Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 686256 times)

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Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2300 on: October 19, 2016, 12:36:37 PM »
So, is it this week or not? Because we're running out of week here.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline Soren

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2301 on: October 19, 2016, 12:43:12 PM »
Your source is very important to me, and those who have the best sources have the highest credibility. Report to me something that is false and your reputation ought to take a big hit. Getting it wrong is as good as spreading a lie. Why do those in the media not comprehend this anymore?

Have fun not reading any news media because everyone has gotten something wrong at some point.

On the topic of the NX, if it's the way Emily Rogers describes it (ie. "good for Nintendo games", "Japanese 3rd party support", "Not much Western support") then my interest is nil. They will have to work extra hard to sell me another Wii U.

You just made my point for me. People are so scared of the idea of another Wii U that they were willing to trash and dismiss anyone who has the temerity to report on a hybrid console powered by NVIDIA, which they have unilaterally decided will be worse than a mythical AMD-powered console which may or may not reach PS4 levels of power.

So, is it this week or not? Because we're running out of week here.

Everyone thought it would be before the investor's meeting. Everyone knows nothing.
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Offline Adrock

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« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 01:14:30 PM by Adrock »

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2303 on: October 19, 2016, 01:18:10 PM »
Employers do force their reporters to only report what they want.

This is false. In fact this is so far from false I don't know where you got it form. In my experience whenever we have something that is legit news to report we check our facts as best we can in the time we have, IF we make a mistake we correct it. I have not seen any journalist that doesn't admit they made a mistake.

But we are talking rumors. When someone is reporting RUMORS you can't with any sense of authority debunk them or dismiss them. All you can do is take them as rumors. If someone is reporting a rumor as fact, they are not being a good journalist. Vague comments about Japan will be on board, this thing is exciting, it's a game change, how is any of that hard facts that can be commented on as legit or not?

I might not be following this very closely and maybe video game journalist have a different standard or a different methodology I don't know I am not a gaming journalist just a news reporter. But I do know that every story I write has skeptics weather it came directly from the source or not. There was a drug bust recently, man was convicted we ran his mugshot and ONLY reported just the facts from the police reports, verified them with the chief and the judge. The persons mother and girl friend still called us and left comments on facebook that we reported it wrong and dragged a good mans name through the mud. Whatever people are always going to be skeptical there is nothing I can do about that. But I can safely say 100 percent that there is no media conspiracy there is no agenda and most media outlets, contrary to popular belief, are not in cohoots, they see each other as competition. But as our motto is in our news room, it is what it is, people will believe what they want regardless of facts.

But I assure you nobody has ever told me you have to cover that up or not report it, our discussion have never gone to that extreme. We ask ourselves is it local for our market, if it isn't we ask how we can localize it, if we can't do that we let the daily have it. They do the same thing when it comes to the metro and they do the same thing when it comes to the NYT, we all do that. There are stories that make my front page the TV station doesn't even pick up on. There are stories that make the top of the news that we have no interest in.

Offline KeyBilly

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2304 on: October 19, 2016, 01:50:31 PM »
I don't want to wade into the mess of media bias or corrupting forces, but I think there are certain things that give information tacit credibility.  In the case of "leaks," as we have seen in large amounts lately, there may be either identifying information (potentially withheld) or the inability of the company or people who have been exposed to directly deny it.  They can reimagine how we should interpret it, complain that the real problem is the people who revealed their documents, or simply say that the matter is still confidential.  What they can't do is deny it outright if there is information that will inevitably be confirmed as true, because they would add a lie to whatever other complaints people might have.  In the case of Nintendo, a leak of some aspect of their console wouldn't be directly denied.  The only reason they would comment at all is if it was giving them bad press over something that isn't true.  For example, a false leak of a nasty DRM policy.

The other sort of confirmation comes when we get information that all the big outlets know, but have been holding back to protect their relationship with Nintendo.  As soon as one person publishes it, the others nod quietly that this rumor is legitimate.  These are the rumors that tend to be true, and almost every major hardware reveal from any company is leaked in this way.  The hybrid theory falls into this category, which is why most people believe it.

What we've learned from leakers like Emily Rogers is that a single source without either of the above is nearly meaningless.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 02:13:37 PM by KeyBilly »

Offline lolmonade

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2305 on: October 19, 2016, 02:05:50 PM »
Haven't been privy to any of the trolling from angry Nintendo fans, but that said, regardless of how you feel about the "mainstream media",  I'd suggest people to take anyone reporting on video games, especially unreleased product, with a HUGE grain of salt. 

It should be assumed that anything that's being reported about the NX is either 1) An approximation of what the final product will actually be from a legit source, 2) from a source that isn't reputable, or 3) clickbait that the scum websites post with just a conglomeration of all the things already individually reported on in order to get extra clicks.

Even this Friday's speculated announcement date is based simply on a financial trade source stating they'd EXPECT Nintendo to announce it before the investor call.  They also cited concern over the price being between $350-$400, yet there's more recently rumors the price will actually be $299.  All the more reason to stop getting wound up about it until news from the Horses' mouth (Nintendo) comes.  It's all just a giant tease until that point.

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2306 on: October 19, 2016, 02:28:56 PM »
All valid points. What I was trying to say is there is separation from the person and the journalist, or there should be.

Let me phrase it this way. I work for a newspaper, I have an official Twitter where I post news as a representative of that newspaper. Anything I post or share on that Twitter is editorial, it belongs to the newspaper.

I have a personal Twitter that is me being a regular citizen, a human being with thoughts, opinions, and views that may or may not line up with my employer. When I am posting as me I stop being a journalist and become a regular nobody.

That is all I am saying. If a person is writing articles for a news site and on that site they say state a RUMOR as a fact that is bad journalism. If a journalist by day posts something rumor, true, false or otherwise, on their PERSONAL Twitter, they stopped being a journalist and that is in NO WAY grounds to judge their professional integrity.

I don't know who Emily Rogers even is, or what she has said. But I am saying that if she said it on her PERSONAL Twitter it was Emily Rogers the citizen not the journalist. If she posted it on a company owned Twitter as a representative of the company she said it as a journalist. Same goes for whomever else is being trashed here, I didn't keep up.

AS far as click bait articles on less than trust worthy news sites, not all media outlets are legit news. There is such a thing as sensational journalism, have you ever heard of The National Enquirer? I am sure there are websites that are the same as that, if the site is not trust worthy or is not legit news don't read that site.

I do think more people than should accept this fallacy there is such a thing as the "mainstream media" and that they are all conspiring together one way or another. Like all gaming journalists and outlets are out to get Nintendo or whatever.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2307 on: October 19, 2016, 02:45:14 PM »

Nintendo skipping corporate strategy meeting for Q2 earnings

Just in case any of you were holding out hope for a reveal this week because of the investor meetings next week.

Offline Agent-X-

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2308 on: October 19, 2016, 02:46:37 PM »
Employers do force their reporters to only report what they want.

This is false. In fact this is so far from false I don't know where you got it form. In my experience whenever we have something that is legit news to report we check our facts as best we can in the time we have, IF we make a mistake we correct it. I have not seen any journalist that doesn't admit they made a mistake.

But we are talking rumors. When someone is reporting RUMORS you can't with any sense of authority debunk them or dismiss them. All you can do is take them as rumors. If someone is reporting a rumor as fact, they are not being a good journalist. Vague comments about Japan will be on board, this thing is exciting, it's a game change, how is any of that hard facts that can be commented on as legit or not?

I might not be following this very closely and maybe video game journalist have a different standard or a different methodology I don't know I am not a gaming journalist just a news reporter. But I do know that every story I write has skeptics weather it came directly from the source or not. There was a drug bust recently, man was convicted we ran his mugshot and ONLY reported just the facts from the police reports, verified them with the chief and the judge. The persons mother and girl friend still called us and left comments on facebook that we reported it wrong and dragged a good mans name through the mud. Whatever people are always going to be skeptical there is nothing I can do about that. But I can safely say 100 percent that there is no media conspiracy there is no agenda and most media outlets, contrary to popular belief, are not in cohoots, they see each other as competition. But as our motto is in our news room, it is what it is, people will believe what they want regardless of facts.

But I assure you nobody has ever told me you have to cover that up or not report it, our discussion have never gone to that extreme. We ask ourselves is it local for our market, if it isn't we ask how we can localize it, if we can't do that we let the daily have it. They do the same thing when it comes to the metro and they do the same thing when it comes to the NYT, we all do that. There are stories that make my front page the TV station doesn't even pick up on. There are stories that make the top of the news that we have no interest in.

Okay, that statement made by me was a bit of a reach. The company I am thinking of is the NY Times, who you may recall was in a very messy situation for stealth editing their Bernie Sanders articles (search results). They also landed in hot water over leaked emails that suggest the Hillary Clinton campaign has veto power over Hillary quotes they choose to publish (search results).

That statement was a reach though. I won't drag further politics into the discussion.

Anyway, having read some of the tweets, Emily Rogers can preface the blog with "Rumor" but the person certainly comes across as "I've provided facts. My facts are right. Dave's are wrong." so it's a little hard for me to accept "take it with a grain of salt" on the blog post with all the specific details.

If this Emily Rogers is wrong, it certainly will damage trust.

BTW, just read your last post up above, and I can agree with that. Regarding Emily, I don't see it as being a personal twitter account, but that's me making an assumption. I figure it's an alias.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 02:49:17 PM by Agent-X- »

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2309 on: October 19, 2016, 03:24:04 PM »
I won't drag further politics into the discussion.

Please don't. This discussion has gotten borderline at points. And Nintendo. Please release the NX details and end the madness we are seeing begin to see develop.
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Offline Agent-X-

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2310 on: October 19, 2016, 03:59:31 PM »
I won't drag further politics into the discussion.

Please don't. This discussion has gotten borderline at points. And Nintendo. Please release the NX details and end the madness we are seeing begin to see develop.

I second the motion. Give us the goods already!

Offline Soren

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2311 on: October 19, 2016, 04:23:45 PM »

Nintendo skipping corporate strategy meeting for Q2 earnings

Just in case any of you were holding out hope for a reveal this week because of the investor meetings next week.

Just to be clear the investor meeting will still happen, they just wont brief media/analysts afterwards. Which in a way makes sense if you're going to use the investor meeting to announce a later date when they'll reveal the NX.
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Offline KeyBilly

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2312 on: October 19, 2016, 04:45:56 PM »
Kimishima is still apparently meeting with the press next week, so it may not be much different than the standard meeting from our perspective.  After such a long silence, any news will be nice.

Even if people are going into strange territory with all the NX speculation and the surrounding community of meta jokes, I am happy to see so many people excited about it.  With the Wii U, there was a general lack of interest.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2313 on: October 19, 2016, 04:55:16 PM »
I think you are all taking the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System Mini way too seriously. It's already been revealed, it's Nintendo's only new console.

If anything, you're all overly optimistic, thinking Nintendo would try to pick themselves up after THE WORST CONSOLE OF ALL TIME, AKA YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR THE NINTENDO WII U AKA HOW U WILL PLAY NEXT.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2314 on: October 19, 2016, 06:32:04 PM »
If the NES Mini classic or whatever they call it is the last thing they make before they implode it's still better than how Sega, Atari, and Coleco all went out.

Offline King of Twitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2315 on: October 19, 2016, 08:32:50 PM »
Nintendo of America ‏@NintendoAmerica  3 minutes ago
Be among the first to discover #NX. Watch the Preview Trailer at 7am PT/10am ET!

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Offline Soren

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2316 on: October 19, 2016, 08:38:27 PM »
Oh my lord....

EDIT: The trailer will be 3 minutes long. So expect a bigger event in the future.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 08:41:18 PM by Soren »
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Offline MysticGohan

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2317 on: October 19, 2016, 08:41:07 PM »
I told you it would be this week! Don't be shock when I'm right :p But you can still be my friend!
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Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (Zelda Williams Twitter Watch 2016)
« Reply #2318 on: October 19, 2016, 08:46:57 PM »

Offline Soren

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LOL, since I was beaten, here be more rumors. The floodgates are about to open.

EDIT: More stuff
Laura Kate Dale ‏@LaurakBuzz  1m1 minute ago
A big indie team who brought their game to New 3DS but not original 3DS (sorry on vague wording, not hard to work out) have an NX dev kit.

Laura Kate Dale @LaurakBuzz2 minutes ago
At least three devs are waiting for tomorrow's NX name reveal to announce NX software.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 09:07:36 PM by Soren »
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Offline MysticGohan

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lol Emily being right is the work of fiction, she has been more wrong than right in the past... This will be no different. Her Tegra dreams are about to bust in flames.
Everytime you open your mouth you prove you're an idiot. ~Vegeta

Never argue with an idiot he'll bring you to his level and beat you with experience.

"I'm doing this because I'm PISSED! Why the hell didn't you ask for my help!?!?" `Roy Mustang  FMA

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Offline King of Twitch

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I wish I could be at the investor meeting. Businessmen bowing to me while I'm hitting everyone up for high-fives and asking if their body is ready. I'd be kicked out of the country in about 10 minutes.
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

Offline Oedo

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I'm trying to form coherent thoughts, but it mostly just keeps going back to near uninhibited excitement right now. Thanks Soren, and to anyone else that tracks down the information that's going to spring up over the rest of the night.

Offline Soren

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Going scorched earth right now.

Laura Kate Dale ‏@LaurakBuzz  1m1 minute ago
Tomorrows 3 min trailer will confirm the NX use of cartridges.
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Offline Adrock

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LOL, since I was beaten, here be more rumors. The floodgates are about to open.

EDIT: More stuff
Laura Kate Dale ‏@LaurakBuzz  1m1 minute ago
A big indie team who brought their game to New 3DS but not original 3DS (sorry on vague wording, not hard to work out) have an NX dev kit.

Laura Kate Dale @LaurakBuzz2 minutes ago
At least three devs are waiting for tomorrow's NX name reveal to announce NX software.

SuperMetalDave64 is going to **** himself.