-Man - they introduce him perfectly, no need for an origin story (though I imagine Homecoming will have one). I really don't think he was shamelessly inserted, and as far as we know, this was his first big fight, so his usage had to be limited. I think there was just enough Spider-Man in the movie. I was kind of surprised with the ending, well, the reveal that Zemo killed the other Winter Soldiers in order to get The Avengers to destroy each other. Also kind of surprised to see that in the movie, Bucky (well, Winter Soldier) killed Tony's parents. In the comics they never reveal who caused the car accident that killed them, so I guess this is acceptable (and makes sense). They didn't pull a Sandman (Spider-Man 3), since they've been building up to this reveal since Captain America Winter Soldier came out. Also, Giant Man! Damn that whole scene was awesome. I wonder if they'll bring him back again - maybe to fight Hulk or something.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 11:16:52 PM by Brandogg »
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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First, I would love to see The Hulk PUMMEL Giant Man. Literally man-handle him how Ant-Man did Widow. That would be hilarious.

As far as the Bucky killing Howard Stark, that was revealed in an earlier movie... was it Winter Soldier? unless you meant you were surprised to see that they actually showed the murder scene as it happened. But yeah, we, just like Steve, already knew Bucky was responsible for the death of Howard Stark.

That very quick peek at Wakanda had me hyped.
Cap: "You know if they found out we were here... they'd come for us"
Panther: "Let them try"
::pans out across a fog covered landscape and rest on a giant Panther statue::

Panther was dope as ****. in suit, out of suit. don't fucking matter.
and how much you wanna bet Panther gets Cap a brand new shield hand crafted out of that vibranium mine they are sitting on?
And does this also mean that the "Secret Avengers' will be in the Panther "solo" movie?
What does this mean for the Ant-Man and The Wasp movie?

Can I fast-forward time!!!? why can't these movies be released on a more Netflix TV like schedule?
you know... all at once so I can binge watch at my leisure.

and now we all know why Stark is in the homecoming movie. From Pepper Potts To(aunt)mei.
Keeping Peter geared up and out on the streets so (aunt)mei gets Loney, and then Tony can help her keep that couch warm.... as they burn it in the fireplace of the new penthouse suite he buys for her as a "thanks for the sex" gift, like it was a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers. ;) But Spidey/Parker was fun, and everyone will most likely enjoy his "solo" if he carries on like he did in this movie.

Scarlet is one powerful witch. with more practice... I can see not ever being able to be fucked with.
I'm sure Vision will be her match, but he has to not have a soft spot for her first... and figure out how to harness the actual power of the Mind Stone in his forehead.

I'm so relieved that no one actually died.... except for Crossbones.... and King T'Chaka and all those people in the office building and the U.N. Building... but you know what I mean. No Avengers/Heroes kicked the bucket. Poor Rhodes though... although I'm sure Tony will just make him a permanent suit that will allow him to walk, and problem solved.

I really think that Widow could have her own movie... maybe a lower-key Netflix Original 2hr spy action flick. Her action was pretty bad-ass in this movie as well.

And Rogers getting that Agent Carter play however he could. Never got to bang out the original... so bang out the most recent model instead. I salute you Steve Rogers.

I do have some criticisms for the movie as well, nothing major, but I'll save those for another day.

Offline Evan_B

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I just felt the movie was one of the most mature perspectives of superheroes we've seen in cinema- actual superheroes, not the madmen of Gotgan seen in Nolan's Bat-flicks. These were men and women of great power dealing with matters that would apply to superheroes in a real-world setting. This is not heroes realistically portrayed, this is super heroics adapted to reality.

Anyway, my previous comments on Spidey are really my greatest complaint with the movie, although I also think the airport fight was a BIT too long for its own good. The beginning of the movie truly felt like a Cap film, but it lost itself somewhere in the middle, before neatly tying itself up. I really enjoyed the film and I think, in retrospect, the Cap trilogy will be remembered as the best films of Phases 1-3, and the most grounded films in the MCU.

But it just couldn't beat The Winter Soldier.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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I really think that Widow could have her own movie... maybe a lower-key Netflix Original 2hr spy action flick. Her action was pretty bad-ass in this movie as well.

Well it looks like you'll have your wish.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I really think that Widow could have her own movie... maybe a lower-key Netflix Original 2hr spy action flick. Her action was pretty bad-ass in this movie as well.

Well it looks like you'll have your wish.

and I hope she teams up with Bucky and Hawkeye, on an off the books mission for Fury.
And just for good measure, a little help from Cap in his Stealth Suit with a "small" assist from Ant-Man in his new Black Ant suit.

Offline nickmitch

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I LOVED Spider-Man.  All of his dialogue was hilarious.  I couldn't stop laughing.  He even made other characters funnier.  "Is this your first fight? Usually there isn't this much talking."

I also liked the budding romance between Scarlet Witch and Vision.  Hopefully that builds to something.

One thing that really stood out: Cap's objective became to stop the other Winter Soldiers to wreck havoc.  Then Tony came in to offer the assist.  I couldn't help but think that's how BvS played out.  The two heroes threw hands then teamed up to fight a greater foe.  But the movie did a classic bait-and-switch where you see the soldiers dead, and Zemo's plan was to make them fight again.  It was as if the film said, "NOPE! The theme of this is heroes fighting eachother, that's what you're gonna get!"  Whereas with BvS, well, you know.

However, that part of the movie made the scene where Zemo was trying to get that Hydra guy to talk pointless.  It was only there to kind of trick the audience into thinking you know what his plan is (and it worked on me).  But it didn't seem like he needed to get the location of the Winter Soldiers from that guy since he seemed to have this elaborate plan to get it out of Bucky.

Also, kind of ironic how Thunderbolt Ross was like, "Do you know where Thor and Hulk are? If I lost two nukes, blah, blah, blah. . .", since he was the one in charge of bringing the Hulk in, in the first place and totally failed at that.

Overall, fantastic movie. Definitely a fave.
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Offline Wah

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SW and vision romance, oh it builds to something alright...
Made you look ****.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I also liked the budding romance between Scarlet Witch and Vision.  Hopefully that builds to something.
SW and vision romance, oh it builds to something alright...

Are we allowed to post a comic pic?

Offline Stratos

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Why not? MCU is different from the comics so I would presume that is fair game.
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Offline Evan_B

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It's a shame House of M will never happen in the MCU, because it's one of my favorite reinterpretations of the universe.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 02:46:01 PM by Evan_B »
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Offline nickmitch

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Yeah.  Fox could retool House of M to only include the X-Men though.
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Offline Evan_B

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Yeah. Fox could retool House of M to only include the X-Men though.
This is true, but the coolest interpretations of characters were those found in the MCU. Iron Man and the Hulk, for example. However, the Fearsome Four was an awesome retelling of the Fantastic Four universe, if Fox could get on top of that.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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you mean if Fox could let go of that.

No one wants another Fantastic Four anything from Fox at this point. They really should put it on the table and see what Disney/Marvel is willing to offer for it.

I bet not only would Disney give them full TV rights, but could probably negotiate production of X-Men related toys again. It would be a way to pay Fox w/o actually paying them, since they would split the movie related merchandise money 50/50, of which there currently isn't any since Marvel refuses to produce any. Extra "free" revenue might loosen that grip on Marvel's first family.

Then Fox can get back to expanding the X-Verse w/ Deadpool, X-Force, New Mutunts, X-Men, The Savage Lands, Mojo's World, The Brotherhood, Multiple Man and Stong Guy, Xavier's School for the Gifted, The Phoenix Force and whatever else they can dream up.
They don't need the distraction of F4 and trying to make that fit in w/ everything else.

Offline Stratos

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Just like Amazing Spiderman will continue to boycott F4 films until the rights revert to Marvel. And really, I jut want Dr Doom and Thing. Watching the Avengers Assemble cartoon got me into Doom as a competent and intriguing villain and Thing would be fun to see team up with Hulk in a buddy film, though Thor+Hulk could be a fun pair as well (hoping to see some great fighting between them in Ragnarock).

I just adored the new guys in Civil War. Black Panther is even more exciting to me now and Spiderman really nails the character. With how the film ended I can totally see Cap appear with Panther and Stark with Spidey. This would be a great way to "phase them out" over time, only bringing them back fr the Avenger flicks. I really want to see Evans get a shot at directing as he could then still appear as a side character. Maybe give him some Agents of Shield arcs to break him in.

I really only had one disappointment in Civil War. No one died. On one hand I was happy no one did, but it feels a little hollow when there were rumored to be upwards of three deaths. Though it was still a powerful film with very high stakes. My wife freaked when Rhodey was falling and I think she was about to cry when she thought he was dead. And that final scene with Iron Man and Cap "He's my friend...", "So was I" That really got me.

In the end, I like it better than Winter Soldier, and it feels like people are trying to bring the film down because of how high a pedestal people placed WS.

It's funny, MCU got me into these characters as I was more of a Star Wars kid, but I liked Civil War better than Force Awakens. I'm way more excited for future MCU flicks over what Star Wars has coming out.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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But there were 3 named deaths in Civil War

1) Rumlow/Crossbones
2) Agent Peggy Carter
3) T'Chaka - King of Wakanda, father of T'Challa aka The Black Panther

and one un-named offscreen but implied death:
Cap's Virginity as he finally nailed an Agent Carter

but there is a list of 40 rumors or something like that about CW that never came true. So lots of the **** we were hearing was a load of BS.

Offline nickmitch

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He meant "no one important died".
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Why are we spoiler-tagging things in the spoiler thread? Anyway, Crossbones was relatively important. I think everyone is expecting Hawkeye to take one for the team  though.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I spoiler tagged my punchline, forcing you to read the setup before the spoilered text.

But it was the one death we've all been wanting to see since WS, so I'm glad it finally happened.
Millions of little soldiers finally got to salute the Cap after he suited up for battle, and then pulled out after winning a very personal war.

I wonder who will have kids first. Cap and 13, or Wanda and Vision
Possibly Stark and Aunt Mei... or Hulk and Widow!?

Offline Stratos

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I wonder who will have kids first. Cap and 13, or Wanda and Vision
Possibly Stark and Aunt Mei... or Hulk and Widow!?

Gamorra and Star Lord.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I wonder who will have kids first. Cap and 13, or Wanda and Vision
Possibly Stark and Aunt Mei... or Hulk and Widow!?

Gamorra and Star Lord.

I'm actually thinking it will be Jessica & Luke, but I'm crossing my fingers for Mack & Yo-yo.
I would guess FitzSimmons, but we all know that will end tragically.

edit: Not sure how I could forget SkyeWard
although at this point, that would probably turn out either really gross, or not at all what you expected.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 02:45:41 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Spak-Spang

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Stratos:  I originally thought that too about nobody dying.  But OK...what if someone dies?  How does anybody come back to trust the other if somebody died in the battles?  I thought War Machine was going to die, but I realized if he did...Tony would go to a dark, dark place.  He already went there with his mother's death.  But I think he was still holding back.  If someone in his team died...he would not have pulled any punches. 

Plus there is the question of who dies?  There are only 3 choices.  War Machine (Already explained what happens if you kill him.)  Hawkeye, which would be a horrible death.  He is a fan favorite, and has a family...though he is probably the most expendable.  Then that leaves Winter Soldier, which would do the same to Captain America as War Machine does to Tony Stark.  So, yeah they were smart not include a death. 

Offline UncleBob

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Didn't Marvel already negotiate the Fantastic Four rights back from Fox?
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.