Author Topic: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?  (Read 20848 times)

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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« on: June 12, 2012, 02:17:58 PM »
This has been discussed to some extent in other threads, but I think this is serious enough that it warrants a thread of its own. I'm just going to go ahead and list off all the things that are going to confuse, frustrate, and anger consumers these holidays:

1) First off, we all know the name is extremely similar to that of the last console with the only difference of course being the "U", but Nintendo takes that even further than it needs to be by making the logo the same design and color and in addition tacking on the sky blue symbol thing which doesn't stand out very well on the white background. If consumers even notice that baby Blue  thing they might not even know what the hell it is, and would probably just assume it refers to the tablet controller and not the Wii U being a brand new console.

2) The console looks almost exactly the same as the Wii! The same default white color and everything. Maybe the dimensions are a little different and the edges are a bit rounder, but the Wii U pretty much looks identical to the Wii U. There's no way it could possibly look this similar on accident. I can't think of any other console in the history of gaming which looks so blatantly identical to its predecessor. Did the PS2 look anything like the PS1? Did the Gamecube look like the N64? Did the Dreamcast look like the Saturn? You get my point. Until the Wii U no console maker has ever made a console so identical in appearance as the last.

3) Now we are slowly starting to get pictures of Wii U game cases, and guess what? They are the same white DVD cases that the Wii uses! As if the name, logo, and console all being so similar wasn't bad enough the game cases also have to look the same? WTF?!

4) All the old Wii accessories are forward compatible with the Wii U. This is going to add more fuel to the confusion. If a consumer sees a commercial showing off a new Wii U game and the commercial shows people using Wiimotes what are they going to think about that? Wiimotes are something everyone associates with the Wii. The fact the Wii U will also be using them is just going to mess with people's minds. The same goes for the Balance board and zapper and so on (albeit to a much lesser extent since fewer games support them).

So you take all of these factors (plus God knows what else) and combine them, and you have the recipe for a "perfect storm" of market confusion this holiday season. If the Wii U is anywhere near as popular as the Wii was it will be flying off the shelves and sold out and hard to find, but the old Wii consoles will still be on stores, so can you see how someone is going to confuse the two and grab a Wii even though what they really wanted was the Wii U? And what about the games? Some grandparent who doesn't know any better might see NSMB U or Pikmin 3 or whatever this holiday season in the white case with the "Wii" logo on it and think to themselves that this will be a great gift for Little Jimmy because they know Little Jimmy has one of those Wii things... but then Christmas comes and Little Billy can't play it.

Imagine the nightmare that retailers and Nintendo are going to have to deal with because of people returning Wii U games they thought were Wii games. Imagine the chaos Nintendo's tech support is going to have to deal with from frustrated and angered consumers over how they were deceived.

And yet, all of this could have easily been avoided if Nintendo had only made the name and appearance of the console more distinctive. Mark my words, there will be much market confusion going on this holiday season.
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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 02:38:15 PM »
maybe they think people will confuse the wii u for a wii and buy it instead? It seems much more likely to be the other way around.
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Offline Caterkiller

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 02:57:13 PM »
As much as you hate the casual buyers you sure are concerned with how they are going to find a Wii U. Not everyone is a mindless drone, there may be some confusion at some point like the 3DS, but that was over quick.

In this age of super duper high tech gadgets, is there anything wrong with the new versions of the Iphone or Ipad looking darn near exactly the same? Was there every any out cry about people not being able to by a proper PS3 controller because it looked so similar to the PS1 and PS2 controller?

Sure Ipad, and Iphone add a number to the new iterations, but does 360 really indicate a sequal like 1 and 2 do? Again WiiU is another odd sounding set of words that just may spark interest again and you know maybe people might actually look it up and become a little more informed?

I'm as tech savy as tree, but when someone asks me do I have the Droid EX or the Droid SP(made up names), I instantly know there is a difference. Just look at everyone buried into their ipads and smart phones now a'days. I think the average joe mom knows more than you give her credit for, or at least the ability to be better informed is easier than ever now. Of course there will always be dumb nuts but what can you do? Eventually they will figure it out.

Let's not forget kids as well, more informed than we could have possibly imagined since we were kids. They will make sure mom and dad know It's Wii U not just Wii.

You are stressing about nothing.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 03:02:55 PM »
I expect the tablet to be a main focus on the box of the Wii U. Even so, I marvel at the expectations of human intelligence, though I know something like this will happen. But maybe people buying Wii U games by mistake and their kids complaining they need a new console to play it will be an incentive for them to purchase the new console. But, if the Wii U is a core gamer device then the core gamers will know, and the casual fans will have to actually pay attention, for once.

It saddens me to think that people are that stupid.

As much as you hate the casual buyers you sure are concerned with how they are going to find a Wii U. Not everyone is a mindless drone, there may be some confusion at some point like the 3DS, but that was over quick.
 In this age of super duper high tech gadgets, is there anything wrong with the new versions of the Iphone or Ipad looking darn near exactly the same? Was there every any out cry about people not being able to by a proper PS3 controller because it looked so similar to the PS1 and PS2 controller?
 Sure Ipad, and Iphone add a number to the new iterations, but does 360 really indicate a sequal like 1 and 2 do? Again WiiU is another odd sounding set of words that just may spark interest again and you know maybe people might actually look it up and become a little more informed?
 I'm as tech savy as tree, but when someone asks me do I have the Droid EX or the Droid SP(made up names), I instantly know there is a difference. Just look at everyone buried into their ipads and smart phones now a'days. I think the average joe mom knows more than you give her credit for, or at least the ability to be better informed is easier than ever now. Of course there will always be dumb nuts but what can you do? Eventually they will figure it out.
 Let's not forget kids as well, more informed than we could have possibly imagined since we were kids. They will make sure mom and dad know It's Wii U not just Wii.
 You are stressing about nothing.
Wow, this. +1 to you, sir. It's the same thing with iPhones, iPads, and even the 3DS. If people don't pay attention to things like numerical changes or the like than they're... well, they're idiots. And it just shows that Nintendo's attempting to establish a form of hardware that has a recognizable name, and recognizable updates. The change from one syllable to two is actually pretty striking, from a base identification aspect... IMO.
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 03:15:48 PM »
I think that in order to alleviate customer confusion, Nintendo should immediately launch with multiple SKUs of the Wii U in all kinds of configurations.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 03:20:01 PM »
Configurations like what...? Just curious.
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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 03:24:21 PM »
Oh, I'd go with a "Casual" pack that comes with the system, one Tablet Controller and Nintendo Land.

Then, I'd go with "Core" pack that comes with the system, a pro controller, a built-in 120 GB hard drive and NSMBU.  No tablet controller, because core gamers don't care about it.

Finally, I'd have a "Hard Core" pack that comes with the system, two pro controllers, a 2 TB hard drive, a PS3 and a 360.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 03:27:18 PM »
Oh, I'd go with a "Casual" pack that comes with the system, one Tablet Controller and Nintendo Land.

Then, I'd go with "Core" pack that comes with the system, a pro controller, a built-in 120 GB hard drive and NSMBU.  No tablet controller, because core gamers don't care about it.

Finally, I'd have a "Hard Core" pack that comes with the system, two pro controllers, a 2 TB hard drive, a PS3 and a 360.

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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 03:29:56 PM »
I think Nintendo's idea is clearly to piggy-back off the success of the Wii.  It was insanely successful so I get why they want to "give the rub" to their new system by associating the two.  But I think it's a little too similar.  CNN thought the Wii U was a Wii accessory and Nintendo was demoing it to them.  You're showing somebody your system and you can't make it obvious to them that it is in fact a new system?  That's no good.

The Super NES and Game Boy Advance both obviously used the same naming convention of their predecessor to associate the new system with the strong old brand.  But one important thing is that there was a clear visually difference in the packaging, the system design and the cartridge design.  It was really obvious that those were something new.

It doesn't help that Nintendo Land gives no visual indication of new hardware.  Usually a launch game is so much more visually stunning than the previous gen that only an idiot would think their old system could play it but Nintendo Land looks like a Wii game.  The only difference is the use of the Game Pad, which CNN thought was an accessory.  The usage of the new control is not enough for it to obviously be for a new system.

If they just changed the colour of the system or the packaging they would be fine.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 04:01:02 PM »
Oh, I'd go with a "Casual" pack that comes with the system, one Tablet Controller and Nintendo Land.

Then, I'd go with "Core" pack that comes with the system, a pro controller, a built-in 120 GB hard drive and NSMBU.  No tablet controller, because core gamers don't care about it.

Finally, I'd have a "Hard Core" pack that comes with the system, two pro controllers, a 2 TB hard drive, a PS3 and a 360.
I would think that every Wii U console would be packed with a tablet controller, IMO...
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 04:16:33 PM »
Personally my biggest worry myself is if the game cases look the same.  Its already crowded enough and anything that will distinguish the cases from each other would be helpful for me.

I think the initial confusion will die down, but after the holiday season so, it could hurt the initial sales and good will towards Nintendo.
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Offline Pixelated Pixies

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2012, 04:34:32 PM »
Caterkiller raises a good point. Apple have built up such a cache of goodwill among consumers and fans that with the latest iPad they didn't even feel the need to number it. It is simply known as the new iPad.
There are important differences, however, between apple products and the Wii U. Consumers have been groomed to expect a new iphone or ipad each year, and while aesthetically the differences are minimal, Apple usually do a pretty good job of communicating why their new model is better. With consoles, however, casual gamers are not groomed to expect a new device in the same way as they are with mobile phones. With video games the general consumer probably does not concieve of console cycles or generations, they simply plonk money down for a new system when they see cool games that aren't available for their old one.
I would argue, that the Wii U console looking aesthetically like the Wii isn't the major problem. Neither is it such a big issue that they've continued to use the Wii branding, Wii logo and Wii remote (although all three of these things compound the confusion surrounding the Wii U). The big issue for me is that Nintendo have not made a convincing argument that the Wii U is a generational leap forward. The best way they could have done that would have been with exciting new titles. As much as I love Pikmin, Mario platformers, Arkham City, Mass Effect 3, and Nintendo-themed mini games collections (well, maybe not the last one), they don't exactly scream 'shiney new system' to consumers.
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Offline Kairon

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2012, 04:49:10 PM »
Yeah, I think the issue that Nintendo has to continue to wrestle with here is the "marketing story" that they tell to people through their PR and advertising and marketing efforts. In that case, they're not like the Wii at all: the Wii had a very clear message that Nintendo was able to articulate in selling it to people. There are lots of individual features of the Wii U that Nintendo can talk about, but I haven't yet seen them tie those features together in a way that clearly articulates the story behind what makes the Wii U exciting to the average consumer.

We'll see if they can pull this narrative together by launch, or if they'll still be having trouble with it post-launch like they did with the 3DS.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 05:01:52 PM »
Although I don't care if non-gamers buy this or not, they are a group that is new to this videogame stuff.  We're really used to the idea of a new videogame system coming out every years or so.  They're not.  This is the first time this has ever come up for them.  A big reason why CNN is so confused is because they don't really know much about videogames.  I think for some casuals Nintendo has to make it clear that this is how things work.  You buy a new system now if you want new games.  If there was any time where this sort of confusion was going to be a problem this is it.  This is the only time where the blue ocean market that first got into videogames with the Wii is facing a new console generation.

Offline Adrock

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2012, 05:27:31 PM »
Nintendo calls many Wii products "Wii-something." That's what makes the name fundamentally problematic. Name it something that forces people to realize it's something completely different. It doesn't even have to sound cool. That's why the name "Wii" worked to begin with. The name identified the product so easily; it couldn't be confused for anything else. That's why I think the name controversy is so ironic. It's the exact opposite problem Nintendo had with the Wii. I don't think any of the issues presented in this topic will persist far past than the 1st few months, but that does affect a lot of things. And why wouldn't you just avoid them altogether? These aforementioned self-imposed barriers are entirely unnecessary. Use Blu Ray cases. Make the console matte black and/or wider rather than long. If i'm about to mow my lawn, I don't throw rocks all over it first. Why would I do that? Why make my job harder without even a good reason attached to it?

The only thing Chozo mentioned that I'm on the fence on is peripheral forwards compatibility. There are pros and cons. If it were my decision, I wouldn't have made anything compatible. Then again, I also don't mind buying new controllers. I understand the logic behind it. Forward compatibility significantly reduces the price of entry which is inviting even though it's not really expected. When you buy a new car, you don't take the wheels off of your old one. You're paying for new wheels.
It saddens me to think that people are that stupid.
It saddens me that some people are that stupid. Years ago, I was in Best Buy around Christmas time and a confused mother holding a Gameboy Pocket and a Gameboy Color asked me what the difference was. Not everyone is like that, but some are. Outside of gameplay, Nintendo should just presume everyone is an idiot who can't be trusted to figure even the simplest of things out.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 05:34:58 PM by Adrock »

Offline Ceric

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2012, 05:42:48 PM »
Caterkiller raises a good point. Apple have built up such a cache of goodwill among consumers and fans that with the latest iPad they didn't even feel the need to number it. It is simply known as the new iPad.
Not to mention there Zealot following.
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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2012, 05:46:50 PM »
Important to note about the CNN article is that the original writer didn't confuse the Wii U with the Wii. His editor added in how the Wii U was just a new controller for the Wii without his knowing.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2012, 05:56:11 PM »
Important to note about the CNN article is that the original writer didn't confuse the Wii U with the Wii. His editor added in how the Wii U was just a new controller for the Wii without his knowing.
My manager does this all the time.  Butt in when even though he doesn't know the facts.
Though this is a good example of the confusion.
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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2012, 01:32:48 AM »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2012, 01:39:01 AM »
Having the Wii U being so closely associated with the Wii would have made more sense a few years ago when the Wii was still very popular. I think we all know sales and consumer interest in the Wii has declined over the last few years.  Its not 2007 anymore. The Wii fad is over.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2012, 01:56:13 AM »

That just highlights to me that a truly astounding amount of people bought Wiis as novelty gadgets and never used them again after they got tired of Wii Sports/Fit. I think there's a genuine cognitive dissonance problem inside of Nintendo, where they look at that number and believe that they've won, but can't/won't internalize why they're a borderline laughing stock among the Western gaming world. I'm frankly kind of surprised that the WiiU is getting even the tepid level of 3rd party support they showed at E3. Most of the western studios and gaming press seem like they'd be pleased if Nintendo just gave up the ghost and stopped causing them headaches/obligatory port development costs. I have a sinking feeling that if the first round of these games don't sell well, which they probably won't, most publishers will give well-we-tried shrugs and trot away, even faster than they did with the Wii, which was even faster than they did with the Gamecube.

The main hope with that might be digital distribution. If companies don't have to bother printing, packaging, and retailing games, the (supposedly easy) porting process might make it worth it even if sales are comparatively negligible.

As for Wiimote compatibility, I was really hoping they'd make it a Motion+ minimum, despite the additional confusion that would likely cause. They could have even put together a voucher program where WiiU owners could send off for Motion+ dongles to get up to speed! Many problems with the Wii I believe are traceable to the underwhelming fidelity offered by the basic Wiimotes, and they should have retired them as a first gen effort, much like Microsoft will likely do when they launch KinectXP.

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2012, 02:00:57 AM »
I'm just going to say this: If people just bought a Wii and nothing else, the attach ratio wouldn't have been near PS3 levels for the longest time. The revisionist history (now hardware sales don't determine first place in konsole warz?) and anger from the typical message board hardcore (who is increasingly more obnoxious with every year with their annoying entitlement and hatred of other people entering their hobby) for the Wii and now Wii U is just sad to me. I sort of hope the Wii U does extremely well, just to see the whining and excuses being made by the Western press and gamers. It will be a sight to behold just like it was this past generation with the Wii's success. Because between gamers and Nintendo, I have to choose the lesser of two evils, and that's unfortunately Nintendo.
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Offline Kairon

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2012, 02:05:15 AM »
That just highlights to me that a truly astounding amount of people bought Wiis as novelty gadgets and never used them again after they got tired of Wii Sports/Fit.

I really am unconvinced with this myth. The Wii has a tie ratio above 7 last I checked. That tells me that people are buying games beyond just Wii Sports and Wii Fit.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
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Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2012, 03:02:29 AM »
I just doubt that people aren't going to see this as a new console experience. It clearly is. The price point will only reinforce that. If people think they're going to pay 300-upwards for a new peripheral, they're idiots.

The Wii U is a next generation console. It is the FIRST next-generation console. If people haven't realized the trend that's been going on since, I don't know, the eighties, they'll see that Nintendo's offering a new experience, just like they do every five or so years.. The peripheral is a huge draw, IMO. The draw of having Dual screens, with a touchscreen, was a huge draw in terms of the DS because it brought an inexpensive touchscreen into the home environment. The Wii U is offering a tablet, that can stream and interact with the TV, that's going to be a draw for people who don't want to pay for that more expensive tablet- for casuals and a younger audience, it introduces their kids to the tablet concept, which is where everybody seems to want things to go nowadays. The Wii popularized motion control and it doesn't seem like Nintendo will be abandoning that anytime soon- they're just introducing a new concept to people. And personally, I think people are going to bite. It's a social device/tablet peripheral. I think that's a very smart incentive to present customers. Certainly, it's a better draw than the next PS-something or xBox-something promising the ability to- what, play prettier games and play DVDs/blu-ray discs? People at least acknowledge that Nintendo is attempting to introduce them to something new, interesting, and engaging. I think a lot of you guys, and gamers in general, underestimate that because they're so entrenched in the idea of these consoles providing GAMING and nothing else. The Wii U appears to be an entertainment system, and its controller, online play and digital distribution, and social possibility are much more appealing than anything else people are selling right now, especially from a casual standpoint. And yeah, Nintendo actually knows how to play that casual market, and I think this one is going to pay off for them- not as much as the Wii craze, but I think its sales will be very stable.

...I don't mean to sound preachy with what I think, so I apologize if I come off that way.
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Offline house3136

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Re: Why did Nintendo make the Wii[U] a carbon copy of the Wii?
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2012, 04:57:41 AM »
 I can understand people not wanting the console to look the same, but are people really going to just see the white box separate from the GamePad and assume it’s the same as Wii? “Hmm… I don’t seem to remember my current Wii having a controller with a six-inch screen in it, better Google this. Oh, it’s a new console.” I think a lot of confusion will subside once we see advertisements. Nintendo needs to plaster the word New everywhere. “This is a completely new console with a new controller, and new games, with new types of gameplay. Did we mention it’s new?” They also need to push word like “Next-generation”, “future”, “never been done before”, etc. Nintendo needs to do this even before the console even launces; showing the release date reiterates that it’s so new it’s not even available yet. Also, the price alone will clearly differentiate it from Wii. As well, time has not stood still for the past 6 years, lots of kids have grown up on Wii, who aren’t kids anymore; and there is always a new generation moving into gaming. I’m assuming most of us here started playing games as kids, and have continued that into adulthood, and are now introducing Nintendo’s beloved franchises to their own kids. Nintendo is offering an awesome gaming console, and I remember back to when 3DS was “doomed”, and it’s now outpacing DS sales. Let’s not underestimate Nintendo months before we can actually play/use Wii U.