Author Topic: Switchmas Eve Rumors and Speculations Thread  (Read 686533 times)

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #700 on: February 21, 2016, 01:38:44 PM »
The closest they would have come would have been the GBA/Gamecube, which were both unveiled in the same year (2000) and released the next year. So if two form factors of NX come out this year, it'd be unprecedented.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #701 on: February 21, 2016, 02:10:14 PM »
As far as I can recall, we didn't know anything at all about the DS until early 2004, and it came out in November of that year. And we didn't really know much of substance about the Wii until 2006, with effectively nothing shown at E3 2005 and the controller at TGS that year.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #702 on: February 21, 2016, 04:04:32 PM »
So if FF7 remake is supposedly coming to the system and so is the next proper full HD console release along side Zelda Wii U, doesn't that pretty much prove NX is going to be a full console? They just released New 3DS last year, there is no reason for them to abandon that so soon. Wii U is the machine that is slipping into a coma.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #703 on: February 21, 2016, 11:22:07 PM »
I have no where else to put this so here it is. Mistwalker (The Last Story) and Silicon Studio (Bravely Default) have just announced they're working on a new game. Sakaguchi teased some new concept art for a game coming to current gen consoles at a University of Hawaii class earlier this year. Throw NX in the pile somewhere in there and profit.

That is all.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #704 on: February 21, 2016, 11:35:41 PM »
So if FF7 remake is supposedly coming to the system and so is the next proper full HD console release along side Zelda Wii U, doesn't that pretty much prove NX is going to be a full console? They just released New 3DS last year, there is no reason for them to abandon that so soon. Wii U is the machine that is slipping into a coma.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #705 on: February 22, 2016, 07:47:11 AM »
My source informed me that it was ok to reveal that they are an Employee that works for Nintendo of America’s Marketing.

Ok, now I know it's BS. You may resume your regular rumor mongering.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #706 on: February 28, 2016, 09:11:52 PM »

Probably fake, but it all sounds so exciting!

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #707 on: February 28, 2016, 11:18:57 PM »

Probably fake, but it all sounds so exciting!

-Wireless HDMI... play on any screen w/ a HDMI port....
so ultra portable console?

- Full Haptic feedback and motion controls
that sounds good. wireless controllers will no longer last 30hrs on a single charge though.
if the controller is another uPad, then it better come with a MUCH larger battery from the start.

- Bluetooth EVERYTHING
that sounds pretty awesome actually. I like that Nintendo finally decided to take an idea and not halfass it as it was only included for some very specific feature in a flagship game. Do it all out.
that goes for this, the motion controls (now w/ Haptic)

- Powerful enough to handle anything the PS4 & XBone can handle, and extremely easy to code/compile games for.
I guess that's good for 3rd party parity... until PS5/XBtwo comes out. I know we aren't trying to chase power here, and more power cost more money, time & effort, but I don't want 3rd parties to have the same excuses as before for not supporting a major player.

- Increased Social/Multi-player aspects built in, with a very power and user friendly Android-like OS that allows you to use the device to connect to whatever and interact with whatever so that the device is useful for more than just gaming, but becomes a kind of Persona Entertainment/Social HUB  that you can use all the time.
As I said before, assuming this is all true, a large step in the right direction for Nintendo to go all in on an idea and push it to it's potential, instead of marginalizing the idea down to it's usefulness for a very specific function/idea/game.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #708 on: February 29, 2016, 12:17:05 AM »
Yeah, I'm skeptical. If one of these things turned out to be true I would be happy.

Just one.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #709 on: February 29, 2016, 12:44:49 AM »
There's just no way they could roll out a portable device that could run PS4-level games at anything approaching a viable price point.

I like the streaming dongle idea in theory, and have myself proposed something similar to salvage the proprietary Wii U tech, but if anything that would be a "GBA player" type bonus that would let you play handheld NX games on a TV if you didn't own the console. But even then it's questionable why they would want to discourage adoption of the dedicated home unit out of the gate.

As for the other stuff, I mean, whatever I guess either way. It seems to me that trying to roll every possible app or widget or activity into a video game ecosystem is futile and really only appeals to weirdo video game identity types who want to route everything through their systems just to do it, not because it's actually more convenient than using the phone that they already have on them at all times. I'd wager most people are good with a handful of video streaming services (which they can just run through their TVs at this point anyway).

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #710 on: February 29, 2016, 01:06:56 AM »
If Nintendo is taking the idea of making an everyday use device, or a all-in-one social entertainment system, then they better make sure it operates quickly and smoothly.

I also hope they leave in an expansion slot, as the FCC is trying to push new regulation that will open up the set-top box market to everyone. Which means that Nintendo can have a cable card add on, that will allow your NX to be your new cable box, and then that TVii App Nintendo tried on the Wii U would actually make sense and be useful.

I don't know what NX is supposed to be.... portable console? handheld? hybrid/combo?
but if they are aiming to take the place of a centralized everyday use machine for the house, to replace something like the Roku, while also interacting w/ your cellphone, replacing your remotes, and to be your videogaming device - it has to function quickly, smoothly and intuitively.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #711 on: February 29, 2016, 04:05:30 AM »
So this time it's 200 GameCubes strapped together, this makes total sense!

Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #712 on: February 29, 2016, 11:55:04 AM »
I like this bluetooth everything idea.  I think an updated Wii Fit that could connect to my FitBit would be pretty sweet.  I like Wii Fit for the interface/weight tracking, but it's easier to wear a FitBit than keep the Wii Fit tracker in my pocket.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #713 on: February 29, 2016, 01:01:58 PM »
Seems too well executed to be a Nintendo console.  It's a shame that we're at the point where the idea of a Nintendo console that isn't a complete fuckshow is not believable.  I fully expect that NX to be a complete disaster that doubles down on every bad idea Nintendo has had for the last 20 years, while introducing some new bad habits and getting rid of a few good ones.  I don't want to feel this way but I just don't trust this company at all and they have yet to demonstrate any real change that suggests that they're getting their **** together.  Hell, this is supposedly all stuff Iwata put into motion before he died so it isn't even like the new management would abruptly change the company's direction this soon.

This rumoured idea seems like it could work and it seems like a much more legitimate effort to actually compete.  I'm skeptical of the cost and battery life for some of these ideas.  The haptic feedback where the analog stick forces back on you sounds neat but that would cost money and how worthwhile is such an idea?  I imagine we would all be wowed by it for the first few days and then grow sick of it and forget it's even there.  I really don't see the point in investing in minor gimmicks like that that really don't add much value but affect the cost.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #714 on: February 29, 2016, 04:09:44 PM »
Ian has low expectations.

Water is wet.

Mind you, I don't have great confidence in the system either. But if it had full bluetooth integration I'd see that as a smart step forward from Nintendo.
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Offline Louieturkey

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #715 on: February 29, 2016, 07:47:14 PM »
I think if it is as powerful as PS4, then it'll compete directly with it through at least 2020.  I think both Sony and Microsoft want at least 7 years out of these consoles and probably would prefer even more.  Nintendo has usually been on a 5 year cycle for their consoles.  The Wii U and the Wii together will be 10 years (if the console version comes out this year). So it'll line up well if their next console comes out in 2021, a year after or right with the PS5/NeXtBox.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #716 on: February 29, 2016, 10:41:35 PM »
Water is wet.

I've always been bothered by this expression. Can water really be "wet"? Isn't wetness defined by the presence of water in a solid?  I mean, you add water to a towel, you have a wet towel; you add water to water, you just have. . .more water.

This rumoured idea seems like it could work and it seems like a much more legitimate effort to actually compete.  I'm skeptical of the cost and battery life for some of these ideas.  The haptic feedback where the analog stick forces back on you sounds neat but that would cost money and how worthwhile is such an idea?  I imagine we would all be wowed by it for the first few days and then grow sick of it and forget it's even there.  I really don't see the point in investing in minor gimmicks like that that really don't add much value but affect the cost.

To me, it depends on the cost of the gimmick.  There's the cost to the player in controller costs and battery life.  I certainly wouldn't want to pay materially more for haptic feedback, but it'd be neat to have.  I also don't like losing battery life.  What would get me though, is a feature that Nintendo bets the farm on that falls flat.  I don't think this is it, however.  Not that it wouldn't wow a crowd, but that it would cost Nintendo the metaphorical farm.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #717 on: February 29, 2016, 11:48:41 PM »
I'm as skeptical as anyone when it comes to Nintendo taking a great idea and making it all it can be, and that's from the last few console cycles of experience of being burned by "innovation" for a very specific use and a singular idea that could have been so much more had they just let it be.
Yeah, most times they supposedly held back due to cost, which is a necessity since Nintendo has not been very good at branching out of just videogames to diversify their revenue stream and strengthen the brand.
But sometimes an idea wears thin quickly if you don't see it all the way through. (case in point - the wiimotes w/o motionplus built in from the start - the upgrade 4 years down the road should have been the motion tracking camera system and Nintendo could have completely dominated the motion game and maybe it wouldn't have mostly died out like it did. Had they eaten the cost up front, the success of the Wii would have more than paid off on that gamble, and since they were offered that 3D motion camera that MS bought, before MS bought it, they could have rejuvenated new interest to keep pushing sales over the top, but they didn't want to spend the money or look like they got an idea from somewhere that wasn't in-house developed)

Other times Nintendo just focuses on things that no one really gives a damn about and tries to push it like they are doing everyone else a favor. (like the gamecube's ultra portable smallness with mini dvd's designed for low power consumption.... who gives a ****. We want fun, good looking games. I don't travel w/ my GC, and I don't care that my GC saves me $50 a year in electricity if I gave it equal play to my PS or Xbox... but I do care that the latest game from my favorite 3rd party doesn't come on your system, because it would need 3-5 mini disc to fit. All of that might have been worth it had Nintendo taken the next logical step and released a portable GC, making use of small disc and low power consumption, but nope... never seeing a "good" idea through to it's full potential seems to be one of Nintendo's proudest qualities of recent times.)

So yes, I am very skeptical of any of that rumor, but I'm also an eternal optimist, even amongst all my pessimism. So I want to believe that Nintendo is capable, and I honestly hope they surprise me by following through on those beliefs, but I'm just no longer surprised when it all turns out to be a mere gimmick of an idea than the true revolution they were too short sighted to push for.

So with that being said, here's hoping Nintendo actually comes through on this one.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #718 on: March 01, 2016, 08:33:47 AM »
The dual pixels rumor was (unsurprisingly) debunked.

Nintendo has managed to keep its cards extremely close to the chest. NX is reportedly under the strictest of NDAs. Most fan discussions are centered around following bread crumbs. It seems like Nintendo is waiting until the new fiscal year to start talking about NX. Unveiling and launching a new platform in an eight month span is a rather tall order.

Who knows what Nintendo's strategy is? If I had to guess (based on these bread crumb discussions), it's going after Japanese third parties hard (and indies to a lesser extent). It makes sense for Nintendo. 3DS got most of its notable third party support from Japanese publishers, and if the partially shared library thing proves true, Nintendo should be doing everything it can to leverage that. It's nice to get the Final Fantasies and Monster Hunters, but I think it's also a good deal to lock up the Bayonettas and other smaller, niche games. That's how Nintendo can lock up exclusives. That way, NX isn't just the Mario machine. It's the place people can get content that may get lost on PS4. Maximizing an obvious advantage on 3DS is a good start. I don't know if that can translate to getting Western third parties to care, but it's leagues better than where Wii U currently stands on third party support.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #719 on: March 01, 2016, 09:40:03 AM »
Who knows what Nintendo's strategy is? If I had to guess (based on these bread crumb discussions), it's going after Japanese third parties hard (and indies to a lesser extent). It makes sense for Nintendo. 3DS got most of its notable third party support from Japanese publishers, and if the partially shared library thing proves true, Nintendo should be doing everything it can to leverage that. It's nice to get the Final Fantasies and Monster Hunters, but I think it's also a good deal to lock up the Bayonettas and other smaller, niche games. That's how Nintendo can lock up exclusives. That way, NX isn't just the Mario machine. It's the place people can get content that may get lost on PS4. Maximizing an obvious advantage on 3DS is a good start. I don't know if that can translate to getting Western third parties to care, but it's leagues better than where Wii U currently stands on third party support.

How much impact do indies have in Japan? Aside from the ones headed by former big name employees of major companies. I can see the indie push as a big strategy from NoA, but not NCL. To be honest, I still don't know what NoA can do to grab western devs aside from having an impressive spec list and more open lines of communication and support.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #720 on: March 01, 2016, 09:50:42 AM »
The dual pixels rumor was (unsurprisingly) debunked.

Nintendo has managed to keep its cards extremely close to the chest. NX is reportedly under the strictest of NDAs. Most fan discussions are centered around following bread crumbs. It seems like Nintendo is waiting until the new fiscal year to start talking about NX. Unveiling and launching a new platform in an eight month span is a rather tall order.

Who knows what Nintendo's strategy is? If I had to guess (based on these bread crumb discussions), it's going after Japanese third parties hard (and indies to a lesser extent). It makes sense for Nintendo. 3DS got most of its notable third party support from Japanese publishers, and if the partially shared library thing proves true, Nintendo should be doing everything it can to leverage that. It's nice to get the Final Fantasies and Monster Hunters, but I think it's also a good deal to lock up the Bayonettas and other smaller, niche games. That's how Nintendo can lock up exclusives. That way, NX isn't just the Mario machine. It's the place people can get content that may get lost on PS4. Maximizing an obvious advantage on 3DS is a good start. I don't know if that can translate to getting Western third parties to care, but it's leagues better than where Wii U currently stands on third party support.

All you described was their entire strategy with Game Cube, remember they vetted Capcom hard there too, and Sega, and Namco, and it didn't translate that well. Japanese companies are irrelevent in today's market pretty much out side of Final Fantasy, having just that and a few Japanese exclusives is going to win Japan, nothing else, if that is all they want then screw them.

They better get the big three westerns back on board AND vet the ones that used to love them, like Warner/Midway, and whatever is left of T*HQ's properties and Bethesday or even Rock Star, or whoever is making GTA now. No GTA no dice, that has been the big bane since N64. But Nintendo might have to actually beg on hands and knees to get GTA and that is as likely to happen as a Sega console rising from the ashes and taking the industry by storm.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #721 on: March 01, 2016, 10:58:28 AM »
How much impact do indies have in Japan? Aside from the ones headed by former big name employees of major companies. I can see the indie push as a big strategy from NoA, but not NCL. To be honest, I still don't know what NoA can do to grab western devs aside from having an impressive spec list and more open lines of communication and support.
I was referring to Nintendo as a whole. Regardless of impact in Japan, Nintendo needs content.

And Nintendo hired Doug Bowser last May from EA. Maybe Nintendo hopes that connection can help rebuild that bridge.
All you described was their entire strategy with Game Cube
Did I? I don't any have fond memories of playing Final Fantasy X and the original Monster Hunter on GameCube. PS2 got the vast majority of Japan's top third party games, usually exclusively, on top of almost all the niche games also usually exclusively. Nintendo already has a foot in the door with Japanese third parties who have enjoyed success on 3DS. Japanese third party support may not be what it once was, but NX needs games. It needs more than Nintendo's first party titles. Getting as many of them on board is a good strategy and good start.
having just that and a few Japanese exclusives is going to win Japan, nothing else, if that is all they want then screw them.
Did anyone imply otherwise?
Maximizing an obvious advantage on 3DS is a good start. I don't know if that can translate to getting Western third parties to care, but it's leagues better than where Wii U currently stands on third party support.
Nintendo cares about Japan primarily because portable gaming is strongest there. I don't think Nintendo cares about "winning" so much as it cares about profits. You may disagree (even I have some quibbles with it), but that's a separate discussion. Protecting and cornering the Japanese market then using the support gained there to make its platforms more attractive in other markets is a good strategy for what Nintendo wants to do at the basest level. That shouldn't be Nintendo's only strategy, but no one is saying that. It's an upward battle for Nintendo; it should take any victory it can get.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #722 on: March 01, 2016, 11:22:37 AM »
If Nintendo is making a home console (which I'm not entirely convinced is the case), they require the support of the ENTIRE Japanese gaming market, period. Console gaming is losing relevance in Japan and Japanese developers know that, which is why a powerhouse system with loads of content would be great for them and for Nintendo.

As for indies, the truth is, unless you adopt early or heavily emphasize exclusivity, your game is at risk on a console. Look at Jools Watsham's Mutant Mudds- it sold obscenely well during the early days of the 3DS and most of Renegade Kid's more recent releases have not shared the same success, simply because the market has become larger and more varied. Despite having a large amount of coverage in the eShop, lots of indies cite struggles to make profits on these systems. This results in products feeling a bit over-inflated in price or timed-exclusivity because they cannot afford to publish on one system. So while NoA has done well enticing a group of indies to their systems, I worry that it's not ultimately a viable option.

Nintendo just needs to make a system that can handle current gen western titles and also sell successfully, which is a tall order. However, it isn't enough to just make something easy to develop considering the poisonous reputation Nintendo has gained for cannibalizing sales. It's their great struggle as a hardware and software developer. Sure, one could argue that Sony and Microsoft also have first party titles, but not in the number or quality of Nintedo titles.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #723 on: March 01, 2016, 12:31:04 PM »
This rumoured idea seems like it could work and it seems like a much more legitimate effort to actually compete.  I'm skeptical of the cost and battery life for some of these ideas.  The haptic feedback where the analog stick forces back on you sounds neat but that would cost money and how worthwhile is such an idea?  I imagine we would all be wowed by it for the first few days and then grow sick of it and forget it's even there.  I really don't see the point in investing in minor gimmicks like that that really don't add much value but affect the cost.

To me, it depends on the cost of the gimmick.  There's the cost to the player in controller costs and battery life.  I certainly wouldn't want to pay materially more for haptic feedback, but it'd be neat to have.  I also don't like losing battery life.  What would get me though, is a feature that Nintendo bets the farm on that falls flat.  I don't think this is it, however.  Not that it wouldn't wow a crowd, but that it would cost Nintendo the metaphorical farm.

You figure after the Wii U and 3DS Nintendo would know not to bet the farm on a gimmick that could fall flat.  That bit both systems in the ass.  With the 3DS they at least could offer the 3D-less model in the 2DS but the Wii U was just stuck with this expensive controller no one wanted.  There really wasn't a safety net.  Everything relied on gimmick X taking off and if it didn't Nintendo was fucked.  If I was Nintendo I wouldn't risk something like that happening again but this is Nintendo so they might look at how it worked for the Wii and think that the Wii U was the fluke and that THIS time it will work.  At the very least if they try something like that again they have to look more at the 3DS where they could axe the feature and still have a pretty worthwhile product.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (The rumor well is drying up! EDITION)
« Reply #724 on: March 01, 2016, 01:25:04 PM »
This rumoured idea seems like it could work and it seems like a much more legitimate effort to actually compete.  I'm skeptical of the cost and battery life for some of these ideas.  The haptic feedback where the analog stick forces back on you sounds neat but that would cost money and how worthwhile is such an idea?  I imagine we would all be wowed by it for the first few days and then grow sick of it and forget it's even there.  I really don't see the point in investing in minor gimmicks like that that really don't add much value but affect the cost.

To me, it depends on the cost of the gimmick.  There's the cost to the player in controller costs and battery life.  I certainly wouldn't want to pay materially more for haptic feedback, but it'd be neat to have.  I also don't like losing battery life.  What would get me though, is a feature that Nintendo bets the farm on that falls flat.  I don't think this is it, however.  Not that it wouldn't wow a crowd, but that it would cost Nintendo the metaphorical farm.

You figure after the Wii U and 3DS Nintendo would know not to bet the farm on a gimmick that could fall flat.  That bit both systems in the ass.  With the 3DS they at least could offer the 3D-less model in the 2DS but the Wii U was just stuck with this expensive controller no one wanted.  There really wasn't a safety net.  Everything relied on gimmick X taking off and if it didn't Nintendo was fucked.  If I was Nintendo I wouldn't risk something like that happening again but this is Nintendo so they might look at how it worked for the Wii and think that the Wii U was the fluke and that THIS time it will work.  At the very least if they try something like that again they have to look more at the 3DS where they could axe the feature and still have a pretty worthwhile product.

I don't know if the 3DS really relied on the 3D.  Sure, it was the novelty that set it apart, but the 3DS was also a new and improved NDS.  It had the widescreen up top, a better eShop, the circle pad, and specs.  It could actually house better games than its predecessor. The Wii U kind of needed developers to be inspired by and make really great games surrounding the uPad, but no one really did.  That lack of support contributes to the Wii U's lack of sales, but I don't really see how the 3D cost the 3DS.  It may have driven up the price, but I still contest that the early price drop was caused by a lack of software initially.
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