Author Topic: too many ads!  (Read 13281 times)

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Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #50 on: August 17, 2003, 01:59:29 PM »
Look at it this way, snorgasmo- the typical commercial break on television lasts around 5 minutes and you see quite a few commercials. Does this in ANY way degrade the quality of the program you happen to be watching? Not at all! So why should a few banner ads on Planet Gamecube somehow make it any less of a site? In my opinion, it's pretty admirable when a gaming website as reliable as PGC has remained completely and utterly free when other gaming websites, such as IGN and Gamespot, are moving towards making you pay for their content. If you get distraught over a few banner ads and the occasional take-over ad (I don't like them myself, but a simple click of the Back button on your browser eliminates it), you must not like most of the internet.

As for the pop-ups, don't even BEGIN whining until you get a pop-up blocker. I do not believe people should complain about things they are perfectly capable of fixing.
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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #51 on: August 17, 2003, 02:12:19 PM »
I'm not trying to whine and moan, but a popup that has the words "the order will find you" keeps following me around to different articles.  After four or five times it seems to have dissapeared.  I thought we were supposed to see these once?  Just wondering if it is working properly.

Offline snorgasmo

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #52 on: August 18, 2003, 12:45:46 PM »
rick -- i was referring to the days WHEN billy was still managing the site. popups simply were not an issue... on top of that we got unique content like the tour through nintendo HQ and adventures in japan and louie the cat rumor mills etc, etc... i think it's fair to say that the site hasn't been nearly as great as it used to be, and the increase in advertisement only pounds that truth home even more. i'm not complaining about this stuff just to be an dick... i feel these are genuine complaints.

i think it's unfair to have this "install software on your computer or suffer the consequences" philosophy of site management. i shouldn't have to install a popup blocker just for this one site. especially not when, like i said, there are several other similar sites that can deliver me the exact same content without the large number of ads. besides, if you're encouraging your readers to install popup blockers, you're not going to be getting revenue from them anyway, so why don't you just get rid of them? popup blockers aren't perfect, they often require configuring and turning off and on as they sometimes block legitimate content. pain in the ass.

gamespot and ign offer rich media content. video reviews, video caputres, screen shots, and not to mention regular editorial content and articles, along with timely reviews. how can you even begin to compare what pgc offers to that of those 2 big sites? when pgc starts delivering content like those sites, i would gladly sit through the ads, or hell even pay for it.

basically what i'm getting at is that the content for this site isn't worth all the ads i get slammed in my face. i can deal with popups if the content is compelling enough for me to suffer through it... but come on, interstitial ads, 2 - 3 popups per page, 4 - 6 inline ads per page... it's all a little much... and taking a look at the string of updates for the past month, there's little to nothing that makes me want to go and install an additional piece of software for my computer.
-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #53 on: August 18, 2003, 01:14:37 PM »
My browser has a built in pop-up blocker- know how long it took me to download and install it. About 3 minutes. A dedicated pop-up blocker would take less time. You have EVERY ability to eliminate the pop-ups on this website, but instead you don't take any action against them and opt rather to whine and moan to US. The pop-ups must be REALLY bad if you're not willing to spend a few minutes and get a small pop-up blocker (which would actually eliminate ALL pop-ups, not just PGC's). If you're too lazy to get a pop-up blocker, why are you so persistant in trying to persuade us you're right. Either GET A POP-UP BLOCKER or SHUT UP. If you don't like the pop-ups and don't want to get a pop-u blocker, leave and spare us the soliloquy. Like I said, there's absolutely NO reason to complain about something you are perfectly capable of fixing.
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #54 on: August 18, 2003, 01:36:38 PM »
And PGC supplies us with everything FREE.  E3 movies, OST on PGC radio, anything and everything, it's all free.

I want everyone who complains to SHUT UP or go away.  You don't have to come to this site, but I find it to be the best GC site on the net by a longshot.  So there.
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Offline aoi tsuki

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #55 on: August 18, 2003, 04:14:22 PM »
i can understand not wanting to install software for one site, but what sites are you going to that you don't need a popup blocker (or a browser with one built in) and a spyware removal tool? Along with firewall and antivirus software, i'd say those are some of the most essential pieces of software you can install. And judging by some of the ads you're getting, you may need to get something to remove spyware.

And PGC simply can't compete with IGN or Gamespot. Both of the latter are companies that hire and pay employees, which are often employed by professional (or at least more seasoned) writers. Both sites also have a bigger focus and of course bigger workforce. i'm not downing PGC at all, but if you're honestly expecting them to go toe-to-toe with the "big boys", that just won't happen.
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Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #56 on: August 18, 2003, 04:19:34 PM »
Only financially- as I understand it, PGC's income from ads just about pay for their servers, and nothing else. Still, they have some of the best videogame writers on the internet and a lot of exclusives you wouldn't see anywhere else. IGN is a huge site that actually makes money (they've even gone public now), and they have a lot of flashy features and such, but I don't think they have anything over PGC news wise.
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Offline RickPowers

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #57 on: August 18, 2003, 05:33:06 PM »
Have fun reading other sites, then.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #58 on: August 18, 2003, 06:08:03 PM »
This is like bitching to other people about how bad you smell.

If you STINK, then TAKE A BATH

If you don't like POPUPS, then install a POPUP KILLER.

WTF is your problem?  Are you retarded?

I use the browser Mozilla Firebird.  It NEVER blocks popups that I request, and on the one occasion that it did, I can just unblock the site.  I have NEVER seen an advertisement popup since I have installed it.
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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #59 on: August 19, 2003, 10:41:59 AM »
I have yet to reinstall my pop-up blocker, and the ads still don't bother me.  It's not that big a deal here.
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Offline snorgasmo

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2003, 12:59:18 PM »
well since you all think it's outrageous that i visit sites that don't have popups, allow me to show you a few GREAT sites, that have no popups and little to no advertising, yet offer similar/more/better content than pgc.. then maybe all you adamant defenders of all things pgc will realize there actually are BETTER nintendo/videogame sites out there and stop insulting me for expressing my personal grievances with a website that i've watched spiral downward into crappiness. (nintendo) (nintendo) (nintendo) (nintendo) (nintendo) (multi-platform) (multi-platform) (multi-platform)

i could go on and on... assuming the mods won't delete the list of links i just posted, or this post entirely, you will see that i get more than enough videogame coverage, without paying a penny, without having to install additional software, and without having to close popup ads..

mouseclicker, you obviously don't visit many sites if you think pgc has the best news and features on the net. gimme a break.

grey ninja, i'm glad you enjoy your popup killer.

honestly guys, listen to yourselves... your popup-killer arguements still baffle me.. if you're all using popup killers, pgc is NOT getting paid for them.. and since pgc seems to be actively ENCOURAGING it's users to use popup killers, why even bother having them in the first place??? it's the most idiotic thing ever.

and rick, it really says something about how much you care about your readers when you would rather tell them to piss off then to actually look at the situation and try to think of compromises or alternate methods of generating revenue... to that i give you the glorious one finger salute. try to remember that without readers your site is NOTHING. i may be the only one who has really spoke up about this, but i can guarantee you that i'm not the only one that feels this way. don't let a few asskissers fool you into believing that pgc is still as great and respected as it once was.
-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2003, 01:05:24 PM »
I think PGC is the best on the net becuase
1) It's all free. ALL
2)  They have the best writers in the business, online, that is.
3)  They have much more personallity, and it's much more of a community than other site.  The staff posts right here in the forums and are very active.  They all have a likeable personalities and are great hard workers.  And they do this for free.
5)  The modding on this forum is great.  They do away with useless junk and encourage intelectual (sp?) conversation.  Which is good, if you didn't know.

That is what I have to say and now I'm hungry.
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Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #62 on: August 20, 2003, 01:16:58 PM »
Seriosuly, if you think Nintendojo and N-Philes are better, you've got tha IQ of a travel soap dish. O_O All those sites are relatively unpopular, especially when compared to PGC. Once they start getting very popular you'll one of 3 things happen- they'll make you pay for content, they'll have pop-ups and ads everywhere, or they'll fold. It's as simple as that PGC just made that jump a long time ago.

You obviously don't understand the way advertising works. Companies pay PGC to advertise their produdcts on the site. It doesn't matter if we actually click on the ads and visit them- people don't do that even when they don't have pop-up killers. PGC doesn't get a cut of the profits or anything, so we could click a thousand times and you wouldn't see any less ads.
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #63 on: August 20, 2003, 02:38:29 PM »
I am familiar with that list that you posted.  I still like PGC the best, as they have the exclusive interviews, best editorials, and their staff isn't composed of idiots (ala IGN).  I really wouldn't know if the sites have popups or not, as I don't feel the need to brag to the world about how stupid I am, and I actually have a browser with a built in popup killer, as is common sense.

Popup killers don't prevent the ads from loading, they prevent them from displaying.  Whoever told you otherwise is outright lying, or describing a shoddy product.  I am not hurting PGC's revenue one bit by running a popup killer.

But I am just sick of trying to talk sense to you.  If someone is complaining that the sun is too bright, but doesn't have the brains to accept the sunglasses I am offering, then I will simply leave him to suffer, and tell him to STFU before I slap him.  This isn't much of a different case.

Go to the other sites, and STFU.
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Offline snorgasmo

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #64 on: August 20, 2003, 10:24:49 PM »
if you weren't so blinded with your hatred for someone that actually has the balls to criticize pgc, you'd see that the popup issue is just a part of the point i'm making. i'll try it once more: the number of ads (popup and otherwise) on pgc do not justify the content on the site. i attempted to prove this with the list of links i provided which displayed sites with similar amounts or more content with a fraction of the ads or no ads at all. granted pgc probably has more visitors than those sites, but i doubt pgc gets more visits these days than it did in it's prime, so the actual increase in the number of ads since then baffles me. okay? if you can't accept this piece of criticism and opt instead to insult my intelligence, then so be it. nothing i can do about your ignorance and immaturity. my only intention was to bring this subject to light and see if there was something that could be done about it. pgc was the first nintendo-themed site i've ever bookmarked and visited daily. forgive me for showing concern over it's downward slide.

now, you can continue to call me names and attempt to belittle the opinions and concerns that i have, but that doesn't change the fact that pgc could use some improvements... in the ad department and otherwise.

i do have to address the following:

Popup killers don't prevent the ads from loading, they prevent them from displaying. Whoever told you otherwise is outright lying, or describing a shoddy product. I am not hurting PGC's revenue one bit by running a popup killer.

so grey ninja, you're trying to tell me popup killers don't prevent the ads from loading? really? where do you suppose these ads load then, when you instantaneously close the window these ads are supposed to appear in? do they load in some kind of magic popup heaven and then beam down transmissions to the webserver that tracks these ads? oh wait, you have one of those advanced popup killers that prevents the windows from even opening in the first place? where do you suppose those ads load? in a magical void in the internet that enables websites to generate ad revenue for not displaying their ads? where can i sign up for that? it sounds like free money! you'll have to forgive my sarcasm, but i'd really like to hear your explaination for that ridiculous comment you made.
-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline PIAC

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #65 on: August 20, 2003, 10:35:22 PM »
now whos being immature and insulting peoples inteligence...

the way i see this little spat is we are customers, PGC is the service provider, as customers we can decide if their service warrents the amount of adds, you have decided that no, it doens't, yet we have decided yes it does. there is no need to flame each other, that wont solve anything. personally the adds dont annoy me, they didn't annoy me before i got firebird, and they sure as hell dont annoy me now i have firebird.

PGC needs the revenue generated from having the adds to pay their server costs, so obviously they arn't going anywhere, especially when they are so adamant in keeping it free (and rightly so, top work lads)

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2003, 06:21:37 AM »

so grey ninja, you're trying to tell me popup killers don't prevent the ads from loading? really? where do you suppose these ads load then, when you instantaneously close the window these ads are supposed to appear in? do they load in some kind of magic popup heaven and then beam down transmissions to the webserver that tracks these ads? oh wait, you have one of those advanced popup killers that prevents the windows from even opening in the first place? where do you suppose those ads load? in a magical void in the internet that enables websites to generate ad revenue for not displaying their ads? where can i sign up for that? it sounds like free money! you'll have to forgive my sarcasm, but i'd really like to hear your explaination for that ridiculous comment you made.

Your computer downloads the ad, puts in the cache, and then doesn't display it on your screen.  What's so bloody hard to figure out?  It works the same way that IE works, except it doesn't display the ad on the screen as a final step.

I don't even know why I am continuing to talk to you.  You have already proven to me that you are one of the biggest morons that I know, and every word you say afterward just seals the deal.
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Offline snorgasmo

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #67 on: August 21, 2003, 09:49:52 AM »

Originally posted by: PIAC

the way i see this little spat is we are customers, PGC is the service provider, as customers we can decide if their service warrents the amount of adds, you have decided that no, it doens't, yet we have decided yes it does. there is no need to flame each other, that wont solve anything. personally the adds dont annoy me, they didn't annoy me before i got firebird, and they sure as hell dont annoy me now i have firebird.

PGC needs the revenue generated from having the adds to pay their server costs, so obviously they arn't going anywhere, especially when they are so adamant in keeping it free (and rightly so, top work lads)

sure, and as a "customer" i think i should be able to express my concerns to see if anything can be done about them. i was certainly hoping for a better response than "go somewhere else then" .. whatever..

-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline snorgasmo

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RE:too many ads!
« Reply #68 on: August 21, 2003, 10:04:31 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja

Your computer downloads the ad, puts in the cache, and then doesn't display it on your screen.  What's so bloody hard to figure out?  It works the same way that IE works, except it doesn't display the ad on the screen as a final step.

I don't even know why I am continuing to talk to you.  You have already proven to me that you are one of the biggest morons that I know, and every word you say afterward just seals the deal.

lies... everyone knows that the files in your cache aren't active on their own. assuming that you are right and that you download these ads regardless of whether their windows are allowed to load or not (which i still fail to believe).. the ad files would just be sitting there in your cache until they are called by the browser. the html in the ad won't be sending data back to the ad tracker. it would just be dead weight. you know what it means to cache a website? it means to save the files so that they're ready to go when you actually USE it instead of downloading it again. since you will never load this particular cached item, it will never send data to the ad tracker, and pgc will never get paid for your particular impression.

the whole point of a popup killer is not only to kill the popup, but also to prevent the impressions from "landing".. the idea is to show these ad servers that popups aren't delivering impressions and to stop using this method of advertising entirely.

notice how i'm capable of constructing a response without name calling? there are no girls to impress here.. stop trying to act so macho.
-- COMMODE7 - we write about videogames.. or something...

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: too many ads!
« Reply #69 on: August 21, 2003, 10:29:36 AM »
snorgasmo,  he's not trying to impress anyone.  he's just trying to get an iota of reasoning through that thick skull of yours, which obviously isn't working.

I suggest to everybody annoyed with snorgasmo, stop posting.  If you ever convince him to use common sense and get a popup blocker, he will just stay here in the forums and continue to bother people.  Let him leave, I say, and let this thread rest in peace.
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