Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 711527 times)

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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #500 on: August 25, 2014, 01:06:59 AM »
I have had Endless Space for a long time, but the big problem with the game is combat. Nice to look at, but the fundamentals are so simple that you end up pretty much doing one thing. Get bigger ships, lasers and stick a combat hero on it, then go to town. Except that fleet strength isn't invasion strength so now you have to get another dumbass fleet to finish things off and it can take ages. Then there's the AI fleets you can't catch because they keep moving.

Everything else about it is good, but damn the combat.

You just described Civilization's combat pre-V. It's never really been the strength of the genre, although I think Civ V does a good job of adding tactical depth. I've never played any of the Total War games because I've never cared for real time strategy.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #501 on: August 25, 2014, 01:40:57 AM »
I really like Civ 5 combat since actual tactics come into play instead of "Death Stacks". Making breakthroughs, exploiting weaknesses, good terrain, divide and conquer. You could have WW1 situations where you have to grind away until the other side gives or lighting war then move on to combine arms. I just wish you could swap positions of two units without having the need for a third space.

In the Total War series only the tactical battles are real time, the rest of it is a heavily streamlined 4x. You can auto resolve them if you want although the computer will cause a lot more casualties on your side than taking command yourself or have you lose a battle you would have otherwise won. Plus the battles go slow enough that it's almost turn based and you can still go slower by setting it at half speed if not outright pausing it. It doesn't have Starcraft's level of mirco management outside of properly sighting cannons so they don't shoot into the ground in front of them or the odd situational uses of certain manoeuvres.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #502 on: August 25, 2014, 01:46:02 AM »
Going way back, Master of Orion II had really tactical combat. It was also a pain in the ass with anything beyond relatively small fleets because it would take forever to finish a battle. I'd like to see someone come up with a Civ V-style system for a space game that was tactical, but not overly so.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #503 on: August 25, 2014, 04:56:46 AM »
tell me how i parry in sorcerer ??

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #504 on: August 25, 2014, 10:38:31 AM »
So not only is the main game in Contra 4 (DS) awesome, but so are the unlockable bonuses included.
Getting the NES versions of Contra and Super C on my 3DS is tremendous added value.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #505 on: August 25, 2014, 01:38:35 PM »
Getting the NES versions of Contra and Super C on my 3DS is tremendous added value.
Do they have download play like the main game?
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #506 on: August 25, 2014, 02:31:07 PM »
Getting the NES versions of Contra and Super C on my 3DS is tremendous added value.
Do they have download play like the main game?

Will double-check to confirm later in the day, but I believe the answer is no (effectively limiting the emulated versions of Contra/Super C single-player affairs).

Edit: Confirmed lack of multiplayer for bonus games via Google. Not a deal-breaker for me because I'd be playing them solo either way.  But does the main game do download play? I thought it required multiple game cards.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:41:55 PM by ejamer »
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #507 on: August 26, 2014, 01:39:24 AM »
Bit Trip Runner 2 (Wii U):
The game is actually a bit deeper than it looks. It's not just "press buttons in predetermined order in a specific rhythm". Some golden bars are trickier to get than just "jumping gud". Like this gold bar here:

Regular jump to get this gold piece would leave you an extremely narrow space to duck under enemy floating right after. The best way to do this is to jump AND kick in the air, because kick apparently some of the jump's animations shorter.

In the first game i used kick so that i could catch some gold bars with my leg (that was before i knew i could prolong jumps by simply holding the jump button).

And there is also dancing. Usually when you have any flat stretch of free land you need to dance to get additional points. Dancing also works on descending surfaces.

Getting good scores is kinda addicting, especially with friends' scores showing up before the level to give you motivation. But it does gets tedious after an hour or two.

Viewtiful Joe 2 (Gamecube):
Pretty much the same game as original, with all good and bad. Annoying environment that keeps harming me when i am in the middle of the battle are still there. Puzzles now have hints that activate after a while, and that's a good change from 1, because i can't stand puzzles in action games.

Another good change is that Silvia is now distinctly different character and she has some neat moves. Just her guns alone are very cool to use.

Starting tutorials are now actually spelling out the most important game mechanics to you instead telling uselessly telling how awesome Joe is. If only 1 did that i would have liked it more...
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 01:41:51 AM by azeke »
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #508 on: August 27, 2014, 01:26:59 AM »
in chapter 1 of Ogre Battle 64 I managed to find a young dragon named Arcadia and was able to convince him to join me. I ended up reclassing Opal (she was an archer at the time and the only female member of my army with a good strength stat) into a dragon tamer and.helping the Dragon grow to the point where it became a red dragon. I then wound up putting Opal in a unit with a Cleric and an archer and called it a day.

Now today (around mid Ch. 2) I stumbled upon a Thunder Dragon who was happy to join me so I had to kick the Cleric and Archer out to make room. Now I immediately realized that a 3 member unit is a bit of a risk zone so I did some training.

The next story battle Opal got into a fight with someone and both dragons evolved to their final form. so I reorganized the unit to something like this because I wanted to test out their new back row attacks. (Which basically hit everyone in the enemy unit and have a chance of inflicting a status effect, Flarebrass's Crimson Note can lower attack while the Quetzalcoatl's Radient Gale has a chance to stun an enemy.

Dragon = D.                 D - X - D
Empty = X.                   X - X - X
Opal = O.                      X - O - X

Now I was worried that Opal would be just annihilated due to her lack of defense but she didn't have to worry about anything because the two dragons just made sure that anyone who survived their onslaught was either stunned or had a lowered attack.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 01:35:50 AM by pokepal148 »

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #509 on: August 27, 2014, 03:07:56 AM »
Bleach Online - PC

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #510 on: August 31, 2014, 07:33:27 AM »
EA gets a lot of **** for being lazy with Madden and not doing much to improve the series because they don't have to due to being a monopoly, and a most of that's legitimate criticism, but I have to give them credit for doing a pretty fantastic job with this year's version. Madden NFL 15 (on PS4 at least) is the best football game in a long, long time.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #511 on: August 31, 2014, 07:38:20 AM »
Long weekend, lots of gaming ahead!

Bit Trip Runner (Wii and Steam):
Finishing up on Wii, i think i only have four levels left. These last levels are hard. First part of Gauntlet with small cubes moving in a sine shaped formation is already the hardest game ever been.

Also tried PC version again, it's still unplayable laggy mess. I really should look into what is the source of the lag on my setup on timing sensitive games like Bit Trip and Super Hexagon (i use the same plasma TV for PC and all consoles, Wii included, why PC has such a big input lag?).

Desktop Dungeons (Steam and web version):
My problem with new commercial DD release compared to free version is that new Desktop Dungeons has so much content it completely underwhelms going from somewhat barebones freeware.

Free version was perfect for lunch breaks where you didn't want to mess around you just hit "Adventure!" and played the game. It was simple and it was fine.

Commercial release added a behemoth of new options, systems, new metagames, new levels, new quests -- ridiculous amounts of content.

And levels demand mastery of these new systems from you, so you can't cheese levels on "Hard" anymore, you have to actively use all tricks in the book to even get to the boss, only to discover he has 1000 health and 200 attack (while you rarely reach 100hp even at level 9).

My favorite dumb strategy of using orc assassin (sacrificing spells you find in the dungeons to get experience + assassin kills anyone with lower level instantly no matter their HP) now fails most of the times.

Tutorials are great for learning these systems. I just finished tutorials on slowing down enemies and it was very enlightening. And there are about 20 more tutorials to finish.

Of course you can just play the game, but eventually you will face impenetrable wall and will have to learn.

Fantasy Zone (MAME):
Finally got to boss 3.

It's quite tricky because the order your destroy his cannons matters, it's also the first boss where bombs become viable.

In his final phase he starts moving like crazy, and that's why i haven't killed him yet even he only had one cannon left.

Devil May Cry 3 (Xbox360):
Beat the game on normal.

Cube room with lots of platforming wasn't that bad, i guess practice with 3d Mario games helps (even if DMC camera is honestly awful by comparison to Mario's).

Killing 8 bosses in a row took me entire evening. The main trick was to sparingly use health refills and alternate between hard bosses (Beowulf, Agni&Rudra, Geryon, Cerberus) and easy bosses (Gigapede, Nevan, Doppelganger, Leviathan's Heart). Or you can cheat a bit and buy blue orb to refill health in the middle of a mission.

Also before all bosses there is chess board where you fight all pieces.

It might get challenging at first (Queen is especially dangerous as is expected from chess queen). And in general i really liked how that level actually follows real chess rules, like when you try to attack the King he does castling and exchanges positions with a rook to protect himself. And when you kill the king all other chess pieces fall apart.

Fighting against the entire chess board is a really good practice to get in a rhythm with combat system.

DMC3 is much harder to keep combo going because moves get "stale" and you can't repeat them. And dodging is a bigger problem than in 1. Probably because it's hard for me to judge positional controls on 3d plane instead of sideways rolls i too often do backwards roll. In 3, it is much slower that sideways roll and that messes me up a lot. That's why simple neutral jump is almost always safer option of defense.

Penultimate boss was pretty awful, but it was saved somewhat by story importance because we had two brothers fighting together taking down the main villain. From the start to the end it was very HYPE, even if the boss was lacking from gameplay perspective.

And the final mission which is a last showdown between sons of Sparda was the perfect culmination for the game. Again as it's always with Vergil, Beowulf and it's divekick saves the day in that fight.

After that i completed last remaining secret missions. Secret mission 4 was a nightmare: your only option is either to use a glitch or to use a weapon that you don't get until way later in the game. I did it glitch way, because i simply didn't think to use bazooka there.

Also i started Vergil campaign on hard and started S-ranking mission on normal. Hitting enough combo and getting no damage in entire level is pretty hard, but i feel like i am getting better with each attempt.

These kind of action games (DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, Wonderful 101) usually take way more 100+ of hours to truly master and i am fully willing to commit to that, because it stays fun all the way. And they never really "end", in some sense these aren't really games but musical instruments of sorts. You can never stop getting better at playing guitar or piano -- there is always room for improvement. It's the same with character action games. Even open-world games with their mind numbing collectathon can't reach that many hours of playthrough.

I am still playing DMC1 (finishing Dante must die run), still playing Bayonetta 1 (Platinum run on Hard), still playing Wonderful 101 (getting Platinums for the rest of the board). I guess i am now adding DMC3 to this rotation.

Devil May Cry 4 (Steam):
I just couldn't help myself. Right after finishing DMC3 on normal i turned my PC on, downloaded the game and started it right away.

So beautiful... One of the most gorgeous games i played so far. Runs great (it was hitting 500+ fps on highest settings until i limited fps to 59 because my TV can't handle more anyway). It tends to crash with DirectX10, but runs completely fine with 9.

Game itself... It's DMC -- we have a new character, so combat system is refreshed a bit, he has new grappling moves and hookshot functionality (from what i remember from the demo, reboot DMC had it too and overall that new game took the most from 4 than from any other games in the series). Getting high combo ranks feels easier here than in 3.

My big problem with DMC3 was that Dante always had to do that breakdancing move when he got up after hit by enemies. So recovery was taking more time than i liked. In DMC4 Nero never falls down on his back and recovery is shorter (almost like Bayonetta who always lands on her feet), so that's a welcome improvement.

One thing that bothers me so far is that these first mission have a lot of platforming. DMC as a series was never good at platforming and this game is no exception. It's pretty bad, why they thought it was a good idea to add these elements i don't know. It's fourth game in the series already, and jumping still sucks as much as it did in DMC1.

Another baffling element is how empty the game feels, sure i appreciate that areas are now much more spacious because it's easier to control camera that way, but i don't like when i have to run around in empty corridors back and forth that much.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 07:47:20 AM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #512 on: September 02, 2014, 12:32:38 AM »
Bit Trip Runner (Wii):
It's a perfect game to put on Gamepad (through Wii mode, which is a bit of hassle to set up) and play while listening to some sports (be it cycling or sumo).

Beat "The Gauntlet". Very annoying especially when i set it on Hard and on that mode if you miss even one gold bar, you're back at the start of the level. Took me a while to realize that, i even thought my game is glitching or something because i was doing fine but kept getting dragged back to the start because i was skipping gold.

Next level, "Beginning of the end" is even harder. Sine-shaped formation (the most demanding sequence timing wise in the entire game) is now in the middle of a the level which is much worse than Gauntlet where it was right at the beginning.

Desktop Dungeons (Steam and web version):
I wasn't kidding that tutorials show you some mindblowing stuff:

Some of these tutorials are pretty hard as puzzles by themselves. Almost to the level of deviousness of Candy Box 1/2.

Devil May Cry 4 (Steam):

Devil May Cry 2 (HD Collection, Xbox360):
Why am i doing this to myself?

Oh right.. Achievements!

"S-ranking a mission" -- thank god that they don't require you to S-rank entire game with that borked combat system. Trying to do it in one mission is hard enough as is.

You need to abuse that stupid system to make it work. Because you can't dodge out of a combo, you need to keep them as short as possible, basically it's the cycle of "do one-two hit by slightly tapping sword button, dodge away, shoot to keep combo going, when you see the opening, start hit'n'run routine all over". It sounds more exciting that it is.

I S-ranked mission 2 with Lucia. Doing it with Dante will be a bit harder because his moves are even more "stiff". One way to do it is just keep shooting and dodging which is just ugly and very unsatisfying.

Because Lucia controls better than Dante AND her campaign is notably shorter i will finish Hard with her, then probably use cheat to unlock Trish, who i hear controls even better than Lucia and then do Must Die difficulty with her.

After doing that i will only have Bloody Palace-related achievements left.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #513 on: September 02, 2014, 07:10:10 AM »
Now I'm playing Watch Dogs(PC awesome game)  and Contra 4 (DS) .

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #514 on: September 02, 2014, 08:06:44 AM »
I'm currently playing through Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. I picked it up again because I ran out of 3DS games to play while waiting for laundry. I remember very little about the game so it's almost new to me. There's a lot of grinding which oddly, I don't really mind. I spent half an hour last night doing the Blood Money trick, equip the Mimic soul (which gives you money for taking damage) and jump into spikes right next to a save room, heal and repeat. Otherwise, it's pretty impossible to get the $300,000 Soul Eater Ring on a normal play through. I don't think I got the Claimh Solais the first time I played Dawn of Sorrow like nine years or how ever long ago that was so I'm going for it this time.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #515 on: September 02, 2014, 09:33:29 AM »
... and Contra 4 (DS) .

Nice! Someone else digging this game - at least I hope you are digging it.

I'm loving the challenge mode right now, and have finished about 20 of the various challenges to get a handful of unlockables released. Things are starting to get tougher though.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #516 on: September 02, 2014, 10:44:39 AM »
I completed all the challenges , but I have never able to beat the campaign. Contra 4 is appropriately impossible.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #517 on: September 02, 2014, 01:24:16 PM »
Contra 4 is suprisingly easier than Contra 3. You have more options in 4 and some weapons almost break the game. You also don't have to deal with the not so enjoyable mode 7 levels which can be hell on the eyes especially with the spinning boss from hell. Overall Contra 4 is just a fairer game.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #518 on: September 03, 2014, 12:50:46 AM »
Currently playing through Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask. I love a good puzzler and Layton always delivers. Plus, whenever I listen to the music it always reminds me of Dark Cloud 2 for some reason.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #519 on: September 08, 2014, 01:00:09 AM »
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS):
One of the traps that always gets one of my characters killed is when i move my characters right to the border or enemies' reach but then when i move other units that were inside it, reach gets much bigger because enemies now don't have to bypass them. This leaves my character that was previously on the border open for the kill and i can't even move him/her away because i already used his turn.

I kept making this stupid error and got my characters killed again and again last night. Still stuck on chapter 16 because of that. It isn't even that hard -- i killed most the army there but i also want to recruit guys from the villages on the up left and that means i have to drag Marth there and because of constant reinforcements he can't go alone and needs an entourage to protect him.

Cycle of repeating the same actions, doing stupid mistake or getting a crit and resetting because you lost a character is tiresome.

Bayonetta (360):
I started watching LP by yoshesque again, which i initially dropped after seeing it was PS3 version. She eventually did switch to 360 later on... It wasn't really all that informative for me until the very end of chapter 3 where they showed me the location very last witch tomb i was missing.

"Chapter 3: Burning Ground" is probably the level that i spent most of the time playing and replaying because of how tough and demanding first few missions are. It also has instant death QTE in the middle, but it stops being a problem after a few playthroughs. As far as i remember it took me a few weeks and countless retries to get platinum on Normal. I am so sick of this level.

Now that i have the motivation to play it again (to get to the last witch tomb) of course i made it a Pure Platinum run (on Hard). Because i hate myself or something.

It took me most of my Saturday, but i did it. It was a good opportunity to practice with Shuraba (katana sword).

Shuraba is very weird, despite visual similarity it doesn't play like Dante with a sword at all. There is a Stinger-like move where Bayo lunges forward and some combos with pauses are somewhat similar to combos from DMC1 and DMC3 but it feels much more faster and not as deliberate.

I also learned to how to use Evil Harvest Rosary (leaves explosive balls after you dodge) and Pulley's Butterfly (you can take a few hits without them counting as damage).

Getting Pure Platinum AND the achievement for finding the last witch tomb was very satisfying.

Because i spent so much time and so many retries on that chapter i racked enough points to afford Platinum Ticket which unlocks secret and the hardest boss of the game.

To say that this boss is absolutely ridiculous is an understatement -- instant attacks, ludicrous damage and very small openings.

DMC1: still S-ranking Dante-Must-Die mode.
Desktop Dungeons: still finishing tutorials.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #520 on: September 09, 2014, 12:59:40 AM »
Contra 4 is suprisingly easier than Contra 3. You have more options in 4 and some weapons almost break the game. You also don't have to deal with the not so enjoyable mode 7 levels which can be hell on the eyes especially with the spinning boss from hell. Overall Contra 4 is just a fairer game.

Contra 4 is easier when you get good at it, but Contra 3 is the more forgiving game overall.  Contra 3 allows you to set your lives up to 7 on the options menu, even on Hard mode, unlike Contra 4 that makes you start with 3 on Hard no matter what.  Your default weapon in Contra 3 is also much better then your default in Contra 4, which makes boss fights easier in Contra 3 if you die during them.  It also helps that you have bombs in Contra 3 as well which also helps during boss fights since you get a new one every time you die.

So yeah, Contra 4 is easier when you're able to keep your maxed out weapons, but if you lose those weapons, especially later on in the game you're kind of screwed at curtain parts, where Contra 3 is harder overall but if you lose you weapons because you died, you're not as screwed.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #521 on: September 09, 2014, 12:40:13 PM »
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS):
One of the traps that always gets one of my characters killed is when i move my characters right to the border or enemies' reach but then when i move other units that were inside it, reach gets much bigger because enemies now don't have to bypass them. This leaves my character that was previously on the border open for the kill and i can't even move him/her away because i already used his turn.

I kept making this stupid error and got my characters killed again and again last night. Still stuck on chapter 16 because of that. It isn't even that hard -- i killed most the army there but i also want to recruit guys from the villages on the up left and that means i have to drag Marth there and because of constant reinforcements he can't go alone and needs an entourage to protect him.

Cycle of repeating the same actions, doing stupid mistake or getting a crit and resetting because you lost a character is tiresome.

Git gud n00b, it's horrible gamers like you that ruined future Fire Emblem games with casual whiny little entitled baby mode. :smug:

the sad thing is there are still idiots who think that way

Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #522 on: September 09, 2014, 09:25:30 PM »
I'd have more sympathy about the Fire Emblem stuff except he knows it's his own fault for repeating dumb mistakes. Get good, indeed.

So about to start a couple of new games after finishing off what I'd been playing:

Top of the list is The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (GCN). Won't be the first time I've started, but always got pulled away before finishing. That's ok though - this is one of my favorite superhero games so replaying the opening levels doesn't hurt a bit. hopefully I'll see the finish this time!

Next up is Nightshade (NES). Fond memories of playing this way back in the day will be put to the test. At one point I could take down 3 out of 4 crime lords and really start to put the squeeze on Sutekh. Hopefully the odd combat controls will come back to me without too much difficulty.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #523 on: September 12, 2014, 09:35:37 AM »
I'd have more sympathy about the Fire Emblem stuff except he knows it's his own fault for repeating dumb mistakes. Get good, indeed.
Hear that Azeke? It's all your fault that the knight on the top right corner of the map managed to get a crit despite the fact that had he not gotten a crit he wouldn't have been anywhere near being able to kill you.

git gud

Next up is Nightshade (NES). Fond memories of playing this way back in the day will be put to the test. At one point I could take down 3 out of 4 crime lords and really start to put the squeeze on Sutekh.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 09:38:25 AM by pokepal148 »

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #524 on: September 12, 2014, 11:08:05 AM »
The trick in Fire Emblem is not to try to balance out your characters.  To many people switch low level party members in to try to level them up (or to get extra dialog) but to win at FE you're better off just overcharging the same damn party members you start with. 

For example in FE Shadow Dragon my Able and Frey were freaking beastly--and my Marth had his stats maxed out at that point.  Also key tip in FE is feed only your main character boasting items since your required to use them anyways and try to get them in early fights to level them up faster.  To many people avoid using Marth because if he dies, game over, but you really should boast him in early missions just to make the game that much easier in the end.