Author Topic: Wii U - e3 is over... now what?  (Read 1609904 times)

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1525 on: October 15, 2011, 07:37:14 PM »
I like the idea of ROB being in the system menus, but we don't need to turn the whole interface in to a game of Animal Crossing. . .or do we. . ?

Probably not.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1526 on: October 15, 2011, 08:15:40 PM »
I hope this time when they design the interface it drops a lot of cool in things for longterm fans.  like picking certain colors or how the Pikmin transfer data from your old DS.
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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1527 on: October 15, 2011, 10:26:08 PM »
ROB would be the system's operator. As for Animal Crossing, I just thought it would be a nice inside joke from Nintendo to have the console owner have to pay off their system from Tom Nook. Lastly, Nintendo could offer apps that feature Nintendo IPs themed wall papers for the main screen and Nintendo IP themed screen savers for when the system goes into sleep mode due to lack of activity. For example, suppose you leave the room and you Wii U goes into sleep mode. When you return to play your game you find that a screen save that features Olimar and the Pikmen walking around the screen. When you activate your Wiimote, everything goes back to normal.
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Offline Enner

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1528 on: October 15, 2011, 10:37:41 PM »
"Wii U is that third parties such as EA or Rockstar could put such games as the Mass Effect and GTA series on the Wii U and void the hassle of retailing games that are old"

?  They will still have to remake the game to play on the WII U so why would they limit themshelves to just the few that have an external storage device and broadband? 

Nintendo would never allow a 3rd party download service on it's system--for one Nintendo wouldn't be able to track any of the sales and 2nd nintendo's royalites come from the DISCs themshelves.  None of the big three have let any thrid party service on their sytems for that reason. 

Those two problems could mitigated with the right agreements. It would benefit the Wii U's offerings to have experienced download services if Nintendo can't or won't provide a similar and competitive service. Then again, such agreements would require separate businesses and companies playing nice with each other and sharing information and money. orz

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Mass Effect ThWii U
« Reply #1529 on: October 17, 2011, 03:57:08 PM »
Mass Effect 3 coming to Wii U!?
EA Games label manager Frank Gibeau has previously commented, “I can’t say we are going to do it on the Wii U, but you can imagine what we could do with that controller in the Mass Effect universe. It feels like a really nice fit, but we’ll announce that when the time is right.â€

Sounds like a confirmation to me.

Would be better if it came with the first 2 in a Trilogy Pack so us Nintendites can get all caught up from the beginning.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Mass Effect ThWii U
« Reply #1530 on: October 17, 2011, 04:09:40 PM »
Mass Effect 3 coming to Wii U!?
EA Games label manager Frank Gibeau has previously commented, “I can’t say we are going to do it on the Wii U, but you can imagine what we could do with that controller in the Mass Effect universe. It feels like a really nice fit, but we’ll announce that when the time is right.â€

Sounds like a confirmation to me.

Would be better if it came with the first 2 in a Trilogy Pack so us Nintendites can get all caught up from the beginning.

I have said it many times before, and despite being sick of having to say so I'll say it again: Mass Effect 1 will NEVER come to the Wii U, or any other Nintendo system for that matter.  Microsoft owns the exclusive publishing rights to the first Mass Effect, so unless EA buys that back (and I doubt Microsoft will sell it back, just so it can't come to competing platforms) you have to play the first game on the 360.  Now, maybe EA/Bioware could get around that with a full remake of the game using completely new assets, but I doubt they'd bother at this point when the emphasis is on moving the Mass Effect universe forward.

As for Mass Effect 3, I've stated my position on this many times and it isn't going to change: sure, it could come to the Wii U, but why would you want to play that version without the context and choices from the other 2 games?  Making choices, and then experiencing how those choices impact your story throughout the trilogy is the entire point of the Mass Effect series.  Even if EA were to bring Mass Effect 2 to the Wii U like it did the PS3, that's still not the full experience since the choices you can have from the interactive comic are so limiting and so lacking in context.  Sadly, when Microsoft bought the publishing rights to the first Mass Effect, they also guaranteed that the 360 would be the best platform for this trilogy.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1531 on: October 17, 2011, 04:16:35 PM »
Which was there intent.

I think the keywords in there was "universe."  I honestly don't expect any of the Mass Effect Trilogy coming to Wii U.

What I do believe may happen is either:

A) A shadow Trilogy that takes the Story from the other side.
B) I whole new Mass effect entry that really leverages the universe and tablet capabilities.  To the point of Wii U exclusivity.

B is what I'm hoping NoA is really doing with its time.  Not trying to become the worse major branch of Nintendo.  That is the type of game Nintendo really need to bring people to the Wii U.  Series that have Cultish followings to storm the Beachhead.  Since I'm sure they will get the on all the console games it should just make logical sense to get there version.
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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1532 on: October 17, 2011, 04:23:16 PM »
B) I whole new Mass effect entry that really leverages the universe and tablet capabilities.  To the point of Wii U exclusivity.

EA doesn't seem to do platform-exclusive games anymore, so I doubt that would happen but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

The ship has sailed for the original Mass Effect trilogy to really be relevant on the Wii U.  Now, I don't expect we'll see a new Mass Effect trilogy on the current platforms.  Depending on when the game releases I could easily see the Wii U having a period of defacto exclusivity if the game released before the next-generation Microsoft and Sony consoles launched.  The Wii U version would likely be the lead platform (unless they focused on PC), and because it was first it could very well end up being the "best" platform for a new Mass Effect trilogy.  But that's where the focus should be: on the next generation of the Mass Effect universe, where people can start fresh with the series.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 04:25:45 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Enner

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1533 on: October 17, 2011, 04:57:55 PM »
Sadly, when Microsoft bought the publishing rights to the first Mass Effect, they also guaranteed that the 360 would be the best platform for this trilogy.

Or a Windows PC if you have the rig to power the game.

I wouldn't be opposed to the motion comic approach if Mass Effect 3 comes to the Wii U but it would be awkward for newcomers. It's not the full experience, but from what I've seen of the comic in the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 it looks good enough for those who are not too serious about the role-playing story. Then again, why would those people be buying the third game in a series of long games if they didn't care for the first two.

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1534 on: October 17, 2011, 05:06:32 PM »
Seirra properties all redone for Wii U.  "Hero's Quest: So You want to be a Hero" or Quest for Glory for all you late comers remastered and re-released in its entirety on the Wii U.  Now those were some character progression between games.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 09:25:20 PM by Ceric »
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1535 on: October 17, 2011, 05:21:27 PM »
Sadly, when Microsoft bought the publishing rights to the first Mass Effect, they also guaranteed that the 360 would be the best platform for this trilogy.

Or a Windows PC if you have the rig to power the game.

True enough.  I remembered to mention the PC earlier when talking about the game, but forgot it then.

I wouldn't be opposed to the motion comic approach if Mass Effect 3 comes to the Wii U but it would be awkward for newcomers. It's not the full experience, but from what I've seen of the comic in the PS3 version of Mass Effect 2 it looks good enough for those who are not too serious about the role-playing story. Then again, why would those people be buying the third game in a series of long games if they didn't care for the first two.

Frankly, the motion comic in Mass Effect 2 on PS3 sucks.  Sure, it gets the barest of bones about the story across, but you lose all the flavor of the character interactions; all the smaller choices you could have made; the sidequests; and most importantly the context of the few choices you can make.

Take for example the character Wrex.  Those who played the original Mass Effect will remember that you have to make a major choice with this character towards the end of the game.  In the game, you've known and talked with this character over the course of 20-30 hours of gameplay.  You've learned about his culture, his ideals, and the major crisis of the Krogan race: that they appear to be dying out due to the race being rendered seemingly infertile.  When the choice comes, there is weight behind your actions and your actions throughout the game determine how you can deal with Wrex.

In the Mass Effect 2 motion comic, you're introduced to Wrex as a character that joins your party (along with several others), and then 2 panels/3 minutes later, you're asked to determine his fate.  All the context, subtlety, and emotional weight of that scene is gone.  The player is never given a reason to care about this scene or the choice they make.  And that's what all five choices in that motion comic are like.  And if Mass Effect 3 comes to the Wii U, that's what the motion comic will be like as well, only worse because it would be two game's worth of such story condensing.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 05:30:36 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1536 on: October 17, 2011, 06:44:06 PM »
So what if ME1 can't come to the Wii U? That didn't stop the PS3 from getting ME2 and eventually 3 in March. I'm sure the Wii U will get some comic book thing or whatever to fill in the gaps just like the PS3 did.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1537 on: October 17, 2011, 07:26:40 PM »
So what if ME1 can't come to the Wii U? That didn't stop the PS3 from getting ME2 and eventually 3 in March. I'm sure the Wii U will get some comic book thing or whatever to fill in the gaps just like the PS3 did.

I didn't say that Mass Effect 3 couldn't come to the Wii U.  I said if it does, you shouldn't play it.  Play the series the way it was meant to be played, on the PC or 360, or don't play it at all because you're not getting the full experience.  Sorry if you're not willing to pick up a 360 as it gets increasingly less expensive, as it does have more than enough games to justify that purchase.

And like I said, the "interactive comic" they did for Mass Effect 2 to explain the events in ME1 was terrible.  And if that's the best Bioware can do, I can only imagine how terrible the one they'd make to cover two games would be.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1538 on: October 17, 2011, 07:51:47 PM »
I can only imagine how terrible the one they'd make to cover two games would be.

They don't need to. Microsoft doesn't own the rights to ME2 obviously, so they can release it on the Wii U as part of a bundle along with the comic that covers the 1st game. So the Wii U version would offer the best value because it would be the whole complete trilogy. OTOH, Microsoft's exclusive deal might expire eventually so then ME1 will be able to come to the PS3 and Wii U.

Maybe the Wii U version of the game will offer superior graphics and use of the tablet controller and maybe some additional bonus content which would make it the superior version to own. If that is the case then maybe people who already own it on other systems would buy it again just because this is better.

But not everyone owns a PS3 or 360 or PC. What about all the casuals and little Jimmies out there who only owned a Wii and therefore missed out? Once they upgrade to the Wii U they will have access to games such as this for the first time. EA can make millions of dollars of profit from this.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 07:56:09 PM by Chozo Ghost »
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1539 on: October 17, 2011, 08:08:20 PM »
I can only imagine how terrible the one they'd make to cover two games would be.

They don't need to. Microsoft doesn't own the rights to ME2 obviously, so they can release it on the Wii U as part of a bundle along with the comic that covers the 1st game. So the Wii U version would offer the best value because it would be the whole complete trilogy. OTOH, Microsoft's exclusive deal might expire eventually so then ME1 will be able to come to the PS3 and Wii U.

Sure, they could waste their time and resources porting Mass Effect 2 to the Wii U alongside Mass Effect 3.  You still wouldn't have the full experience, have played the series the way it was meant to be played.  But if that happens and you really want to, you're only hurting your own experience so go ahead.  Meanwhile, I'll have followed my Shepard throughout all 3 games, my choices affecting the story and knowing that I had the full experience.

Maybe the Wii U version of the game will offer superior graphics and use of the tablet controller and maybe some additional bonus content which would make it the superior version to own. If that is the case then maybe people who already own it on other systems would buy it again just because this is better.

You know, Bioware hyped that the Playstation 3 version of Mass Effect 2 would offer "superior visuals" and whatnot due to using the Mass Effect 3 engine.  Not only did the game not look the least bit different for most of the game, but it was actually worse in some areas from a technical and artistic standpoint (with these flaws affecting gameplay, like how you can fall through the ground very easily in the Overlord DLC).  I wouldn't expect major visual enhancements.  As for tablet enhancements, whatever.  I wouldn't expect bonus content, either, not when EA can and financially should turn right around and sell that on the 360/PS3 for even more money.

But not everyone owns a PS3 or 360 or PC. What about all the casuals and little Jimmies out there who only owned a Wii and therefore missed out? Once they upgrade to the Wii U they will have access to games such as this for the first time. EA can make millions of dollars of profit from this.

I don't see any reason so far to believe the casuals and "little Jimmies" out there are going to buy the Wii U, let alone such a core-oriented RPG/shooter like Mass Effect.  I'm sure the game would sell respectively to the die-hard Nintendo loyalists, but not enough to "make millions of dollars of profit" on.  If you care about this game and this type of game, the vast majority of you already own a gaming PC or one of the HD consoles and are already planning on buying the game for those.  The Wii U should be looking forward with new game experiences (like a new Mass Effect story), not scrambling for the PS3/360's sloppy seconds.

But like I said, if you want the inferior Mass Effect experience, by all means wait for a Wii U version.  The only enjoyment impeded is your own.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:24:58 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1540 on: October 17, 2011, 08:33:24 PM »
Sure, they could waste their time and resources porting Mass Effect 2 to the Wii U

Wouldn't the effort be trivial? The Wii U uses the same processor architecture and all that as the other systems, so its not like a huge effort would have to be made to port it over. For as little effort as it would take, the game wouldn't have to sell much at all in order for it to be profitable for EA to do it.

Plus EA is a company that likes to support every platform. This is what they do, and what anyone who is familiar with how they operate would expect them to do. We already know they are bringing Battlefield 3 to the Wii U so clearly they have no problem bringing games to that system even months after they were released on the other systems. EA likes to make easy money by milking content as much as possible, and supporting the Wii U with games such as Mass Effect series is a good way for them to do it. The effort is trivial and the cost of doing it is trivial. The sales might not be huge, but they don't need to be in order for it to be profitable.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1541 on: October 17, 2011, 08:42:51 PM »
Sure, they could waste their time and resources porting Mass Effect 2 to the Wii U

Wouldn't the effort be trivial? The Wii U uses the same processor architecture and all that as the other systems, so its not like a huge effort would have to be made to port it over. For as little effort as it would take, the game wouldn't have to sell much at all in order for it to be profitable for EA to do it.

Plus EA is a company that likes to support every platform. This is what they do, and what anyone who is familiar with how they operate would expect them to do. We already know they are bringing Battlefield 3 to the Wii U so clearly they have no problem bringing games to that system even months after they were released on the other systems. EA likes to make easy money by milking content as much as possible, and supporting the Wii U with games such as Mass Effect series is a good way for them to do it. The effort is trivial and the cost of doing it is trivial. The sales might not be huge, but they don't need to be in order for it to be profitable.

Mass Effect 2 will be well over 2 years old by the time that the Wii U finally launches.  I don't know if EA would see the financial sense in selling a $60 port to an audience that likely already purchased the game for one system or another.  I honestly don't know if the game would find a substantial new audience on the Wii U.  Maybe if they bundled it with ME3 and sold it as a set, but EA might find it hard to justify selling those two games together (with one being fairly new) for $60.

Like I said, I don't think it's in the Wii U's best interest to cling to old games so early in its life cycle, especially if Nintendo has any hope of trying to establish it as an experience NOT already covered by the two existing HD consoles.  Even the PS3 didn't start adding these HD collections until several years in, and even then they supplement brand-new experiences from Sony's top developers.

Which would you rather have?  Likely shoddy (judging by the PS3 port of ME 2) ports of two relatively old Mass Effect games that don't do the franchise justice, or a brand new Mass Effect experience made from the ground-up with the Wii U specifically in mind and designed to bring in players new to the franchise?  And before you bring up Dead Space Extraction, I'm talking about a full-fledged Mass Effect title that EA would later port to Microsoft and Sony's next consoles.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 08:49:39 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1542 on: October 17, 2011, 09:47:15 PM »
I have to agree with Brood.  Without the Full Trilogy I don't think it would really be worth the effort no matter how small.

I really like an exclusive new entry in then universe but I doubt Microsoft would allow that to happen if they could find a way to stop it.
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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1543 on: October 17, 2011, 09:59:04 PM »
<-  :-X :-X

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Offline Enner

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1544 on: October 17, 2011, 11:16:11 PM »
Maybe if they bundled it with ME3 and sold it as a set, but EA might find it hard to justify selling those two games together (with one being fairly new) for $60.

Given how fast EA discount their games (Mass Effect 2 is US$19.99 at the EA Store/Origin) and how Mass Effect 2 was offered free as a gift for some Battlefield 3 preorders on Origin, it might not be so far fetched to have a Mass Effect 2+3 for the Wii U. Maybe they can charge a bit more for it, say $70 or $80, and advertise how much game you're getting.

I say the following under the extremely unqualified position of having only played Mass Effect 1 and only seen and read about Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3: I- I was about to say that I didn't think you would miss much not having played Mass Effect 1 before Mass Effect 2+3, but then I thought about all the character development you would miss. Also, it's one thing to see a recap of major plot points, it's a much more meaningful experience to have played through them.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1545 on: October 17, 2011, 11:20:17 PM »
I say the following under the extremely unqualified position of having only played Mass Effect 1 and only seen and read about Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3: I- I was about to say that I didn't think you would miss much not having played Mass Effect 1 before Mass Effect 2+3, but then I thought about all the character development you would miss. Also, it's one thing to see a recap of major plot points, it's a much more meaningful experience to have played through them.

Dude, seriously go play Mass Effect 2 as soon as possible because that game is just awesome.  I'm not a fan of the original Mass Effect either from a gameplay perspective, but Mass Effect 2 is so much more refined and entertaining in that regard.  And you'll definitely appreciate having played the original when you go through ME 2 and reap the narrative benefits (and XP and resource bonuses) of your previous experiences.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1546 on: October 18, 2011, 12:26:06 AM »
Mass Effect 2 will be well over 2 years old by the time that the Wii U finally launches.  I don't know if EA would see the financial sense in selling a $60 port to an audience that likely already purchased the game for one system or another.

It wouldn't be a $60 port. I'm seeing it either being a $20 port, or something bundled for free with the Wii U version of the game.

The reason why this makes financial sense to EA is something you said yourself. You said its best to experience the trilogy in full, and you are right. Maybe Mass Effect 1 can't be included, but the interactive comic along with Mass Effect 2 is the next best thing.

The bulk of the work has already been done anyway. When EA ported ME2 to the PS3 they did it with the ME3 engine, so that work is already done and all they have to do is copy and paste that work onto the Wii U.

Which would you rather have?  Likely shoddy (judging by the PS3 port of ME 2) ports of two relatively old Mass Effect games that don't do the franchise justice, or a brand new Mass Effect experience made from the ground-up with the Wii U specifically in mind and designed to bring in players new to the franchise?

Can't it be both? I want to see as many titles come to the Wii U is possible. Even if its something I am not interested in and would never play or buy, I want to see it come to the Wii U because the stronger the Wii U software library is the better it is for the system and for Nintendo and for those who care about Nintendo. You can never have too many games on a system.

I don't know why it matters so much to you. Obviously you've played the game on another system and aren't interested in it on the Wii U, and that's fine. You don't have to buy it. But why do you want it to rain on the parade of those who do care and do want to see it come to the Wii U? Not everyone has played it on the other systems and not everyone owns or will own the other systems, so why don't you want them to be able to enjoy it on this system if it happens to be the only system they are going to own?
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1547 on: October 18, 2011, 12:47:17 AM »
I don't know why it matters so much to you. Obviously you've played the game on another system and aren't interested in it on the Wii U, and that's fine. You don't have to buy it. But why do you want it to rain on the parade of those who do care and do want to see it come to the Wii U? Not everyone has played it on the other systems and not everyone owns or will own the other systems, so why don't you want them to be able to enjoy it on this system if it happens to be the only system they are going to own?

Because this fixation on older games from other platforms for the Wii U is bad for the console.  It tells 3rd parties that they can slack off on the Wii U just porting over catalog titles from the HD consoles rather than putting their focus where it belongs: making the Wii U a viable place for both ports of new releases on the other consoles and a home for great new ideas that take advantage of both the Wii U's superior tech and the gameplay possibilities of the tablet controller.

This was a really great generation for games IMO, and I'm sorry that some people weren't able to enjoy it as much because they only had a Wii.  But for the Wii U to establish its own identity and move forward as a platform, I don't think Nintendo gamers can focus on getting all the games they felt "cheated out of" during the Wii years.  If catalog titles make it to the Wii U, it happens but let's see new games announced for the Wii U, at least at first.

As for Mass Effect in particular, I'm a huge fan of the series.  Just as someone who really loves Epic Space Opera and what Mass Effect has done with it (both in the games and the fairly-decent novels that are tied into the games), I just don't understand why someone would willingly let console loyalty force them to miss a large part of why this franchise works: making choices, and having them follow you through the overarching story across multiple games.  It's like jumping into the Lord of the Rings with the Two Towers or Return of the King and a one-sheet page of Cliffs Notes on the previous movies.  It's really not advised, and at that point I almost have to ask why you're even bothering.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 12:51:00 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1548 on: October 18, 2011, 12:59:34 AM »
You didn't answer my question of "can't it be both?". The Wii U needs to catch up to the PS360, and the only way that can happen is by porting those missed games over. But it shouldn't just be that. New and upcoming games should also appear on the Wii U as well. It shouldn't just be one or the other, it should be both.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Wii U
« Reply #1549 on: October 18, 2011, 01:16:06 AM »
You didn't answer my question of "can't it be both?". The Wii U needs to catch up to the PS360, and the only way that can happen is by porting those missed games over. But it shouldn't just be that. New and upcoming games should also appear on the Wii U as well. It shouldn't just be one or the other, it should be both.

I'm not sure Bioware is suited to splitting their resources like that, especially if you want these would-be ports done right.  Bioware tried that when they did the PS3 port of ME 2, and the result was not spectacular: crashes, weird graphical bugs, etc.  Besides, who knows what Bioware's next big project with this division is after Mass Effect 3?  I'd rather see their full attention go towards that, rather than have something like Dragon Age 2 where the product was clearly not a finished game and quite a few shortcuts were taken.

And why should the Wii U have to "catch up" to the PS3 or the 360?  It's allegedly the next-generation console, with specs superior to the current generation HD hardware and new ideas that would have Sony and Microsoft trying to "catch up" with it.  It would be on-par with the two platforms merely by existing and getting ports of then-current 3rd party titles with potentially better production values and no adverse control issues, something the Wii did not have.  Sure, some amount of catalog titles being ported over is understandable in the early-going, but let's limit the amount of laziness we let 3rd parties get away with, shall we?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 01:21:51 AM by broodwars »
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