Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 686452 times)

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2650 on: November 29, 2016, 05:06:26 PM »
I didn't care for Morrowind on Xbox, so I'm not so sure Skyrim would appeal to me either. But I might give it a try on Switch if it's cheap enough. I also don't have a very high tolerance for glitchy games, so if it runs like I hear the PS3 version does (did?), no thanks.

If Nintendo simply upscaled Ocarina of Time and sold it for $60, why do I suspect you'd be chomping at the bit, yet this other all-time great game gets a "Eh. It's been out for 5 years everywhere else." response.
I dunno mate, I remember a lot of complaints about the 3DS having a "weak first year" in part due to the N64 ports it had, which includes OoT. And we've also seen people here complaining about the potential of Wii U ports on the system. I'm not seeing anyone here like the type of person you're suggesting.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2651 on: November 29, 2016, 05:35:00 PM »
Ports are never the optimal solution for library support on any console. My GCN and Wii are showing age, and I've heard plenty of people mention Wii disk drives failing. That's why I own Wind Waker and Twilight Princess on Wii U. However, I would not be excited for Ocarina of Time on Switch for the same reason I think a lot of people wouldn't be excited: Virtual Console exists, and whether we like it's current implementation or not, Nintendo is sure as hell going to put that game on VC eventually.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2652 on: November 29, 2016, 09:32:51 PM »
If they do it right: Nintendo has the chance to have an enormous library.

Nintendo slowly released games on Wii and Wii U for virtual consoles, but what they need is a gigantic store with everything you could possibly want on it. I'm still a proponent that there should be an android store as well. Maybe ran by nvidia, but if Switch is so similar to shield, it's going to make getting those games on there nothing but a corporate decision.

Read this article

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Think about if there is some sort of Day one store filled with android games. From the sounds of it nvidia really wanted to have something like that with shield, but people don't go for these microconsoles like they do for the big three. Teaming up with Nintendo could be just as beneficial for nvidia as it is for Nintendo. Ouya was a system I bought for the hell of it. It wasn't to expensive. We knew it wouldn't last long. However, there were some innovations. I had access to an Ouya store, and access to Amazon underground, and Google Play. The system had a huge amount of games. Some of it good, some of it shovel ware. I think the biggest change for Nintendo is if they have a platform with 1000s of games on it. Imagine if Ouya if on top of all the innovative new things they were doing had Nintendo's brand and software support. Technically, switch is already in that territory.  Its related by hardware and even has the same color scheme.

Nintendo and nvidia are both companies that seek to create disruptive technologies. An  8th/9th generation handheld/console/tablet with 1000s of games. That could be about the most disruptive thing in games ever.
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Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2653 on: November 29, 2016, 10:10:55 PM »
If they do it right: Nintendo has the chance to have an enormous library.

Nintendo slowly released games on Wii and Wii U for virtual consoles, but what they need is a gigantic store with everything you could possibly want on it. I'm still a proponent that there should be an android store as well. Maybe ran by nvidia, but if Switch is so similar to shield, it's going to make getting those games on there nothing but a corporate decision.

Read this article

and visit this site

Think about if there is some sort of Day one store filled with android games. From the sounds of it nvidia really wanted to have something like that with shield, but people don't go for these microconsoles like they do for the big three. Teaming up with Nintendo could be just as beneficial for nvidia as it is for Nintendo. Ouya was a system I bought for the hell of it. It wasn't to expensive. We knew it wouldn't last long. However, there were some innovations. I had access to an Ouya store, and access to Amazon underground, and Google Play. The system had a huge amount of games. Some of it good, some of it shovel ware. I think the biggest change for Nintendo is if they have a platform with 1000s of games on it. Imagine if Ouya if on top of all the innovative new things they were doing had Nintendo's brand and software support. Technically, switch is already in that territory.  Its related by hardware and even has the same color scheme.

Nintendo and nvidia are both companies that seek to create disruptive technologies. An  8th/9th generation handheld/console/tablet with 1000s of games. That could be about the most disruptive thing in games ever.

I was saying this months ago regarding the Nvidia partnership. I was imagining a Nintendo platform featuring both Google Play AND Steam. THEN they wouldn't need to bargain for third party ports since a lot of those games are already on Steam.

Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2654 on: November 29, 2016, 10:24:48 PM »
If Nintendo simply upscaled Ocarina of Time and sold it for $60, why do I suspect you'd be chomping at the bit, yet this other all-time great game gets a "Eh. It's been out for 5 years everywhere else." response.

Also, just to add my 2 cents that this is not a good argument, in a way Nintendo has done this with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess by upscaling them for the Wii U with maybe a few tweaks but no major overhaul or redesign of the game. I was not chomping at the bit for them. Despite Wind Waker being an all-time favorite game of mine, I only just picked up the Wii U version this past weekend because it was free. And even then, I'd have taken a different game I'd never played before over it if that possibility had existed. I have no desire to play the game anytime soon because I've played it so much already.

As for Ocarina of Time, I remember when Twilight Princess was finally released, the common criticism levied at the game as people beat it was its similarity to Ocarina of Time in many ways. Twilight Princess is almost a remake/remastering of Ocarina of Time and now that game has been put into HD. I played Ocarina of Time on the GameCube with the special Ocarina of Time/Master Quest disc that Nintendo released. I've got a second GameCube copy on the Zelda Collectors Disc. I've never bought the game on the Wii or Wii U Virtual Console but I did pick up the 3DS version since I got a good bargain on it and playing it in 3D was appealing enough to purchase it again. However, I have yet to still open its packaging and play it. If Nintendo were to announce an upscaled $60.00 version for Switch, I would positively not buy it. It's a fine game but it's been around so long and available on many consoles for people to play that I don't see it being a major draw for the vast majority of gamers. Heck, I can't think of anyone here ever posting that they wished Nintendo would re-release of OoT in HD at any time. It's like Rayman 2. Who here want's an upscaled version of the game? It's been around so long and available on many consoles that a $60 upscaled version isn't suddenly going to revitalize sales and demand for more copies of that game.

So, yes, I think the tepid response by users is the feeling of the majority of gamers by the announcement of Skyrim on Switch. It's great to see a major 3rd Party game like that on a Nintendo system. No one is against that. But I think the time where releasing Skyrim on a Nintendo console could have an impact has come and gone. At this point, a new Elder Scrolls game releasing on a Nintendo system alongside the competition would be a far bigger cause for excitement and positivity and be a true test of whether a 3rd Party game like that could sell on Nintendo hardware. Unfortunately, right now, releasing Skyrim just feels like it is going to be the same failed pattern of 3rd parties to release an old game that has already tapped into the majority of its market sales and will thus sell a small modest amount because of that on the new Nintendo hardware leading to the claim of 3rd party games being unable to sell on Nintendo hardware.

Has this tactic of selling 3 - 5 year old games on a new Nintendo system at full price while the competition has them available at 50% or less ever been successful for any 3rd Party? And yet, they keep doing it. The only one that may have been successful was Batman: Arkham City and I only say that because Batman: Arkham Origins was later released on the Wii U so I'm guessing sales were enough that they considered it was worth it to release that game also. Compare that to Rayman Legends. It was held back so that it could be released on the Wii U, PS3, and Xbox 360 at the same time and yet, from what I recall hearing, it sold the best on Wii U showing that when a 3rd Party does release a brand new game on a Nintendo console alongside the competition, it can still sell unlike releasing the third game of a trilogy in which the first two games are available only on other systems and you release a package with all 3 games on it at the same time on those other systems while trying to sell the 3rd game only to the market that hasn't had any of them before. Why not sell the complete trilogy also on the system/market that has never had any of the games on it before?  The Mass Effect 3 release was one of the all-time boneheaded release choices by a 3rd Party absolutely designed to fail like it did.

Anyways, I've gone on about this long enough. It wasn't my intention to turn this into a long rant as to why Billy and the Clonosaurus is such a bad idea but once one gets started on this subject, it is hard to stop. Thank you! Come again.

Alright, it was a flimsy argument. Still I think that you guys show a lot more interest and grace towards Nintendo "retreads" than you do towards third party offerings. Still, I think you are all making strong points and I share your same concerns.

Frankly, what I see happening is that currently the Special Edition has an MSRP of $60, which I find astounding since they dropped it into my Steam library at no charge. If anything, I feel that's a big middle finger to console gamers, but I would even put money down that by March the Special Edition will be down to $40 on PS4 and XB1, while the Switch version debuts for... you guessed it, $60!

We all know that is a terrible proposition to anyone in possession of other platforms to play it on. Frankly I don't understand how they could sell it for $60.

Bethesda Explains $60 Price For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Remastered On PS4 And Xbox One

Maybe we just wait and see how poorly this sells on PS4/XB1 before guessing at the price for Switch.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2655 on: November 29, 2016, 11:06:03 PM »
I think you are missing the point Agent X.

I don't think anyone really cares one way or another if Skyrim is on fact if anything people would be happy for a game.  The problem has always been, 3rd party developers giving Nintendo late ports to games and then blaming Nintendo for there failure, and stops supporting Nintendo platforms.

This is not the same as Nintendo launching a release game/port because Nintendo usually has tempered expectations for those re-releases...and won't stop supporting a system if that game doesn't succeed.  That is why we are worried. 

However, your point just isn't supported by the evidence of this thread.  Many people were complaining about the HD remasters.  Many people have complained about the repurchasing of Virtual Console games.  Many people have been upset about the "Nintendo tax" for re-releases.  However there is one difference between Nintendo and 3rd parties.  When Nintendo does it, you still only have the options of Nintendo hardware to play the game, and so therefore if you are interested in that game you only have one Nintendo.  But when 3rd parties do it, you have several choices and some of them may be at deep discounts by the time it is released on Nintendo. 

Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2656 on: November 29, 2016, 11:17:23 PM »
Just to sprinkle a dash of hope...

Take-Two Is Very Optimistic on Nintendo Switch, Says Nintendo Is Making a Great Effort for Third Party

Two things... yes, we all know third parties sang praises from the hill tops about Wii U. Hopefully this is different.

Two.... the emphasis here is that Nintendo is making an effort for third party support. I don't want to jump to too many conclusions, but some of the evidence of this is in the Switch trailer. I can only see this in a positive light. If they went after that NBA game then probably they have much more up their sleeve.

Something that resonated positively with me when Kimishima became President is his time as an executive in North America. I get an impression that he has a better understanding of the western gaming audience. It would make a huge difference to offer a platform capable of handling third party support for the next 5 years.

Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2657 on: November 29, 2016, 11:20:15 PM »
If they do it right: Nintendo has the chance to have an enormous library.

Nintendo slowly released games on Wii and Wii U for virtual consoles, but what they need is a gigantic store with everything you could possibly want on it. I'm still a proponent that there should be an android store as well. Maybe ran by nvidia, but if Switch is so similar to shield, it's going to make getting those games on there nothing but a corporate decision.

Read this article

and visit this site

Think about if there is some sort of Day one store filled with android games. From the sounds of it nvidia really wanted to have something like that with shield, but people don't go for these microconsoles like they do for the big three. Teaming up with Nintendo could be just as beneficial for nvidia as it is for Nintendo. Ouya was a system I bought for the hell of it. It wasn't to expensive. We knew it wouldn't last long. However, there were some innovations. I had access to an Ouya store, and access to Amazon underground, and Google Play. The system had a huge amount of games. Some of it good, some of it shovel ware. I think the biggest change for Nintendo is if they have a platform with 1000s of games on it. Imagine if Ouya if on top of all the innovative new things they were doing had Nintendo's brand and software support. Technically, switch is already in that territory.  Its related by hardware and even has the same color scheme.

Nintendo and nvidia are both companies that seek to create disruptive technologies. An  8th/9th generation handheld/console/tablet with 1000s of games. That could be about the most disruptive thing in games ever.

I was saying this months ago regarding the Nvidia partnership. I was imagining a Nintendo platform featuring both Google Play AND Steam. THEN they wouldn't need to bargain for third party ports since a lot of those games are already on Steam.

Egads. I absolutely cannot imagine what Nintendo would get out of giving up royalties by letting Steam and Googple Play stores on their console. Hardware margins are paper thin, the whole reason for controlling a platform like a console is to make money selling licensed software and pocketing royalties. Why would you give that up?
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2658 on: November 29, 2016, 11:22:01 PM »
I think you are missing the point Agent X.

I don't think anyone really cares one way or another if Skyrim is on fact if anything people would be happy for a game.  The problem has always been, 3rd party developers giving Nintendo late ports to games and then blaming Nintendo for there failure, and stops supporting Nintendo platforms.

This is not the same as Nintendo launching a release game/port because Nintendo usually has tempered expectations for those re-releases...and won't stop supporting a system if that game doesn't succeed.  That is why we are worried. 

However, your point just isn't supported by the evidence of this thread.  Many people were complaining about the HD remasters.  Many people have complained about the repurchasing of Virtual Console games.  Many people have been upset about the "Nintendo tax" for re-releases.  However there is one difference between Nintendo and 3rd parties.  When Nintendo does it, you still only have the options of Nintendo hardware to play the game, and so therefore if you are interested in that game you only have one Nintendo.  But when 3rd parties do it, you have several choices and some of them may be at deep discounts by the time it is released on Nintendo.

Yeah, no, I get it. The point was not lost on me.

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2659 on: November 29, 2016, 11:31:45 PM »
Im sure there were rumours of steam and other stores on Wii U too, before that was out. Im glad that never happened.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2660 on: November 29, 2016, 11:56:37 PM »
Honestly, my problem with VC (and I'm sorry to make this about VC and not about how Skyrim isn't going to sell) is that it should be a catalog of games that is available on the console at launch, and then continue to receive NEW releases as the console's life progresses. Hell, I don't even care about the purchases being cross-platform- even though that would be preferable, it's not profitable, and I don't see Nintendo being that generous.

But if VC had the current Wii/Wii U/3DS(?) VC available on it from day ONE, you would have a crazy amount of classic games to purchase and enjoy on the system, even on the go. If I could take Paper Mario or its sequel on the go with me or throw it up on my TV screen from day one, you bet your sweet ass I'd be slapping down money for a Switch right away. I understand that creating an emulator for these games is tough and time-consuming work, but this is why Nintendo needs to have the architecture that will enable them to make VC games forward compatible as soon as possible. The idea of Virtual Console is amazing and continues to be underutilized, and I could see having not just the exclusivity of new Nintendo releases on Switch, but the exclusivity of all Nintendo's classics on there as a huge benefit.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2661 on: November 30, 2016, 12:03:39 AM »
Honestly, my problem with VC (and I'm sorry to make this about VC and not about how Skyrim isn't going to sell) is that it should be a catalog of games that is available on the console at launch, and then continue to receive NEW releases as the console's life progresses. Hell, I don't even care about the purchases being cross-platform- even though that would be preferable, it's not profitable, and I don't see Nintendo being that generous.

But if VC had the current Wii/Wii U/3DS(?) VC available on it from day ONE, you would have a crazy amount of classic games to purchase and enjoy on the system, even on the go. If I could take Paper Mario or its sequel on the go with me or throw it up on my TV screen from day one, you bet your sweet ass I'd be slapping down money for a Switch right away. I understand that creating an emulator for these games is tough and time-consuming work, but this is why Nintendo needs to have the architecture that will enable them to make VC games forward compatible as soon as possible. The idea of Virtual Console is amazing and continues to be underutilized, and I could see having not just the exclusivity of new Nintendo releases on Switch, but the exclusivity of all Nintendo's classics on there as a huge benefit.

Don't worry about it.  This thread is not about a single game.  Also I 100% agree with you.  Trickling the releases is annoying, and there isn't a real excuse for not having games because of the emulator.  You should be able to have an emulator for the system already perfected and then just drop ROMs into the emulator and go.  Personally, I hope all the classic system emulators about build into the OS so Nintendo can easily do this from day one. 

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2662 on: November 30, 2016, 12:06:10 AM »
Nintendo certainly dropped the ball on the WiiU and 3DS virtual consoles, and they can certainly bounce back by having robust libraries off the bat (or at least rapidly filled out in the first few months).

But I fear we'll never see the golden age of the Wii VC again. That was incumbent on many third party rights holders accommodating the platform, and we seem to be entering a new age of platform balkanization. While there isn't really anything like the fracturing Amazon/Hulu/Netflix/Etc. bases yet, I have to imagine a lot of folks are holding out to squeeze those old roms for as much as they can. Like, will Sega want to dump their library on a Nintendo system again when they can roll out those souped up "classics" as with the 3DS?

Offline Lemonade

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2663 on: November 30, 2016, 12:42:40 AM »
Its a nice feature to have, but I dont see myself buying any VC games on Switch. I only ever bought two of the 30c games on Wii U. Not counting the ambassador games, only have two or three VC games on 3DS.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2664 on: November 30, 2016, 01:27:41 AM »
If they do it right: Nintendo has the chance to have an enormous library.

Nintendo slowly released games on Wii and Wii U for virtual consoles, but what they need is a gigantic store with everything you could possibly want on it. I'm still a proponent that there should be an android store as well. Maybe ran by nvidia, but if Switch is so similar to shield, it's going to make getting those games on there nothing but a corporate decision.

Read this article

and visit this site

Think about if there is some sort of Day one store filled with android games. From the sounds of it nvidia really wanted to have something like that with shield, but people don't go for these microconsoles like they do for the big three. Teaming up with Nintendo could be just as beneficial for nvidia as it is for Nintendo. Ouya was a system I bought for the hell of it. It wasn't to expensive. We knew it wouldn't last long. However, there were some innovations. I had access to an Ouya store, and access to Amazon underground, and Google Play. The system had a huge amount of games. Some of it good, some of it shovel ware. I think the biggest change for Nintendo is if they have a platform with 1000s of games on it. Imagine if Ouya if on top of all the innovative new things they were doing had Nintendo's brand and software support. Technically, switch is already in that territory.  Its related by hardware and even has the same color scheme.

Nintendo and nvidia are both companies that seek to create disruptive technologies. An  8th/9th generation handheld/console/tablet with 1000s of games. That could be about the most disruptive thing in games ever.

I was saying this months ago regarding the Nvidia partnership. I was imagining a Nintendo platform featuring both Google Play AND Steam. THEN they wouldn't need to bargain for third party ports since a lot of those games are already on Steam.

Egads. I absolutely cannot imagine what Nintendo would get out of giving up royalties by letting Steam and Googple Play stores on their console. Hardware margins are paper thin, the whole reason for controlling a platform like a console is to make money selling licensed software and pocketing royalties. Why would you give that up?

I can't imagine that either. What I can imagine is a store that is ran by Nintendo and nVidia. Different from the regular Nintendo Shop. Certain games are already on android. I imagine N&N's new operating system is going to be related to android in some way. It may not be a regular android operating system, but that doesn't mean it won't have compatibility.

Here is the most Nintendo way to do it. Regular android stores carry APK files which you download. All they are is a distribution and profit system. Only Nintendo approved Android Apps would end up on the store. This prevents emulators and other problematic apps ending up on the system. Certain android games, especially those with basic controller support would end up on the store. Nintendo's operating system is most likely different than Android being that it will most likely be closed. You might play android games on a separate channel much like the Wii channel. I doubt they would allow something like google play or amazon underground on the system, but they might have an nvidia ran hybrid where they still make money and they get all the ports they need.

The android ecosystem is a big ecosystem. It would not hurt to effortlessly get some of that, especially since the hardware is related. Developers have shied away from Nintendo platforms, but if they don't have to do anything to get it on the system then that works out well for all parties involved. Developers already put games on android, and android is going nowhere. The easier the process it is to get those games over, than the more games we'll get.

Nintendo is already pretty good with indie developers. Even big developers make games for android. If you could create a bridge between the two communities that would be epic.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 01:39:46 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2665 on: November 30, 2016, 09:42:38 AM »
I appreciate the thought you put into your post, Kairon, but how would Nintendo's android store be any different or better than Amazon's, which is run basically the way you described? I find the Kindle store to be very disappointing compared to Google Play, and I see Nintendo's version of the store being the same way.

To your other point regarding Steam on a Nintendo console, I'm not sure Nintendo's profit margin is all that thin on their hardware. I recall seeing some very detailed arguments as to why Nintendo will never abandon hardware, and as I recall a healthy chunk of their profit actually stems from actual hardware sales and not from software sales or software royalties (via 3rd party software).

From my vantage point, having next to zero third party support and allowing someone like Valve to cash in a little on what third party royalties you receive is kinda like the exact same thing. In other words, unless Nintendo intends to have a ton of third party support via their hard earned efforts to repair relationships, it'd be better to invite these other stores onto their platforms just for the point of offering all that content as I'm sure it would help move some more consoles.

On that last point, I maybe wrong, but having access to the Steam library seems attractive to me, and Nvidia's Shield already had that baked in, so having it on the Switch would seem to be a simple achievable concept. Why would anyone not want that?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2016, 09:47:02 AM by Agent-X- »

Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2666 on: November 30, 2016, 01:23:02 PM »
To me it boils down to two things: if someone else is earning royalties over software on your console, you're doing it wrong. The entire point of a closed console is so that you make the money on every piece of aoftware sold on it. With hardware you make money once, with software you make money multiple times from the same consumer.

Also, to have even an path for Android to be on your console opens it up to piracy and hacking. Android is very open. That sounds very un-Nintendo.

There shouldn't be a need for a Steam Store to be on Switch if Switch has good mainstream engine support, which one hopes it has given the announced Unity and UE4 support. And as for Android, a MUCH safer avenue for Nintendo to take would be providing a porting path for Android games to be repackaged for Switch natively and sold through Nintendo's own eShop like normal, not expose yourself to a whole other ecosystem.

Besides, as exciting as these instant libraries sound, the best path forward is not to give up control of your platform, or open yourself up to completely different OS', but to support the game engines and development tools that already specialize in creating multiplatform porting solutions going forward, pursuing the exciting games of the future instead of chasing after the been-there-done-that games of the past.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2667 on: November 30, 2016, 06:32:35 PM »
Either way. I would hope either Nintendo steps up, or nVidia helps them out to make sure the games end up on the platform. It is possible to make a closed android system. My prediction is Nintendo will be competing with android far longer than they competed with ps4 and xbox. These platforms can either be competitive or cooperative. Nintendo is itself are already an android developer.

Apple and Samsung already compete in the portable space, but never discount Nintendo. If you think about it in terms of the console war you're going to limit your scope, but if you think about it in terms of how the future is going to be then it might be best to be going after Apple and Samsung.
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Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2668 on: November 30, 2016, 07:18:28 PM »
That said, what sort of Android/Mobile games would you actually be excited to see come to the Switch?

Obviously the Mobile market is ginormous and the richest gaming companies are, I believe, actually mobile centric.

Beyond the fact that I'd love to see all of Nintendo's Mobile games on the Switch (Miitomo, Super Mario Run, then Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing when they come out), mobile seems to have a bottomless supply of games in some genres, like Tower Defenses which I am a COMPLETE sucker for and can't imagine why there weren't more for the Wii U.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2669 on: November 30, 2016, 08:05:31 PM »
I have little to say on this subject, except that I tend to find that usually, developers who want to put out quality content at the potential sacrifice of profit attempt to develop on consoles, and mobile markets are centralized more on low-risk, low-quality sorts of experiences.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2670 on: November 30, 2016, 08:53:12 PM »
There will be no Steam on the Switch. Steam runs on x86 processors, and namely Windows or Linux, and the games have to be compiled likewise. Tegra chips are ARM-based. It is entirely possible that Nvidia's GeForce NOW service could come to the Switch, however. Not saying it's probable, but it's definitely possible. Obviously would not work when you aren't docked or at least on WiFi (5 Ghz recommended for GeForce NOW - it does work excellently though).
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2671 on: December 01, 2016, 12:08:01 AM »
It would be kinda great if games like the Dead Trigger series and the Shadowgun games showed up. I actually enjoy room puzzle games despite their small scale. On Ouya there was a pretty good FFIII demo that I downloaded. I think the world needs to play the console version of Organ Trail(a parody of Oregon trail)

I look at the Shield Store and that newer version of Tomb Raider is on it, Ultra Steet Fighter IV, Shadow Warrior 2, Thief, Saints Row IV.  Games that have shown up on xbox and playstation and microconsoles, but have been absent on Nintendo Platforms.
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Offline Agent-X-

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2672 on: December 01, 2016, 10:01:53 AM »
I'm feeling my enthusiasm for Nintendo Switch decline again...

The Nintendo Switch could unite the gaming audience, Ubisoft exec says

“We are thinking that if Nintendo’s philosophy is really to gather those two worlds,” Poix said, “if adult players and console players could be the same community, then what's the best user journey of one player that would own the Switch? Not necessarily only with the Switch mind you, but we tried to consider this in the way our upcoming games are being designed. We thought about the time needed for a play session in this game to fit the experience of a handheld.

“When you are playing a game, an adult console game or mobile game for instance, you are spending less time than you then when you are at home in front of your TV for hours. So that's something that we have in mind for the games that we are producing right now.”

So that's what they have in mind for the games they're producing right now.

I guess I hope other publishers aren't thinking this way. It's not hard for me to imagine why publishers would be salivating over the prospects, though, if they think this thing could bring mom and grandma back within full game price reach for their cheap gimmicky games. I suppose some good stuff can come from that pile, too. Count me as one who was scarred by the Wii.

Also, I think this pretty much sums up everything about the Switch. I think the joycon motion controllers maybe were the last detail that insiders were sitting on. So this is maybe it, and in every way imaginable Nintendo is returning to its past endeavors. We have the Wii U Gamepad as the console now. We have the joycons as the motion controllers. This thing is Wii-port and Wii U-port ready in all ways. And it's a portable. I'm still expecting to find out that this thing is possibly Android OS at its core and they plan to support some Android-based mobile games.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2016, 10:20:29 AM by Agent-X- »

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2673 on: December 01, 2016, 12:04:42 PM »
But it's not Wii U Port-ready, because it doesn't have a second screen.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2674 on: December 01, 2016, 03:37:35 PM »
I was thinking about the Skyrim port on Wii, along with possible Zelda ports, and wondered what could make them worth it. And the first thing that came to mind was perfect 1-1 motion controls.

I loved Skyrim and despite how many hours I put into it before putting it down, I'd definitely play it again, but with motion controls, it'd be even better. Motion controls would also allow for faster menu navigation for weapon selection, etc.

I've also never played Skyward Sword (though I want to but don't have a Wii or WiiU) but one of the main gripes I hear about it, is the motion controls. A port of SS with 1-1 motion controls and the other issues fixed would be great for returning Nintendo players like me. OooT, and every other Zelda would also benefit from 1-1 motion controls (maybe not Wind Waker as much because of the combo battle system) and could be good for the system. I know "gimmick" will be the first thing to come from some people, but let's also remember that Todd Howard was really impressed with the demo. What if the motion controls are what impressed him?
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