
What should Nintendo bring to show @ E3?

Games. Tons of games from third and first party!
11 (50%)
Graphics. Lets see 1080p!
0 (0%)
Games and graphics. Bring pretty games only!
3 (13.6%)
They should have all above, and some new feature.
6 (27.3%)
Wii U is Doomed
2 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Author Topic: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?  (Read 22284 times)

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #75 on: November 09, 2011, 03:12:02 PM »
Uncharted is one of the PS3's big hits.  It was made by Naughty Dog, one of Sony's main devs.  They already had a successful series with Jak & Daxter and could have just continued to milk that but they didn't.  They made something new and it wasn't treated as some filler title, it was designed to be a big title and marketted as a big title.  Sony didn't NEED to do that.  They could have just said "make us more Jak".  They could have told Insomniac to just make Ratchet & Clank titles but let them also make Resistance.  They could have told Sucker Punch to just make more Sly Cooper but instead we got Infamous.  These devs already had established IP and Sony did not have them just stick to the same thing when they easily could have.  Instead the PS3 has new series that have become hits.

When the hell does Nintendo ever do that?  IS makes Fire Emblem, Advance Wars and Paper Mario.  HAL makes Kirby and SSB.  EAD makes Mario and Zelda and now the Wii series (which is new but is clearly for casuals).  Retro made Metroid and now gets to make DKC.  God forbid they work on something new.

So a bunch of relatively new studios trying to establish their own "Mario" gets to work on something that's not their main franchise to hopefully also find their "Zelda" is what Nintendo should be doing...

or are you trying to argue that since Nintendo already has their "Mario" & "Zelda" & "Kirby" & Donkey Kong" & "etc etc" that they should be trying to find their next "Mario" & "Zelda" & "Kirby" & "etc etc"?

Because I think that Nintendo cares more about the creativity of gameplay, and each IP was born out of the style of play. If new gameplay ideas fit within existing gameworlds, then why try to sell me on a new brand when you can reach more people by advertising that the brand they already know and love is getting something new and hopefully better?
If it doesn't fit an existing gameworld, then a new IP will be created to accommodate it.

Nintendo has a HUGE portfolio of successful IP the most recent of which is the Mii's, so to just abandon one to create a new one everytime someone thinks of a new a idea that would easily help build an existing one into a bigger brand would just be stupid.

All those other studios love being able to work on something new all the time, but I bet they would love it more if they had a hit franchise that they knew would sell 10million upon release everytime. They would love to get shoehorned into the "Hit Franchise A" studio who has that loyal fanbase which gives them job security and eventually enough clout to really branch out and potentially make other hit franchises just off the fact that people know they were involved.

Better get them on some existing IP making a retro-style sidescroller platformer when Mario and Wario and Kirby are already doing the EXACT SAME THING.  But I guess we can't get enough retro sidescrollers.  Clearly the Wii needs FOUR franchises doing that at the same time.

For a total of how many franchises that are doing it nowadays?
I suppose they could do the unique thing and make a game in full polygonal 3D, I don't think anyone else is doing that at the moment. Wouldn't want them to tap the nostalgia factor and try to breath life back into one of their many stagnant IPs by associating it with one of the best games in it's series.

I'm sure Retro will get it's chance to bring something new to the table pretty soon, but up to this point, they have been proving that they are capable of running with the ball on their own. I don't know what they are working on right at this moment, but I have heard that they have more than 1 team working on several different projects.

Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #76 on: November 09, 2011, 04:03:01 PM »
Speaking of "finding their Mario or Zelda", Nintendo has a similar problem. They do not have their own Halo or Grand Theft Auto. This is what one of their studios should be working on finding. Retro would be the perfect candidate to do this.
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #77 on: November 09, 2011, 05:04:04 PM »
Finding the next Mario or Zelda is pretty much exactly what I want.  Not literally another platformer or adventure game but something else that also becomes established.  At some point these franchises didn't exist at all.  They had to start somewhere.  So why not work to create a new one?  Do you just want to play Mario, Zelda, etc forever and ever?  Do you think you won't eventually get bored of that?  I am bored of that.  Someday you will as well.  It's going to be different for different people.

Nintendo has very little that appeals to teens or young adults.  There is reason to create new franchises that appeal to these age groups.  There are many genres that Nintendo has never even sniffed at.  Wouldn't it be nice to see what Nintendo would do with these types of games?  How about something like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark?  It was a Nintendo hit on the N64.  Nintendo later sold off the devs and has never filled the void.  Nintendo gamers clearly liked FPS games on the N64 so why do we not get them now?  Nintendo saw the need to bring DKC back (largely superflous since it's just a Mario clone anyway) but they don't try to establish an FPS franchise to bring fill the void Perfect Dark left?  How about Eternal Darkness?  We can't get a sequel but how come no effort is made to fill the horror void?

Nintendo doesn't have to ditch existing IP (though they might as well ditch Star Fox if they're going to mistreat it the way they do).  Nintendo puts Mario into everything.  Do we need this many Mario sports games, especially incredibly generic ones like the cookie cutter baseball and soccer sequels we got on the Wii?  If Nintendo is going to essentially re-release Animal Crossing every time, couldn't they dedicate that effort to something else?  Do we need three Mario platformers on one system?  Do we need two Kirbys and two Metroids, in both cases by two different developers?

If on the Wii U Nintendo released one Mario platformer (or maybe two if we want a 3D and 2D one), one Mario Kart and one Mario RPG (Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi or whatever) would there really be much outrage about a lack of Mario games?  How about one Zelda, one Metroid and one Kirby and one SSB with no spinoffs?  No one would care.  You wouldn't even notice because we got the sequel we wanted.  Nobody really wants Link's Crossbow Training, they are merely given it.  They may like it but they wouldn't give a **** if no follow-up was ever released.  Zelda fans want real Zelda games and as long as you give them that, you don't have to bother with any spin-offs.  You can easily trim the franchise fat while leaving the big releases that everyone expects around, while freeing up resources to create new IP.

It isn't like I'm suggesting Skyward Sword shouldn't have been made.  We never got a "real" Wii Zelda until this point.  It makes sense to make that game.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #78 on: November 10, 2011, 01:00:18 PM »
I'll post this here instead of the Wii U thread since it relevant.
Fils-Aime told Brazilian gaming site “UOL Jogos”:

“The launch of the 3DS was very interesting: the portable earned great impressions at E3 2010, had excellent pre-order sales, and sold more than any portable system in its first week. So, we had many successes with the 3DS.

But in terms of lessons learned, we need to ensure that we have a strong lineup of games when we release hardware – especially titles from Nintendo. And, looking back, we may not have offered the best lineup of games that we could have brought to the 3DS. It is also important that the digital resources of the hardware are available right away. With 3DS, this came later.

“And that’s why sales weren’t so great, which forced us to make some drastic decisions and reduce the price. Since we did this, and with the release of ‘The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D’ and the digital resources, our sales have been very good. And we have very high expectations for the 3DS this Christmas.”

Looking towards Wii U, the console’s launch should be much improved. After all, Satoru Iwata has said that Nintendo “learned a bitter lesson with the launch of the Nintendo 3DS”. Hopefully we’ll see a few top-notch first/third-party titles, along with the digital download elements on day one.
original source: http://jogos.uol.com.br/ultimas-noticias/2011/11/01/em-visita-ao-brasil-presidente-da-nintendo-diz-que-empresa-tem-plenas-chances-de-liderar-o-mercado-local.htm

Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #79 on: November 10, 2011, 01:17:19 PM »
"Hopefully" is not a word that should  be used by any Nintendo PR about the digital presence being day one.   They WILL have the digital Presence on day 1 or they should release the hardware at all.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Wii U Must Bring it E3 2012?
« Reply #80 on: November 10, 2011, 07:23:26 PM »
"We learned our lesson, so hopefully we'll do better next time."
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.