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I think they can compete in the arms race if they focus on what matters. Can they cram in all the 1:1 tech the other two have such as voice commands, robust media options, etc, NO but they don't need to. What they need is to be on equal ground for GAMES and then let their unique set of features balance things out.

With Game Cube they should have gone with normal sized DVD's and either built in online or a better pack in with the adapter to spur sales.

They didn't so they lost 3rd party games the relied on those two features.

The main features they need is a disc drive equal to their competition so features don't get cut, they actually DO have that with Wii U, but they lack the processing power and graphics. So in order to make games look decent on Wii U requires massive programming skills and extra effort than the other two, which costs more money and nobody bothers so they lose money and move on.

IF NX has specs that do not compromise at all, I mean at all the CPU needs to be fast and it needs to be easy to program for or to port from the other two. The graphics set needs to be at least on par with or better than PS4, matching Xbox one won't cut it because they are already low end and Nintendo desperately needs to shed their low end image. They need to implament proper Blu Ray and DVD support, basic media features like Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, and a couple others, and a better online experience and they need to make Mii's optional not forced on you before they have a chance to win back enough people to really matter.

3rd parties won't take the extra time to bother with the weird features if the main game is not comparable. If you have to cut features and account for weird things like Miiverse and funky controls that don't match what the competition has, on top of scaling things down to fit the slower CPU and weaker GPU then why bother when the userbase is too small or too stubborn to matter.

The fact people even say they don't play 3rd party games is also part of the problem the whole elitist culture of Nintendo fans has become part of the problem, its like if a game doesn't play exactly like a Nintendo game or remind them of something from their childhood then forget it it's not worth playing.

A game like Diablo 3 SHOULD have been on Wii U, there desperately needs to be a Mincraft for Wii U and a Sim City or some other mainstream Sims game, but none of those are even going to happen.

Forcing things on users is Nintendo's problem and why people LOVE Playstation, because Sony gives gamers the choice, if you don't like something fine it's optional but if you do they offer the option, they had motion controls optional for those who wanted it, not forced it on those that didn't. Wii would have been just fine if Classic controller was packed in and support mandatory and Wii remote also packed in as a deluxe bundle but optional, like Zapper, for those that didn't want it. Same with the Game Pad.
You can call me Mikey if my username is too long.
My favorite games are: Minecraft, Star Wars, Mario, DK, Zelda, Ninja Turtles, and Call of Duty,
I own Wii U, PS4, PS3, and PC.

Offline ShyGuy

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Rumor! Tekken 7 is coming to the NX.

Offline MagicCow64

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Also, FMV was and is gross. I'm glad it's gone, and that the 64 was not blighted by it for the most part. Also many games, such as Mario 64, would not have been possible due to CD streaming limitations at the time.

I am not at all convinced this is true, Mario 64 had TINY levels compared to some games on Playstation, I think it would have been possible look at N64 games that were on Playstation for clues, also the above mentioned Resident Evil, FF7, etc.

With the RE games and FF7, the Playstation took advantage of prerendered backgrounds, which was admittedly a strength largely not available to the N64. But that was also a stop-gap in game design that went away. Anyhow, I read a pretty convincing breakdown once on how certain 64 games wouldn't have been doable with the Playstation disc drive, but I can't dig it up at the moment. There was that 64DD version of Mario 64 in the works, but from what I recall the DD wasn't exactly disc based. What PS1 games compare to the scale and complexity of the bigger Mario 64 levels? Or morseo, Banjo Tooie?

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Mario 64 was also a lunch game, and the levels weren't supposed to be gigantic, otherwise getting stars would take too long.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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It wasn't that levels couldn't be done, but the experience would suffer.  Mario 64 had so little load time playing it was sheer joy.  You could run from outside the castle and be in a new level in about a minute or two.  And actually the levels are bigger than they feel, it is just moving Mario around the levels is so effortless it makes the worlds more approachable.

Offline Ian Sane

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Super Mario 64 was awesome and so were most of the first party N64 games.  But going with cartridges completely screwed up third party support.  So is each first party N64 game better than 20 good PlayStation games that presumably the N64 would have gotten if Nintendo had gone with CDs?  That's probably about the ratio for each game.  On the Wii U today is each first party game worth that?  It becomes Nintendo's handful of games vs. pretty much every other game being made.  No company can hold up to such a comparison and that's why those that are cool with that are the minority.  Most gamers want access to the broadest selection of games and they don't get that from Nintendo.

So If Nintendo sticks with that formula their consoles are going to continue to underperform sales-wise.  That tradeoff is way too much to ask of most consumers.

Offline Evan_B

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Sony does not give players choice.

Most gamers want choice and I agree, Nintendo needs to make a console that allows them that opportunity. But Nintendo needs to be insanely aggressive if they are going to do so since they're competing with two other consoles that are two years deep and now finally have enough third party support to give their systems a decent library. And frankly, I just don't see Nintendo being that aggressive.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Super Mario 64 was awesome and so were most of the first party N64 games.  But going with cartridges completely screwed up third party support.  So is each first party N64 game better than 20 good PlayStation games that presumably the N64 would have gotten if Nintendo had gone with CDs?  That's probably about the ratio for each game.  On the Wii U today is each first party game worth that?  It becomes Nintendo's handful of games vs. pretty much every other game being made.  No company can hold up to such a comparison and that's why those that are cool with that are the minority.  Most gamers want access to the broadest selection of games and they don't get that from Nintendo.

So If Nintendo sticks with that formula their consoles are going to continue to underperform sales-wise.  That tradeoff is way too much to ask of most consumers.

Yeah, I mean, I really didn't mind in the moment. I did not think the first-gen CD-based consoles were ready for prime time, and they were lousy at local multiplayer. I was jealous about Resident Evil, but 2 came to the 64. I played through 1/3 of FF7's PC release and did not care for it, and had no interest in the newly cinematic RPG renaissance. By the time the Gamecube rolled around the tech had matured to playable PS2 levels and there's where I would say the lack of software comparably was really a problem, but even then the GC got a healthy amount of ports. Wii obviously went off the rails with that, but had a great catalog in its own right with many interesting experiments. I had a 360 on the early side, but didn't hold onto it for long as the software wasn't there, and I only resorted to getting one again years later after the Wii dried up and there were enough games to go back and play through. Now with WiiU, it's basically only Nintendo, which is certainly pushing viability, but at the same time I'd argue we're in a pretty lousy software environment overall with nothing approaching the volume and diversity of releases available on the PS1 and PS2 (or even PS3), which shows no sign of getting better.

Sony does not give players choice.

Care to explain? Sony has long been regarded as the default system for console games. The reality is if a game gets announced unless it is exclusive to Nintendo or Xbox then it will be on Playstation. This is mostly true for Xbox but they do lose a few notable Japanese games here and there that Sony always seems to get. With Nintendo its like you don't just have to like Nintendo games, you have to like quirky little indie games that look, play, and sound like Nintendo games or that is it.

I don't know where this whole idea that variety is somehow bad came from, but if Nintendo has embraced it, it's obvious some of their fans have too. I don't see the console war as some arbitrary date set in stone that has to be won or lost by a certain time. Nintendo doesn't have to pay any attention to what Microsoft and Sony are doing as long as they can get enough stuff going in the future. If their console wows gamers and attracts developers it won't matter what the other two are doing. Sony is about to launch a new platform anyways with their VR stuff and Microsoft is going to keep an eye on that if they want to keep up with Sony. Nintendo might be releasing NX two to three years behind the other two but so what? They can get hardware out that is better and does something unique and doesn't cost a fortune to develop for then it could work.

But if they go the second console route again they had better damn well figure out how to price their machine better to be budget friendly. Wii U would be fantastic as a second console, if it was $150 bucks, which is what it should have launched at considering it was LAST FUCKING GEN hardware when it released. There is no sane excuse for Nintendo to release a machine in 2012 that is a weak as a machine released in 2006 but costs as much as one released in 2013. Considering the specs inside Wii U if it does cost them so much to sell it for this high and turn a profit, they got ripped the **** off because MS and Sony should have brought down the cost of that level of chip specs years ago. I call bullshit n Wii U selling for a loss if they sold it for less than $200 there is nothing special about the Wii U that wasn't possible on machines released six or more years prior.

And I doubt there is enough tech in the Gamepad to up the cost as much as fanboys tend to claim either. Nintendo was greedy with Wii U because they were losing money for the first time in years and refused to take chances period, they are cowards it's as simple as that.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 04:48:54 PM by michaelbaysuperfan616 »
You can call me Mikey if my username is too long.
My favorite games are: Minecraft, Star Wars, Mario, DK, Zelda, Ninja Turtles, and Call of Duty,
I own Wii U, PS4, PS3, and PC.

Offline Evan_B

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Dude, relax. I'm not going to argue with you, in just going to say that the Playstation network has offered me few options in a number of ways, Sony's lineup if games offers little variety, and saying a large library with little actual variety is missing the point of choice.

Not saying Nintendo is any better, though I would argue Microsoft is definitely worse than both other options. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.
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Offline broodwars

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Dude, relax. I'm not going to argue with you, in just going to say that the Playstation network has offered me few options in a number of ways, Sony's lineup if games offers little variety, and saying a large library with little actual variety is missing the point of choice.

What?  :Q Here's some major Sony-published titles on PS4 since launch (I cut out the remasters that were on the PS3 as well):

Killzone: Shadow Fall - 1st Person Shooter
Knack - Cartoony character action game
Infamous Second Son - Open World
Driveclub - Driving
LittleBigPlanet 3 - 2D platformer
MLB 14 & 15: The Show - Sports
The Order: 1886 - 3rd Person Shooter
Bloodborne - Character Action Game/Adventure Game
Until Dawn - Telltale-style Adventure Game
Tearaway Unfolded - 3D platformer
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - Walking Simulator/ "Interactive Narrative"
Helldivers - Co-op Arcade-y shooter
Galak-Z - Rogue-like 2D space shooter

Yeah, there could be some more family-oriented games in there for my liking, but that's a pretty decent variety of genres represented there IMO.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2015, 02:30:04 PM by broodwars »
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Offline Evan_B

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I would argue that most of those are subpar iterations of games and genres that already have more iconic, better crafted titles available on other systems, but then I'd be summarizing the current era of video games.

So yeah, if by "choice" you mean "the same tired stuff with familiar elements, minor additions, and a slightly better coat of paint" then yeah. I don't exactly trust Nintendo to innovate on any of those genres with how sterile their own efforts have been recently, in addition to them taking forever to do a spin on shooters that's still a gutted beast in regards to online options.

I hate video games, by the way.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.

I would argue that most of those are subpar iterations of games and genres that already have more iconic, better crafted titles available on other systems, but then I'd be summarizing the current era of video games.

So yeah, if by "choice" you mean "the same tired stuff with familiar elements, minor additions, and a slightly better coat of paint" then yeah. I don't exactly trust Nintendo to innovate on any of those genres with how sterile their own efforts have been recently, in addition to them taking forever to do a spin on shooters that's still a gutted beast in regards to online options.

I hate video games, by the way.

I wasn't trying to start a fight man sorry if it came off that way. I just am in shock someone could claim Playstation has less variety than Nintendo, or that was how I read your post.
I also apologize if my posts are too long sometimes, I am a writer by profession sometimes I get going and I can't stop.

I can sort of see where you are coming from if you prefer say Platformers and quirky games like what Nintendo is known for, except then you get gems like Littlebigplanet, Ratchet and Clank, Minecraft, Plants vs. Zombies, and so many more that more than make up for the lack of Mario and DK games.

I agree there are gaps in Sony's line up too, nobody is perfect, but they have the least gaps of the three.
You can call me Mikey if my username is too long.
My favorite games are: Minecraft, Star Wars, Mario, DK, Zelda, Ninja Turtles, and Call of Duty,
I own Wii U, PS4, PS3, and PC.

Offline Ian Sane

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I find the only thing missing on a PlayStation console is Nintendo games.  That's a pretty major gap for someone with tastes like myself but it is miniscule compared to having everything missing except Nintendo games.  For anyone that doesn't care for Nintendo's own games there is no reason to own a Nintendo console, but there is still reason to own a Nintendo handheld and there was for owning the NES and SNES.  And the only person that couldn't find something to play on a PlayStation would be someone that ONLY likes Nintendo games.  Nintendo has created this segregation of the console audience.  They're their own entity with a very devoted group of fans and little customers outside that group.  And that fanbase is so Nintendo-focused that third parties complain that their games don't sell on Nintendo consoles.

Of course I never knew an NES or SNES owner that didn't also like Mega Man or Castlevania or numerous other non-Nintendo games.  In the SNES era it was normal for someone to own one entirely for Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.  You owned the console because it had the most games and prior to 1996 Nintendo was just one of those many companies whose games were included.  Nintendo-only fans weren't a thing then.  I want both Nintendo games and third party games and I assume I'm not some tiny little minority.  Nintendo's fanbase has become more Nintendo-only simply because those are the only people that would not be disappointed by a console with no third party support.  But is that the true audience or is there a good-sized potential audience of people like me that want a Nintendo console with good third party support and for which something like the PS4 is a compromise - the closer to what they want than what Nintendo is offering but not the modern NES/SNES equivalent that they would really like?

Offline Ymeegod

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There's been plenty of "knockoffs" during the years though.  So while Sony doesn't have Mario Kart, it does have similar games. 

Also while the WII did bring back platformers, I find myself enjoying "indie" platform games just as much as Nintendo own Mario Games. 


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I'm still waiting for Unkarted from Naughty Dog. Now that they're apparently done with those brotastic action games they can get back to their strength: racing.

And no, this year's E3 demo doesn't count.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

So we are all assuming this is not a full on gaming tablet like an iPad with buttons are a scaled up version of the GamePad but we do assume it will feature a control scheme comparable to 3DS/Wii U correct?

We also are lead to believe it will feature leading edge chips, whatever that means CPU, GPU, some strange VR interface, or some new type of RAM exclusive to Nintendo, we don't know. But we are lead to assume it will be more powerful in someway than PS4, which some had made the ridiculous claims is itself overpowered.

We have also heard rumors that Square is interested in the console to some extent, but we haven't, or at least I haven't followed who all is supposed to be supporting it. Anyways we can assume it will have strong third party support at least  up front, or more so than Wii U if reports are to be believed.

We also know it will feature some sort of shared OS between a handheld unit and a home console unit. This could be a hybrid or it could be a Gamepad on the go situation, or a GBA-GC connectivity situation, we still don't know. Or it could be just PS Vita PS4 cross buy type deal whatever it ends up being is likely to be the central focus of the machine.

Based on what we do know there is not enough reason to be hyped yet, other than the usual hey a new Nintendo console to play more games on. Oh and as far as I can tell there should be some unified account system so we can assume that games currently on eshop and, hopefully, Virtual Console, will be compatible day one with no delays or unnecessary hoops to jump through.

We also know that it should be released sometime next year, either in one phase handheld first console latter, or all at once, we don't know yet but all signs point to something coming next year.

With all that what do we not know about the machine? What type of controls will it use? Are they going to do a more traditional style controller? Stick with the touch and button combo similar to DS and Wii U, or find some new paradigm nobody has though of yet like motion controls?

Speaking of motion controls, how do they play into this new machine? Are they going to keep it backwards compatible with Wii and Wii U software? History suggests one generation back, and Wii U is not well known for its motion controls, will they keep the feature for legacy support of a handful of games? Or will they recognize the market has moved on and finally abandon motion controls entirely?

We DO know they are sticking with Mii's and chances are with the new App coming to smart phones, they are going to really push Mii's hard. Most likely because they somehow think anything carried over from Wii is good since it was so dang popular. How popular? Well I still see commercials on TV for nursing homes that show elderly using Wii Sports so they are likely still trying to target that market, Nintendo's board is aging maybe they are all just struggling with their own age and that is why they are so concerned with reaching the old timer market? Just a thought.

We also know they have not given up their core focus of games first, so they might mis-interpret that, yet again, as a means to deny basic DVD and Blu Ray playback from their customers but they should at least try to get basic media features, not just Netflix, Hulu, and Youtube.

We also have no idea what they are doing about DS/3DS and if the new machine will be compatible with legacy software from those platforms which would be a major selling point if it were.

So all of this leaves us with a lot to speculate. Since Wii U is basically a ghost this Holiday season and 3DS is a sinking ship I think shifting all attention to NX is probably smart. Some might argue its too early to speculate or whatever but if Nintendo does have people reading forums like this one and others then they do need to see their fans discussing their machine in order to get some feedback. Or they could just, continue to ignore the fans and focus yet again on chasing some blue ocean that has been consumed by iOS and Android.

Feel free to summarize, rephrase, or correct any of my findings. Or just generally continue to bring up Dreamcast and Gamecube who are always fun topics to rehash endlessly.
You can call me Mikey if my username is too long.
My favorite games are: Minecraft, Star Wars, Mario, DK, Zelda, Ninja Turtles, and Call of Duty,
I own Wii U, PS4, PS3, and PC.

Offline ThePerm

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Kinda like this. IT would make the physical size of the controller smaller, the screen bigger, but you would have effectively the same setup. Its would be the same thing as wii u, but higher resolution, possibly 3d, multi touch.

theres this now....
« Last Edit: December 13, 2015, 10:21:32 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Soren

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I can't wait for people to complain about the price of that thing...
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Offline ThePerm

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one of the key differences between the edge-less design I made and this one is, I still had buttons. For a reason. Tactile response.

Everyone is already hating on it.

Personally, I don't mind buttons going away, but not joysticks. Joysticks are important. Unless they got a layer of vibrating touch grid.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2015, 12:20:17 AM by ThePerm »
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Online NWR_insanolord

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I think this is more of a "we thought of this, so we might as well patent it" situation than something they actually intend to do in the immediate future. And even if they did use it, I wouldn't read too much into the patent design not showing buttons on it.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Spak-Spang

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I think this is more of a "we thought of this, so we might as well patent it" situation than something they actually intend to do in the immediate future. And even if they did use it, I wouldn't read too much into the patent design not showing buttons on it.

I am sure Nintendo has build mock ups and if this worked and was affordable then it could be something...but I really don't see this as being the new thing.  It just doesn't pop, and Patient images are never final products it is to get the patient out there with as little evidence as possible to how you would actually use it. 

Online NWR_insanolord

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Even if it worked great and were affordable, I'm not sure how viable it would be from a marketing standpoint. For Nintendo to get out of the gate strong next time they need to convince people they've learned their lesson and are moving forward, and trying to push something so similar to what they did with the Wii U would dilute that.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent

Offline Ian Sane

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Even if it worked great and were affordable, I'm not sure how viable it would be from a marketing standpoint. For Nintendo to get out of the gate strong next time they need to convince people they've learned their lesson and are moving forward, and trying to push something so similar to what they did with the Wii U would dilute that.

While releasing the Gamepad AGAIN is obviously not a good idea, "that's stupid" is never a valid enough justification to write off Nintendo doing something.  They've been doing obviously stupid things for 20 years.  So I agree that this isn't a viable idea but that doesn't mean Nintendo won't do it.  I'm just hoping this is some patent for a sake of patenting an idea they brainstormed but my fear is that Nintendo, as usual, has learned absolutely nothing from their failures.

Offline nickmitch

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If it's cost effective, I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't do it.  The draw backs on the Wii U game were battery, cost, and lack of meaningful use.  If Nintendo can get the cost down and make a system that supports four of these things, I don't see how that wouldn't work out better.  The asymmetrical gameplay wasn't super interesting, and multiplayer games where everyone has a screen would be awesome.  You could do Mario Kart with both players using off tv play, local multiplayer for Splatoon, I'm out ideas nevermind.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 02:58:14 PM by nickmitch »
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.