Oh, please, plenty of other shows have their own discontinuity but you never notice them because the shows are actually good. . The bad ones break your suspension of disbelieve, you stop buying into the world. When that happens your show has failed.
There is a difference between oh I can bend that to you just shattered the continuity including whatever just happened minutes before. That falls under "The wizard did it" level of writing where you're such a hack you write yourself into a corner and you just magic your way out only to start all over again. A big **** you to the viewer thinking you are too much of an idiot to notice.
All the Marvel movies and AoS share a problem where with a given threat you have to ask where the hell is everyone? AoS is really bad at this as they start fighting Avenger level threats. CM is this but on the other side of "Where have you been?". She could have just ended the previous movies but I guess Nick decided not to call her every time.
Maybe Nick doesn't call her because she's evil or something? They are going to have to mention something to explain where the hell she has been. Given the arbitrary speed of travel 'couldn't' get there in time is probably not going to cut it.
It's an aspect of the Superman problem, who needs anyone else if Supes can take care of it fully demonstrated with JL. Supergirl for the first 2 Seasons had to somehow write him out. Season one finale was lol when he shows up and instantly gets overpowered without a fight.
Also **** origin stories.
We've already established that oohhboy is unwilling to work even a little bit in order to resolve potential continuity errors.
Who is paying who here? The viewer should never have to work for the writer to fix their mistakes.