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Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #525 on: September 12, 2014, 01:27:55 PM »
I'd have more sympathy about the Fire Emblem stuff except he knows it's his own fault for repeating dumb mistakes. Get good, indeed.
Hear that Azeke? It's all your fault that the knight on the top right corner of the map managed to get a crit despite the fact that had he not gotten a crit he wouldn't have been anywhere near being able to kill you.

git gud

Oh, I have lots of sympathy for dying from critical hits or surprise attacks... it's terrible when that happens. But moving units in the wrong order and leaving enemies unblocked so they can reach people previously assumed safe? Tactical errors in a tactical game don't make me feel bad at all, especially when that error has been repeated and the player admits they should know better.

Back to playing Monster Hunter 3 Ulitmate, doing high-rank quests in solo mode. Really should get online, but nobody on my friends list seems to play at the same times that I do so it's been mostly a solo act.  Still TONS of content to enjoy though.

Grinding a bit now to improve my bow collection. Feel like I really need to keep on top of having good elemental bows for different foes - otherwise I'm not skilled enough to finish some of the multi-monster challenges fast enough. Missions always become much easier when you go in properly equipped.

Also wondering when to start building armor to get new skills. It will have to happen before long, but until deciding which skills to target I'll keep rocking the (upgraded) leather armor that I started the game with.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 01:36:24 PM by ejamer »
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #526 on: September 18, 2014, 01:41:49 AM »
DMC3 (Xbox 360):
Turbo mode! Such a simple change -- boosting the game speed makes for a such a big difference! Game's now much more reactive and you have no time to think at all and just go and hit things which is great.

Even getting higher combo stops being a problem in that mode because you're just attacking relentlessly, non-stop.

I tried it on two first levels and got S rank easily, while it was somewhat a problem for me before on normal speed.

The game on normal now feels like like a snail pace by comparison, like "get on with it already!". Don't think i am coming back to normal speed.

Pikmin 2 (Wii):
Paid off the debt, but of course game doesn't even remotely stops there. Credits scene was pretty cute though.

I unlocked new area and even from the start i see a dumbbell that will require me full 100 crew of purple pikmin (!) to lift. And then there is a Chaos Cave where the game specifically warns you how how hard it is.

Piklopedia is still great, probably the best thing in entire game (mainly because main gameplay is marred by caves tediousness). The writing is even better than in 1, really love it. Sometimes it's just Olimar going on about his feelings, or sometimes it's him trying to figure out the purpose of the objects he collects. Even the names of the objects are funny.

Quite a lot of ads with real companies in there. It's not super obstructive, and does help to root the planet to our world, but when you look at 7up bottle cap and read how it makes Olimar thirsty you can't help but roll your eyes a bit.

Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox 360):
Aw yeah!.. Because i haven't played it for a few weeks i replayed the first level to get into the Ninja Gaiden groove.

First level in NG is so great. Game isn't as outrageous as other CUHRAYZEE games, but it makes up for it with unique feeling of being ruthless badass ninja. You can compare wackyness of DMC/Bayonetta/W101 to Jackie Chan while NG would be like more serious Jet Li or Donnie Yen.

It just feels so good to get back into it. I played first level once and then replayed it again and again trying for better rank (though NG series has way less emphasis on getting good ranks than Clover/Capcom/Platinum games).

The great thing about NG combat system is how intuitive it is. You can understand it in 10 seconds, don't even need to look up combos. But there is still an abyss of combat depth in there, i only now understood how to use charged heavy attack and Ultimate Techniques, even if i got through half of the game just fine without it. But now that i learned it, it makes a tremendous difference.

I got through underwater part (ugh developers, why do you keep adding these segments?) and beat boss after that, Doku. I stupidly used up most of my life refilling vials (NG games aren't balanced around not using items like Platinum games, so you can and SHOULD use life potions) and had only half of my lifebar.

After a dozen or so tries i figured out simple strategy of waiting for his attack, rolling sideways and hitting with a charged heavy attack. It was almost disappointing how easy it turned out to be.

After that was a puzzle with levers and flying platforms. I spend like 20 minutes on the boss himself, and then 40 minutes on trying to solve that puzzle. And i still couldn't do it, i just gave up and went to bed. I don't know what is it with me with puzzles in action games and why i am so completely inept at them.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #527 on: September 22, 2014, 01:41:20 AM »
Stealth Bastard Deluxe (Steam):
With sequel coming to Wii U soon (and exclusively for some reason), and remembering how much fun the first Fluidity by the same studio was, i felt i had to play first game eventually.

Shadow mechanic is similar to Mark of the Ninja. MotN had brawler as basis and you had to kill mooks from time to time, while SBD is regular platforming where you don't engage enemies at all.

Gameplay grading depending on time and how stealthy you were keeps you replaying levels for S-rank. There is also hidden helix in each levels. Completing the game 100% will take you quite a lot of time. According to Steam i played for 5 hours and only 100% first world (there are six i think). That's not counting community levels.

As you play levels, special equipment unlocks. Stuff like decoys and teleporters can sequence break the game in a big way. A level that took you around 40 seconds can be beaten in 6 seconds with equipment. Obviously, S-ranking with equipment is impossible, that would be too easy.

It's pretty cool, but it can get repetitive as all stealth games tend to be, especially when you're replaying levels 10-20 times in a row doing the same actions and perfecting your play.

Mega man (Retro Achievements NES):
It's surprisingly playable with 360 stick. Still can't figure out how to make that darn emulator play in fullscreen, though.

There are some cool achievements for Mega man 1 in there, like taking no damage against Yellow Devil. No achievement for for not taking damage AND killing him with regular gun though.

I plan to do the same as i did with Ninja Gaiden -- i will do practice runs on 3DS version and will redo the game on raNES for achievements.

Devil May Cry 4 (Steam):
Major progress. Went through a score of levels and bosses. Echidna i killed on first try, had 5% health left though.

Credo boss fight was super, super fun. Loved it, especially the moment where you wittle down his health to 20% and boss changes ALL his moves to completely new, more aggresive ones. Had a hearty laugh when i got too used to his first set of patterns and was getting killed by second phase again and again. Took me 5-7 tries. Lots of fun.

Then was Agnus -- an okay boss, but nothing special (funny character though). And then came Dante 2...

My god, Dante's second boss fight. He is one of these annoying "perfect bosses" where to all your advances he has perfect canned response with very little (or no) room for recovery. I eventually found the pattern, (leap at him with a sword at certain distance so when he jumps with a sword i go under him and end up behind his back when he lands and do a combo) but it took more than an hour though. You can't shoot him, you can't hit him (he will hit you faster), you can't shoot him in the air (he will shoot you faster), you can't hit him from above with a sword (he will dodge and will do the same to you, only YOU can't dodge).

Apparently i was supposed to use Buster which i admit i constantly forget to use, but i did try it on Dante and could never figure you the timing.

Ah well. Finally beat him, with fingers all aching at 2AM, checked out next mission, looked how next boss looks like and called it a day.

Some of the secret missions were annoying too, especially the ones where jumping was required. Some other secret missions are gimmicks -- they require to use one specific ability and it's not even that hard once you figure it out. Like you need to use Hold ability in secret mission 3, stupid thing is outside of this mission this ability is useless otherwise.

And it's kinda how the whole game is, small oversights and general feeling of incompleteness here and there. Nero has way less moves than Dante in DMC3 (not "curhayzee" enough) and only has one weapon and one gun (even after i got Yamato it only actvates during Devil Trigger as an assist, nothing more).

I fully realize that the game soon should make a switch from Nero to Dante and he will have most of his DMC3 arsenal (at least i hope so), still that's the first half of the game, spent with a character that feels way more limited than Dante in previous game.

When Dante as a boss started switching styles, i wanted to be in his place -- to have an access to all his arsenal of moves. Should be soon though.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #528 on: September 24, 2014, 05:04:04 AM »
Mega Man (3DS Virtual Console):
Beat it. Not "beat it" beat it, but just got to the ending. I will consider it beaten when i will get good enough to beat it in one go.

People who call it "****" (one of the recent NWR podcasts) are crazy. It's an exceptional game.

It's just that sequels do everything better -- boss and level design is tighter, production values are higher, music is better (even if original game's music was already great) and so on. But that doesn't make I a bad game at all. Mega Man 2 wouldn't exist in the first place without the foundation of 1.

There is some random factor with flying platforms though (later half of the Ice Man's stage) -- you can't control them and just have to wait until they got into a position. Things get worse with wonky hit detection -- sometimes you're just standing still on the platform but it shoots and for some reason game thinks you got hit and you fall down right through the platform to your death.

Random factor also happens with some bosses like Guts Man -- depending on his actions sometimes there is no way to defeat them with no damage. I thought that Fire Man was that way as well, but today i finally found the pattern and now can kill him with no damage taken.

Some technical problems namely, slowdown that happens when robot gets destroyed (white balls across the entire screen) is annoying -- you can't pause during it so you have to wait until this effect disappears to do anything.

It's not just annoyance, this slowdown can kill you in the transition between Dr. Wily's forms. Took me a few weeks to figure out how not to get hit by Dr. Wily's first form attacks. Once i discovered how effective scissors are against him, it got even easier (used electric attack before that which also adds it's own slowdown).

Devil May Cry 4 (PC, Steam):
I will never stop marveling how great the game looks:

After one last boss with Nero:

... finally the great switch happened -- i finished with the first part with Nero and can now play as Dante.

It's almost a culture shock to go from Nero to Dante who is very simlar to DMC3 Dante. And not just DMC3 Dante but also Dante who can switch styles at any given moment of time (not just between missions). Switching with d-pad takes a bit getting used to, it's a bit of paradigm shift coming after DMC3. Dante is largely the same only feels a bit faster than in 3, even if we compare them at normal speeds.

Defeating the same boss (Echidna) with Dante this time was very weird, because i am now missing Nero (despite whining before how inferior he is compared to Dante), especially his Buster move.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #529 on: September 25, 2014, 12:12:24 AM »
Vanquish (Xbox 360):
Did i "got gud" in the last two years? Last time i tried Vanquish two years ago i couldn't even get through tutorial.

This time it took me about 10 minutes to learn controls. Compared to other Platinum games, it's shockingly not complex at all, almost shallow.

The feel of crazy, exhilarating action is still the same though:

Wow, what a game.

Most of other Platinum games' "lineage" comes from from Devil May Cry and even from earlier series like Mega Man and Final Fight. Bayonetta 1-2 and Wonderful 101 are like that.

This game is completely unlike them. This game is rooted in shoot'em up genre like Gradius and R-Type, it only pretends to be Gears of War-like cover based shooter on the most superficial level (speed up GoW up to 10x and get high on top of that -- THEN you're pretty close to Vanquish).

Despite controls being standard for any third person shooter, the game is designed around non-stop action, stuff constantly exploding and you sliding around all this chaos like a maniac:

I hate console shooters for how brain dead primitive they are (Gears of War gets a pass from me for being so dumb it becomes good, also active reload), even on PC the last FPS i liked was TF2 five years ago.

This is still not as deep as Bayonetta/W101/NG, but it does it's best with shooting genre to make it as close to "cuhrayzee" action as possible.

The game is built very tightly around non-stop exploding action, it has that "arcade" feel that makes you keep playing it and re-playing it. I started playing it at 8PM last night and had to force myself to stop at 2AM.

What a great game.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #530 on: September 25, 2014, 09:25:36 AM »
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (GC)

This is such a fantastic action/brawler game, and one of my favorite superhero games ever made. The freedom of movement and somewhat open structure are really appealing, and the combat ramps up nicely with tons of different combos and special moves you can learn.

I'm really enjoying my time with it again... but those load times, oh my!
No wonder I never seem to be able to finish this game off. The worst is how much loading happens for every short challenge mission (which are fun enough you want to do them, but waiting 5+ seconds when starting/restarting/ending is an absolute momentum killer).

People sometimes ask what old games deserve a remake. This is it for me. Improve the graphics and get remove or reduce loading times, and I'd be happy to re-buy.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #531 on: September 25, 2014, 02:17:59 PM »

Those Pictures make me want to play this game now.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #532 on: September 26, 2014, 06:34:23 PM »
I have been playing Super Mario 3D World since I got my Wii U past all those annoying updates. All I can say is this is the best damn Mario game ever made and every single Mario fan, Nintendo fan, and gamer period, needs to be playing this game right now. Stupid ass youtube videos don't do it justice damn it you need to hound your friends show them this game and get more people to buy it so that Nintendo learns that THIS is how you make a Mario game.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #533 on: September 26, 2014, 06:37:48 PM »
I've disagreed with marvel_moviefan in the past, but in this case I am 100% onboard with him.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #534 on: September 26, 2014, 06:56:16 PM »
Bang on, Azeke, I'd rate Vanquish as one of a handful of truly notable games from the PS360 generation. And it actually manages to be funny a few times!

I've been skipping around between a lot of stuff, so I'll just toss out a few brief appraisals:

Pushmo World (Wii U):

I didn't actually know what this game was like, and was sort of disappointed to find that it's kind of a "Catherine" like platform positioning thing, but I've gotten through about 2/3s of it and find it to be pretty satisfying. I feel like there's a little something missing that makes it propulsive to keep playing, but good for dropping in a half-hour here or there. Some of the harder puzzles are getting scary.

Splinter Cell Blacklist (Wii U):

I saw this was $20 on the eShop and bought it on a whim, as I enjoyed Conviction well enough for what it was, and my little brother wanted a more mainstream-type shooter game to tackle on the couch. Turns out there's no local co-op, so I did not do my research properly. But the game is still pretty good, fluid and satisfying, less action-scripty than Conviction. Tons of content, though a lot of the side missions seem to be lame "survive twenty waves" type things that don't gel with the core stealth emphasis. Looks great on the Wii U, but some pretty massive load times. Worse than Deus X.

Five Nights at Freddy's (PC):

Played this on the big screen with the lights out with my brother. It's a small-scale survival horror game where you're the night watchman at a Chucky Cheese type joint, where the animatronic animals come to life at night and try to kill you. We played it for an hour, couldn't get past the second night, and will probably not touch it again. But I legit screamed three or four times, so I'd recommend it as a one-off experience.

Adventures of Lolo (Wii U):

I always wanted one of these games as a kid, but could never get a hold of a copy. So I was pleased to see this on the virtual console. Great little game. You can beat it in about 4 hours, and the puzzles never get too crazy, but it'll definitely slow you down a few times. Plays and looks good for an NES game, though the repetitive music might drive you crazy. I'd say this is a must-play for anyone who likes the Chip's Challenge type of puzzle game.

Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails (Wii U):

Bought this months ago while drunk, found it utterly confounding, and didn't pick it up again until recently. I "get it" now, but something about the game really rubs me the wrong way. Controlling your gyro-cat feel like you're fighting the physics rather than interacting fluidly with the traversal system. It also gets really hard really early, and has very stringent level path locks. I'm maybe a quarter of the way through and I'm not sure I can even unlock any more levels. The boss-mouse goals are particularly aggravating. I would take a good hard look at a video review of this before buying, as in my case it is fundamentally not my kind of thing but I made an impulse purchase based on the strong reviews.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #535 on: September 30, 2014, 02:16:22 AM »
MGR (Xbox 360 demo):
Yesterday i watched a few combo vids including ones with MGR. This is the combo video i liked -- little to no QTE and Blade mode is only used to cancel out long animations:

And this combo video i shrugged at -- it just transitions between one Blade mode to another Blade mode(though slashing two bullets in the beginning was cool):

That inspired me to have another go with the demo. I still don't plan to start the game proper, just want to finally understand combat system. Still not feeling it, but i checked out blade canceling and it's indeed very useful even on the most basic level.

What really bothers me is that Raiden moves during slashes, it's very disorienting. Also B button doesn't seem to do anything. Sure you use it to activate finshers, but it's not used at all during other times. Feels like a waste of button.

DmC (demo of the reboot, 360):
And while i am replaying old demos, i decided to try DmC demo again, now that i played all previous DMC games.

Just like before i really like art style. It's bright, brash, in your face -- i love it.

Controls work, but it's hard to adjust after playing DMC3/4. Fingers reflexively keep trying to do old DMC stuff and i keep messing up. Button layout feels all over the place -- two dedicated dodge buttons, both triggers are used to switching between two types of weapons. It just feels like they wasted FOUR buttons on such trivial stuff like switching weapons and dodging.

Button layout is very important for action games, your character has dozens and dozens of moves at his/her disposal, effective and ergonomic distribution of functions on controller buttons is crucial. Bayo did it brilliantly, overloading different functions on the same buttons depending if you press them, hold them or double tap them.

DmC tries to remove combinations of button presses with stick movements. That is not what i wanted DMC series to fix. My problem with DMC3/4 was how most of the moves are tied to constantly pressing RB, which leads to me clutching the controller way too hard. Also you need to HOLD triggers while using your angel/demon weapons which is the same problem as before.

Fantasy Zone (MAME):
Level 2 and it's boss are still the hardest, because of those random things in foreground that obstruct your view and make it hard to see your ship. Boss 2 is also hard with it's bullet rain, you have to dodge this spam while shooting for quite a while. You can try to bomb him from above but it's kinda risky.

Level 4 -- laser is really good in this level and overall laser looks like the best upgrade so far, i tried 7-way shot and it's good but way too expensive and still worse than laser.

Got to boss 4, died first time because i didn't expect his attack, but it was actually pretty easy. After bullet hell of Cave shooters, boss 4 is nothing.

Got to level 5, the spam that was already getting ridiculous in previous levels is just off the charts there.

I think i am now ready to take this game to 3DS, release 3D Classic release on PAL eShop, SEGA!.. Or do retail release like in Japan, i was gonna buy Streets of Rage and Shinobi ports either way. SEGA pls.

Vanquish (360):
Smoking a cigarette while in cover reminds me of that preview of Devil's Third Nintendo did during E3. This small feature is actually making me excited a bit for Devil's Third, just out of crazy hope that Itagaki once again will ripoff ex-Capcom developer to create an action game masterpiece of his own, like he did with Ninja Gaiden taking the template of Kamiya's Devil May Cry.

Weapons upgrading system kinda weird, it's a bit of a hassle too when you find two weapon drops of the same type and then i just feel i have to go back and forth to upgrade that weapon even if i don't even use it.

I still mostly go with standard weapon layout: assault rifle -- for precision and long range, heavy machine gun -- mid range and damage and shotgun -- for ridiculous damage up close. For some areas with bigger enemies, i swap out weak Assault rifle with something stronger like LFE gun.

Polished weapon balance reminds me of Unreal Tournament. They even have some similar weapons like disc gun. Just like in UT, in Vanquish your movement matters more than your aim and some weapons don't require twitchy aim (though it helps of course).

By Act 3, i upgraded shotgun fully and it is now absolutely ridiculous, it shoots as fast as a jackhammer. Extremely useful to take down bosses and Romanovs.

Romanovs at first used to be a problem, but now i can take down four at a time. LFE gun helps a lot, because it can knock out scores of them and shotgun to finish the job while they're lying down and can't do anything.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #536 on: October 02, 2014, 04:09:14 PM »
More catch up, themed around Indie disappointment:

Stick it to the Man (WiiU):

I read some positive reviews of this, praising its script and quirky adventure-game mechanics. What I got was a short, painfully unfunny, painfully easy 2D adventure-lite. I felt like I spent half the play time standing around and listening to agonizing thought-dialogue that rarely had any bearing on the puzzles, which required almost no thought to solve anyway. Skip this ****.

Thomas Was Alone (PC):

Again, saw positive marks, and avowals that it was actually a game and not just a medium for a pretentious amateur writer to tell an "interactive story". There is a bit of meat to the platforming with a mild puzzle element, but it's overall not super compelling, and never gets to a satisfying challenge/reward level. The story is kind of interesting in concept, but overbearing in execution, with the standard posh British narrative (why has this become such a indie game trope?) gabbling all the time. The game manages to wear out its welcome while being fairly short.

The Fall (WiiU):

I was skeptical of this one, and its reviews are pretty mixed (6-9), but decided to give it a shot in this barren retail period. It's actually got one of the more compelling narratives I've seen in a game, in as much as it's directly tied into the set-up and gameplay progression. Good atmosphere, and some clever if not-too-hard adventure style item-based puzzles. The combat component kind of sucks, and happens too often, but it sort of works in the context of being in an emergency situation in an unpredictable and hostile environment. BUT the game ends abruptly on a "to be continued" cliffhanger. I had no idea this was supposed to be episode one of a multi-part project (the eShop description doesn't say this), and within the game itself you haven't unlocked several of your restricted abilities yet, so I was expecting another two hours or so of game. This soured me retroactively on the experience. I'd pick this up on sale, but I don't think it's worth the asking price as is.

Teslagrad (WiiU):

Again, mixed reviews, but I've been itching for a Metroid-style game, and decided to give it a go, despite being burned a number of times recently. It's . . . okay, as a most-positive appraisal. It looks good, with some neat animated characters (that need more frames of animation, but this could be a style thing), and controls well enough. I saw complaints about the map system, which does suck, but it's fairly inconsequential, as the progression is entirely linear. The bosses are indeed a bit aggravating due to the one-hit kill set-up, but not actually that hard, and are fairly in-line with the difficulty of the platforming. But the buik of the game is composed of fiddly magnet polarity physics puzzles, which is not my cup of tea. It never feels like you're exploring a mysterious castle so much as completing platform challenge after platform challenge, which gets grating. I felt similarly about Guacamelee, but that game pulls off its Metroid-lite aspirations with more panache. After you beat the final boss you get plunked at the beginning of the progression, with the encouragement to go back through it again to pick up the collectible scrolls that were inaccessible the first time around. Not sure what the end-game for doing this is, but I hope it's better than the "reward" for 100%-ing Guacamelee.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 06:47:42 PM by MagicCow64 »

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #537 on: October 02, 2014, 06:43:10 PM »
Hyrule Warriors!! It's everything that I thought it was going to be! There is a lot more content that I thought it was going to have too, so I'll be plugging a lot of time into this. Fingers crossed that Groose is an unlock-able character.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #538 on: October 07, 2014, 12:19:38 AM »
Donky Kong Country 2 (GBA)
This game is hard. I think i even started to look forward to minecart levels, because those are WAY easier than regular levels where i can spend up to 40 lives just to get to the mid-level checkpoint.

Level map is confusing, in Gloomy Gulch i couldn't figure out where to go and went to Klubba's hut thinking i have to go through there, unlocked secret level from there and went there thinking it's part of Gloomy Gulch.

The level i unlocked was Fiery Furnace. Man, the timing on those barrels was unbelievably tight. The most reliable way to get through one part was to float with Dixie then get hit with a wasp on purpose and get an extra jump with Diddie that way.

The fact that i didn't know you can kill porcupines by rolling into their heads didn't help too. I only figured it out somewhere in Castle Crush...

Gunstar Heroes:
Frenetic action, fast, crazy, full of explosions, basically Contra on speed. Love it.

Underground level was amazing, especially with train full of mooks and they do all kinds of funny stuff, like there is fire in one of the cars and they just back and forth panicking, or how M. Bison clone starts to throw mooks out of the window at you:

Made a note to buy this game properly on Xbox 360 for achievements and stuff.

Hard Corp Uprising (demo on Xbox 360):
This... looks and sounds terrible. How can people even compare this to main Contra series, i have no idea.

Contra 4 looks, plays and sounds exactly like Contra, this does nothing of the sort.

Vanquish (Xbox 360):
Not only it's unrelenting non-stop exploding action throughout, but it's also hilarious. Love Burns.

"Unknown" boss and the funny scene right before him were really cool. "Unknown" has a very original look (literally made of GUNS), the way it moves is unnerving and funny at the same time. And once you dismantle the guns surrounding the core and see the core limping away from you on it's tiny legs -- it's hilarious.

"Spacey" part was also great. People who say his game looks generic have no idea what they're talking about.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #539 on: October 07, 2014, 04:05:03 AM »
I've finished Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. While I like the game, it's not the gift from God everyone has made it out to be after Destiny turned out to be a colossal piece of ****. The much-vaunted Nemesis System only really comes into play if you're really terrible at video games, so it pretty much vanishes after the first 1/4 of the game when you gain a decent number of skills and perks.  It completely vanishes in the game's second half when you have the ability to Brand Orcs and have them do your bidding, since the game basically becomes just running up to every Orc Captain; blasting it down to 1/4 health; Branding it; and then walking away. My main issue with this game is that this is an open world game with large-scale mob combat and...absolutely nothing else. There is no gameplay variety whatsoever, so the game really feels like it's dragging before you even get out of the first of the two areas.

And **** that sequel-baiting ending. Calling it "half-assed" and "thrown together at the last minute" would be being extremely kind to it.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 04:06:50 AM by broodwars »
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #540 on: October 07, 2014, 04:08:48 AM »
That's bumming me out a bit, i watched a few videos on this game and got very hyped to play it (probably sometime next year).

I love Assasin's Creed games and like Batman Arkham games. 100%-ed most of them.

So a combination of the two in Shadow of Mordor with a bit of original ideas thrown in sounded like a winning formula for me.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #541 on: October 07, 2014, 12:50:40 PM »
I got into NES Remix yesterday and pretty much can't stop playing. I also been getting real far in Super Mario 3D World I am up to the lava land map I think it is the last map I am not sure.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #542 on: October 07, 2014, 01:34:03 PM »
I also been getting real far in Super Mario 3D World I am up to the lava land map I think it is the last map I am not sure.
You're not even close to the end.

This world does have some of the hardest levels in the game: the one with a dice and the one where you run on boosters non-stop.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #543 on: October 08, 2014, 09:28:41 AM »
I've finished Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. While I like the game, it's not the gift from God everyone has made it out to be after Destiny turned out to be a colossal piece of ****. The much-vaunted Nemesis System only really comes into play if you're really terrible at video games, so it pretty much vanishes after the first 1/4 of the game when you gain a decent number of skills and perks.  It completely vanishes in the game's second half when you have the ability to Brand Orcs and have them do your bidding, since the game basically becomes just running up to every Orc Captain; blasting it down to 1/4 health; Branding it; and then walking away. My main issue with this game is that this is an open world game with large-scale mob combat and...absolutely nothing else. There is no gameplay variety whatsoever, so the game really feels like it's dragging before you even get out of the first of the two areas.

And **** that sequel-baiting ending. Calling it "half-assed" and "thrown together at the last minute" would be being extremely kind to it.
So your saying that its Hyrule Warriors without the over the topness and brevity?
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #544 on: October 08, 2014, 01:42:06 PM »
Playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 from Xbox's Free Games with Gold. This game is so much better then BF3 in so many ways. The campaign characters have development aside from throwing the **** everywhere in every sentence and its actually good. The MP requires you to use the environment as camouflage instead of clipping through walls. It just feels a lot better and is more fun.

Animal Crossing New Leaf honestly seems like a really fun game, but I don't think its my cup of tea. I'll keep playing to see if I end up liking it or not, but I don't know.
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #545 on: October 08, 2014, 01:48:50 PM »
I've finished Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. While I like the game, it's not the gift from God everyone has made it out to be after Destiny turned out to be a colossal piece of ****. The much-vaunted Nemesis System only really comes into play if you're really terrible at video games, so it pretty much vanishes after the first 1/4 of the game when you gain a decent number of skills and perks.  It completely vanishes in the game's second half when you have the ability to Brand Orcs and have them do your bidding, since the game basically becomes just running up to every Orc Captain; blasting it down to 1/4 health; Branding it; and then walking away. My main issue with this game is that this is an open world game with large-scale mob combat and...absolutely nothing else. There is no gameplay variety whatsoever, so the game really feels like it's dragging before you even get out of the first of the two areas.

And **** that sequel-baiting ending. Calling it "half-assed" and "thrown together at the last minute" would be being extremely kind to it.
So your saying that its Hyrule Warriors without the over the topness and brevity?

No, unlike Hyrule Warriors there IS actual ambition to the game and what story there is is actually pretty good. The game's systems just don't mesh together in a way that they fulfill the game's potential. But in terms of gameplay variety, it's not that much better than Hyrule Warriors, yes.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 01:51:38 PM by broodwars »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #546 on: October 08, 2014, 09:41:42 PM »
I been wanting to put in Hyrule Warriors but I can't stop playing SM3DW and NES Remix 1&2. I finally have a Saturday off for the first time in ages so I will see if I can get to it this weekend, if I am not bogged down in school. I did poorly on my last paper so I really need to do better though.

Currently I have yet to play Wonderful 101, Hyrule Warriors, Nintendoland and Avengers battle for Earth. After I get through with Mario 3D World, DK Tropical Freeze, and NES Remix, I still have New Super Mario Bros, and New Super Luigi to get through so its not looking like I will even get to any of those other games for a while.

It was like this when I got Wii, I got really into Wii Play and couldn't stop playing that forever but then one day I just turned it on and lost interest I expect that to happen with NES Remix sooner or latter. Considering I still regularly replay Super Mario World, and Super Mario 64, its not looking like I will ever get bored with 3D World.

I also have been contemplating just getting Destiny now on PS3 or pick it up and a PS4 for Christmas.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #547 on: October 08, 2014, 10:49:55 PM »
I've been playing Metroid Fusion on the Wii U Virtual Console and I've gotta say the more I play this the more I think it's a better game than Super Metroid. People complain about its linearity but Super isn't really any less linear unless you're going out of your way to sequence break, and the control setup, despite having two fewer buttons to work with, is so, so much better. Can't wait until Zero Mission hits the service as I've never had the chance to play that one and it sounds like it's even better.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #548 on: October 09, 2014, 08:27:33 AM »
I didn't mind the linearity. Despite an eight year gap, Fusion advanced the series very little beyond ledge grabbing and a few tense moments where Samus runs away from the SA-X. That doesn't make it a bad game and I really like Fusion. However, it's primarily why I hold Super Metroid in a much higher regard.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #549 on: October 09, 2014, 09:05:58 AM »
I've been playing Metroid Fusion on the Wii U Virtual Console and I've gotta say the more I play this the more I think it's a better game than Super Metroid. People complain about its linearity but Super isn't really any less linear unless you're going out of your way to sequence break, and the control setup, despite having two fewer buttons to work with, is so, so much better. Can't wait until Zero Mission hits the service as I've never had the chance to play that one and it sounds like it's even better.
Having played through Fusion before finally beating Super Metroid, I'm with you on this.
The big thing about is I don't get lost as often.  That right there made it a lot better game.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.