Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 686258 times)

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Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2600 on: November 22, 2016, 12:24:31 AM »
Based off modified versions of the same engines? Is this a Majora's Mask situation then?
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
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Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2601 on: November 22, 2016, 12:35:38 AM »
If the original Engine is good and the models are already in HD, then perhaps modified texture work would be fine.

You know I always wanted Smash Bros to add one more attack button.  Kick, Punch, Special.  I know it kinda defeats the purpose of not being like normal fighting games, but I think it would make for more variety of attacks, and combos, and could be a really nice enhancement to the make the sequel different.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2602 on: November 22, 2016, 01:46:24 AM »
Hey, looky there, it only took me 10+ years, but I finally got a non-title!

Anyway, again, color me skeptical that the Switch Kart, Splatoon, and Smash entries are going to pass as full-fledged sequels. If anything I expect that they've spent their energy re-coding the engines/games to work with the new hardware architecture, and to set up a games-as-service platform for these franchises with the first new content packs included.

Which I'm not exactly wild about as an idea. Part of the fun of these franchises is seeing how they reconstitute between entries. Given that we've never seen more than one Smash or Kart per console (and that we're now merging the platforms), I'm nonplussed about potentially locking in point-five versions as the baseline from the get-go.

But we'll see! And alternatively, if my Nintendo account is worth anything and I can buy in to these franchises for a discount and continue accumulating content, I will probably be happy with the situation. Not holding my breath though.

Offline Stogi

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2603 on: November 22, 2016, 02:06:08 AM »
Bethesda's Todd Howard on Switch: "One of the best demos I've ever seen", promises support.

What do you think of the Switch, Nintendo's newly announced console that is portable but also hooks up to your TV?

I love it. I got to play it. I will tell you – well, maybe that's an N.D.A. thing. One of the best demos I've ever seen. Probably the best demo I've ever seen. At E3.

Was it a Nintendo game?

I mean the device itself. I think it's really smart what they're doing. We're definitely going to be supporting it. It's the first time we've done something on Nintendo. If you don't count the old NES stuff. Home Alone. Or Where's Waldo?

Can you really bring Skyrim with you on the go?

It’s the same game on the TV and on the other screen.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 02:08:27 AM by Stogi »
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2604 on: November 22, 2016, 02:16:38 AM »
I don't understand where all this doubt on sequel from Mario Kart is coming from.  If we assume the actual game shown in the switch reveal is real then we already know that

1) No Mario Kart game has shown 2 items being held in the same manner as it was in the switch reveal, so that is a new mechanic.  In fact only Double Dash if I remember has allowed 2 items being held like that.

2)The Splatoon video showed new squid "hair styles" and gear so we know that game has added stuff as well. 

Nintendo learned one thing from Smash Brothers and Super Mario Kart, that is that people will pay for DLC if it is good DLC.  So I can see Nintendo wanting to get these games out early enough that it can offer DLC over the life of the product, since both Smash Bros and Mario Kart and even Splatoon has shown a strong evergreen status.  Basically, anything with strong Multiplayer focus can sell for longer periods of time and be popular.  Nintendo needs that Multiplayer edge and hook early on in the Switch life cycle.  So I can see Nintendo using current assets to make sequels...but they will be sequels, and there will be new content out of the box. 

Will it be a full priced sequel?  Perhaps, but then again perhaps not.  Nintendo could try to do the Microsoft Killer Instinct model.  And honestly, that could be a way to keep the game fresh.  Introduce a new level pack and new multiplayer mode every 6 months. 

There are so many different types of good ideas for racing game multiplayer games, that I am sure Nintendo could support something like this for 2 years.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2605 on: November 22, 2016, 02:44:30 AM »
Hey, looky there, it only took me 10+ years, but I finally got a non-title!

Your profile says you registered in 2010. That's about 6 years. I'm tempted to change that title to Liar! You're welcome.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2606 on: November 22, 2016, 03:25:18 AM »
Hey, looky there, it only took me 10+ years, but I finally got a non-title!

Your profile says you registered in 2010. That's about 6 years. I'm tempted to change that title to Liar! You're welcome.

Well, I've been around since the PlanetN2000 days, but had some off time between platform changes (and also got yelled off by Rick Powers at one point), but who's counting. Cheers!

Offline Adrock

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2607 on: November 22, 2016, 06:14:11 AM »
However, none of those points address the people that have wasted(?) the Wii U's life waiting for games and now want something new.
None of my points were supposed to. They were meant to explain how important it is for Nintendo to have enough content to attract people who dismissed Wii U and would be inclined to dismiss Switch if it's life starts similarly the way its predecessor did (e.g. immediate software drought).

Nintendo hasn't stopped making new games. You may be underestimating three things:

1. Ports don't require nearly the same development resources as a new games therefore those teams are either split or the port was handed off to a different team (e.g. Tantalus)
2. 3DS develop is also winding down. Despite what Nintendo keeps telling people, 3DS is likely getting phased out within a year.
3. Once that happens, Nintendo will be developing primarily for one platform with mobile taking up far fewer resources.

That said, if you want new games, you'll get plenty of them eventually. In the first year or so, you're just going to get a lot of last generation ports, but when was the last time that hasn't been true?
Why buy one at launch when the system will arguably sell for the exact same price down the line with a much better and likely "Select-ified" library two or three years down the line? Why buy it at launch when I already own the games they're releasing for it...
Exactly. You don't have to buy one at launch, and no one is making you. You don't have to begrudgingly do anything. Just don't buy one right away. If you do buy one at launch, that's on you which isn't an indictment. For the betterment of its new platform, Nintendo needs more than the people who are already planning on buying it.
And of course if the Wii U library was such a system seller then the Switch wouldn't exist and we would be talking about upcoming Wii U releases.
You'd have to change a lot of things about Wii U to reasonably make that point.
But I also have the Iansane fear tendrils about how a port-laden Switch launch period could encourage a certain narrative among the gaming press/commentariat that could smother the system in the crib.
Releasing a bunch of ports and padding the lineup is exactly what Sony and Microsoft did so if people give Nintendo **** over that, Nintendo is damned no matter what it does.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 06:21:50 AM by Adrock »

Offline Soren

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2608 on: November 22, 2016, 09:40:29 AM »
Nintendo learned one thing from Smash Brothers and Super Mario Kart, that is that people will pay for DLC if it is good DLC.  So I can see Nintendo wanting to get these games out early enough that it can offer DLC over the life of the product, since both Smash Bros and Mario Kart and even Splatoon has shown a strong evergreen status.  Basically, anything with strong Multiplayer focus can sell for longer periods of time and be popular.  Nintendo needs that Multiplayer edge and hook early on in the Switch life cycle.  So I can see Nintendo using current assets to make sequels...but they will be sequels, and there will be new content out of the box. 

I don't like this particular line of thinking because it means none of those games get significant gameplay changes. And none of these games are perfect enough where a straight port with some added content will actually make a new entry in each series.

I'm totally fine with a Game of the Year edition of Smash Bros. Wii U with all the DLC, ditto Mario Kart 8 (new characters and an extra item box do not make for significant upgrades) but I can't honestly get behind drip feeding content for those games. I think Nintendo has squeezed as much as they can from those specific games and any new content added would benefit a new entry in the series more than an upgraded port.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2609 on: November 22, 2016, 12:33:11 PM »
Wouldn't the ports be more for the people who passed up on the WiiU and are now returning to, or picking up their first Nintendo system?

If current WiiU owners also pick up the ports, great, but there's a vast audience of people (myself included) who skipped the WiiU and are excited to pick up the Switch and get back to Nintendo gaming after a hiatus.

From a business standpoint, the ports are great to make more money without spending a ton of resources, draw in new or returning Nintendo players by offering AAA titles close to launch, and possibly encouraging the WiiU carryover buyers to purchase third party titles since they've already played the ports.

Just my two cents, and hello everyone! I'm new here, though I've been lurking for quite a while now.
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Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2610 on: November 22, 2016, 01:00:23 PM »
Welcome! Great to see you looking into jumping baxk into the fray for the Switch! Haha!

And yeah, the Ports and remasters simply make way too much sense from so many levels. Other companies do it too, so it's not unprecedented. But I think the danger is if there are no new experiences to prove on a higher level that this is a must-have system beyond great games people missed out on last gen. However, I really do think this is an overblown concern with a new Mario, a new Zelda, and a rumored new Pikmin in year 1, plus surprises and other new exclusives.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline ejamer

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2611 on: November 22, 2016, 01:17:25 PM »
Ports aren't a problem unless that's all that gets offered.  It's not that different from offering backwards compatibility... just a more limited (and more expensive) form.

The key for me is what else gets offered.  At this point there hasn't been many compelling reasons for Wii U owners to rush out and buy.  Maybe next year we'll learn more.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2612 on: November 22, 2016, 01:22:03 PM »
I tossed this question to the NWR Chat podcast as well, but figured I'd throw it out here, too.

Anyone here think there is potential for cross play between the Wii U and Rumored versions of Switch Ports?  I figured it would 1) assuage grumps like me who won't buy Wii U ports I already own, and 2) would ensure that there's already a good install base of players to the Switch version for their online functions.

Maybe that makes too much sense, or maybe I'm underestimating the heavy lifting that'd go into marrying those two systems' online together.

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2613 on: November 22, 2016, 02:17:05 PM »
It depends on how "enhanced" these ports are. If they add new stages or things like that it wouldn't be as feasible, unless they went back and added that stuff to the Wii U versions.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2614 on: November 22, 2016, 03:07:25 PM »
Could work for Super Mario Maker, but not sure about Splatoon/Mario Kart.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2615 on: November 22, 2016, 06:59:12 PM »

The key for me is what else gets offered.  At this point there hasn't been many compelling reasons for Wii U owners to rush out and buy.

However, I really do think this is an overblown concern with a new Mario, a new Zelda, and a rumored new Pikmin in year 1, plus surprises and other new exclusives.

I'm with Kairon on this. Zelda and Mario are locks to be released in the launch window. That's two AAA Nintendo titles, on top of third party games, on top of ports. Seems like a win-win-win strategy.

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Offline Mop it up

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2616 on: November 22, 2016, 07:23:51 PM »
Anyone here think there is potential for cross play between the Wii U and Rumored versions of Switch Ports?  I figured it would 1) assuage grumps like me who won't buy Wii U ports I already own, and 2) would ensure that there's already a good install base of players to the Switch version for their online functions.
I'm guessing "no" because Nintendo will want people to buy the Switch versions, not keep playing the Wii U ones, nor will they still be selling the Wii U versions.

I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo shut down the online for Wii U next year, for a variety of reasnos.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2617 on: November 22, 2016, 09:35:08 PM »
Personally, ports are my least favorite form of buffing a library, period. I don't condone it no matter the platform, and I hope that Nintendo doesn't become to reliant on it. I say this while also having bought the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD, but those are really the only exceptions. It warms my heart to see people positive about the Switch, but I still feel like there are way too many variables at stake with the system for me to consider buying one.

I hope that Mario isn't like Galaxy. I'll be playing Zelda on Wii U.

So the only thing I'm really looking forward to on Switch is Pikmin 4, with the hope that it is as good as Pikmin 3. That would be the only reason I'd buy a Switch before the end of the year.
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Offline Louieturkey

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2618 on: November 23, 2016, 12:06:33 PM »
What if they added the Ice Climbers back into Smash along with making Zelda and Sheik one character again? Since they don't have to worry about the limitations of the 3DS now that should be feasible. I think I'd rebuy Smash for that and all the DLC (barring issues with 3rd party characters not being allowed).

Offline Stogi

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2619 on: November 23, 2016, 01:00:03 PM »
So I'm confused. I post news that the creator of Skyrim thinks the Switch was "one of the best demos", if not "the best demo" he's ever seen and confirms support for the system, but no one seems to care.

A Switch with enhanced ports favors me, someone who didn't jump on the Wii U train. And there's a lot of us. From my point of view, I get a year one only a fanboy can dream of. If the line-up is true, I'm buying a Switch day one. The last time I bought a console on day one was the gamecube, so you see why this strategy might work.
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Offline Kairon

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2620 on: November 23, 2016, 03:51:46 PM »
So I'm confused. I post news that the creator of Skyrim thinks the Switch was "one of the best demos", if not "the best demo" he's ever seen and confirms support for the system, but no one seems to care.

I've been burned so many times in the past I have trouble taking a third-party at their word when they claim to be blown away by Nintendo's new console. Haha, blame EA and Ubisoft ^_^

A Switch with enhanced ports favors me, someone who didn't jump on the Wii U train. And there's a lot of us. From my point of view, I get a year one only a fanboy can dream of. If the line-up is true, I'm buying a Switch day one. The last time I bought a console on day one was the gamecube, so you see why this strategy might work.

Heck, I jumped on the Wii U train and I'm not deterred. I'd personally like to see some new IP but when is that NOT the case? I love the idea a ton of the evergreens are showing up early. I basically consider all Mario kart games remakes now anyways... and buy them anyways!

Maybe the reason we're so obsessed with ports is that these have been the most rumored games in the lineup, and such we have a fair amount of confidence they're coming out whereas other games might be cursed as too "unprecedented" to let into our hearts just yet.

Also, these ports hit a bunch of Nintendo franchises dead on, so of course if there's a Mario Kart or Splatoon game, we'll be talking about it! &P
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
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Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2621 on: November 23, 2016, 04:41:07 PM »
So I'm confused. I post news that the creator of Skyrim thinks the Switch was "one of the best demos", if not "the best demo" he's ever seen and confirms support for the system, but no one seems to care.

A Switch with enhanced ports favors me, someone who didn't jump on the Wii U train. And there's a lot of us. From my point of view, I get a year one only a fanboy can dream of. If the line-up is true, I'm buying a Switch day one. The last time I bought a console on day one was the gamecube, so you see why this strategy might work.

I'm also very excited. Putting aside unresolved battery and storage questions, the hardware already appears perfectly tailored to my needs, and the software rumors have me completely bought in. Skyrim and BotW alone would justify the purchase personally, especially at the $250 price. Adding ports only makes it more attractive for me.

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2622 on: November 23, 2016, 07:16:17 PM »
I would probably buy a Switch version of Smash 4 if it had all the content from both versions.

Offline Soren

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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2623 on: November 23, 2016, 07:52:55 PM »
So I'm confused. I post news that the creator of Skyrim thinks the Switch was "one of the best demos", if not "the best demo" he's ever seen and confirms support for the system, but no one seems to care.

Bethesda is going to release a game on Switch that will be almost 5 months old on other consoles. I say the level of excitement here seems appropriate.
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Re: Switch Rumors and Speculation Thread (Mighty Switch Force Edition)
« Reply #2624 on: November 23, 2016, 10:15:22 PM »
If the only game Bethesda brings to the Switch is Skyrim, what Todd Howard said is true and nothing changes from what we already knew from the trailer.

I'd be excited if he had said they would be bringing more than one game to the system. That he's impressed with the hardware is cool, but not too impactful without games to back it up.
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