
What should Nintendo bring to show @ E3?

Games. Tons of games from third and first party!
11 (50%)
Graphics. Lets see 1080p!
0 (0%)
Games and graphics. Bring pretty games only!
3 (13.6%)
They should have all above, and some new feature.
6 (27.3%)
Wii U is Doomed
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?  (Read 23547 times)

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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #50 on: November 08, 2011, 10:44:08 AM »
The Wii Burned out fastish.  Though whats more interesing is how it didn't just peter down it sort of dropped like a stone when it went out.

Nintendo didn't get the timing right on how long they could ride the Wii.  Who could really know?  Assuming next holiday season will be the release of the Wii U I honestly think Nintendo missed the sweet spot by about a year.

Another thing that is happening to gaming as it becomes more mainstream is that games are shifting from not  being viewed as equivalent to Movies and more equivalent to TV shows.  I was listening to How to Do Everything and they have an episode on TV Shows.  One of the things that they talk about for a successful TV Show is "Refillable Content." A concept that can be reused without getting stale.  There are games that are Refillable enough to bring in enough money to justify there existance (Hello, Annual Sport and Shooter games.)

While Movies work with a concept that can be fully realized in the course of a screening and would bore consumers over a longterm regular approach. (Hi, most Nintendo IPs.)

Nintendo has a few games that are essentially exclusive that fit that mold sort of (Hi, Layton and Pokemon.)  They could use more of them.
I just hope they can soon start leaking some info on the Wii U software.  Not even the system at this point.  Start some slow hype to build for there E3 announcement.  Hopefully to the point that Maintstream media cares.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #51 on: November 08, 2011, 01:16:17 PM »
Well considering that the Wii is Nintendo's most successful home console to date,

In terms of hardware units sold and software sold, that's true. But what does that really mean to us consumers and fans? The Wii may be Nintendo's best selling console of all time, but I don't think most people would say its their favorite Nintendo console of all time.

My point was, why would Nintendo abandon their strategy of expanding the blue ocean in favor of only seeking the same audience that they already share (the majority of) with Sony & MS.

Of course they are gonna continue to reach out as that strategy has given them more success over the past few years financially and in sales than ever before. Iwata also said they are bringing the everything else and by all appearances so far, they have fixed the major issue that caused the game drought over the last few years (modernized features and power in general). 

Lots of people only have 1 console in their homes, and when they find out that not only does the new wii play all the old games, but uses all the old accessories that they already own too and adds more on top of that with an iPad like tablet thing, it won't matter whether or not it was your favorite console this gen or not, as it will be the upgrade to the only console alot of people currently have and it will be better than that PS3 or Xbox that they have been contemplating buying for the last few years too.

Drop Just Dance 4, Wiifit U, NSMB Mii, GTA V and Madden 2013 near launch next year, and Nintendo will have the casual blue ocean audience locked up all over again and will have the attention of the core when more Multi-plat 3rd party titles start to hit too.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #52 on: November 08, 2011, 01:47:03 PM »
Madden 2013 and GTA:V are game that really matter the when.  If the Wii U is out already when these drops that would be great but, if its after I would consider them a non-factor especially Madden.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2011, 02:30:28 PM »
My point was, why would Nintendo abandon their strategy of expanding the blue ocean in favor of only seeking the same audience that they already share (the majority of) with Sony & MS.

The blue ocean group has no loyality.  For them videogames are a mindless distraction, not something they are specifically interested in.  So they'll gladly ditch Nintendo for the next big thing that grabs their fancy.  The core gamers will still buy product even if videogames aren't "in" at the time.  They're a market that is not going to disappear with the trends.  Plus the blue ocean market has lower standards of quality so if their iPad already plays games for them, that's good enough.  We all think the iPad and iPhone lack proper control options to really work well as videogames systems.  The blue ocean group doesn't care.  Nintendo doesn't own 100% of that market.  They're competing directly with Apple and any electronic device that can play something resembling a videogame.

And really the problem with the Wii is that it did not appeal to the core market.  It isn't so much that they targetted the blue ocean market but that they focused the Wii so much on that market that is turned core gamers off.  Sony and MS have since targetted casuals too but didn't lose the core market in doing so.  Kinect is total casual horseshit but it has not killed Microsoft's popularity with core gamers.  But that's because it's an optional accessory.  The Xbox 360 still comes with a conventional controller as a standard and it isn't a glorified original Xbox in a different shell.  The Wii from day one provided no benefit to a core gamer beyond what the Gamecube already offered.  Every new feature about it was aimed at casuals, so they just handed the core market (which was already impatient at them to begin with) to Sony and MS on a silver platter.

The Wii U can target the blue ocean market AND the core market like, you know, the Xbox 360 has done with Kinect.  But for the core market to even remotely give it a chance it cannot come across as strictly a casual console like the Wii was.  The name itself from the get go is doing a fantastic job of pigeon holing it as a casual console.  The suggestion that this is will continue the Wii legacy is a huge turn off.

Just don't target the blue ocean group at the expense of the core group and do not give the impression that that will be the case even if it is not the plan.  Though I don't trust Nintendo to be able to target both groups effectively.  They think making a console for "everyone" means each game has to be accessible to everyone which results in games that appeal to the lowest common denominator (kids in the past; casuals in the present).  I personally would like them to outright ditch the blue ocean market because it's the only way they'll be able to target core gamers.  Other companies can appeal to both groups, but not Nintendo... unless Nintendo changes.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2011, 06:17:32 PM »
That is ridiculous. Nintendo still makes all the same core games that they used to and then some. Now they also make the casual games ontop of that. I'm sure if you check the stats, Nintendo has to be outputting at least the same amount of games as last gen and even more so than the gen before.

The problem with the Wii was that all the 3rd parties abandoned it, and when they did decide to show support it was through mostly poorly constructed casual crap. That is what turned off the majority of the core audience. Nintendo couldn't carry the system by themselves, and if 3rd parties could have predicted just how popular the Wii was gonna be and for how long, then they might not have had to. If Wii had all the same games tailored to Wii's strengths, I'm sure the core audience wouldn't have been so quick to abandon the Wii regardless of the graphical difference.

Besides, Wii software was outselling the majority of PS360 software up until about a little over a 1.5 yrs ago.
and any major 3rd party multi-platform release still usually performs decently well on the Wii even though the core audience was ignored for so long.

Offline MaryJane

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2011, 06:36:09 PM »
What would be awesome from Nintendo, and would be the only way they could survive on 1st party only support, would be to have 12 original IPs and every other month, one game comes out. That would mean a new Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Earthbound, Donkey Kong, Kirby, F-Zero/Mario Kart, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Pokemon, and SSMB game every 2years, along with some "minor" original IPs filling in the gaps.

You know what else I'd love to see? How about WiiUWare games that are just one world in Mario? Like if a Goomba stole and hid the Princess it shouldn't take Mario 8 worlds to find her, just one. Or, a bounty mission for Samus that takes place on one world and she just has to solve a few puzzles, track a few clues, and kill countless armies of space pirates? A simple game with Link (at the end of OoT) looking for more clues about the Sheikah? Or how about marrying that 100 Marios game demo to a Pikmin level or two? Games like that would keep the anticipation up for the next games in those series, especially if we could expect them with consistency.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2011, 06:42:44 PM »
Or small things like that could drain the creative pot for an actual next release. Not to mention drain resources towards pumping out AAA quality sequels on a 2 year (every other month) timetable.

It would be nice if Nintendo had unlimited resources, but they don't. But that's why they need to buddy up with 3rd parties to fill all those gaps so that they can take 4 years to do Zelda right and then take 3 years to perfect the new Mario and balance the next Smash Bros and tweak the next Mario Kart. 3rd parties are the key, I'm just glad Nintendo decided that they need them in the picture again.

Offline NeoStar9X

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2011, 08:19:46 PM »
Games are key. They will already look great. That should be obvious. I think we've reached a point where that can only get you so far. That no longer clouds people's judgement, at least I like to think it doesn't the way it did several years ago. I'm saving for the system now but I want there to be at least a few games I can pick up with the system on day one. I'm not looking for ports of games out now. Multiplatform releases that are a month or two old at the time of the release is acceptable. Collections with DLC are okay as that is a lot of content for the price.

They at least need to show some development on a new Mario, Zelda, and possibly Metroid. If not Metroid, F-Zero and/or Star Fox. If Pikmin is ready it needs to be there. If Animal Crossing is ready or close it needs to be there.  Wii U Fit should be there day one I think. I think if they added some social networking (if only through their online system) it could be a huge draw for those that loved the series on the Wii.

What I think would be great if they could partner with Capcom to rebirth Mega Man in 2D and 3D form. Leading up to his inclusion to Brawl. 

They don't need much in terms of 3rd parties I think overall but few key series are a must. There needs to be some shooter of some kind. Debuting the latest Call of Duty that year, would be Treyarch's, would be a huge get for Nintendo. It would be on other systems of course but to have "Pre-order for Wii U" after the commercial instead of Xbox 360 would go a LONG way in the west.

Ghost Recon Online if it is still on the system has to be fully playable and ready to go.
A Wii U version of GTA V is a MUST!
The latest Madden that takes full advantage of the controller for plays, etc is a MUST!

The Sims. There has to be a new one soon I think. It's quite possible those it's aimed at might not have the PCs to run it just yet considering what they did with The Sims 3. Which means debuting it on the console version might be ideal. The Wii U controller could provide enough options to do it well.  This is me being really wishful though. I'd personally love this.

Their online system must be there fully complete. 100%.There can be no doubt on anything regarding it.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 08:28:12 PM by NeoStar9X »

Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2011, 09:23:18 PM »
I don't think such quick fire releases be good on just the WIi U.  I think that the situation that Nintendo has gotten in with MK 7, SM3L, and Zelda Skyward Sword.  Just think its a lot at once sort of.  At least for the faithful :P.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #59 on: November 08, 2011, 10:37:57 PM »
Nintendo couldn't carry the system by themselves,

Maybe, maybe not. We will never know because they didn't really put forth much of an effort, now did they? With the billions they printed from the DS and Wii over the last few years they could have expanded and opened up new studios or bought existing ones and put them to work to deliver the core games which the Wii was sorely lacking.

Hell, even games which were completed like Last Story and those other ones were never even brought here even though they easily could have. So how can anyone say Nintendo tried? They didn't try. They needed to have brought their A game this generation, and the fact is they didn't.

I am not saying Nintendo is superman and could do the impossible, but what disappoints me is that they didn't even try. If you are against unbeatable odds and you gave it your best and you lose at least you can say you tried your best. But Nintendo can't say that. They did not do the best they could have done this generation. I'm sorry but they didn't and that's not just my opinion, its also a fact because the fact they won't bring all those already completed games over proves it.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #60 on: November 08, 2011, 10:53:27 PM »
Generation isn't over yet.

Actually Reggie just said that Skyward Sword isn't the last great game for Wii and that we will hear more end of Dec. early Jan.

That could be NoA announcing Xeno & TLS for U.S. release to help fill the void between Xmas and Wii U. or it copuld be Reggie blowing more smoke... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

and like I've said before, Nintendo has output more games this gen than probably the last 2 before it, so I would hardly say that they didn't try. They are also supporting more formats at once that ever too. Wii, WiiWare, VC, DS, DSi/ware, 3DS, 3DSware & soon Wii U/ware.
They are stretched thin. That is why they need to lean a little more heavily on 3rd parties to provide the support and fill in some gaps.

Offline Adrock

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #61 on: November 08, 2011, 11:23:36 PM »
With the billions they printed from the DS and Wii over the last few years they could have expanded and opened up new studios or bought existing ones and put them to work to deliver the core games which the Wii was sorely lacking.
They did. Nintendo released just as many if not more games for the Wii than it did on any of its previous consoles and it did so while also supporting DS which didn't rely so heavily on remakes like GBA did. How do you think Nintendo accomplished that? A magic lamp? A monkey paw? Alchemy? What else do you want them to do? Open even more? You can't just create new teams overnight and expect them to perform at a high level. These things take time. On top of that, game development takes an average of 20-24 months to complete, longer if the game is something like Zelda. If Nintendo had created any new teams in the last year or two, they probably weren't put to work on Wii games. Maybe you disagree with that but Nintendo has to think about its future or people like you would just starting bitching about how Wii U doesn't have enough games.

And you clearly haven't been paying attention if you expect Nintendo to just buy up development studios.
So how can anyone say Nintendo tried? They didn't try. They needed to have brought their A game this generation, and the fact is they didn't.
Besides all of the amazing games they released this generation, Wii has practically outsold PS3 and 360 combined and it did so primarily on the strength of 5 glorified tech demos packaged into one disc. That's like slapping your arch enemy's mother right in the face... with your penis. How did Nintendo not bring its A-game?
I'm sorry but they didn't and that's not just my opinion, its also a fact because the fact they won't bring all those already completed games over proves it.
"This is my opinion which is fact because I say it is."

That's you. That's what you sound like.

Nintendo of America not bringing over 3 games that most people wouldn't have bought doesn't even remotely suggest a lack of effort.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 11:28:33 PM by Adrock »

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2011, 04:02:44 AM »
They did. Nintendo released just as many if not more games for the Wii than it did on any of its previous consoles and it did so while also supporting DS which didn't rely so heavily on remakes like GBA did.

Aside from the casual focused "Wii" series of games, what new games has Nintendo released on the Wii or DS in their lifespans? There are the usual assortment of Mario and Zelda and other games of the same franchises Nintendo has been milking for the last 20 years, but where is the new stuff? The GC had Pikmin, so that's something. Pikmin isn't a casual game, yet it is something new. There was Donkey Kong Country and Punch Out which I am thankful for because those franchises haven't seen a new game since the SNES era, so for those games its been so long that sequels were welcomed. But even though their presence was welcomed, they are still sequels and not new core franchises. That's been the problem with Nintendo since the N64 pretty much.

Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft are pumping out new franchises left and right. Nintendo is more conservative and they focus whatever resources they have on sequels or casual games. There is absolutely nothing else, and the few exciting new core games that do come out are available in Japan only. Like Captain Rainbow and all those other ones. Why can't Wii have those? Wii would like to play, but Nintendo won't put forth the 2 cents worth of effort and bring the games over.

Wii has practically outsold PS3 and 360 combined

But it used to be that the Wii was outselling the competition (or the PS3 at least) by 5 times as much. Then it dropped to 4 times as much, then 3 times as much. So now you are going to boast that the Wii has sold 2 times as much? And it is still dropping. It may not reach the point where the competition ever overtakes the Wii, but let's face it the Wii is stagnant and pretty much at the end of its rope. The competition is going stronger now than it ever has, and the dominance the Wii had back from its launch to 2009 has faded a lot. I would expect both the PS3 and 360 to start overtaking the Wii in monthly and yearly sales, if they haven't already.

and it did so primarily on the strength of 5 glorified tech demos packaged into one disc. That's like slapping your arch enemy's mother right in the face... with your penis. How did Nintendo not bring its A-game?

Because Nintendo didn't go in for the kill. They won over the casual gamers with a glorified tech demo, as you said, but what did they do to capitalize on that? And what did they do to win over core gamers? That's why I say they didn't bring their A-game.

They slapped the competition in the face with their penis, but the penis was small and flaccid and while it was humiliating at first it was not a death blow to the competition. After the initial shock wore off, Kevin Butler and Bill Gates pointed at the tiny casual penis and laughed. Nintendo had nothing to follow it up with, especially this last year in particular.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 04:18:31 AM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #63 on: November 09, 2011, 08:07:21 AM »
1. Yeah, way to change your argument from "why don't they open new studios? Wah!" to "why won't they create anything new? Wah!" The fact of the matter is that Nintendo has created new teams which is the very thing you were complaining that Nintendo hasn't been doing. So you want Nintedo to create new IPs in addition to releasing all the established franchises you love? What happens when/if you get both? You'll change gears and bitch about something else. I know this because you just did it.

Sony and Microsoft have been creating new franchises because they have to; they entered the console space much later than Nintendo and don't have the same rich history of characters. They're just as guilty of milking their franchises as Nintendo, far more in some cases. Since 2005, Sony has released 6 God of War games (including the mobile phone game) and 2 HD collections. That's 8 releases in the span of 6 years. Uncharted will have 4 installments once Golden Abyss comes out. Halo has 4 main installments with a 5th on the way, a remake to the original, a side story, and an RTS. So yeah, this isn't something that only Nintendo is doing. These companies know what sells and as long as people keep buying them, they'll keep making them.

2. It's called market saturation. There was no way to sustain the kind of sales Nintendo was getting because there comes a point where most people who want something already have one. Plus, PS3 and 360 have steadily become more and more affordable.

3. Nintendo makes their own core titles which admittedly appeals primarily to Nintendo's own fans. However, that said, there isn't a whole lot of Nintendo can do to convince people who don't like their games to start liking them. They need better 3rd party support. We all know this but they weren't going to get it on the Wii. On the bright side, Nintendo seems to be going in the right direction on the Wii U.

And Sony and Microsoft laughed off the Wii and casual gaming........ Then released Move and Kinect. I'm still curious what death blow you expected. They want from last place to first in a single generation. They make more money than both of their competitors combined (gaming division). Nintendo can't stop people from liking games that Sony and Microsoft make. There's no absolute victory to be had unless either competitor commits corporate suicide by releasing terrible products.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 08:21:06 AM by Adrock »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #64 on: November 09, 2011, 10:43:34 AM »
They did. Nintendo released just as many if not more games for the Wii than it did on any of its previous consoles and it did so while also supporting DS which didn't rely so heavily on remakes like GBA did.

Aside from the casual focused "Wii" series of games, what new games has Nintendo released on the Wii or DS in their lifespans? There are the usual assortment of Mario and Zelda and other games of the same franchises Nintendo has been milking for the last 20 years, but where is the new stuff? The GC had Pikmin, so that's something. Pikmin isn't a casual game, yet it is something new. There was Donkey Kong Country and Punch Out which I am thankful for because those franchises haven't seen a new game since the SNES era, so for those games its been so long that sequels were welcomed. But even though their presence was welcomed, they are still sequels and not new core franchises. That's been the problem with Nintendo since the N64 pretty much.
NEW Super Mario Bros.
Excite Truck/bots
Sin & Punishment
Xenoblade, TLS, Pandora, Disaster, Span Smasher, Battalion Wars,
but thats' just off the top of my head

Meanwhile, Sony and Microsoft are pumping out new franchises left and right. Nintendo is more conservative and they focus whatever resources they have on sequels or casual games. There is absolutely nothing else, and the few exciting new core games that do come out are available in Japan only. Like Captain Rainbow and all those other ones. Why can't Wii have those? Wii would like to play, but Nintendo won't put forth the 2 cents worth of effort and bring the games over.
Sony has
Uncharted 1, 2, 3
Ratchet & Clank (& the 1 or 2 sequels)
Resistance 1 & 2
LBP 1 & 2

MS has
Halo 3, Reach, ODST & soon Halo 4 in 2012
Kinect Sports 1 and soon 2 in 2012

Sony and MS are desperately seeking their Mario and Zelda's in this world. And honestly, who wouldn't. Every dev/pub would love to have an established franchise that could do almost no wrong as long as they kept the quality good. So now you're going to fault Nintendo for having and supporting the one thing that everyone else is jealous of?

Wii has practically outsold PS3 and 360 combined

But it used to be that the Wii was outselling the competition (or the PS3 at least) by 5 times as much. Then it dropped to 4 times as much, then 3 times as much. So now you are going to boast that the Wii has sold 2 times as much? And it is still dropping. It may not reach the point where the competition ever overtakes the Wii, but let's face it the Wii is stagnant and pretty much at the end of its rope. The competition is going stronger now than it ever has, and the dominance the Wii had back from its launch to 2009 has faded a lot. I would expect both the PS3 and 360 to start overtaking the Wii in monthly and yearly sales, if they haven't already.

Did you really expect Wii to keep up a record setting pace past the point of near saturation just so that it can say that held it's 5x the competition sales levels? Do you realize how many Wii they would have had to sell at this point? 250 million of them. Yes, a quarter BILLION Wii's would have had to been sold. That's almost double the amount of DS's & PS2's sold in the world. DO you really think anyone is ever gonna reach that number if they don't start pandering to the "people not currently interested in videogames" such as the vast Blue Ocean crowd that eats up quality "casual" wares?

and it did so primarily on the strength of 5 glorified tech demos packaged into one disc. That's like slapping your arch enemy's mother right in the face... with your penis. How did Nintendo not bring its A-game?

Because Nintendo didn't go in for the kill. They won over the casual gamers with a glorified tech demo, as you said, but what did they do to capitalize on that? And what did they do to win over core gamers? That's why I say they didn't bring their A-game.

They slapped the competition in the face with their penis, but the penis was small and flaccid and while it was humiliating at first it was not a death blow to the competition. After the initial shock wore off, Kevin Butler and Bill Gates pointed at the tiny casual penis and laughed. Nintendo had nothing to follow it up with, especially this last year in particular.

They "pointed at the tiny casual penis and laughed" all the way till releasing Kinect and Move in an attempt at being just like Nintendo....?

What did they do to capitalize on it...?
They outsold the competition almost 2:1 combined and made more money than the competition combined lost x4.
*Can you say Record Setting Profits that boosted them up to the #2 Company in Japan*
They followed up with blockbuster sales in games such as NSMB, WiiFit, WSR & WiiPlay and established the Wii____ series of games.

How did they win over core gamers? Are you a core gamer?
Do you own a Wii? SuperMario Galaxy 1 & 2? PunchOut? Excite Trucks/bots? DKCR?
will you be buying Zelda SS? Are you eagerly awaiting an announcement of Xeno and/or TLS &  Pandora? Did you happen to invest several dozen/hundred hours into any of those so called "casual" games I listed above?

Nintendo's main fault this generation was the 3rd party falllout, not their own output. Nintendo put out tons of great games this gen, but they couldn't support all the needs of every gamer all by themselves. If 3rd parties are onboard for Wii U, it will be a much different playing field when it comes to available software.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 10:47:32 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Adrock

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #65 on: November 09, 2011, 11:02:12 AM »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #66 on: November 09, 2011, 11:06:59 AM »
sorry I responded while the comments where fresh in my head (just now started reading your response LOL)

edit: Besides, the first quote I was responding to was basically you rewording something I had just in a previous post said where he chose to respond to you saying it instead. But I guess it's not hard to respond almost the same when we're both on the same page.

edit2: Wow, our responses were eerily similar. Get outta my head!!!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2011, 11:13:49 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Stogi

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #67 on: November 09, 2011, 11:29:56 AM »
The more I think about it, the more I want Nintendo to release an HD version of Skyward Sword at launch. If Pikmin shows how to use the Wii U tablet right, and DQX shows how to use the online and graphics, then Skyward Sword would show that Nintendo isn't joking about using Wii controllers on its new console.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #68 on: November 09, 2011, 11:37:30 AM »
The more I think about it, the more I want Nintendo to release an HD version of Skyward Sword at launch. If Pikmin shows how to use the Wii U tablet right, and DQX shows how to use the online and graphics, then Skyward Sword would show that Nintendo isn't joking about using Wii controllers on its new console.
I'm hoping that Skyward Sword is like Wind Waker.  They pick an art style that can be fully achieved on the system.  Making an "HD" port of it essentially just moving it to another system because it will look very similar.
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Offline Stogi

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #69 on: November 09, 2011, 11:42:40 AM »
Yeah but have you seen WW emulated at 1080p? It's absolutely gorgeous. It's a work of art.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #70 on: November 09, 2011, 11:47:10 AM »
Yeah but have you seen WW emulated at 1080p? It's absolutely gorgeous. It's a work of art.
As TYP found out Wind Waker scales wonderfully with about anything.  I real testament to that game.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #71 on: November 09, 2011, 01:49:55 PM »
Did someone honestly just use New Super Mario Bros. as an example of a new franchise from Nintendo?  Seriously?  How is that "series" any different then the Super Mario Bros. games on the NES?  If I suggested that Konami had gone stale would you point to Contra Rebirth as an example of something new?  Or Mega Man 9 to defend Capcom?

Pikmin really impressed me on the Cube because it was a new IP from EAD and Miyamoto.  This wasn't some niche title from a C-level dev that stayed in Japan.  It was their top guys and this was something that was supposed to stand alongside Metroid, Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, etc.  When I say I want new IP I don't mean some filler title or a Japan-only title.  I mean like EAD or IS or Retro doing it.  I mean something that is supposed to stand with their existing big franchises.  I mean something that would be marketed and positioned as a major release (and there is a difference between a major release and a supporting title).  The Wii series wasn't made by Nintendo's b-teams and games like Wii Sports and Wii Fit were given big marketing pushes and important Christmas time release slots.  They were expected to be big bread winners like they expect Super Mario Galaxy to be a big bread winner.  Span Smasher is never intended to be that kind of title.  Nintendo let Wii Music have a Christmas to itself (and got a lot of flack for doing so).  I want Nintendo to do that sort of thing with a core focused new IP.

Uncharted is one of the PS3's big hits.  It was made by Naughty Dog, one of Sony's main devs.  They already had a successful series with Jak & Daxter and could have just continued to milk that but they didn't.  They made something new and it wasn't treated as some filler title, it was designed to be a big title and marketted as a big title.  Sony didn't NEED to do that.  They could have just said "make us more Jak".  They could have told Insomniac to just make Ratchet & Clank titles but let them also make Resistance.  They could have told Sucker Punch to just make more Sly Cooper but instead we got Infamous.  These devs already had established IP and Sony did not have them just stick to the same thing when they easily could have.  Instead the PS3 has new series that have become hits.

When the hell does Nintendo ever do that?  IS makes Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and Paper Mario.  HAL makes Kirby and SSB.  EAD makes Mario and Zelda and now the Wii series (which is new but is clearly for casuals).  Retro made Metroid and now gets to make DKC.  God forbid they work on something new.  Better get them on some existing IP making a retro-style sidescroller platformer when Mario and Wario and Kirby are already doing the EXACT SAME THING.  But I guess we can't get enough retro sidescrollers.  Clearly the Wii needs FOUR franchises doing that at the same time.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #72 on: November 09, 2011, 01:59:08 PM »
Did someone honestly just use New Super Mario Bros. as an example of a new franchise from Nintendo?  Seriously?  How is that "series" any different then the Super Mario Bros. games on the NES?
Its not as good?

Stupid Bowser Jr.  Ruining my Mario games.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #73 on: November 09, 2011, 02:32:56 PM »
Did someone honestly just use New Super Mario Bros. as an example of a new franchise from Nintendo?  Seriously?  How is that "series" any different then the Super Mario Bros. games on the NES?  If I suggested that Konami had gone stale would you point to Contra Rebirth as an example of something new?  Or Mega Man 9 to defend Capcom?

Well considering the person that "someone" was responding to and quoted used games that hadn't seen a sequel in a long time, NSMB fit with the examples given seen as a sidescrolling Mario hadn't seen a console sequel in quite some time. So let's keep things in context before you start trying to call people out.

Oh and NEW is in the title, so there is also that :P

Offline Caterkiller

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #74 on: November 09, 2011, 02:55:34 PM »
A new Nintendo IP seems to "count" if the franchise is made by Nintendo's best and the star of that game makes it into Smash Bros. That's my personal believe anyway. I love Wii Sports resort but hate that Miis were the only guys in Pilot Wings Resort. I wanted those old funny looking guys again, or some new guys with Mii as an option.
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