Author Topic: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)  (Read 247816 times)

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #350 on: February 12, 2021, 12:17:44 PM »
Man, I didn't even get into what Hayward is up to. Darcy was digging into it.
He's got some sort of agenda he's trying to cover up. (he was also trying to cover up those tears after getting roasted by Darcy - and on Wendy's #nationalroastday too LOL)

And Monica getting her DNA overwritten by passing through the barrier multiple times. And then she's trying to get back in, but missed her free ticket for entrance to the show. She gonna have full blown powers by the end this. Spectrum on the way. To think that Wanda inadvertently has the power to create other super powered beings through manipulation.

her kids displayed powers for the first time. Speed and Wiccan coming along nicely.
and the speed boost is definitely the same visual effect that was in AoU.

and Pietro calling out Wanda for everything that going on, from her power boost "far from reading thoughts and giving nightmares' or something like that, to controlling most everyone and everything that's going on, including bringing back the "dead".
- Are we all thinking that there may be more to Pietro that we think? Like it may not actually be he brother?
he's recalling MCU stuff, but looking like FoX QS, and probing for answers while purposely pushing her buttons.
He's up to something as well. (edit: Pietro knows Vision is dead, and no one told him... Pietro died man years before Vision died, so he is definitely not what he seems, and is certainly poking and prodding Wanda on purpose)

Vision literally being torn apart trying to escape, forcing Wanda to expand the barrier to bring him back inside, since she didn't know exactly where he was at to go retrieve him. I have no idea how he is going to react that once he comes to. and the people frozen or glitching on the outer boundaries of town...

and let's talk about that commercial.... what was it? YoMagic, what were they parodying? somethinglike gushers fruit snacks but in a yogurt cup. Who wants to point out the deeper meaning behind the trauma in Wanda's life for this one?

and I need these shows to be another 10 minutes longer... and then just another 10 minutes longer than that....
Friday just started, and next Friday is already so far away. LOL
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 02:20:36 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #351 on: February 12, 2021, 04:54:30 PM »
When the kid's age up I bet I know whose going to play the older quicksilver kid.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #352 on: February 12, 2021, 07:28:44 PM »
I think the commercials are the clues.  So Yo-magic is obviously a yogurt commercial.  But, now the hint is
"Snacking on Your-Magic"

So my theory is whoever is the villain doesn't have control of Wanda or the world, but is consuming the magic and power of Wanda...I am sure this magic she is creating is leaking magic as well.  Or it could be her grief the villain is feeding off of? 

So is there a villain in the MCU that consumes magic or power, (Like DC's Parasite?) Or one that feeds on emotions?  That is my current bet...Perhaps WandaVision ends with the Villain getting enough power to break free of a prison or break into our world?  Since the rumors of Doctor Strange is that the villain is Nightmare I wonder what his power set is?

EDIT:  Nightmare is a nigh-omnipotent, nigh-omniscient and nigh-omnipresent entity who rules the Dream Dimension. He also has the ability to draw power from the psychic energies of the subconscious minds of dreaming beings.

Hmmm...seems like this could be the direction they go.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #353 on: February 13, 2021, 06:03:42 AM »
So someone or some object (tied to a "demon" from another dimension maybe), gave Wanda some kind of power boost (the yogurt Yo-Magic), knowing she was going to use it for completely selfish reasons (because she's the lonely one on the island).
But the more she uses it, the more power gets siphoned, using her like a battery to power some transition to this realm/reality.

Much like the Mindless Ones siphoning enough energy from the Dark dimension to summon Dormamu situation from Doctor Strange, but the power siphon is in reverse.

Interesting theory. I like it.

Also thought this was funny

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #354 on: February 13, 2021, 06:02:19 PM »
My hot take during the episode was that FoX-Men-looking Pietro is Mephisto/the big bad for the show posing as Wanda's brother to try and keep things moving where they are supposed to be. And I do still think that Agnes is part of the deal as well. Notice that act with Agnes freaking out in front of Vision was the thing that drove him to cross the border and forced Wanda to expand the reality. Their goal is to keep goading Wanda into expanding her reality altering hex until it is as large as they want it to be (Large enough to open a portal? Large enough to become it's own kingdom/country/power source? Take over and rewrite the world?)

Alternately my post-episode hot take: the Director (Hayward? Hayden?) is Mephisto and purposely goading Wanda to either get Vision back or get her to turn him into a living Infinity Stone.

Both takes could turn out to be sort of right. I'm glad the episodes are getting longer, because they leave us wanting way more and its going to be hard to keep all of the elements of the show with the shorter runtimes. It already felt like they weren't leaning as heavily on the "TV Era Tropes" this time as it was seemingly quickly forgotten once things started going bonkers. Makes me wonder how much of the Tropes we'll continue to see in the final episodes.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #355 on: February 13, 2021, 06:05:43 PM »
So, the last episode threw the Agnes theory out the window. But now I'm back to wondering if it isn't just Wanda doing all this herself ala "House of M" on a smaller scale.  She has to be projecting personalities on to Pietro and Vision.  And I think Pietro talking asking Wanda how she did it is really her trying to figure out how everything is happening.  She blatantly asks him about the ethics of the situation, possibly because she's feeling guilty about what she's doing.  His "Your dead husband can't die again" comment almost sounds like the voice of reason next to someone who's worried about the whereabouts of a corpse.  I think this also explains how Pietro has MCU memories and a FoX-Men body; they're her memories but she's possibly ripped a body through the multiverse.  Speaking of Vision, I think his actions are Wanda's subscious feelings about wanting to get back to reality.  He knows something is amiss, that the world around him is fake, but she herself wants to pretend that it's real, so that it can be real.

So now I'm thinking that Wanda's powers are truly just out of control.  Although, I can't help but think maybe she got a power boost from somewhere.  She says she can't remember how all this started which falls in line with her powers going out of control, and Pietro making that point about how her powers have upgraded from nightmares to this makes me think she isn't sure how she got so strong.  But if you backtrack to how much stronger she got from AoU to Endgame, it's already a pretty big power boost and maybe what's happening now is a natural progression.  However, people keep asking her if she wants anything changed or "Isn't this what you wanted?" to her either ignoring the question or just looking confused.  Again, that could be either her powers working without her realizing or outside intervention.

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Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #356 on: February 13, 2021, 06:12:51 PM »
However, people keep asking her if she wants anything changed or "Isn't this what you wanted?" to her either ignoring the question or just looking confused. Again, that could be either her powers working without her realizing or outside intervention.

It could be a monkey's paw-type situation where she got her "wish" granted by Mephisto/some-other-power and so when they ask "Isn't this what you wanted?" its a subtle reminder from her 'benefactor' that she did ask for this and these are the consequences for her actions and decisions.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #357 on: February 13, 2021, 06:15:03 PM »
I also think Hayward's plan is to use Wanda's powers to bring back Vision.  It's been shown that Wanda physically alters whatever is inside the Hex to be what she wants it to be.  Monica Rambeau's 70s attire turning being made of kevlar (or w/e) because that's what she wore when she went in makes me think Hayward's working theory is that Wanda can turn Vision's vibranium into a functioning Infinity Stone.  The way he watched as Vision stood outside the Hex as he got pulled back in made me think he was trying to observe whether or not Wanda actually brought him back successfully.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #358 on: February 13, 2021, 06:21:43 PM »
However, people keep asking her if she wants anything changed or "Isn't this what you wanted?" to her either ignoring the question or just looking confused. Again, that could be either her powers working without her realizing or outside intervention.

It could be a monkey's paw-type situation where she got her "wish" granted by Mephisto/some-other-power and so when they ask "Isn't this what you wanted?" its a subtle reminder from her 'benefactor' that she did ask for this and these are the consequences for her actions and decisions.

That's what I was thinking.  Like Agnes and Herb seem to know what's going on and act like they're working for her (or someone else, but to her benefit).

But Pietro does say he remembers being shot in the street and then hearing Wanda call to him, which could point to it all being Wanda.  Although again she does pretty much wish for him to be there, so someone else could be granting these wishes.  I'm pretty back and forth on this, lol.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #359 on: February 14, 2021, 07:56:57 AM »
The last episode has also made Agnes more sympathatic like maybe she isn't the big bad...I think someone else is pulling the Wanda is the puppet master, but also herself just a puppet.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #360 on: February 15, 2021, 04:35:01 PM »
"The devils's in the details....."

Details found in the music by a reddit user:

not sure it means anything, but since everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is looking for clues as to what is going in in WandaVision and who the "Big Bad" is, maybe it is something?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2021, 04:39:58 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #361 on: February 15, 2021, 08:22:17 PM »
I've been thinking about this more and more, and I'm increasingly convinced it's all Wanda.  Wanda is supposed to appear in Multiverse of Madness and Spider-Man: Do the Homie.  Both of those are about the multiverse, and I'm guessing goes wrong leading to a Spider-verse thing and then Dr. Strange has to fix it in his movie.  But the question is what happened and how.  But I think whatever happens to the multiverse already happened.

Looking at Pietro, it's weird that the Fox version showed up and not the MCU one.  When Wanda accidentally sees his real body, much like dead vision, he's got the bullets holes to match MCU Pietro.  But if AoU happened in 2015 and it's at least 2024 after Endgame, that body would been decayed pretty bad.  It's had at least 5 years to decay since the timeskip, but probably upwards to 9.  So, when she's grieving for Pietro, her powers subconsciously reach out to find a body, but her earth only has a rotten corpse.  So, she pulls through the multiverse to find a fresh one and accidentally rips a hole in it.  Damaging the fabric of the multiverse may not have any  major consequences now, but it could down the road especially if Wanda does something similar.
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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #362 on: February 16, 2021, 12:16:26 AM »
Youtuber Emergency Awesome thinks that both Vision and Pietro/Quicksilver are golems animated by Wanda's memories of them, hence why Pietro only seems to recall shared memories and Vision only remembers what Wanda wants him to remember and that all the multiverse stuff is a red herring for now. He seems more confident of the 'obviousness' of that answer than I am though.
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« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 11:53:02 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #364 on: February 19, 2021, 12:36:36 AM »
and let's talk about that commercial.... what was it? YoMagic, what were they parodying? somethinglike gushers fruit snacks but in a yogurt cup. Who wants to point out the deeper meaning behind the trauma in Wanda's life for this one?

Ok, so I think I've settled on my interpretation of that commercial.  Wanda is both the boy and the shark.  The boy represents Wanda by being alone, needing something to sustain him to live.  The Shark is her subconsciousness trying to convince her to sustain herself with "yomagic" "your magic" "her magic.  She thinks she can fulfill her needs by relying on her powers, but she can't.  And she's slowly realizing that it's killing her too.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #365 on: February 19, 2021, 08:00:45 AM »
that makes sense.

:siren: and this next episode has a Mid Credits Scene :siren:

Basically the Agatha Harkness theory was confirmed and she is very much not under Wanda's spell.
She's manipulating things the entire time, and even behind the fake Pietro (not FoX-Men Pietro).
They haven't revealed who he is, but clearly working for Agatha.

and important to note is Wanda's magic is Red, Agatha's magic is Purple.

for what it's worth, I think Agatha just tricked/pushed Wanda to give up her kids of her own free will by telling them to go with Agatha. Played them right into Agatha's control with no resistance from any of the 3 parties, and no Vision to interfere either.

What's interesting is that Agatha wasn't caught in the hex when it started, but inserted herself right after it started. She may have been the one to manipulate Wanda into starting this whole crazy show in the first place.

Can't believe I almost forgot to talk about how Monica has her powers now. She's been rewritten enough times to alter strength enough to push through and rewrite the rest herself. I wonder if it's because when she was expelled, she was wrapped in Wanda's Choas Magic when being rewritten, and that's why she will end up changed in that way and not everyone else who also passed through the barriers.
So if Wanda ends up forcefully expelling everyone through the barrier, it could have a "mutating" effect on them at a DNA level instead of just changing their clothes. (/my theory)

edit: and a possible explanation for this weeks commercial:
« Last Edit: February 19, 2021, 08:31:29 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #366 on: February 19, 2021, 09:00:56 AM »
I was really enjoying this episode until the end reveal.  I mean at the end of the day all the most basic plot twists have been very easily predicted and the story is feeling kinda shallow.  I love the themes of the show and I love the idea of going through grief and loss, but what is the end game?  That is still something that needs to be sorted out...and I can't wait to watch it, I am hoping for some surprises. 

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #367 on: February 19, 2021, 02:56:48 PM »
They did the double reverse with Agnes, so I'll give them credit for that, especially since I fell for it. The fun jingle at the end made me less upset that they went back to the obvious route however.
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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #368 on: February 19, 2021, 03:20:11 PM »
Loved The Office opening credits this week. Finally a sitcom I recognise.

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #369 on: February 20, 2021, 02:57:17 PM »
another potential reference for the commercial for this weeks episode:

and the Agatha reveal was so cheesy. I loved it. LOL
was that a play on the Munsters theme?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 03:03:57 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #370 on: February 26, 2021, 08:38:08 AM »
The Comicbook panels and storylines are coming to the screen!!!

:siren: There is another MID CREDITS SCENE :siren: don't miss it, because Spoiler below

So Director Hayward was lying about Wanda stealing Vision's body, seemingly trying to paint Wanda as an evil and dangerous superpowered thief that stole from the Gov.
when in reality, she's just a grieving but dangerous witch, w/ an Infinity Stone power up, who accidentally took over 100+ acres and everything and everyone within it to play a part in her fantasy come reality creation of the life she wanted.

Agatha happens to witness this from the get go... probably living somewhere nearby (or in town already), and just wanted to know who was powerful enough to create such a bubble, to wield so much power, and was using wasting it to relive a simple TV Family lifestyle.
So it appears she deduced it had to be Wanda, and started pulling the strings to get her to show her power, and reveal how she was able to wield such immense magical power, create this bubble, manipulate soooo many people, and eventually create actual beings and matter out of thin air.

I guess Hayward is lucky that his attempts on Wanda's life were doomed to fail, and that she bothered to return their drone, otherwise his actual goal to resurrect Vision but under his control (White Vision) would have never been successful.

We only have 1x 45-50 minute episode (including credits) left, unless the finale episode is set to be feature length.

But we got to see a glimpse of Wanda as a child, from post credits of TWS where she got her powerup, and Civil War(?) where she first "fell in love" with Vision. Turns out that she was always powered, and just never really knew it.... the mythical "Scarlet Witch", but is somehow able to use her power without incantation or knowledge of what she is doing, and so powerful that she is wielding "Chaos Magic" at will.

So does Agatha become friend and teach her the laws of the land?
What is up with fake Pietro (not FoX-Men QS), and Monica?

and Agatha made it known that Necromancy is not impossible... killing the dog was a ploy to get Wanda to reveal her true power, and reveal that she practiced "Dark Arts" like Agatha. It was a test... as she really wanted to see what Wanda's limits where prior to a direct confrontation.

and when White Vision is online..... who is he? (I haven't read any of those comics)
 - Will he be "Vision", Ultron, Jarvis, or more Dr. BannerStark. Something else entirely - cold and emotionless?
but what happens to Wanda's Vision if the bubble were to collapse?

Where and How will this tie into Doctor Strange!!? and how will they resolve all of this in just 35 minutes of actual show time!!!!

Is it Next Friday yet?
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 08:58:31 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #371 on: February 27, 2021, 05:53:12 PM »
Another quick thought.... ok, 2 quick thoughts

Hayward says: "I can't let you leave here with $6B(?) in vibranium, when she's talking about taking Vision's body, and eventually Wanda just left.

Wasn't there a video of Wanda storming the building and taking the body?
was that all just fabricated? (not that it would be a stretch for them to doctor such a video/event in such a short time in the MCU w/ the tech they have at hand)

and two.... Where is Wakanda on the recovery of all this stolen Vibranium? Vision died in Wakanda, or just outside of, and on the African Continent. Did they state how Vision's body was released from Wakandan control and back to the U.S. under SWORD? or have we just kinda glossed over that for now?

you'd figure, that even with Shuri dusted, studying of Vision as a feat of man would have been a high priority. With BP also dusted, I sincerely doubt they would even give Tony Stark the remains to hold on to privately, as it was created with stolen national resources and also incorporated into the most advanced piece of robotics ever created on Earth.

but maybe I need to set the blunt down and stop over thinking this....

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #372 on: February 27, 2021, 07:11:39 PM »
Wanda's Vision is the soul and Hayward's Vision is the body.  They'll fight, kiss and make up, and unite to give us a whole Vision at the end of things.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #373 on: February 27, 2021, 07:44:14 PM »
UncleBob:  Yeah, I was coming here to say something like that.  The Vision in the Hex knows the truth and is smart enough to put together what that body is...Phasing through it and rematerializing inside the body would be a very cool comic-book way to get a living Vision back, AND not just have it be Wanda's magic...which I really do think they want to limit from making it able to raise the dead...because then she could raise anyone she wanted.

BlacknMild:  Wakanda is probably in shambles after the Infinity War.  It was ground zero for the battle and so even before the snap Wakanda suffered several loses...if Vision's body was recovered before the snap, Wakanda may not have been in the position to stop an operation from getting Vision's body out.  They may have even allowed it out believing it would be given a hero death. 

How I think the next episode will go:  Agatha and Scarlet Witch will have a very small fight, and be interrupted by White Vision and the Military.  Agatha will let Scarlet Witch go to fight and defend her reality but she will do this to watch and study her magic.  White Vision will fight Scarlet Witch and almost beat her...until the Hex Vision flies and merges with the body. 

Then we get the scene from the commercial where Scarlet Witch tells Vision this is our home lets fight for it.  There is a big military vs. Scarlet Witch fight.  Somewhere Agatha will try to attack Scarlet Witch again. 

At the end of battle Scarlet Witch will have a confrontation with someone...Whoever the confrontation is with and whatever it is about...I could see it going to either Hayward or Agatha, but it is going to cause Scarlet Witch to do something crazy and cause a world changing event all over the Earth. 

What will that event be?  I dunno.  My 2 best is either:

A) Hayward calling her a monster a freak or mutant and she says something to create more mutants...but that is the less shocking predicted out come.

B) She does something that changes the entire world into her hex world, but not one that she in control of...a more free and organic version of it...and this leads to Doctor Strange coming to confront her...cliffhanger and potential season 2 plot device.

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #374 on: February 28, 2021, 03:36:10 PM »
I'm thinking the next episode is gonna have double run time length, and be around 70 minutes long.

I'm also really eager to see who the teased cameo/character appearance is gonna be.
Someone Paul Bettany has never worked with before iirc... (meaning it's not Cumberbatch "Dr. Strange")

I have no real speculation on how this is supposed to wrap up, or how it's going to tie in, connect to, or directly lead into Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness and then Spider-Man: No Way Home

I've never read the comics on Vision (white or otherwise)/Scarlet Witch/SWORD/Agatha Harkness, so I have no idea where this could go.
I've avoided all spoilers (outside of Bettany teasing being excited to work with this person that he's always wanted to work with before)

and most of the speculation I've read so far all just seems like baseless speculation, so I feel clueless right now, and I'm good with that. Completely in the dark for now, but i'm sure comic panels on potential plot lines will pop up in places (like Vision in dissected, Agatha being friends w/ Wanda, etc etc)

and then we still have to deal with Monica coming back into play with new powers
Not(?) FoX-Men QS kidnapping her
Agatha and the kids
SWORD w/ White Vision outside the Hex Barrier
Regular Vision
Darcy he left at the light
Agent Woo and the Missing Person he originally came looking for
the Hex Barrier and everyone trapped in it.....

and then the direct connection to DS:MoM

too much to cover in 35/40 minutes.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 04:43:17 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »